引用: 原文由 佛法无边 发表于 2007-3-8 1:28:37 : you could go to router market---->housing--->, it was place in the national actical colum about few month ago before the housing market slam..
佛兄, 虽不明白你为何凡事都持负面看法, 但我可以肯定 那与佛教无关. 你象是一个不太开心, 甚至有些容易愠怒的人. 如果你证求我的意见, 我会建议你认真地打开佛经来祈告. 祝好.
佛法无边, don't know why you are so negative on everything, but one thing I am sure is that your attitute has nothing to do with Buddism. You sound like a very unhappy, somewhat agery person. If I am asked for advice, suggest you really open a Buddism book and start praying. Like it or not, nothing terrible have happened. Wish you well, 佛法无边. [此帖子已被 BigPaul 在 2007-3-8 8:40:17 编辑过] |