前言: 感谢各位网友的祝福,好有心。我们很感动,衷心祝福你们各位身体健康,家庭幸福。 月有阴晴圆缺,人有悲欢离合,面对至亲之离去,更要珍惜身边的拥有的一切;面对生活的磨难与挑战,更要抖擞精神,认认真真地过好每一天。谢谢各位有心的网友。但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 乡下仔 黄合荣先生安息仪式 ![](/data/attachment/forum/pw/bbsxp/2010-3/201034115611.jpg) ![](/data/attachment/forum/pw/bbsxp/2010-3/20103412637.jpg) 我是盘秀珍,我现在代表黄家全体成员向大家致予万二分谢意,祝大家新年快乐,身体健康.
黄合荣先生于1921年11月8日出生于广东台山附城北坑西安村.阿公一生和蔼可亲,是一位好父亲,好丈夫,好上级,好干部,他曾为中国抵抗日本侵略者和新中国成立,立下汗马功劳. 18岁时(1939年),他参加了林伟俦(台山水步人)统领的国民革命军第62军,在抗日战争中出生入死.1948年他参加由共产党领导的,林彪为军长的第四野战军,任炮班班长,先后参予解放战争(东北三省战区),以及广西剿匪.1950年,他成为了中国人民志愿军的一员,投身于抗美援朝的队伍,活跃于战斗前线.他在远离家乡的战场上度过了整整十三年的戎马生涯,身经百战。黄合荣先生于1952年复员回乡(台山附城)发展党支部,一直当任武装部长至1972年,前后20年.1973年至1980年,他当任台山农机三厂党总支部书记兼厂长.他于1980年离休,在台城过着如意的退休生活.1986年,他由二女婿谭利民先生担保来加拿大渥太华定居,与二女儿黄雪芳阖家团聚直到如今,生活无忧. Now,I'd like to tell you about my grandpa's life story.
He was born on November 8th, 1921 in Xi'an village, Fucheng Taishan in China. He had been a kind and warm person throughout his whole life, he had been a good father, a good husband and a good leader. At the age of 19, which is in year 1939, he joined the army of Nationalist Party of China, and fought bravely in the resistance battles of Japanese Occupation in China; in 1948, he joined the army led by Communist Party of China and actively involved in liberation wars in China till the founding of People's Republic of China in 1949. In 1950, he joined the battles in Korean War. He spent 13 years in battlefields without a single stop during his youth. In 1952, He returned to Taishan to establish a branch for the Communist Party and he was appointed as the regional minister of Armed Forces in Taishan until 1972, for 20 years. From 1973 to 1980, he served as branch secretary and director general of agricultural machinery and equipment plant(factory) in Taishan. He retired in 1980 and lived in Taishan until 1986, when he moved to Ottawa with the sponsorship of his second son-in-law, Mr. Tan Liming. Mr Huang He Rong united with his second daughter, Mrs Huang Xue Fang, and her family in Ottawa since then. Mr Huang He Rong has been married to Ms. Li Caiyun for 59 years since 1952. They have 3 daughters and one son, and they are a big and happy family. Mr Huang He Rong has 11 grandchildren and one great child. Unfortunately h in 2005, Mr Huang He Rong had a stroke, and he passed away peacefully in 2010 at age 92. 黄合荣先生在1952年和爱妻李彩云女士结婚,美满婚姻59年,育有3女1男,父慈子孝.他共有内外孙11名,外曾孙女1名,儿孙满堂,家庭幸福.他在2005年不幸中风,至此行动不便,但幸运的是有一位贤妻良母对他悉心照顾,让他得以走完人生最后路程.黄合荣先生于2010年2月10日离开了这个世界,享年92岁. ![](/data/attachment/forum/pw/bbsxp/2010-3/20103413449.jpg) ![](/data/attachment/forum/pw/bbsxp/2010-3/201034134552.jpg) ![](/data/attachment/forum/pw/bbsxp/2010-3/201034134953.jpg) ![](/data/attachment/forum/pw/bbsxp/2010-3/201034135329.jpg)
下面,我代表黄合荣先生的内外孙讲几句话: Grandpa, you'll always live in our hearts, we'll be strong and make you proud! Because we are so proud of you, we are so blessed to have you. Granpa, we wish you a nice journey to Paradise. Grand-pa, vous serez toujours vivant dans nos coeurs. Nous serons forts et vous endre fier, parce que nous sommes tellement fiers de vous! Grandpa, bous vous souhaitons un bon voyage au Paradis. (英法文同义:阿公,你永远都会活在我们的心中。我们会坚强地生活下去,让您在天之灵都为我们而感到骄傲。而我们是多么幸运而骄傲能有您这样一位好阿公。阿公,一路走好。)
![](/data/attachment/forum/pw/bbsxp/2010-3/201034142619.jpg) ![](/data/attachment/forum/pw/bbsxp/2010-3/201034142757.jpg) ![](/data/attachment/forum/pw/bbsxp/2010-3/201034143140.jpg) ![](/data/attachment/forum/pw/bbsxp/2010-3/20103414350.jpg) 阿公,您虽然离开了我们,但您将会永远活在我们心中,我们将紧记您的教导,珍惜我们所拥有的一切,在您的福荫下,共创美好明天. 阿公,祝您在往天国的路上一路好走,安息吧!
![](/data/attachment/forum/pw/bbsxp/2010-3/201034145034.jpg) ![](/data/attachment/forum/pw/bbsxp/2010-3/201034145220.jpg) ![](/data/attachment/forum/pw/bbsxp/2010-3/201034145437.jpg) ![](/data/attachment/forum/pw/bbsxp/2010-3/201034145556.jpg)
在此,代表黄家同仁多谢各位亲戚朋友,祝您们身体健康,新年快乐,家庭幸福. ![](/data/attachment/forum/pw/bbsxp/2010-3/20103515413.jpg)
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