I found this point-and-shoot camera $400 very interesting. samples: http://www.flickr.com/photos/broken_arrow_2009/sets/72157623352879922/ 
Panasonic LX3: Pro: Nice Leica Sumicron Lens with extreme good coating and optical design. Switchable between 4:3, 3:2, 19:6 Wide angle, perfect for outdoor / travel 24mm-60mm. Eliminating most of the optical and pixel Vignetting. With excellent optical design that minimize the smear at corners. Very sharp image and beautiful color. With IA, it is very easy to use. F2.0 is nice for indoor low light condition. It records nice HD720p movie. Con: F8.0 max means it may be saturated for shooting a very bright object like the sun. Focus could be more accurate but can't ask as more image detail as the DSLRs. High noise when use ISO higher than 400 [此帖子已被 激之光 在 2010-2-5 8:02:07 编辑过] [此帖子已被 激之光 在 2010-2-5 9:09:12 编辑过] |