VENG: It was a funny story 1 = 5.55. No matter what, you was a hero! Grandfather was mistake, but you did whatever he asked. It was fully expressing you was a pretty cute grand-kid. I think he love you more after this adventure, I hope you would not be question for him because this experience. Also it was fully indicating that time was safety even single girl was biking on the forest at early morning.
Would you like biking again on countryside or on the big mountain next to the city by your self?
You have had a very good language and writing skill either on poem or the article.
Sorry, I can not type Chinese into the PC as simple as English. Thank you
VENG你好!谢谢你来看萝卜的“乌龙故事”,我爷爷奶奶的确很疼爱我们,越是那样,当时在打通电话前越令他们担心,事后听我弟弟说,爷爷奶奶简直跟热锅蚂蚁一样。 的确那时候的治安很好,后来想起捕青蛙的农人看我的眼光,就是好奇这女孩怎敢半夜独行? fficeffice\" /> 骑单车?多年没骑了,去年初去龙门的度假村,雇了自行车在山路上骑,春寒料峭骑出一身汗,很是尽兴。 谢谢你! |