邓钧主编 普粤英词语5927例电子版 2024-05-20
a- 阿爸 [阿爸] a'ba- dad 1
a- 阿妈 [阿妈] a'ma- mum 2
a- 阿波罗 [阿波罗] a'bo-luo* Apolo 3
a- 阿斗 [阿斗] a'dao/ infant name of Liu Shan 4
a- 阿飞 [飞仔]]HG fei-zai/ young street rowdy 5
a- 阿富汗 [阿富汗] a.fu`hon` Afghanistan 6
a- 阿根廷 [阿根廷] a'gan-ting* Argentina 7
a- 阿拉伯 [阿拉伯] a'la-bAg` Arab;Arabia 8
a- 阿姨 [阿姨] a.yi- aunt 9
a- 啊,下雨了 [呀,落雨嘞] a`,log`yu>lag' Oh,it is raining. 10
ai- 挨个 [轮住] loen*ju` do sth. by turns 11
ai- 挨骂 [食猫面]HG xig`mAo-min` get a scolding 12
ai- 唉唷 [唉唷] ai-yo- Oh,dear! or Ow! 13
ai> 矮 [矮] ai/ short (of statue) 14
ai` 爱好 [爱好] oi.hou. hobby 15
ai` 爱好者 [爱好者] oi.hou.zE/ lover(of art,sports, 16
ai` etc.);fan 0
ai` 爱护公物 [爱护公物] oi.wu`gung-mad` take good care of 17
ai` public property 0
ai` 爱欺负人 [虾虾霸霸]HG ha-ha-ba.ba. be keen on bulling 18
ai` others 0
an- 安乐 [安乐] on-log` peaceful and happy 19
an- 安排 [安排] on-pAi* arrange;plan 20
an- 安排了 [安排咗] on-pAi*zo/ have arranged to do; 21
an- planned to do 0
an- 安全带 [安全带] on-qun*dAi/ safty belt;seat belt 22
an- 安慰 [安慰] on-wai. comfort;console 23
an` 按 [按] on. according to 24
an` 按 [照里程计钱] jiu.lei"qing*gai'qin/ pay the fare according 25
an` to the mileage 0
an` 按规定 [按规定] on.kwai-ding` according to the rule 26
an` 按摩师 [指压员]HG ji/Ad.yun* massage;massagist 27
an` 按时到 [依时到] yi-xi*dou. arrive on time 28
an` 按时间 [按时间] on.xi*gAn. on time 29
an` 按揭 [按揭] on'kid' mortgage 30
an` 按捺不住 [谷爆]HG gug-bAo. cannot restrain 31
an` 暗 [黑] hag- dark 32
an` 案件 [畸士]HG kei-xi/ case 33
an` 案件 [k 事]HG kei-xi/ case 34
ang- 肮脏 [污糟] wu-zou- dirty 35
ao/ 熬过来 [捱过来] ngAi*gwo.lai* endure (a hard life) 36
ao/ 熬夜 [捱更熬夜] ngAi*gAng.Ao/ye` stay up late at night 37
ao/ 熬夜1 [捱更抵夜]HG Ai*gang-dai/ye` stay up late at night 38
ao` 奥运会 [奥运会] ou.wan`wui/ Olympic Games 39
b BP 机 [BP 机] bi-bi-gei- wireless beeper 40
ba 酒吧 [酒吧] zao/ba- bar 41
ba 网吧 网吧] mong/ba- netbar 42
ba- 芭蕉 [大蕉] dAi`jiu- banana 43
ba- 八 [八] bAd. eight 44
ba- 八宝饭 [八宝饭] bad'bAo/fAn` eight-treasure rice 45
ba- puttin 0
ba- 八哥 [鹩哥] liu-go- crested myna 46
ba- 八毛 [八毫子] bAd.hou*ji/ eighty cents 47
ba- 八十 [八十] bAd.sab` eighty 48
ba- 巴黎 [巴黎] ba-lai* Paris 49
ba> 一把伞 [一把遮] yad-ba/zE- an umbrella 50
ba> 把风 [睇水]HG tai/soeu/ keep watch of 51
ba> 把握 [把握] ba/ngag- hold;grasp 52
ba> 把嘴张大 [擘大口] mAg.dAi`hao/ open one's mouth widely 53
ba> 把嘴张开 [擘开口] mAg.hoi-hao/ open one's mouth 54
ba` 爸爸 [爸爸] ba*ba- pa;father 55
ba` 爸爸 [爹哋] HG dE-di* daddy 56
ba` 爸爸 [阿爸] a.ba- father 57
ba` 爸爸(指称)[老窦] lou"dao` one's father 58
bai/ 白饭 [靓仔] lEng.zai/ nice boy 59
bai/ 白费口舌 [嘥气] sai-hei. waste one' breath 60
bai/ 白费心机 [嘥心机] sa-sam-gei- waste one's energy 61
bai/ 白领工人 [白领] HG bAg`lEng" white colar worker 62
bai/ 白薯 [番薯] fAn-xu/ potato 63
bai/ 白糖 [白糖] bAg`tong* (refined) white sugar 64
bai/ 白天 [日头] yad`tao/ day 65
bai/ 白头到老 [白头到老] bAg`tao*dou.lou/ remain happily married 66
bai/ to a ripe age 0
bai/ 白走一趟 [白行] bAg`hAng* make a fruitless trip 67
bai> 百分之一 [巴仙] HG ba-xin- percent 68
bai> 摆摊 [开档]HG hoi-dong. make up a stall on one 69
bai> side or in market 0
bai> 摆摊的老板[事头]HG xi`tao* boss of a stall 70
bai> 摆姿势 [甫士]HG pou-xi/ poze 71
bai` 拜访 [拜访] bAi.fong/ visit 72
ban- 搬家公司 [搬屋公司] bun-ug-gung-xi- house-moving company 73
ban- 搬弄是非 [搞是搞非] gAo/xi`gAo/fei- sow discard;tell es 74
ban- stoies
ban- 扳手 [士巴拿] xi`ba-na/ spanner 75
ban- 扳手 [士班拿] xi`bAn-na/ spanner 76
ban> 板鸭 [腊鸭] lAb`Ab./ pressed or dried duck 77
ban` 伴郎 [伴郎] bun`long* groomsman;best man 78
ban` 伴娘 [伴娘] bun`noeng* bridesmate 79
ban` 半天 [半日] bun.yad` half the day 80
ban` 半途而废 [冇手尾] mou"sao/mei" give up halfway;leave 81
ban` sth. unfinished 0
ban` 半小时 [半个钟头] bun.go.zung-tao* half an hour 82
ban` 办事 [办事] bAn`xi` handle affairs 83
ban` 办不成事 [黄黄淤淤]HG wong*wong*yu/yu/ cannot handle affairs 84
ban` 办到 [办到] bAn`dou. have handled 85
ban` 办法1 [办法] bAn`fAd. way to do sth. 86
ban` 办法2 [符fid-]HG fu*fid- way to do sth. 87
ban` 没办法 [冇乜符fid-] mou"mad-fu*fid- have no way to do... 88
ban` 想办法 [谂计仔] nam/gai`zai/ find a way 89
ban` 办公楼 [写字楼] sE/ji`lao* office building 90
ban` 办理 [办理] bAn`lei" handle ;conduct 91
ban` 事已办妥 [事情搞掂嘞] xiqing* gAo/dim`lAg' The matter has been 92
ban` settled
ban` 办事不果断[姐手姐脚] zE/sao/zE/goeg. handle affairs irreso- 93
ban` lutely 0
bang- 帮 [帮] bong- help 94
bang- 帮帮忙 [帮帮忙] bong-bong-mong* help 95
bang- 帮帮忙 [帮下手] bong-ha`sao/ give a hand 96
bang- 帮一下忙 [帮一下手] bong-yad-ha`sao/ give a hand 97
bang` 蚌 [蚌] pong" freshwater mussel;clam 98
bang` 傍晚 [挨晚] Ai-mAn- towards evening 99
bang` 傍晚 [齐黑] cai*hag- towards evening 100
bao- 包 [包] bAo- wrap in paper 101
bao- 包一下 [包一包] bao-yad-ha` wrap 102
bao- 包裹 [包裹] bAo-gwo/ parcel 103
bao- 包装 [包装] bAo-zong- pack;package 104
bao- 包子 [包] bAo- ban stuffed with meat, 105
bao sugar,etc. inside 0
bao- 剥花生 [剥花生] mog.fa-sAng- shell peanuts 106
bao/ 薄 [薄] bog` thin 107
bao> 饱 [饱] bAo/ be full 108
bao> 保护 [保护] bA0/`wu` protect 109
bao> 保险1 [保险] bou/him/ insurance 110
bao> 保险2 [燕梳] yin-so- insurance 111
bao> 保险柜 [夹万]HG gAb.mAn` strongbox;safe 112
bao> 宝宝 [BB] bi-bi- baby 113
bao> 宝贵 [宝贵] bou/gwai. dear 114
bao` 保姆 [保姆] bou/mou" housemaid 115
bao` 抱 [抱] pou" hold in arms 116
bao` 抱歉 [对唔住] doeu.m*ju` excuse me 117
bao` 抱怨 [抱歉] pou"hib. be sorry;regret 118
bao` 报案 [报寸]HG bou.qun. report a case 119
bao` 报答 [报答] bou.dab. repay 120
bao` 报道 [报道] bou.dou` report (news ) 121
bao` 报价 [报价] bou.ga. quote a price 122
bao` 报刊 [报刊] bou.hon/ newspapers and 123
bao` periodicals 0
bao` 报名 [报名] bou.mEng/ enter one's name 124
bao` 报社 [报社] bou.sE" newspaper office 125
bao` 报社 [报馆]HG bou.gun/ newspaper office 126
bao` 报纸 [报纸] bou.ji/ newspaper 127
bao` 豹子 [豹] pAo. leopard 128
bao` 爆竹 [炮仗] pAo.zoeng/ firecrackers 129
bao` 刨子 [刨] pao*/ plane 130
bei- 背(动词) [孭] mE- carry on shoulder 131
bei> 北 [北] bag- north 132
bei> 北边 [北便] bag-bin` north 133
bei> 北方 [北方] bag-fong- north 134
bei> 北方人 [北方人] bag-fong-yan* northerner 135
bei` 背包 [背包] bui.bAo- knapsack;rucksack 136
bei` 背靠背 [背靠背] bui.kAo.bui. back to back 137
bei` 背熟 [背到熟晒] bui.dou.sug`sAi. recite by heart 138
bei` 背井离乡 [背井离乡] bui.zEng/lei*hoeng- leave one's native 139
bei` place 0
bei` 被开水烫了[畀滚水渌亲} bei.gwan/soeu/lug`can- be scaled by boiled 140
bei` water 0
bei` 被2 [畀...录取嘞] bei/...lug`coeu/lAg. be enrolled by... 141
bei` 被面 [被面] pei"min/ the cover of a quilt 142
bei` 被子 [被] pei" quilt 143
ben> 本 [本] bun/ copy 144
ben> 一本书 [一本书] yad-bun/xu- a book 145
ben> 本行 [本行] bun/hong* one's old profession 146
ben> 本来 [本来] bun/loi* original 147
ben> 本月 [本月] bun/yud` this month 148
ben> 本子 [簿] bou`/ notebook 149
beng/ 甭客气 [唔使客气] m*sai/hAg.hei. make yourself at home 150
beng` 泵 [泵] bam- pump 151
bi/ 鼻孔 [鼻哥窿] bei`go-lung- nostril 152
bi/ 鼻涕 [鼻涕] bei`tai./ nasal mucus;snivel 153
bi/ 鼻子 [鼻哥] bei`go- nose 154
bi/ 鼻子不通 [鼻塞] bei`sag- have a stuffy nose 155
bi/ 荸荠 [马蹄] ma"tai/ water chestnut 156
bi/ 荸荠糕 [马蹄糕] ma"tai*gou- water-chestnut cake 157
bi> 比你高 [高过你] gao-gwo'nei" taller than you are 158
bi> 比他小 [细过佢] sai.gwo koeu. younger than he is 159
bi> 比你快 [快过你] fAi-.gwo." faster than you 160
bi> 比赛 [比赛] bei/coi. match;contest 161
bi> 一笔钱 [一笔钱] yad-bad-qian/ a sum of money 162
bi> 两笔生意 [两单生意] loeng/dan- sang-yi' two deals (in business) 163
bi` 毕业 [毕业] bad-yib` graduate;finish school 164
bi` 大学毕业生[大学毕业生] dAi`hog`bad-yib`sang- a student graduated 165
bi` from a college 0
bi` 毕业文凭 [沙纸] HG sa-ji/ diploma;graduation 166
bi` certificate 0
bi` 必须 [必须] bid.soeu- must 167
bi` 必要 [必要] bid.yiu. necessary 168
bi` 壁虎 [檐蛇] xim*sE* house gecko 169
bian- 鞭炮 [炮仗] pAo.zoeng/ firecrackers 170
bian- 放鞭炮 [烧炮仗] xiu-pao'zoeng/ set off firecrackers 171
bian- 编码 [编码] pin-ma" code 172
bian> 扁担 [担挑] dAm.tiu- shoulder pole 173
bian` 变成 [变成] bin.xing* become 174
bian` 变化 [变化] bin.fa. change 175
bian` 三遍 [三次] sAm-qi. three times 176
biao- 标致 [标致] biu-ji. beautiful;handsome 177
biao- 标准 [标准] biu-zoen/ standard 178
biao> 手表 [手表] sao/biu- wristwatch 179
biao> 表达 [表达] biu/dAd` express 180
biao> 表弟 [表弟] biu/dai` younger male cousin 181
biao> 表姐 [表姐] biu/zE/ elder female cousin 182
biao> 表决 [表决] biu/kyud. vote; decide by voting 183
biao> 表妹 [表妹] biu/mui" younger female cousin 184
biao> 表示 [表示] biu/xi` show;express 185
biao> 表演 [秀] HG sao. show 186
bie/ 别 [咪] mai" don't 187
bie/ 别哭了 [咪喊嘞] mai"hAm.lag. don't cry 188
bie/ 别 [唔好] m*hou/ do not 189
bie/ 别吵 [唔好嘈] m*hou/cou. Don't quarrel ! 190
bie/ 别吵吵闹闹[咪嘈生晒] mai"cou.sang-sAi`. Don't quarrel to make 191
bie/ a loud noise. 0
bie/ 别处 [第度] dAi`dou` elsewhere 192
bie/ 别的 [第样] dAi`yoeng`/ other 193
bie/ 别的 [第啲] dAi`di- other 194
bie/ 别的 [第二样] dai`yi`yoeng`/ another 195
bie/ 别害怕 [咪惊] mai"gEng- Don't be scared 196
bie/ 别灰心 [咪灰心] mai"fui-sam- Don't lose heart. 197
bie/ 别紧张 [咪紧张] mai"gan/zoeng- Don't be nervouse. 198
bie/ 别客气 [唔使客气] m*sai/hAg.hei. Don't speak deferen- 199
bie tially. 0
bie/ 别那样说 [咪咁讲] mai"gam/gong/ Don't say so. 200
bie/ 别闹 [咪嘈住] mai"cou*ju` Don't make noise. 201
bie/ 别惹我生气[咪嚟激我] mai"lai*gig-ngo" Don't provake me. 202
bie/ 别人 [人哋] yan*dei` other people;others 203
bie/ 别这样 [咪咁啦] mai"gam/la- Don't do so. 204
bing- 冰雹 [雪珠] xud.ju- hail;hailstone 205
bing- 冰雹 [雹] bog` hail 206
bing- 冰冰冷 [冻冰冰] dung.bing-bing- very cold 207
bing- 冰袋 [冰袋] bing-doi`/ ice pack 208
bing- 冰冻咖啡 [啡食雪]HG fei-xig`xud. frozen coffee 209
bing- 冰棍儿 [雪条] xud.tiu/ ice-lolly;ice-sucker 210
bing- 冰箱 [雪柜] xud.gwai` refrigerater;freezer 211
bing- 冰鞋 [雪屐] xud.kEg` skating boots;skates 212
bing- 冰镇 [雪藏] xud.cong* iced 213
bing- 冰镇汽水 [雪藏汽水] xud.cong*hei.soeu/ iced soda water 214
bing- 冰淇淋 [雪糕] xud.gou- ice cream 215
bing` 病 [病] bEng` disease;illness 216
bing` 病房 [病房] bEng`fong*/ ward (of a hospital) 217
bing` 内科病房 [内科病房] noi`fo-bEng`fong/ sickroom 218
bing` 外科病房 [外科病房] ngoi`fo-bEng`fong/ surgical ward 219
bing` 病历卡 [病历卡] bEng`lig`ka- medical records card 220
bing` 病了 [病咗] bEng`zo/ fall ill 221
bo- 玻璃 [玻璃] bo-lei- glass 222
bo- 菠菜 [菠菜] bo-coi. spinach 223
bo- 菠萝 [菠萝] bo-lo* pineapple 224
bo- 拨 [拨] bud. dial 225
bo- 拨号 [拨号] bud.hou` dial a number 226
bo/ 薄脆饼 [薄脆饼] bog`coeu.bEng/ wafer 227
bo/ 博物馆 [博物馆] bog.mad`gun/ museum 228
bo/ 伯伯 [阿伯] a.bAg. elder uncle 229
bo/ 伯父 [阿伯] a.bAg. father's elder brother; 230
bo/ uncle 0
bo/ 伯母 [伯娘] bAg.noeng* wife of father's 231
bo/ elder brother;aunt 0
bo/ 脖子 [颈] gEng/ neck 232
bo> 跛子 [跛脚佬] bai-goeg.lou"/ lame person; cripple 233
bo> 跛子 [跛仔] bai-zai/ lame person; cripple 234
bu/ 不要 [唔要] m*yiu. don't 235
bu` 吃不完 [食唔晒]: xig`m*sAi. cannot eat up 236
bu` 不 [唔] m* not 237
bu` 不安 [不安] bad-on- 1.unpeaceful2.uneasy 238
bu` 不必 [唔使] m*sai/ no need 239
bu` 不测 [不测] bad-cAg. accident;mishap 240
bu` 不迟到 [唔迟到] m*qi*dou. not be late 241
bu` 不错 [啱] ngAm- right 242
bu` 不错 [唔错] m*co. OK 243
bu` 不答应 [唔应] m*ying. do not reply 244
bu` 不大习惯 [唔系几习惯] m*hai`gei/zAb`gwAn. not so accustomed to 245
bu` 不对的 [唔啱嘅] m*ngAm-gE. not right 246
bu` 不干净 [邋臜] la.za. dirty 247
bu` 不敢 [唔敢] m*gam/ dare not 248
bu` 不敢当 [唔敢当] m*gam/dong- I really don't de- 249
bu` serve it. 0
bu` 不公平 [唔公平] m*gung-ping* unfair 250
bu` 不公正 [唔公正] m*gung-jing. unfair 251
bu` 不够咸 [唔够咸] m*gao.hAm* too tasteless 252
bu` 不关窗不行[唔闩窗唔得] m*sAn-coeng-m*dag- must close the window 253
bu` 不管谁来 [唔管边个嚟] m*gun/bin-go.lai* no matter who comes 254
bu` 不贵1 [唔贵] m*gwai. cheap 255
bu` 不贵2 [好qib.] hou/qib. very cheap 256
bu` 不过 [不过] bad-gwo. but 257
bu` 不好的少年[飞仔] fei-zai/ young street rowdy 258
bu` 不好意思 [唔好意思] m*hou/yi.xi- feel embarrassed 259
bu` 不合身 [唔啱着] m*ngAm-zoeg. (of clothing) do not 260
bu` fit well 0
bu` 不合适 [唔合适] m*hab`xig- not suitable 261
bu` 不合适 [唔啱] m*ngAm- not suitable 262
bu` 不合我意 [唔啱我心水] m*ngAm-ngo"sam-soeu/ not to my liking 263
bu` 不很好 [唔系几好] m*hai`gei/hou/ not so good 264
bu` 不很久 [冇几耐] mou"gei/noi/ not very long 265
bu` 不很够 [唔系几够] m*hai`gei/gao. not so enough 266
bu` 不很熟 [冇几熟] mou"gei/sug` not very familiar 267
bu` 不会错 [唔会错] m*wui"co. cannot be wrong 268
bu` 不结实的 [化学嘅] fa'hog`ge. of bad quality 269
bu` 不仅 [唔单只] m*dAn-ji/ not only 270
bu` 不可能 [唔可能] m*ho/nang* impossible 271
bu` 不可以 [唔可以] m*ho/yi" cannot;should not; 272
bu` must not 0
bu` 不客气 [唔客气] m*hAg.hei. 1.impolite;2.not at 273
bu` all;don't mention it; 0
bu` you are welcome 0
bu` 不忙 [唔忙] m*mong* there is no hurry; 274
bu` take your time 0
bu` 不能 [唔能] m*nang* cannot 275
bu` 不奇怪 [唔出奇] m*coed-kei* not surprizing 276
bu` 不如 [不如] bad-yu* not equal to;not 277
bu` as good as 0
bu` 不是 [咪] m*mai`-m*hai` be not 278
bu` 不是 [唔系] m*hai` be not 279
bu` 不是的 [唔系嘅] m*hai`gE. No. 280
bu` 不舒服 [唔自在] m*ji`zoi` not comfortable 281
bu` 不舒服 [唔舒服] m*xu-fug` not comfortable 282
bu` 不顺眼 [督眼督鼻] dug-ngAn"dug-bei` unpleasant to the eye 283
bu` 不太忙 [唔系几忙] m*hai`gei/mong* not very busy 284
bu` 不同 [唔同] m*tung* not alike;different 285
bu` 不同意 [唔同意] m*tung*yi. do not agree to 286
bu` 不妥 [唔妥] m*to" not proper 287
bu` 吃不完 [食唔得晒] xig`m*dag-sAi-. cannot eat all 288
bu` 不习惯 [唔惯] m*gwAn. not accustomed to 289
bu` 不喜欢 [唔中意] m*zung-yi. not like 290
bu` 不想 [唔想] m*soeng/ not want 291
bu` 不想干 [唔想做] m*soeng/zou` not want to do 292
bu` 不像话 [唔似样] m*ci'yoeng/ not reasonable 293
bu` 不小心 [唔小心] m*xiu/sam- not carefully 294
bu` 不小心 [唔在意] m*zoi`yi. not carefully 295
bu` 不行 [唔得] m*dag- not be allowed;will 296
bu` not do 0
bu` 不要 [咪] mai" don't 297
bu` 不要 [唔好] m*hou/ don't 298
bu` 不要 [唔爱] m*ngoi. don't like 299
bu` 不要见怪 [唔好见怪] m*hou/gin.gwAi. don't accuse me 300
bu` 不要见笑 [唔好见笑] m*hou/gin.xiu. don't laugh at me 301
bu` 不要紧 [唔紧要] m*gan/yiu. It's not serious; 302
bu` It doesn't matter 0
bu` 不一样 [唔一样] m*yad-yoeng` not the same 303
bu` 不翼而飞 [不翼而飞] bad-yig`yi*fei- disappear without 304
bu` trace;vanish into 0
thin air 0
bu` 不用 [唔使] m*sai/ need not 305
bu` 不用愁 [唔使忧] m*sai/yao- need not be so nervous 306
bu` 不用慌 [唔使惊] m*sai/gEng- Keep quiet. 307
bu` 不用客气 [唔使客气] m*sai/hag`hei. Make yourself at home. 308
bu` 不用上学 [唔使返学] m*sai/fAn-hog` need not go to school 309
bu` 不用谢 [唔使唔该] m*sai/m*goi- need not thank me 310
bu` 不赞成 [唔赞成] m*zAn.xing* do not agree 311
bu` 不怎么样 [麻麻] ma*ma/ just so-so 312
bu` 不知不觉 [唔经唔觉] m*ging-m*gog. unconsciously 313
bu` 不知道 [唔知] m*ji- do not know 314
bu` 不准 [唔准] m*zoen/ do not permit 315
bu` 不足挂齿1 [不足挂齿] bad-zug-gwa.qi/ not worth mentioning 316
bu` 不足挂齿2 [唔使介意] m*sai/gAi.yi. nothing to be speak of 317
bu` 布 [布] bou. cloth 318
bu` 布店 [布铺] bou.pou./ cloth shop 319
bu` 布料 [布料] bou.liu/ cloth 320
bu` 步步高升 [步步高升] bou`bou`gou-xing- get promoted step by 321
bu` step 0
ca- 擦 [擦] cAd. rub;wipe 322
ca- 擦黑板 [擦黑板] cAd.hag-bAn/ clean the blackboard 323
ca- 擦鞋子 [擦鞋] cAd.hAi* shine the shoes 324
cai- 猜测 [猜测] cAi--cAg. guess 325
cai/ 他现在才走[佢而家先走] koeu"yi*ga-xin-zao/ He has left until now. 326
cai/ 才能 [才能] coi*nang* talent;ability 327
cai/ 才学 [才学] coi*hog` talent and learning 328
cai/ 财产 [财产] coi*cAn/ property 329
cai/ 财富 [财富] coi*fu. wealth 330
cai> 踩 [踩] cAi/ step on 331
cai> 踩水 [踩水] cAi/soeu/ tread water 332
cai> 睬 [睬] coi/ take notice of 333
cai> 不要睬他 [唔好睬佢] m*hou/coeu/koeu Take no notice of him. 334
cai> 彩灯 [彩灯] coi/dang- coloured light (or 335
cau> lamp);lantern 0
cai> 彩电 [彩电] coi/din` colour TV 336
cai- 猜 [估] gu/ guess 337
cai- 猜一猜 [估下] gu/ha" guess 338
cai` 菜(菜肴) [餸] sung. dish 339
cai` 菜场 [菜场] coi.coeng* food market. 340
cai` 菜单 [菜单] coi.dAn- menu 341
cai` 菜刀 [菜刀] coi.dou- kitchen knife 342
cai` 菜谱 [菜谱] coi.pou/ menu 343
can- 餐厅 [餐厅] cAn-tEng- dining room 344
can- 餐桌 [餐台] cAn-toi/ dining table 345
can- 参加 [参加] cAm-ga- take part in 346
can- 参考 [参考] cAm-hAo/ reference 347
can/ 蚕 [蚕] cAm* silkworm 348
cang- 苍蝇 [乌蝇] wu-ying- fly 349
cang/ 藏 [藏] cong* hide 350
cao- 操纵杆 [操纵杆] cou-zung.gon- operating lever;control 351
cao- rod
cao- 操纵台 [操纵台] cou-zung.toi* control panel 352
cao> 草地 [草地] cou/dei` meadow;grassland 353
cao> 草帽 [草帽] cou/mou` straw hat 354
cao> 草莓 [士多啤梨] xi`do-bE-lei/ strawbery 355
cao> 草鱼 [白鲩] bAg`wAn/ grass carp 356
ce` 厕所 [厕所] qi.so/ lavatory;WC 357
cha- 插秧 [插田] cAb.tin* transplant rice shoots 358
cha- 插嘴 [插口] cAb.hao/ interupt;chip in 359
cha- 叉烧包 [叉烧包] ca-xiu-bAo- steamed buns stuffed 360
cha- with diced grilled 0
cha- pork 0
cha- 叉子 [叉] ca- fork 361
cha- 差 [孬] yai" bad 362
cha- 差错 [差错] ca-co. error 363
cha- 差劲 [水斗] soeu/dao/ not up to standard 364
cha/ 茶 [茶] ca* tea 365
cha/ 茶几 [茶几] ca*gei- tea table ;side table 366
cha/ 茶馆 [茶馆] ca*gun/ teahouse 367
cha/ 茶话会 [茶话会] ca*wa`wui/ tea party at which 368
cha/ the participants chat 0
cha/ or give talks 0
cha/ 茶楼 [茶楼] ca*lao*/ teahouse 369
cha/ 茶叶 [茶叶] ca*yib` tea;tea leaves 370
cha/ 茶油 [茶油] ca*yao* tea oil 371
cha/ 查号台 [查号台] ca*hou`toi* information desk 372
cha/ 搽粉 [搽粉] ca*fan/ powder one's face,etc. 373
cha/ 搽药 [搽药] ca*yoeg` apply oinlment 374
cha` 差不多 [差唔多] ca-m*do- almost 375
cha` 差点儿 [差啲] ca-di- not quite enough 376
chan/ 蝉 [蝉] xim* cicada 377
chan/ 缠住 [缠住] qin*ju` tangle 378
chan> 产量 [产量] cAn/loeng` output 379
chan> 产品 [产品] cAn/ban/ product 380
chang/ 尝 [试] xi. taste 381
chang/ 尝尝 [试下] xi.ha" try the flavour of 382
chang/ 常常 [时时] xi*xi* often;frequently 383
chang/ 常常来 [多啲嚟] do-di-lai* come more often 384
chang/ 常见病 [常见病] soeng*gin.bEng` a common disease 385
chang/ 常见的事 [常见嘅事] soeng*gin.gE.xi` common thing 386
chang/ 常来信 [多啲写信嚟] do-di-sE/soen.lai* often send letters 387
chang/ 常例 [例牌]HG lai`pAi/ common practice 388
chang/ 长 [长] coeng* long 389
chang/ 长点儿 [长翻啲] coeng*fAn-di- longer 390
chang/ 长途电话 [长途电话] coeng*tou*din`wa`/ trunk call;long-dis- 391
chang/ tance call 0
chang/ 肠胃炎 [肠胃炎] coeng*wai`yim* enterogastritis 392
chang/ 肠炎 [肠炎] coeng*/yim* enterits 393
chang> 厂 [厂] cong/ factory 394
chang` 畅销 [好卖] hou/mAi` sell well 395
chang` 畅销 [畅销] coeng.xiu- sell well 396
chang` 唱 [唱] coeng. sing 397
chang` 唱盘 [唱盘] coeng.pun* phonograph recort 398
chang` 唱片 [大碟] HG dAi-`dib` phonograph record 399
chao- 超车 [爬头]HG pa*tao* overtake 400
chao- 超短裙 [迷你裙] mai*nei"kwan* miniskirt 401
chao- 超级市场 [超级市场] qiu-kab-xi"coeng* supermarket 402
chao- 超前 [超前] qiu-qin* exceed;outdo 403
chao- 超越常规 [好过态-] hou/gwo.tAi-. overstep normal rule 404
chao- 超重 [超重] qiu-cung" overload 405
chao- 抄不完 [抄唔得晒] cao-m*dag-sAi. cannot copy all 406
chao- 钞票 [银纸] ngan*ji/ banknote 407
chao/ 朝代 [朝代] qiu*doi` dynasty 408
chao/ 潮流 [潮流] qiu*lao* 1.tide;2.trend 409
chao/ 潮湿1 [湿] sab- damp;moist 410
chao/ 潮湿2 [潮湿] qiu*sab- damp;moist 411
chao/ 潮湿3 [丝湿] xi-sab- damp;moist 412
chao/ 潮州人 [潮州人] qiu*zao-yan* people from Chaozhou 413
chao> 吵吵闹闹 [嘈声巴闭] cou.xing-ba-bei. wrangle;kick up a row 414
chao> 吵架 [嗌交] ngAi.gAo- quarrel vehemently 415
chao> 吵架 [嘈交] cou*gAo- quarrel vehemently 416
chao> 吵架 [闹交] nAo`gAo- quarrel vehemently 417
chao> 炒地皮 [揾快钱] HG wan/fAi.qin/ speculate illegally 418
chao> in real estate 0
chao> 炒鸡蛋 [炒鸡蛋] cAo/gai-dAn/ schrambled eggs 419
chao> 炒股票 [揾快钱] HG wan/fAi.qin/ stag stocks 420
chao> 炒黄瓜 [炒黄瓜] cAo/wong*gwa- sauteet cucumber 421
chao> 炒花生 [炒花生] cAo/fa-sang- roasted peanuts 422
chao> 炒面 [炒面] cAo/min` fried noodles with 423
chao> shredded meat and vege- 0
chao> tables;chow mein 0
che- 车 [车] cE- car 424
che- 车道 [车道] cE-dou` traffic lane 425
che- 车后架 [车尾架] cE-mei"ga. rear frame of a 426
che- vehicle 0
che- 车轮 [车轮] cE-loen* wheel (of a vehicle) 427
che- 车棚 [车棚] cE-pAng* bicycle shed 428
che- 车票 [车票] cE-piu. train or bus ticket 429
che- 车胎 [呔] tAi- tyre 430
che- 车箱 [车卡] cE-ka- railway carriage 431
che- 车站 [车站] cE-zAm` railway station ; 432
che- bus-stop 0
chen/ 陈伯伯 [陈伯] can*bAg. Uncle Chen 433
chen/ 陈先生 [陈生] can*sang- Mr. Chen 434
chen` 衬衣 [恤衫] soed-sAm- shirt 435
chen` 恤衫 [恤衫] soed-sAm- shirt 436
cheng- 撑船 [撑船] cAng-xun* pole a boat;punt 437
cheng- 称 [称] qing- weigh 438
cheng- 称呼 [称呼] qing-fu- call;address 439
cheng- 称为 [称为] qing-wai* be called... 440
cheng/ 城里 [城内] sEng*noi` in the city 441
cheng/ 橙汁 [橙汁] cAng*zab- orange juice 442
cheng/ 成功 [成功] xing*gung- success 443
cheng/ 成年妇女 [婆乸] po*na/ woman 444
cheng/ 乘(车,船) [搭(车,船)] dAb.(cE-,xun) take (a car,boat,etc.) 445
cheng/ 乘车 [搭车] dAb.cE- take a car 446
cheng/ 乘船 [搭船] dAb.xun* take a boat 447
cheng/ 乘客 [乘客] xing*hAg. passager 448
cheng/ 乘务员 [车掌]HG cE-zoeng/ attendant on a train 449
cheng/ 程序 [程序] qing*zoeu` 1.order;procedure; 450
cheng/ 2.programme 0
cheng/ 诚挚 [诚挚] xing*ji. sincere 451
cheng/ 承担责任 [孭镬] HG mE-wog` bear resposibility 452
cheng/ 承蒙指点 [承蒙指点] xing*mung*ji/dim/ Thank you for your 453
cheng/ advice. 0
cheng` 秤 [秤] qing. steelyard 454
chi- 吃 [吃] yAg. eat 455
chi- 吃 [食] xig` eat 456
chi- 吃包子 [食包] xig` bAo- eat steamed stuffed 457
chi- buns 0
chi- 吃闭门羹 [摸门钉] mo-mun*dEng- be denied entrance 458
chi- 吃得上 [食得到] xig`dag-dao/ be available in market 459
chi- 吃不完 [食唔晒] xig`m*sAi. be unable to eat all 460
chi- 吃不下去 [唔食得落] m*xig`dAg-log` be unable to eat any 461
chi- more 0
chi- 吃不消 [顶唔顺] ding/m*soen` be unable to stand 462
chi- 吃得太多 [食得多过头] xig`dag-do-gwo.tao* eat too much 463
chi- 吃得消 [顶得顺] ding/dag-soen` be able to bear(or 464
chi- endure, stand) 0
chi- 吃点儿 [食啲] xig`di- eat a little 465
chi- 吃顿便饭 [食餐便饭] xig`cAn-bin`fAn` have a simple meal 466
chi- (or potluck) 0
chi- 吃饭 [食饭] xig`fAn` eat a meal 467
chi- 吃官司 [坐花厅]HG co"fa-tEng- be brought to court 468
chi- 吃火锅 [打边炉] da/bin-lo* enjoy chafing dish 469
chi- 吃了没有 [食咗未] xig`zo/mei` Have you had a meal? 470
chi- 吃了药 [食咗药] xig`zo/yoeg` have taken medicine 471
chi- 吃啥有啥 [食乜有乜] xig`mad-yao"mad- have all kinds of food 472
chi- to enjoy 0
chi- 吃梨 [食梨] xig`lei/ eat a pear 473
chi- 吃完 [食晒] xig`sAi. eat up 474
chi- 吃完饭 [食完饭] xig`yun*fAn` have had a meal 475
chi- 吃午饭 [食晏]HG xig`An. have lunch 476
chi- 吃药 [食药] xig`yoeg` take medicine 477
chi- 吃早餐 [食早餐] xig`zou/cAn- have breakfast 478
chi/ 池塘 [塘] tong* pond 479
chi/ 池塘水 [塘水] tong*soeu/ water from a pool 480
chi/ 迟到 [迟到] qi*dou. be late 481
chi/ 迟疑 [迟疑] qi*yi* hesitate 482
chi> 尺子 [尺] cEg. ruler 483
chi` 翅膀 [翼] yig` wing 484
chong- 充沛 [充沛] cung-pui. plentiful;abandant 485
chong/ 虫 [虫] cung* worm 486
chong/ 虫害 [虫害] cung*hoi` insect pest 487
chong/ 重新 [重新] cong*san- again;anew;afresh 488
chong/ 重阳 [重阳] cung*yoeng* Double Ninth Festival 489
chong/ 重阳节 [九月九] gao/yud`gao/ Double Ninth Festival 490
chong/ 重阳节 [重阳] cung*yoeng* Double Ninth Festival 491
chong` 冲锋 [冲锋] cung-fung- charge 492
chou- 抽不抽烟? [食唔食烟啊?] xig`m*xig`yin-a. Do you smoke? 493
chou- 抽筋 [抽筋] cao-gan- have a cramp 494
chou- 抽签 [执筹] zab-cao*/ draw lots 495
chou- 抽屉 [柜桶] gwai`tung/ drawer 496
chou- 抽血 [抽血] cao-hyud. draw blood 497
chou- 抽烟 [食烟] xig`yin- smoke;smoking 498
chou/ 粥很稠 [啲粥好杰}] di-zug-hou/gid` The porridge is very 499
chou/ thick. 0
chou/ 愁 [忧] yao- worry;sad 500
chou/ 愁 [愁] sao* worry;sad 501
chou/ 绸 [绸] cao*/ silk fabric;silk 502
chou/ 绸衬衣 [绸恤衫] cao*/soed-sAm- silk shirt 503
chou> 丑 [丑怪] cao/gwAi. very ugly 504
chou` 臭 [臭] cao. stinky;smelly 505
chou` 臭虫 [木虱] mug`sad- bedbug 506
chu- 初次 [初次] co-qi. first time 507
chu- 初中 [初中] co-zung- minor middle school 508
chu- 出来 [出嚟] coed-lai* come out 509
chu- 出去 [出去] coeu-hoeu. go out 510
chu- 出差 [出差] coed-cai- go by errand 511
chu- 出发 [出发] coed-fAd. start off 512
chu- 出汗 [出汗] coed-hon` perspirate 513
chu- 出口 [出口] coed-hao/ export 514
chu- 出口商品 [出口商品] coed-hao/soeng-ban/ export goods 515
chu- 出类拔萃 [出类拔萃] coed-loeu`bad`coeu` excel one's fellow 516
chu- beings 0
chu- 出力 [出力] coed-lig` exert oneself 517
chu- 出门 [出门] coed-mun* go out 518
chu- 出门 [出街] coed-gAi-- have just gone out 519
chu- 出门去了 [出咗门] coed-zo/mun* went out 520
chu- 出去 [出去] coed-hoeu. go out 521
chu- 出去了 [出咗去] coed-zo/hou. have gone out 522
chu- 出色 [标青] biu-qing- excellent;top-notch; 523
chu- extremely good 0
chu- 出生 [出世] coed-sai. be born 524
chu- 出生证 [出世纸] HG coed-sai.ji/ birth certificate 525
chu- 出息 [出息] coed-xig- promise;prospects 526
chu- 出血 [出血] coed-hyud. lose blood;bleed 527
chu- 出院 [出院] coed-yun`/ leave hospital;be 528
chu- discharged from 0
chu- hospital 0
chu- 出租汽车 [的士] dig-xi/ taxi 529
chu- 出租汽车 [出租汽车] coed-zou-hei.cE- taxi 530
chu/ 厨房 [厨房] coeu*fong*/ kitchen 531
chu/ 厨房 [下间] ha`gAn- kitchen 532
chu/ 锄头 [锄头] co*tao* hoe 533
chu/ 除夕 [除夕] coeu*jig` New Year's Eve 534
chu/ 除夕 [年卅晚] nin*sa-a`mAn" New Year's Eve 535
chu> 储蓄 [储蓄] qu.cug- deposit 536
chu> 处方 [处方] qu/fong- prescription 537
chu` 教务处 [教务处] gAo.mou`qu. teaching section 538
chu` 处长 [处长] qu.zoeng/ head of section 539
chu` 处处1 [度度] dou`dou` everywhere 540
chu` 处处2 [处处] qu.qu. everywhere 541
chu` 处处3 [处处] xu.xu everywhere 542
chuan- 穿 [着] zoeg. put on,wear 543
chuan- 穿着 [着] zoeg` put on;wear 544
chuan/ 传单 [传单] qun*dan- leaflet 545
chuan/ 传票 [花令纸]HG fa-ling/ji/ summon;subpoena 546
chuan/ 传染病 [传染病] qun*yim"bEng` infectious disease 547
chuan/ 传输 [传输] qun*xu- transmission 548
chuan/ 传说 [传说] qun*xud. it is said that...;pass 549
chuan/ from mouth to mouth 0
chuan/ 传真 [传真] qun*zan- fax;fascimile 550
chuan/ 船 [船] xun* ship;boat 551
chuan/ 船舱 [船舱] xun*cong- 1.ship's hold;2.cabin 552
chuan/ 船队 [船队] xun*doeu` fleet;flotilla 553
chuan/ 船票 [船票] xun*piu. boat ticket 554
chuan` 串联 [串联] qun.lyu* 1.establish ties; 555
chuan` 2.series connection 0
chuang-窗户 [窗] coeng- window 556
chuang-窗子 [窗门] coeng-mun*/ window 557
chuang/床 [床] cong* bed 558
chuang/床位 [床位] cong*wai`/ bed for an inpatient;a 559
chuang/ dormitory resident,etc. 0
chuang>闯世界 [捞世界] lou-sai.gAi-. make a living 560
chuang`创造 [创造] cong.zou` create 561
chui- 吹 [吹] coeu- blow 562
chui- 吹风机 [吹风机] coeu-fung-gei- blower 563
chui- 吹拉弹唱 [吹拉弹唱] coeu-lAi-tAn*coeng. blow,pull,pluck and 564
chui- sing 0
chui- 吹牛 [车大炮] cE-dAi`pAo. talk big;brag 565
chui/ 锤子 [锤] coeu*/ hammer 566
chun- 春节 [春节] coen-jid. Spring Festival 567
chun- 春节 [过年] gwo.nin* celebrate the New Year 568
chun- 春卷 [春卷] coen-gyun/ spring roll 569
chun- 春联 [春联] coen-lyun* Spring Festival Coup- 570
chun- lets 0
chun- 春笋 [春笋] coen-soen/ bamboo shoot,dug up 571
coen- in spring for food 0
chun- 春天 [春天] coen-tin- spring 572
chuo` 戳穿 [笃爆] HG dug-bAo. expose 573
ci/ 磁带 [磁带] qi*dAi/ magnetic tape 574
ci/ 磁器 [磁器] qi*hei. chinaware;porcelain 575
ci/ 瓷碗 [瓷碗] qi*wun/ china bowl 576
ci/ 词语 [词语] qi*yu" words and phrases 577
ci` 刺激 [刺激] qi.gig- stimulation 578
ci` 第一次 [第一次] dai`yad- qi. for the first time 579
ci` 第二次 [第二轮] dai`yi`loen* second time 580
ci` 次序 [次序] qi.zoeu` order 581
cong- 聪明1 [聪明] cung-ming* clever;intelligent 582
cong- 聪明2 [精] zEng- clever;intelligent 583
cong- 聪明3 [叻] lEg- clever;intelligent 584
cong- 葱 [葱] cung- onion/scallion 585
cong- 匆匆忙忙 [频lan*] pan*lan* hurriedly;in a hurry 586
cong/ 从 [从命] cung*ming` follow orders 587
cong/ 从 [由] yao* from 588
cong/ 从 [从来] cung*loi* from the past till 589
cong/ the present;always 0
cong/ 你从哪儿来[你由边度嚟] nei"yao*bin-dou`lai* Where do you come from? 590
cong/ 从前 [旧时] gao`xi*/ before;formerly; in 591
cong/ the past 0
cong/ 从前 [旧阵时] gao`zan`xi* before;formerly; in 592
cung/ the past 0
cong/ 从去年起 [由旧年起] yao*gao`nin/hei/ from the last year 593
cong/ 从头 [从头] cung*tao* from the beginning 594
cong/ 从小 [自细] ji`sai. from childhood 595
cong/ 从小 [从细] cung*sai. from childhood 596
cong/ 丛林 [丛林] cung*lam* jungle 597
cong/ 丛书 [丛书] cung*xu- a series of books 598
cou` 凑份子 [科款]HG fo-fun/ pool money 599
cou` 凑份子 [科钱]HG fo-qin/ pool money 600
cou` 凑合 [麻麻地] ma*ma/dei/ so-so;not so bad 601
cou` 凑合 [求其] kao*kei* so-so;not so bad 602
cu- 粗鲁 [粗鲁] cou-lou" rude 603
cu- 粗心大意 [大心肝] HG dAi-`sam-gon- careless 604
cu` 醋 [醋] cou. vinegar 605
cui` 脆 [脆] coeu. fragile;brittle; 606
cui` vulnerable 0
cun` 寸 [寸] qun. cun(a unit of length) 607
cun` 英寸 [英寸] ying-qun. inch 608
cun` 寸步难行 [寸步难行] qun.bou`nan*hang* be unable to move 609
cun` a single step 0
cuo- 搓 [搓] co- rub with the hands 610
cuo- 搓板 [搓板] cuo-bAn/ washboard 611
cuo- 搓麻将 [刮竹]HG gwAd.zug- play mahjiong 612
cuo` 错了 [错咗] co.zo/ be wrong 613
cuo` 错误理解 [摆乌龙]HG bAi/wu-lung/ misunderstand 614
cuo` 锉刀 [锉] co. file;rasp 615
da/ 答复 [答复] dAb.fug- reply 616
da/ 答应 [应承] ying.xing* 1.answer;2. agree 617
da/ 打(12个) [打] da- dozen 618
da> 打电话 [打电话 da/din`wa/ phone 619
da> 打 [打] da/ beat 620
da> 打的 [打的] da/dig- take a taxi 621
da> 打火机 [打火机] da/fo/gei- lighter 622
da> 打个赌 [打个赌] da/ge.dou" take a bet 623
da> 打个盹 [瞌一瞌] hab-yad-hab- take a catnap 624
da> 打工 [打工] da/gong- do manual work 625
da> 打工仔 [打工仔] da/gung-zai/ workman 626
da> 打呵欠 [打喊冒] da/hAm.mou` yawn 627
da> 打击 [打击] da/gig- 1.hit;strike;2.attack 628
da> 打架 [打交] da/gAo- fight 629
da> 打开 [打开] da/hoi- open 630
da> 打磕睡 [合眼瞓] hab-ngAn"fan. take a catnap 631
da> 打雷 [打雷] da/loeu* thunder 632
da> 打雷 [行雷] hAng*loeu* thunder 633
da> 打冷战 [打冷颤] da/lAng"can. shudder because of 634
da> cold 0
da> 打猎 [打猎] da/lib` go hunting 635
da〉 打铃 [打铃] da.ling* ring a bell 636
da> 打破 [打破] da/po. break 637
da> 打扑克 [玩啤] wan/pE- play poker 638
da> 打球 [打波] da/bo- play ball 639
da> 打扰 [滚搅] gwan/gAo/ trouble 640
da> 打伞 [担遮] dAm-zE- hold an umbrella 641
da> 打扫 [打扫] da/sou. clean 642
da> 打闪 [闪电] xim/din` thunder 643
da> 打算 [打算] da/xun. plan;intend 644
da> 打一顿 [打一餐] da/yad-cAn- give a beating 645
da> 打针 [打针] da/zam- 1.give an injection; 646
da> 2.get an injection 0
da> 打桌球 [督波] dug-bo- play table tennis 647
da> 打字机 [打字机] da/ji`gei- typewriter 648
da` 大 [大] dAi` big 649
da` 这么大 [咁大] gam'dAi` so big 650
da` 大白菜 [黄芽白] wong*nga*bAg` Chinese cabbage 651
da` 大便 [大便] dAi`bin` defecate;poop 652
da` 大便 [屙屎] ngo-xi/ defecate;poop 653
da` 大饼 [烧饼] xiu/bEng/ sesame seed cake 654
da` 大伯 [阿伯] a.bAg. uncle 655
da` 大伯 [大伯] dAi`bAg. elder uncle 656
da` 大胆 [大胆] dAi`dAm/ dare 657
da` 大多数人 [大多数人] dAi`do-sou.yan* the vast majority of 658
da` people 0
da` 大儿子 [大仔] dAi`zai/ eldest son 659
da` 大概 [大概] dAi`koi. general idea 660
da` 大个子 [大只佬] dAi`zEg.lou/ a big burly man 661
da` 大哥 [大哥] dAi`go- elder brother 662
da` 大姑 [大姑] dAi`gu- elder aunt 663
da` 大寒 [大寒] dAi`hon* Greater Cold 664
da` 大后天 [大后日] dAi`hao`yad` day after tomorrow 665
da` 大众 [大众] dAi`zung. masses 666
da` 大家 [大家] dAi`ga- all;everybody 667
da` 大姐 [大姐] dAi`zE/ eldest sister 668
da` 大姐 [阿姐] a.zE/ elder sister 669
da` 大了点儿 [大咗啲] da`zo/di- a little bigger 670
da` 大陆 [大陆] dAi`lug` mainland 671
da` 大门 [大门] dAi`mun* entrance (or front) 672
da` door 0
da` 大米 [米] mai" rice 673
da` 大拇指 [手指公] sao/ji/gung- thumb 674
da` 大年三十 [年三十] nin*sAm-sab` lunar New Year's eve 675
da` 大女儿 [大女] dAi`noeu/ eldest daughter 676
da` 大甩卖 [卖大包] mAi`dAi`bAo- sell sth. at reduced 677
da` price
da` 大票 [大纸] dAi`ji/ bill of large denomin- 678
da` ation
da` 大热天 [天时暑热] tin-xi*xu/yid` extremely hot days 680
da` 大婶 [阿婶] a.sam/ aunt 681
da` 大声喧哗 [嘈喧巴闭] cou*xun-ba-bai. very noisy 682
da` 大寿 [大寿] dAi`sao` birthday 683
da` 大叔 [阿叔] a.sug- uncle 684
da` 大暑 [大暑] dAi`xu/ Greater Heat 685
da` 大蒜 [大蒜] dAi`xun. garlic 686
da` 大腿 [大髀] dAi`bei/ thigh 687
da` 大问题 [大问题] dAi`man`tai* big problem 688
da` 大雾 [大雾] dAi`mou` dense fog 689
da` 大厦 [大厦] dAi`ha` mansion 690
da` 大小 [大细] dAi`sai. size 691
da` 大新闻 [大件事]HG dAi`gin`xi` big news 692
da` 大学 [大学] dAi`hog` university;college 693
da` 大学新生 [新鲜人] san-xin-yan* freshman 694
da` 大衣 [大褛] dAi`lao- overcoat;topcoat 695
da` 大意 [大意] dAi`yi. general ideas 696
da` 大约 [约莫] yoeg.mog. about 697
da` 大约 [大概] dAi`koi. about 698
da` 大约 [大约] dAi`yoeg. about;approximately 699
da` 大约十斤 [十斤重度] sab`gan-cung"dou`/ about ten jin 700
dai- 呆在家里 [踎喺屋企] mao-hai/ug-kei" stay at home 701
dai` 大夫 [医生] yi-sang- doctor 702
dai` 戴 [戴] dAi. put on;wear 703
dai` 戴眼镜 [戴眼镜] dAi.ngan"gEng/ wear glasses 704
dai` 戴帽子 [戴帽] dAi.mou` wear a cap 705
dai` 带 [带] dAi. carry 706
dai` 带 [带埋] dAi.mAi* bring with oneself 707
dai` 带 [带] dAi. bring with sth. 708
dai` 带钱 [带钱] dAi.qin/ bring money with one- 709
dai` self 0
dai` 带全 [攞齐] lo/cai* bring all with oneself 710
dai' 把行李带全[攞齐行李] lo/cai*hAng*lei" bring all luggage 711
dai` 带我去吧 [带我去啦] dai.ngo"hoeu.la- go with me 712
dai` 代 [代] doi` take the place of 713
dai` 代表 [代表] doi`biu/ deputy;telegate;repre- 714
dai` sentative 0
dai` 代表团 [代表团] doi`biu/tyun* telegation 715
dai` 代别人领 [代人领] doi` yan* lEng" receive sth. for sb. 716
dai` 代理人 [代理人] doi`lei"yan* agent 717
dai` 代领 [代领] doi`lEng" receive sth. for sb. 718
dai` 代销 [代销] doi`xiu- sell on consigment 719
dai` 待业 [踎蹲] HG mao-dan- job-waiting 720
dai` 逮捕证 [花令纸] HG fa-ling/ji/ arrest warrant 721
dan- 耽误时间 [阻你嘅时间] zo/nei"gE.xi*gAn. vaste your time 722
dan- 担心 [担心] dAm-sam- be worried 723
dan- 单程机票 [单程机票] dAn-qing*gei-piu. one-way airplane ticket 724
dan- 单人床 [单人床] dAn-yan*cong* single bed 725
dan- 单人间 [单人房] dAn-yan*fong*/ single room 726
dan- 单身 [吉身]HG gad-san- single;unmarried 727
dan- 单身汉 [单身汉] dAn-san-hon. bachelor 728
dan- 单身汉 [寡佬] gwa/lou"/ bachelor 729
dan- 单位 [单位] dAn-wai`/ unit 730
dan> 胆小 [细胆] sai.dAm/ timid;cowardly 731
dan` 但是 [不过] bad-gwo. but;however 732
dan` 但是 [但系] dAn`hai` but 733
dan` 但愿 [但愿] dAn`yun` I hope 734
dan` 但愿如此 [但愿如此] dAn`yun`yu*qi/ I hope so. 735
dan` 淡(不咸) [淡] tAm" tasteless 736
dan` 弹药 [弹药] dAn/yoeg` ammunition 737
dan` 蛋糕 [蛋糕] dAn`gou- cake 738
dang- 当 [当] dong- work as 739
dang- 当兵 [当兵] dong-bing- serve in an army 740
dang- 当初 [当初] dong-co- at the beginning; 741
dang- originary;initially 0
dang- 当归 [当归] dong-gwai- Chinese angelica 742
dang- 当局 [当局] dong-gug` authorities 743
dang- 当面 [当面] dong-min` be face to face 744
dang- 当然1 [当然] dong-yin* of course 745
dang- 当然2 [梗系] gang/hai` certainly 746
dang- 当时 [当时] dong-xi* at that time ;then 747
dang- 走路当心噃[好声行噃] hou/sEng-hAng*bo. walk carefully 748
dang- 当作 [当作] dong-zog. act as 749
dang> 挡风 [挡风] dong/fung- shelter from the wind 750
dang> 挡雨 [挡雨] dong/yu" shelter from the rain 751
dang` 档案 [档案] dong.on. file 752
dang` 档案 [快劳]HG fAi-lou/ file 753
dao- 刀子 [刀] dou- knife 754
dao> 捣乱 [混吉]HG wan`gad- make trouble 755
dao> 倒闭 [执笠]HG zab-lab- close down 756
dao> 倒霉 [衰] soeu- have bad luck 757
dao> 导游 [导游] dou`yao* tour guide 758
dao> 导游 [带街]HG dAi.gAi- tour guide 759
dao` 倒茶 [斟茶] zam-ca* pour tea 760
dao` 倒杯茶 [倒杯茶] dou`bui-ca* pour a cup of tea 761
dao` 倒垃圾 [倒垃圾] dou`lab`sab. dump rubbish 762
dao` 到 (动词) [到] dou. arrive 763
dao` 到...来 [嚟] lai* come to... 764
dao` 到...去 [去] hoeu. go to .. 765
dao` 到处跑 [周围啄] zao-wai*doeg. go about 766
dao` 到底 [到底] dou/dai/ at all 767
dao` 到顶 [顶笼] ding/lung/ to the extreme 768
dao` 到工厂 [去厂] hoeu.cong/ go to the factory 769
dao` 到过北京 [到过北京] dou`gwo.bag-ging have been in Beijing 770
dao` 到街上去 [去街度] hoeu.gAi-dou` go to the street 771
dao` 到了之后 [到咗之后] dou.zo/ji-hao` after arrival 772
dao. 到时间 [够钟] gao.zung- Its just the time. 773
dao` 到位 [到位] dou.wai` reach the designated 774
dao` place;be in place 0
dao` 到站 [到站] dou.zAm` arrive at a station 775
dao` 稻谷 [谷] gug- paddy 776
dao` 稻种 [谷种] gug-zung/ rice seed 777
dao` 稻子 [稻] dou` rice;paddy 778
dao` 稻子 [禾] wo*[禾] rice ;paddy 779
dao` 割稻子 [割禾] god.vo* harvest of rice 780
dao` 道理 [道理] dou`lei" principle;truth; 781
dao` hows and whys 0
dao` 道歉 [道歉] dou`hib. make an apology 782
de ...的话1 [...嘅话] ...gE.wa/ if 783
de 有空的话 [得闲嘅话] dag-hAn*gE.wa/ if you are free 784
de 写得好 [写得好] sE/dag-hou/ well written 785
de 我的 [我嘅] ngo"gE. my 786
de 你的 [你嘅] nei"gE. your 787
de 他的 [佢嘅] koeu"gE. his 788
de/ 得到 [得到] dag-dou. get 789
de/ 得一点好处[捞水尾] HG lou-soeu/mei" gain a little benefit 790
deng- 登报 [登报] dang-. publish in a newspaper 791
deng- 登机卡 [登机卡] dang-gei-kad- boarding card 792
deng- 登机证 [登机证] dang-gei-jing. boarding pass 793
deng- 登记 [登记] dang-gei. register 794
deng- 登记处 [登记处] dang-gei.qu. registation desk 795
deng- 登门拜访 [登门拜访] dang-mun*bai.fong/ pay sb. a visit 796
deng> 等 [等] dang/ wait 797
deng> 等了三天 [等咗三日] dang/zo/sam-yad` wait for three days 798
deng> 等 [等] dang/(表示列举未完) and so on;etc. 799
deng> 等车 [等车] dang/cE- wait for a train, 800
deng> bus,etc. 0
deng> 等候 [等候] dang/hao` wait 801
deng> 等你很久了[等你好耐咯] dang/nei"hou/noi`lo. have waited for you 802
deng> for a long time 0
deng> 等一会儿1 [等一阵] dang/yad-zan/ wait a moment 803
deng> 等一会儿2 [等阵间] dang/zan/gAn- wait a moment 804
deng> 等一会儿3 [等阵] dang/zan` wait a moment 805
deng> 等着 [等住] dang/ju` waiting 806
deng> 戥子 [厘秤] lei*qing. small scale for weigh- 807
deng> ing precious metal , 0
deng> medicine etc. 0
deng` 干瞪眼 [眼光光] ngAn"gwong-gwong- look on in despair 808
deng` 凳子 [凳] dang. stool;bench 809
di- 低 [低] dai- low 810
di- 低估 [低估] dai-gu/ underestimate 811
di- 低矮 [矮磨磨-] ai/mo*mo- low 812
di- 低矮的平房[矮磨磨嘅平房]ai/mo*mo-gE.ping*fong/ low houses 813
di/ 敌人 [敌人] dig`yan* enemy 814
di/ 笛子 [笛] dEg` bamboo flute;flute 815
di> 底 [底] dai/ bottom 816
di> 底楼 [地下] dei`ha/ ground floor 817
di` 的确 [的确] dig-kog. indeed 818
di` 的士 [的士] dig-xi/ taxi 819
di` 地区号 [地区号] dei`koeu-hou` number of district 820
di` 地势 [地势] dei`sai topography 821
di` 地铁 [地车] HG dei`cE- subway 822
di` 乘地铁 [坐地车] co"dei`cE- take a subway 823
di` 地下 [地下] dei`ha/ underground 824
di` 地址 [地址] dei`ji/ address 825
di` 第二个路口[第二个街口] dai`yi`go.gAi-hao/ the second crossing 826
di` 第一次 [第一次] dai`yad-qi. the first time 827
di` 第一个 [第一个] dai`yad-go. the first one 828
di` 弟弟1 [细佬] sai.lou" younger brother 829
di` 弟弟2 [弟弟] dai*dai/ younger brother 830
di` 递给我 [递畀我] dai`bei/ngo" pass me 831
dian> 点灯 [点灯] dim/dang- light the lamp 832
dian> 有点钱 [有啲钱] yao"di-qin/ have some money 833
dian> 点数 [点数] dim/sou. count the number 834
dian> 三点钟 [三点钟] sAm-dim/zung- three o'clock 835
dian> 点菜 [点菜] dim/coi. order dishes 836
dian> 点几个菜吧[点几味菜啦] dim/gei/mei/coi.la- order a few dishes 837
dian> 点心 [点心] dim/sam- refreshments;patry 838
dian> 点心部 [点心部] dim/sam-bou` department of pastry 839
dian` 垫垫底 [垫下底] din.ha"dai/ have a bite to stave 840?
dian` off hungry 0
dian` 垫肩 [肩托] gin-tog. shoulder pad 841
dian` 电报 [电报] din`bou. telegraph 842
dian` 电冰箱 [雪柜] xud.gwai` refrigerator 843
dian` 电车 [电车] din`cE- tram 844
dian` 电传 [电传] din`qun* fax 845
dian` 电吹风 [风筒] fung-tung/ electric hair dryer 846
dian` 电饭锅 [电饭煲] HG din`fAn`bou- electric cooker 847
dian` 电话 [电话] din`wa`/ telephone 848
dian` 电话簿 [电话簿] din`wa`/bou`/ telephone directory 849
dian` 缴电话费 [交电话费] gAo.din`wa`/fai. pay phone rates 850
dian` 电话亭 [电话亭] din`wa`/ting* telephone booth 851
dian` 电话占线 [电话打紧] din`wa`/da/gan/ The line ( of a tele- 852
dian` phone) is busy. 0
dian` 电汇 [电汇] din`wui` remittence by tele- 853
dian` gram 0
dian` 电疗 [电疗] din`liu* eletrotherophy 854
dian` 电脑 [电脑] din`nou/ computer 855
dian` 电热水器 [电热水器] din`yid`soeu/hei. electric water heater 856
dian` 电扇 [电风扇] din`fung-xin. electric fan 857
dian` 电视 [电视] din`xi` television;TV 858
dian` 电视机 [电视机] din`xi`gei- TV set 859
dian` 电视剧 [电视剧] din`xi`kEg. TV drama 860
dian` 电视台 [电视台] din`xi`toi* television station 861
dian` 电视塔 [电视塔] din`xi`tAb. television tower 862
dian` 电台 [电台] din`toi* radio broadcasting 863
dian` station 0
dian` 电梯 [电梯] din`tai- elevator;lift 864
dian` 电筒 [电筒] din`tung/ electric torch 865
dian` 电影 [电影] din`ying/ movie 866
dian` 电影票 [电影票] din`ying/piu. movie ticket 867
dian` 电影明星 [电影明星] din`ying/ming*xing- film star 868
dian` 电影院 [电影院] din`ying/yun`/ cinema 869
dian` 电子 [电子] din`ji/ electron 870
dian` 电子游戏机[电子游戏机] din`ji/yao*hei.gei- video game 871
diao- 雕花 [雕花] diu-fa- carving 872
diao` 掉下来 [跌落嚟] did.log`lai* fall down 873
diao` 吊带 [扮带] bAn`dAi./ suspender belt 874
diao` 钓鱼 [钓鱼] diu.yu* fishing 875
die- 跌打损伤 [跌打损伤] did.da/xun/soeng- injuries from falls 876
die- and knocks 0
die/ 叠 (堆叠) [叠] dib` overlap 877
ding- 钉子 [钉] dEng- nail 878
ding> 顶 [顶] dEng/ top;summit 879
ding> 房顶 [屋顶] ug-dEng/ roof 880
ding> 山顶 [山顶] sAn-dEng/ peak 881
ding> 一顶蚊帐 [一堂蚊帐] yad-tong*man-zoeng. a mosquito net 882
ding> 顶针 [顶针] ding/zam- timble 883
ding> 顶嘴 [顶颈] ding/gEng/ answer back 884
ding` 钉钉 [钉下] dEng.ha" drive in a nail 885
ding` 钉扣子 [钉纽扣] dEng.nao/kao. sew a button on 886
ding` 定价 [定价] ding`ga. price 887
ding` 订 [订] dEng` order 888
ding` 订单 [柯打] o-da/ order 889
ding` 订单 [订单] dEng`dAn- order for goods 890
ding` 订购 [定购] ding`kao. book 891
ding` 订货合同 [定货合同] dEng`fo.hab`tung* ordering contract 892
ding` 订票 [订票] dEng`piu. book a ticket 893
ding` 订数 [订数] dEng`sou. number of orders 894
ding` 订约 [订约] ding.yoeg. conclude a contract 895
ding` 订正 [订正] ding.jing. make corrections 896
diu- 丢脸 [甩晒须]HG lad-sAi-.sou- lose face 897?
diu- 丢脸 [丢架] diu-ga. lose face 898
dong- 东方 [东方] dung-fong- east 899
dong- 东方宾馆 [东方宾馆] dung-fong-ban-gun/ Dongfang Hotel 900
dong- 东京 [东京] dung-ging- Tokyo 901
dong- 东风路 [东风路] dung-fung-lou` Dongfeng Road 902
dong- 东南风 [东南风] dung-nAm*fung- southeast wind 903
dong- 东西南北 [东南西北] dung-nAm*sai-bag- west,south, east and 904
dong- west 0
dong- 东西 [嘢] ye" thing 905
dong- 冬 [冬] dung- winter 906
dong- 冬瓜 [冬瓜] dung-gwa- wax gourd;white gourd 907
dong- 冬天1 [冬天] dung-tin- winter 908
dong- 冬天2 [冷天] lAng"tin- winter 909
dong- 冬至 [冬至] dung-ji. Winter Solstice 910
dong> 懂事 [识做] xig-zou` sensible;inteligent 911
dong> 董事会 [董事会] dung/xi`wui`/ board of directors 912
dong> 董事长 [董事长] dung/xi`zoeng/ chairman of the board 913
dong> of directors 0
dong` 动 [郁}] yug- move 914
dong` 动不动 [郁}下] yug-ha" easily;frequently; 915
dong` at every turn 0
dong` 动画片 [动画片] dung`wa`pin/ animated catoon;catoon 916
dong` 动人 [动人] dung`yan* moving 917
dong` 动手术 [动手术] dung`sao/soed` perform operation 918
dong` 动物园 [动物园] dung`mad`yun* zoo 919
dong` 动作 [动作] dung`zog. action 920
dong` 冻 [冻] dung. freeze 921
dong` 生冻疮 [生萝白] sang-lo*bAg` suffer from chilbrain 922
dong` 冻得要命 [冻到飞起] dung.dou.fei-hei/ feel extremely cold 923
dou- 都 [都] dou- all 924
dou- 都到了吗 [都到咗未啊] dou-dou.zo/mei`a. Is everybody here? 925
dou- 都很努力 [都好勤力] dou-hou/kan*lig` Every body works hard 926
dou- 都是 [都系] dou-hai` be all 927
dou> 陡 [斜] cE* steep 928
dou` 斗 [斗] dao. struggle 929
dou` 斗争 [斗争] dao.zang- struggle 930
dou` 豆腐汤 [豆腐汤] dao`fu`tong- bean curd soup 931
dou` 豆浆 [豆浆] dao`zoeng- soya bean milk 932
dou` 豆芽 [芽菜] nga*coi. bean sprouts 933
dou` 逗孩子玩 [撩细路仔] liu*sai.lou`zai/ play with a child 934
dou` 逗笑 [搅笑]HG gAo/xiu. amusing 935
du/ 读 [读] dug` read 936
du/ 读完 [读完] dug`yun* have read all 937
du` 度假 [度假] dou`ga. spend a holiday 938
duan- 端上饭菜 [捧出饭菜] pung/coeu-fan`coi' serve a meal 939
duan- 端正的态度[端正嘅态度] dyun-jing.ge.tai.dou` right attitude 940
duan- 端午节 [五月节] ng"yud`jid. Dragon Boat Festival 941
duan- 端午节 [端午节] dyun-ng"jid. Dragon Boat Festival 942
duan> 短 [短] dyun/ short 943
duan> 短短 [短短] dyun/dyun/ short 944
duan> 短裤 [短裤] dyun/fu. short pants;shorts 945
duan> 短上衣 [衫仔] sAm-zai/ short jacket 946
duan> 短袖汗衫 [T恤] ti-soed- T-shirt 947
duan` 锻炼 [锻炼] dyun`lin` physical exercises 948
duan` 段落 [段落] dyun`log` paragraph 949
dui` 兑换 [兑换] doeu.wun` exchange 950
dui` 对 [啱] ngAm- right 951
dui` 对 [对] doeu. right 952
dui` 对不起 [对唔住] doeu.m*ju` excuse me 953
dui` 对的 [啱嘅] ngAm-gE. correct 954
dui` 对面 [对面] doeu.min` opposite;face to face 955
dui` 对面谈 [面谈] min`tAam* talk face-to-face 956
dui` 对虾 [对虾] doeu.ha- prawn 957
dui` 对于 [对于] doeu.yu- as for;as to 958
dui` 对着 [对住] doeu.ju` be trained on;be 959
dui` directed at 0
dun- 蹲 [踎] mao- squal on the heels 960
dun` 一顿 [一餐] yad-cAn- a meal 961
dun` 炖 [炖] dan` stew 962
dun` 炖鸡 [炖鸡] dan`gai- stew chicken 963
duo- 哆嗦 [颤] can. treble ;shiver 964
duo- 多重 [几重] gei/cung' what is the weight 965
duo- 多 [多] do- many;much 966
duo- 十多块 [十零缗] sab`ling*man- more than ten yuan 967
duo- 多长时间 [几耐] gei/noi`/ how long 968
duo- 多吃点儿 [食多啲] xig`do-di- eat more 969
duo- 多大 [几大] gei/dAi` how old are you 970
duo- 多大年纪 [几大年纪] gei/dAi-`nin*gei/ how old 971
duo- 多多保重 [多多保重] do-do-bou/zung` take good care of 972
duo- yourself 0
duo- 多放点盐 [落多啲盐] log`do-di-yim* add more salt 973
duo- 多高 [几高] gei/gou- how tall 974
duo- 多给一些 [畀多啲] bei/do-di- give more 975
duo- 多好看哪 [几好睇呀] gei/hou/tai/a. how beautiful 976
duo- 多好哇 [几好呀] gei/hou/a` how nice 977
duo- 多喝几杯 [饮多几杯] yam/do-gei/bui- drink more cups 978
duo- 多极了 [鬼咁多] gwai/gam.do- much more 979
duo- 多加点儿 [加多啲] ga-do-di- add more 980
duo- 多久 [几耐] gei/noi`/ how long 981
duo- 多宽 [几阔] gei/fud. how wide 982
duo- 多亏 [多得] do-dag- owe sth. to sb. 983
duo- 多亏你帮助[多得你嘅帮助]do-dag-nei>ge.bong-zo` thanks to your help 984.
duo- 多冒失呀 [几失魂呀] gei/sad-wan*a. how rash 985
duo- 多么 [几] gei/ how 986
duo- 多么 [几咁] gei/gam. how 987
duo- 多么好啊 [几咁好呀] gei/gam.hou/a. how nice 988
duo- 多拿几个 [攞多几个] lo/do-gei/go. take more 989
duo- 多能干哪 [几呖呀] gei/lEg-a. how clever 990
duo- 多漂亮 [几靓啵] gei/lEng.bo. how beautiful 991
duo- 多少 [几多] gei/do- how many 992
duo- 多少年 [几年] gei/nin* how many years 993
duo- 多少钱 [几多钱] gei/do-qin/ how much money 994
duo- 多少钱 [几钱] gei/qin/ how much money 995
duo- 多少钱一斤[几多钱一斤] gei/do-qin/yad-gan- how much money per jin 996
duo- 多少钱一斤[几钱一斤] gei/qin/yad-gan- how much money per jin 997
duo- 多神气呀 [几精神呀] gei/jing-san*a` how vigorous 998
duo- 多生动啊 [几生动呀] gei/sang-dung` a. how vivid 999
duo- 十元多 [十松缗] sab` sung-man- more than ten yuan 1000
duo- 多远 [几远] gei/yun/ how far 1001
duo- 多云 [多云] do-wan* cloudy 1002
duo- 多重 几重] gei/cung" how much weight 1003
duo- 多住几天 [住多几日] ju`do-gei/yad` stay more days 1004
duo- 多走运啊 [几行运呀] gei/hAng*wan`a. How fortunate you are! 1005
duo> 躲 [匿埋] nei-mAi* hide 1006
duo> 一朵花 [一朵花] yad-doe/fa- a flower 1007
duo` 夺目 [抢眼] coeng/ngAn" dazzle the eyes 1008
duo` 剁 [剁] doeg. chop 1009
g- 诶,你来 [诶,你嚟] E-,nei" lai* Hey!Come here. 1010
e- 诶,快点来.[诶,快啲嚟] E-,fAi.di-lai* Hey!Come over here 1011
e- quickly. 0
e/ 鹅 [鹅] ngo*/ goose 1012
e/ 鹅毛 [鹅毛] ngo*mou* goose feather 1013
e/ 俄罗斯 [俄罗斯] ngo*lo*xi- Russia 1014
e/ 俄语 [俄语] ngo*yu" Russian language 1015
e` 饿 [饿] ngo` be hungry;feel hungry 1016
e` 饿死 [饿死] ngo`sei/ starve to death 1017
er/ 而今 [而家] yi*ga- now;at present 1018
er/ 而且 [而且] yi*cE/ and; but also 1019
er/ 鸸鹋 [鸸鹋] yi*miu* ermu 1020
en- 恩情 [恩情] yan-qing* favour;kindness 1021
en- 恩人 [恩人] yan-yan* benefactor 1022
er/ 儿童节 [儿童节] yi*tung*jid. International Chil- 1023
er/ dren's Day 0
er/ 儿童医院 [儿童医院] yi*tung*yi-yun/ children's hospital 1024
er/ 儿媳妇 [新妇] san-fu/ daughter-in-law 1025
er/ 儿媳妇 [心抱] sam-pou"/ daughter-in-law 1026
er/ 儿戏 [儿儿戏戏] yi*yi*hei.hei. trifling matter 1027
er/ 儿子 [仔] zai/ son 1028
er> 耳朵 [耳仔] yi"zai/ ear 1029
er> 耳朵 [耳] yi" ear 1030
er> 耳背 [耳背] yi"bui. be hard of hearing 1031
er> 耳聋 [耳聋] yi"lung* be deaf 1032
er> 耳环 [耳环] yi"wan* earring 1033
er> 耳垢 [耳屎] yi"xi/ earwax 1034
er> 耳挖子 [耳挖子] yi"wad.ji/ earpick 1035
er` 二 [二] yi` two 1036
er` 二百 [二百] yi`bAg. to hundred 1037
er` 二等舱 [二等舱] yi`dang/cong- second-class cabin 1038
er` 二十 [二十] yi`sab` twenty 1039
er` 二月 [二月] yi`yud` February 1040
fa- 发财 [发财] fAd.coi* make a fortune;get 1041
fa- rich 0
fa- 发动机器 [发动机器] fad.dung`geihei. start a machine 1042
fa- 发动群众 [发动群众] fad.dung`kwwan*zung' mobilize masses 1043
fa- 发工资 [出粮]HG coed-loeng* issue salary 1044
fa- 发酵粉 [泡打粉]HG pAo-da/fan/ powder 1045
fa- 发霉 [发毛] fAd.mou- go mouldy 1046
fa- 发明 [发明] fAd.ming* invent 1047
fa- 发脾气 [发火] fAd.fo/ get angry 1048
fa- 发烧 [身热]HG san-yid` have a fever 1049
fa- 发烧 [发烧] fAd.xiu- have a fever 1050
fa- 发生 [发生] fAd.sang-/ happen 1051
fa- 发身 [发身] fAn.san- pubescence 1052
fa- 发誓 [誓愿] sai`yun` vow;pledge;swear 1053
fa- 发展 [发展] fAd.jin/ develop 1054
fa- 发作 [发作] fAd.zog. break out;show effect 1055
fa> 法国人 [法国人] fAd.gwog.yan* Franchman 1056
fa> 法子 [法子] fAd.ji/ method;way 1057
fan- 番茄 [番茄] fAn-kE*/ tomato 1058
fan- 翻译 [翻译] fAn-yig` translate 1059
fan/ 凡士林 [花士令] fa-xi`ling` vaseline 1060
fan/ 凡事 [凡事] fAn*xi` everything;all 1061
fan/ 烦恼 [闭翳] bai.ai. be unhappy 1062
fan> 反对 [反对] fAn/doeu. be against;combat 1063
fan> 反正 [横掂] wAng*dim` it makes no diffe- 1064
fan> ence whether.... 0
fan> 反正要去 [横掂要去] wAng*dim`yiu.hoeu. must go no matter 1065
fan> what happens 0
fan` 饭吃过了吗[食咗饭未啊] xig`zo/fAn`mei`a. Have you had the meal? 1066
fan` 饭店 [饭店] fAn`dim' restaurant 1067
fan` 饭馆 [饭店] fAn`dim. restaurant 1068
fan` 饭局 [饭局] fAn`gug` feast 1069
fang- 方 [四方] sei.fong- square 1070
fang- 方案 [方案] fong-on. project 1071
fang- 方便 [方便] fong-bin` convenient 1072
fang- 方便面 [方便面] fong-bin`min` instant noodles 1073
fang- 方法 [办法] bAn`fAd; method;way 1074
fang- 方面 [方面] fong-min` respect 1075
fang- 方式 [方式] fong-xig- fashion;pattern.way 1076
fang- 方位 [方位] fong-wai/ direction and position 1077
fang- 方言 [方言] fong-yin* dialect 1078
fang/ 房顶 [屋顶] ug-dEnf/ roof 1079
fang/ 房间 [房] fong/ room 1080
fang/ 房间 [房间] fong*gAn- room 1081
fang/ 房梁 [屋梁] ug-loeng* roof beam 1082
fang/ 房门 [房门] fong*mun*/ door to a room 1083
fang/ 房子 [屋] ug- house 1084
fang/ 防治 [防治] fong*ji` prevention and treat- 1085
fang/ ment 0
fang/ 妨碍 [妨碍] fong*ngoi` hinder;hamper 1086
fang/ 妨碍交通 [妨碍交通] fong*ngoi`gAo-tung- block traffic 1087
fang/ 妨碍团结 [妨碍团结] fong*ngoi`tyun*gid. hinder unity 1088
fang> 访问 [访问] fong/man` visit 1089
fang> 访问学者 [访问学者] fong/man`hog`zE/ visiting scholar 1090
fang> 纺织品 [纺织品] fong/jig-ban/ textile 1091
fang` 放盐 [落盐] log`yim. add salt 1092
fang` 放 [放] fong. put 1093
fang` 放 [挤] zai- put 1094
fang` 放大 [放大] fong.dai` magnify 1095
fang` 放大镜 [放大镜] fong.Ai`gEng. magnifier 1096
fang` 放荡不羁 [冇天装]HG mou"tin-zong- unconventional and 1097
fang` unrestrained 0
fang` 放到...里 [放入] fong.yab` put sth.. in 1098
fang` 放到抽屉里[放入柜桶] fong.yab`gwai`tong/ put sth. into the 1099
fang` drawer 0
fang` 放飞风筝 [放飞咗纸鹞] fong.fei-zo/ji/yiu" fly a kite 1100
fang` 放过 [放过] fong.gwo. let sb.off;let sb. 1101
fang` slip by 0
fang` 放回 [放翻] fong.fAn- let sb. go back 1102
fang` 放进了 [挤咗落去] zai-zo/log`hoeu. put sth.into ... 1103
fang` 放人 [放人] fong*yan* release a person 1104
fang` 放下 [放低] fong.dai- lay down 1105
fang` 放心 [放心] fong.sam- be at ease 1106
fang` 放学 [放学] fong.hog` classes are over 1107
fang` 放盐 [落盐] log`yim* add salt 1108
fang` 放在这里 [放喺呢度] fong.hai/ni-dou` put it here 1109
fei- 非常 [非常] fei-soeng* very 1110
fei- 非常热 [热到飞起] yid`dou/fei-hei/ very hot 1111
fei- 非常感谢 [多谢] do-zE` thank sb. very much 1112
fei- 非常感谢 [多谢晒] do-zE`sAi. thanks a lot 1113
fei- 非常熟悉 [非常熟悉] fei-soeng*sug`xig- know very well 1114
fei- 非法移民 [人蛇]HG yan*sE* illegal immigrant 1115
fei- 飞 [飞] fei- fly 1116
fei- 飞机 [飞机] fei-gei- airplane;aeroplane 1117
fei- 飞机票 [飞机票] fei-gei-piu. airplane ticket 1118
fei- 飞行员 [飞机师] fei-gei-xi- pilot 1119
fei/ 肥 [阔] fud. fat 1120
fei/ 肥皂 [枧] gAn/ soap 1121
fei/ 肥皂 [番枧] fAn-gAn/ soap 1122
fei` 肺炎 [肺炎] fai.yim* pneumonia 1123
fei` 痱子 [热痱] yid`fei/ prickly heat 1124
fen- 吩咐 [吩咐] fan-fu` spoken order;tell; 1125
fen- instruct 0
fen- 分 [分](名词) fan- minute 1126
fen- 五分 [五分] ng" fan- five minutes 1127
fen- 分店 [分店] fan-dim. branch (of a shop) 1128
fen- 分机 [分机] fan-gei- (telephone) extention 1129
fen- 分理处 [分理处] fan-lei`qu. subagency 1130
fen- 分歧 [分歧] fan-kei* difference 1131
fen- 分析 [分析] fan-xig- analyze 1132
fen/ 坟 [坟墓] fan*mou` grave;tomb 1133
fen> 粉(粉状物)[粉] fan/ powder 1134
fen> 粉丝 [粉丝] fan/xi- vermicelli 1135
fen> 粉条儿 [粉条] fan/tiu/ noodles 1136
fen` 分外 [零舍] ling*sE. especially 1137
fen` 份 [份] fan` portion 1138
fen` 愤怒 [愤怒] fan"nou` angry;anger 1139
feng- 丰盛 [丰盛] fung-xing` rich;abandant 1140
feng- 丰收 [丰收] fung-sao- bumper harvest 1141
feng- 封闭 [封闭] fung-bai. seal up;block 1142
feng- 一封信 [一封信 yad-fung-soen. a letter 1143
feng- 蜂蜜 [蜜糖] mad`tong* honey 1144
feng- 风 [风] fung- wind 1145
feng- 风景 [景致] ging/ji. scenery;landscape 1146
feng- 风景区 [风景区] fung-ging/koeu- scenic spot 1147
feng- 风扇 [风扇] fung-xin. electric fan 1148
feng- 风太大 [风大得滞] fung-dAi-`dag-zai` The wind blows too 1149
feng- hard. 0
feng- 风味 [风味] fung-mei` distinctive flavour 1150
feng- 风也小了 [风都细晒喇] fung-dou-sai.sAi.la. The wind blows not 1151
feng- so hard. 0
feng- 风衣 [干湿褛] gon-sab-lao- wind-jacket 1152
feng- 风衣 [风褛] fung-lao- wind-jacket 1153
feng- 风雨不改 [风雨唔变] fung-yu"m*bin. regardless of the 1154
feng- weather 0
feng- 风云人物 [风云人物] fung-wan* yan*mad` influential person; 1155
feng- man of the hour 0
feng- 风筝 [纸鹞] ji/yiu`/ kite 1156
feng- 疯 [颠] din- go mad 1157
feng- 疯疯颠颠 [颠颠废废] din-din-fai.fai. be mentally deranged 1158
feng- 疯了 [狂咗] kwong*zo/ deranged;go mad 1159
feng- 疯婆子 [颠婆] din-po*/ madwoman 1160
feng- 疯子 [颠佬] din-lou"/ madman 1161
feng/ 缝纫机 [衣车] yi-cE- sewing machine 1162
fou> 否则 [否则] fao/zag- otherwise 1163
fou> 否则 [如果冇] yu*gwo/mou" otherwise 1164
fu- 夫妻 [夫妻] fu-cai- husband and wife 1165
fu- 夫人 [夫人] fu-yan* madam 1166
fu- 敷药 [敷药] fu-yoeg` apply ointment 1167
fu- 麸子 [糠] hong- (wheat) bran 1168
fu/ 扶手 [扶手] fu* sao/ handrail 1169
fu/ 服务 [服务] fug`mou` serve;service 1170
fu/ 服务台 [服务台] fug`mou`toi* service desk 1171
fu/ 服务员 [服务员] fug`mou`yun* attendant 1172
fu/ 服药 [食药] xig`yoeg. take medicine 1173
fu/ 服装厂 [服装厂] fug`zong-cong/ clothing factory 1174
fu/ 服装商店 [服装商店] fug`zong-soeng-dim. clothing shop 1175
fu/ 复习功课 [温书] wan-xu- review lessons 1176
fu/ 茯苓 [茯苓] fug`ling* fuling(Poris cocos) 1177
fu> 斧头 [斧头] fu/tao* axe 1178
fu` 腐乳 [腐乳] fu`yu" beancurd 1179
fu` 副本 [副本] fu.bun/ duplicate; 1180
fu` 副主席 [副主席] fu.ju/jig` vice-chairman 1181
fu` 复习 [复习] fug-zab` review 1182
fu` 复印 [复印] fug-yan. reduplicate 1183?
fu` 复印机 [复印机] fug-yan.gei- duplicator 1184
fu` 付款 [付款] fu`fun/ pay money 1185
fu` 付了钱 [畀咗钱] bei/zo/qin*/ have paid money 1186
fu` 付钱 [畀钱] bei/qin*/ pay money 1187
fu` 父亲(指称)[老窦] lou"dao` father 1188
fu` 附近 [左近] zo/gan/ nearby 1189
fu` 附近 [附近] fu`gan`/ nearby 1190
fu` 附近 [周围] zao-wai* nearby 1191
fu` 附录 [附录] fu`lug` appendix (to a book) 1192
fu` 附议 [附议] fu`yi" support a proposal 1193
fu` 妇科 [妇科] fu"fo- department of gynae- 1194
fu` cology 0
fu` 妇联 [妇联] fu`loen` the Women's Federa- 1195
fu` tion 0
ga- 夹肢窝 [胳勒-底] gAg.lag-dai/ armpit 1194
ga- 咖喱 [咖喱粉] ga-lei-fan/ curry powder 1195
ga- 咖喱 [咖喱] ga.lei- curry 1196
gai- 该死 [抵死] dai/sei/ dammed;oh,no 1197
ga- 真该死 [真抵死] zan-dai/sei/ Oh,no 1198
gai> 改 [改] goi/ change 1199
gai> 改变 [改变] goi/bin. change 1200
gai> 改天 [第日] dAi-`yad` another day 1201
gai> 改天见 [第日见] dAi-`yad`gin. See you some day. 1202
gai> 改天谈吧 [第日倾啦] dAi-`yad`king-la- talk another day 1203
gai> 改天再来 [第日再嚟] dAi-`yad`zoi.lai* come some day 1204
gai> 改正错误 [补镬]HG bou/wog` correct mistakes 1205
gai> 改锥 [士巴拿] xi`ba-na/ spana 1206
gai` 盖 [盖] goi. cap;lid;cover 1207
gai` 瓶盖 [瓶盖] ping*goi. lig of a bottle 1208?
gai` 茶壶盖 [茶壶盖] ca*wu*goi. teapot lid 1209
gai` 膝盖 [膝头哥] sad-tao*go- kneel 1210
gai` 盖被子 [冚被] kam/pei" put a quilt on 1211
gai` 盖房子 [起屋] hei/ug- build a house 1212
gai` 盖住 [冚住] kam/ju` cover with 1213
gan- 干 [干] gon- dry 1214
gan- 干杯 [干杯] gon-bui- cheer 1215
gan- 干菜 [菜干] coi.gon- dried vegetable 1216
gan- 干干净净 [干干净净] gon-gon-zEng`zEng` very clean 1217
gan- 干净 [干净] gon-zEng` clean;nead and tidy 1218
gan- 干净利索 [干净企理] gon-zEng`kei"lei" clean and neat 1219
gan- 干涉 [干涉] gon-xib` interfer 1220
gan- 干燥 [干] gon- dry 1221
gan- 甘薯 [番薯] fAn-xu*/ sweet potato 1222
gan- 甘蔗 [甘蔗] gam-zE. sugarcane 1223
gan- 肝炎 [肝炎] gon-yim* hapatitis 1224
gan- 肝脏 [肝] gon- liver 1225
gan> 赶不上 [赶唔上] gon/m*soeng` cannot catch up 1226
gan> 赶车 [赶住搭车] gon/ju`dAb.cE- hurry to catch a car 1227
gan> 赶回去 [赶翻去] gon/fAn-hoeu. hurry to go back 1228
gan> 赶工 [赶工] gon/gung- hurry to get work on 1229
gan> time 0
gan> 赶快 [快] fAi-. hurry up 1230
gan> 赶快 [快脆] fAi-.coeu. Be quick! 1231
gan> 赶时间 [赶时间] gon/xi*gAn. hurry up 1232
gan> 感到 [感到] gam/dou. feel 1233
gan> 感到不安 [感到不安] gam/dou.bad-on- feel uneasy 1234
gan> 感激不尽 [感激不尽] gam/gig-bad-zoen` be extremely grateful 1235
gan> 感冒 [感冒] gam/mou` 1.cold;flu;2.catch 1236
gan> cold 0?
gan> 感情 [感情] gam/qing* 1.emotion;sentiment; 1237
gan> 2.affection 0
gan> 感情流露 [感情流露] gam/qing*lao*lou` review one's feelings 1238
gan> 感情很深 [感情好深] gam/qing*hou/san- have deep love 1239
gan> 感叹 [感叹] gam/tAn. sign with emotion 1240
gam> 感叹号 [感叹号] gam/tan.hou` exclamation mark 1241
gan> 感叹句 [感叹句] gam/tAn.goeu. exclamation sentence 1242
gan> 感谢 [感谢] gam/zE` thank 1243
gan> 橄榄 [白榄] bAg`lAm" olive 1244
gan- 干杯 [饮胜] yam/xing. Toast! 1245
gan` 干部 [干部] gon.bou` cadre 1246
gan` 干活儿 [打工] da/gung- do a job 1247
gan` 干吗 [做乜] zou`mad- why 1248
gan` 干吗 [点解] dim/gAi/ why 1249
gan` 干吗 [做乜嘢] zou`mad-ye" why 1250
gan` 干吗这么急[咁急做乜嘢] gam.gab-zou`mad-ye" why do you hurry 1251
gang- 刚才1 [正话] jing.wa` just now 1252
gang- 刚才2 [头先] tao*xin- a moment ago 1253
gang- 刚刚1 [啱啱] ngAm-ngAm- just 1254
gang- 刚刚走了 [啱啱走咗] ngAm-ngAm-zao/zo/ have just gone away 1255
gang- 刚刚一杯 [啱啱一杯] ngam-ngam-yad-bui- just a cup 1256
gang- 刚好 [啱好] ngAm-hou/ just 1257
gang- 刚卖完 [啱啱卖晒] ngAm-ngAm-mAi-`sAi-. havejust sold out 1258
gang- 钢 [钢] gong. steel 1259
gang- 钢铁 [钢铁] gong.tid. steel and iron 1260
gang- 钢笔1 [钢笔] gong.bad- fountain pen 1261
gang- 钢笔2 [墨水笔] mag`soeu/bad- fountain pen 1262
gang- 钢琴 [钢琴] gong.kam* piano 1263
gang- 缸 [缸] gong- vase 1264
gang> 港商 [香港商人] hoeng-gong/soeng-yan* businessmen from 1265
gang> Hong Kong 0
gang> 港币 [港纸] gong/ji/ Hong Kong currency 1266
gao- 高 [高] gou- high;tall 1267
gao- 高傲 [扮箍] bAn`ku- arrogant 1268
gao- 高跟鞋 [高踭鞋] gou-zAng-hAi* high-heeled shoes 1269
gao- 高见 [高见] gou-gin. your opinion 1270
gao- 高考 [高考] gou-hAo/ National College 1271
gao- Entrance Examination 0
gao- 高粱 [高粱] gou-loeng* kaoliang;Chinese sur- 1272
gao- ghum 0
gao- 高楼 [高楼] gou-lao* high building 1273
gao- 高山 [高山] gou-sAn- high mountain 1274
gao- 高烧 [高烧] gou-xiu- high fever 1275
gao- 高速 [高速] gou-cug- high speed 1276
gao- 高速公路 [高速公路] gou-cug-gung-lou` expressway;free way 1277
gao- 高速滑车1 [高速滑车] gou-cug-wAd`cE- high-speed pulley 1278
gao- 高速滑车2 [爬山车] pa*sAn-cE- pulley 1279
gao- 高温 [高温] gou-wan- high temperature 1280
gao- 高兴1 [高兴] gou-hing. glad 1281
gao- 高兴2 [欢喜] fun-hei/ glad 1282
gao- 高血压 [高血压] gou-hyud.Ad. high blood pressure 1283
gao- 高中生 [高中生] gou-zung-sang- high school pupil 1284
gao- 高足 [高足] gou-zug- your pupil 1285
gao- 膏药 [膏药] gou-yoeg` plaster;patch 1286
gao- 糕 [糕] gou- cake 1287
gao- 糕点 [糕点] gou-dim/ cake;pastry 1288
gao> 搞 [搞] gAo/ do;carry on 1289
gao> 搞错了 [搞错咗] gAo/co.zo/ mistaken 1290
gao> 搞混 [捞乱] lou-lyun` confuse 1291
gao> 搞好 [搞好] gAo/hou/ do well;make a good 1292
gao> job of 0
gao> 搞好团结 [搞好团结] gAo/hou/tyun*gid. strengthen unity 1293
gao> 稿纸 [稿纸] gou/ji/ standardized writing 1294
gao> paper 0
gao` 告别1 [辞行] qi*hAng* bid farewell to 1295
gao` 告别2 [告别] gou.bid` leave;part from 1296
gao` 告诉1 [话] wa` tell 1297
gao` 告诉2 [话...知] wa`...ji- tell sb. about 1298
gao` 告诉3 [话畀...知] wa`bei/...ji- tell sb. about 1299
ge- 哥哥1 [阿哥] a.go- elder brother 1300
ge- 哥哥2 [哥哥] go*go- elder brother 01
ge- 哥哥3 [大佬] dAi `lou"/ elder brother 1302
ge- 歌儿 [歌仔] go-zai/ song 1303
ge- 歌剧 [歌剧] go-kEg. opera 1304
ge- 歌舞厅 [歌舞厅] go-mou"tEng- song and dance hall 1305
ge- 歌星 [歌星] go-xing- singing star 1306
ge- 鸽子 [白鸽] bAg`gAb./ pigeon;dove 1307
ge- 胳膊 [手臂] sao/bei` arm 1308
ge- 割 [割] god. cut 1309
ge- 割稻子 [割禾] god.wo* harvest rice 1310
ge/ 格外 [零舍] ling*sE. exordinarily 1311
ge/ 隔壁1 [隔篱屋] gAg.lei*ug- neigbour 1312
ge/ 隔壁2 [隔篱] gAg.lei* neigbour 1313
ge` 各位 [各位] gog.wai/ everybody 1314
gei> 给 [畀] bei/ give 1315
gei> 给我一杯茶[畀杯茶我] bei/bui-ca*ngo" Give me a cup pf tea. 1316
gen- 一根甘蔗 [一辘蔗] yad-lug-ze/ a sugar cane 1317
gen- 一根针 [一眼针] yAd-ngAn"zam- a needle 1318
gen- 一根烟 [一口烟] yAd-hao/yin- a cigarrette 1319
gen- 根本 [根本] gan-bun/ fundamental 1320
gen- 跟我很熟 [同我好熟] tung*ngo"hou/sug` familiar with me 1321
gen- 跟着 [跟住] gan-ju` follow 1322
gong- 工厂 [厂] cong/ factory 1323
gong- 工程 [工程] gung-qing* project 1324
gong- 工程师 [工程师] gung-qing*xi- engineer 1325
gong- 工商银行 [工商银行] gung-soeng-ngan*hong/ industrial and com- 1326
gong- mercial bank 0
gong- 工头 [科文]HG fo-man* foreman 1327
gong- 工资 [人工] yan*gung- rage;salary 1328
gong- 工资低 [人工An-] yan*gung-An- have low salary 1329
gong- 工作1 [做嘢] zou`ye" work;do a job 1330
gong- 工作2 [工作] gung-zog. work;job 1331
gong- 工作出差错[出猫]HG coed-mAo- make mistake in work 1332
gong- 工作服 [工作服] gung-zog.fug` work clothes;boiler 1333?
gong- suit 0
gong- 攻读 [攻读] gung-dug` diligently study 1334
gong- 攻读博士 [攻读博士 gong-du/bog.xi` study for the doctor's 1335
gong- 学位 学位] uog`wei` degree 0
gong- 恭贺新禧 [恭贺新禧] gung-ho`san-hei. Happy New Year 1336
gong- 恭贺 [恭贺] gung-ho` congradulate 1337
gong- 恭敬 [恭敬] gung-ging. respectful 1338
gong- 恭喜 [恭喜] gung-hei/ congratulate 1339
gong- 恭喜发财 [恭喜发财] gung-hei/fAd.coi* May you be pro- 1340
gong- sperous! 0
gong- 供应 [供应] gung.ying. supply;provide 1341
gong- 公秤 [公秤] gung-qing. public steelyard 1342
gong- 公德 [公德] gung-dag- social morality 1343
gong- 公公 [家公] ga-gung- husbabd's father 1344
gong- 公共 [公共] gung-gung` common 1345
gong- 公共场所 [公共场所] gung-gung`coeng*so/ public place 1346
gong- 公共汽车1 [巴士] HG ba-xi/ bus 1347
gong- 公共汽车2 [公共汽车] gung-gung`hei.cE- bus 1348
gong- 公狗 [狗公] gao/gung- dog 1349
gong- 公函 [公函] gung-hAm* official letter 1350
gong- 公猴 [马骝公] ma"lao-gung- male monkey 1351
gong- 公鸡1 [生鸡] sAng-gai- cock 1352
gong- 公鸡2 [鸡公] gai-gung- cock ;rooster 1353
gong- 公斤 [公斤] gung-gan- kilogram 1354
gong- 公历 [新历] san-lig` Gregorian calender 1355
gong- 公路 [公路] gung-lou` high way 1356
gong- 公猫 [猫公] mAo-gung- male cat 1357
gong- 公牛1 [牛牯] ngao*gu- bull 1358
gong- 公牛2 [牛公] ngao*gung- bull 1359
gong- 公事公办 [公事公办] gung-xi`gung-bAn` do official business 1360
gong- according to official 0
gong- principles 0
gong- 公司 [公司] gung-xi- company 1361
gung- 公羊 [羊牯] yoeng*gu- ram 1362
gong- 公用 [公用] gung-yung` for public use 1363
gong- 公用电话 [公用电话] gung-yung`din`wa/ public telephone 1364
gong- 公园 [公园] gung-yun*/ park 1365
gong- 公猪 [猪郎] ju-long*/ boar 1366
gou- 钩子 [钩] ngao- hook 1367
gou- 勾引男人1 [蒸生瓜]HG jing-sAng-gwa- seduce men 1368
gou- 勾引男人2 [抛生藕]HG pAo-sAng-ao" seduce men 1369
gou` 购物1 [购物] kao.mad` purchase 1370
gou` 购物2 [买嘢] mAi-"ye" purchase 1371
gou` 力气不够 [唔够力] m*gao.lig` not enough strength 1372
gou` 够刺激 [够刺激] gao.qi.gig- enough simulation 1373
gou` 够份量 [畀足分量] bei/zug-fen`loeng` give full measure 1374
gou` 够了 [够咯] gao.lo. enough 1375
gu- 姑父 [姑丈] gu-zoeng`/ husband of one's 1376
gu- father's sister;uncle 0
gu- 姑姑(未婚)[姑姐] gu-zE- father's younger 1377
gu- sister (unmarried) 0
gu- 姑妈 [姑妈] gu-ma- aunt 1378
gu- 姑母 [姑妈] gu-ma- aunt 1379
gu- 湖南姑娘 [湖南妹] vu*nam*mui- girl from Hunan 1380
gu> 估价 [估价] gu/ga. evalue 1381
gu> 鼓励 [鼓励] gu/lai` encourage 1382
gu> 古迹 [古迹] gu/jig- historic site 1383
gu> 古人 [古人] gu/yan* anciant people 1384
gu> 骨 [骨] gwad- bone 1385
gu> 骨折 [骨折] gwad-jid. tracture 1386
gu> 稻谷 [谷] gug- unhusked rice 1387
gu> 谷子 [粟] sug- millet 1388
gu> 股份 [股份] gu/fan/ share;stock 1389
gu` 故事 [古仔] gu/zai/ story 1390
gu` 故事 [故事] gu.xi` story 1391
gu` 故意 [特登] dag`dang- on purpose 1392
gu` 故意骗你 [特登呃你] dag`dang- ngag-nei. cheat you on purpose 1393
gu` 故意为难 [特登为难] dag`dang-wai*nAn* make things difficult 1394
gu` with sb.on purpose 0
gu` 固执 [硬颈] ngAng`gEng/ subborn 1395
gua- 刮风(大风)[打风] da/fung- (of the wind)blow 1396
gua- hard 0
gua- 刮风(小风)[翻风] fAn-fung- (of the wind) blow 1397
gua- 刮脸 [刮面] gwAd.min` shave 1398
gua- 刮台风 [打台风] da/toi*fung- (of typhone)blow hard 1399
gua> 寡妇 [寡母婆] gwa/mou"po* widow 1400
gua` 挂 [挂] gwa. hang 1401
gua` 挂掉电话 [收线]HG sao-xin. hang up the telephone 1402
gua` 挂断电话 [放低电话] fong.dai-din`wa/ hang up the telephone 1403
gua` 挂号处 [挂号处] gwa.hou`qu. registration office 1404
gua` 挂心 [挂心] gwa.sam- worry about 1405
guai- 乖巧的妹妹[乖妹] gwAi-mui- clever girl 1406
guai- 乖巧的女孩[乖女] gwai-noeu/ clever girl 1407
guai- 乖巧的女孩[乖妹] gwAi-mui- clever girl 1408
guai> 拐弯 [转弯] jun.wAn- turn a corner 1409
guai> 拐弯处 [转角处] jun/gog.qu. corner 1410
guai> 拐弯那里 [转角嗰度] jun/gog.go/dou` at the corner 1411
guai> 拐杖1 [士的] xi`dig- stick 1412
guai> 拐杖2 [拐杖] gwAi/zoeng/ stick 1413
guai` 怪(责怪) [怪] gwAi. blame;accuse ;remon-- 1414
guai` strate;reproach 0
guai` 怪不得 [唔怪得] m*gwAi.dag- not take offence;not 1415
guai` to blame 0
guai` 不要怪他 [唔好怪佢] m*hou/gwAi.koeu. Don't blame him. 1416
guan- 棺材 [棺材] gun-coi* coffin 1417
guan- 关 [闩] sAn- close;shut 1418
guan- 关 [关] gwAn- close ;shut 1419
guan- 关窗 [闩窗] sAn-coeng- close the window 1420
guan- 关节炎 [关节炎] gwAn-jid.yim* arthritis 1421
guan- 关紧点儿 [闩实啲] sAn-sad`di- close tightly 1422
guan- 关门1 [关门] gwAn-mun* close the door 1423
guan- 关门2 [闩门] sAn-mun* close the door 1424
guan- 关系 [关系] gwAn-hai` relation 1425
guan- 关心 [关心] gwAn-sam- concern about 1426
guan- 关照 [关照] gwAn-jiu. care of 1427
guan- 关于 [关于] gwAn-yu. about;on;concerning 1428
guan- 观光 [观光] gun-gwong- sight-seeing 1429
guan> 管理 [打理]HG da/lei" manage 1430
guan` 罐子 [罐] gun. jar;pot;tin 1431
guan` 惯例 [例牌] lai`pAi/ convention;usual 1432
guan` practice 0
guang- 光顾 [帮衬] bong-can. patronize;honor with 1433
guang- 光临 [光临] gwong-lam* presence (of a guest) 1434
guang> 广播 [广播] gwong/bo. broadcasting 1435
guang> 广场 [广场] gwong/coeng* squre 1436
guang> 广东 [广东] gwong/dung- Guangdong,Canton 1437
guang> 广东人 [广东人] gwong/dung-yan* Cantonese 1438
guang> 广柑 [橙] cAng*/ madarine;orange 1439
guang> 广告 [广告] gwong/gou. advertisement 1440
guang> 广义 [广义] gwong/yi` broad sense 1441 1441
guang> 广州 [广州] gwong/zao- Guangzhou 1442
guang> 广州话 [广州话] gwong/zao-wa/ Cantonese 1443
guang` 逛逛 [行下] hAng*ha" roam about 1444
guang` 逛花市 [行花街] hang*fa-gAi-- go to the flower market445
guang` 逛街 [行街] hang*gAi- stroll around the 1446
guang` street 0
gui- 规定 [规定] kwai-ding` rules and regulations 1447
gui- 规格 [规格] kwai-gag. specifications 1448
gui- 归队 [归队] gwai-doeu/ rejoin one's unit ; 1449
gui- return to one's former 0
gui- proffesion 0
gui` 桂花 [桂花] gwai.fa- osmathus fowers 1450
gui` 鳜鱼 [桂花鱼] gwai.fa-yu/ madarin fish 1451
gui` 桂圆 [龙眼] lung*ngAn/ longan 1452
gui` 柜台 [柜台] gwai`toi/ (sales) counter 1453
gui` 柜子 [柜] gwai` cupboard 1454
gui` 贵 [贵] gwai. expensive 1455
gui` 贵姓 [贵姓] gwai.xing. your surname 1456
gui` 贵重 [贵重] gwai.zung` deer 1457
gun> 滚 [滚] gwan/ get out 1458
gun> 滚蛋 [兰-尸吉路] lAn-xi-gad-lou` get out 1459
guo- 锅 [膨-] pAng- pot 1460
guo- 锅 [镬] wog` wok 1461
guo- 锅 [煲] bou- pot 1462
guo- 锅铲 [镬铲] wog`cAn/ slice 1463
guo/ 国际 [国际] gwog.zai. international 1464
guo/ 国际电报 [国际电报] gwog.zai.din`bou. international telegram 1465
guo/ 国家 [国家] gwog.ga- nation;country 1466
guo/ 国内 [国内] gwog.noi` inland 1467
guo/ 国内电报 [国内电报] gwog.noi`din`bou. inland telegram 1468
guo/ 国庆 [国庆] gwog.hing. National Day 1469
guo/ 国庆节 [国庆节] gwog.hing.jid. National Day 1470
guo> 果酱 [果酱] gwo/zoeng. jam 1471
guo> 果皮 [果皮] gwo/pei* fruit peel 1472
guo> 果肉 [果肉] gwo/yug` fresh of fruit;pulp 1473
guo> 果子冻 [者喱] zE-lei/ jelly 1474
guo` 过年 [过年] gwo. nin* celebrate the New Year 1475
guo` (or the Spring Festival) 1590
guo` 过冬 [过冬] gwo.dung- spend winter 1476
guo` 过分 [过分] gwo.fan` going too far;excessive1477
guo` 过河 [过河] gwo.ho* cross a river 1478
guo` 过江 [过海] gwo.hoi/ cross a river 1479
guo` 过奖 [过奖] gwo.zoeng/ overpraise;flatter 1480
guo` 过来 [过嚟] gwo.lai* come over 1481
guo` 过两天 [过两日] gwo.loeng"yad` two days later 1482
guo` 过了 [过咗] gwo.zo/ pass 1483
guo` 过去 [过去](动词) gwo.hoeu. past 1484
guo` 过去的 [旧时嘅] gao`xi*gE. past 1485
guo` 过去了 [过去嘞] gwo.heu.lAg. have passed 1486
guo` 过时间 [过钟] gwo.zung- overtime 148
guo` 过一段时间[过一排] gwo.yad-pAi-* sometime later 1488
guo` 过一会儿 [过一阵间] gwo.yad-zan`gAn- a moment later 1489
ha- 哈尔滨 [哈尔滨] ha-yi"ban- Harbin 1490
ha- 哈密瓜 [哈密瓜] ha-mad`gwa- Hami melon 1491
hai/ 还 [仲] zung` still 1492
hai/ 还不够 [仲未够] zung`mei`gao. still not enough 1493
hai/ 还过得去 [嘛嘛哋] ma*ma/dei/ passable;not too bad 1494
hai/ 还可以 [嘛嘛哋] ma*ma/dei/ passable;not too bad 1495
hai/ 还没有 [未] mei` not yet 1496
hai/ 还没有 [仲冇] zung`mou" not yet 1497
hai/ 还没有.. [仲未] zung`mei` not yet 1498
hai/ 还是1 [仲系] zung`hai` be still 1499
hai/ 是...还是 [系...定系 hai`...ding`hai` be.. .or.. 1500
hai/ 还是2 [抑或] yig-wAg` be....or... 1501
hai/ 还是3 [定系] ding`hai` be...,or... 1502
hai/ 煮还是蒸 [煮定蒸] ju/ding`jing- cook rice or steam it 1503
hai/ 还是去好 [仲系去好] zung`hai`hoeu.la- You had better go 1504
hai/ there.
hai/ 还要去 [仲要去] zung`yiu.hoeu. still need to go there 1505
hai/ 还有一支笔[仲有一支笔] zung`yao" yad-ji-bad- still have a pen 1506
hai> 海 [海] hoi/ sea 1507
hai> 海边 [海边] hoi/bin- seaside 1508
hai> 海关 [海关] hoi/gwAn- customhouse;customs 1509
hai> 海军 [海军] hoi/gwan- navy 1510
hai> 海里 [咪] mai- mile 1511
hai> 海南省 [海南省] hoi/nAm*sAng/ Hainan Province 1512
hai> 海味 [海味] hoi/mei` choice seafood;seafood 1513
hai> 海鲜 [海鲜] hoi/xin- seafood 1514
hai> 海珠广场 [海珠广场] hoi/ju-gwong/coeng* Haizhu Square 1515
hai` 害怕 [慌] fong- be afraid of 1516
hai` 害怕 [惊] gEng- be afraid of 1517
hai` 害羞 [怕丑] pa.cao/ be bashful;be shy 1518
han/ 含 [含] ham* contain 1519
han/ 寒露风 [寒露风] hon*lou`fung- wind during the Cold 1520
han/ Dew 0
han/ 寒喧 [寒喧] hon*xun- exchange conversa- 1521
han/ tional greetings 0
han> 喊 [喊] hAm. shout 1522
han> 喊 [嗌] Ai. shout 1523
han> 喊几声 [嗌几声] ngAi.gei/sEng- shout a few words 1524
han` 旱冰鞋 [雪屐] xud.kEg` roller skates 1525
han` 汗 [汗] hon` sweat 1526
han` 汗衫 [底衫] dai/sAm- underwear;underclothes 1527
han` 汉语 [汉语] hon.yu" Chinese language 1528
hang/ 航海 [航海] hong*hoi/ navigation 1529
hang/ 航空 [航空] hong*hung- aviation 1530
hang/ 航空公司 [航空公司] hong*hung-gung-xi- airline company 1531
hang` 上午 [上昼] soeng`zao. morning 1532
hao/ 蚝油 [蚝油] hou*yao* oyster sauce 1533
hao> 好 [好] hou/ 1.good;2.well 1534
hao> 好,没问题 [好,冇问题 hou/mou"man`tai* OK. No problem. 1535
hao> 好办 [好办] hou/ban` easy to handle 1536
hao> 好办法 [好计] hou/gai/ good idea 1537
hao> 好不好 [好唔好] hou/m*hou/ good or not 1538
hao> 好不好吃 [好唔好食呢] hou/m*hou/xig`nE- Is it delicious or 1539
hao> not?
hao> 好不好看 [好唔好睇] hou/m*hou/tai/ Is it beautiful or not?1540
hao> 好吃 [好食] hou/xig` delicious 1541
hao> 好处 [好处] hou/qu. benefit 1542
hao> 好点儿 [好啲] hou/di- better 1543
hao> 好东西 [正嘢] zEng.ye" good articles 1544
hao> 好好干吧 [畀心机做啦] bei/sam-gei-zou`la- do it attentively 1545
hao> 好坏各半 [有辣有唔辣] yao"lAd`yao"m*lAg` half good and half bad 1546
hao> 好极了1 [鬼咁好] gwai/gam.hou/ wonderful 1547
hao> 好极了2 [好到极] hou/dou.gig` wonderful;excellent 1548
hao> 好几种 [好几种] hou/gei/zung/ severy kinds of 1549
hao> 好看 [好睇] hou/tai/ good-looking 1550
hao> 好莱坞 [荷里活] ho*lei"wud` Holywood 1551
hao> 您好 [你好] nei"hou/ How do you do? 1552
hao> 好了没有 [好咗未呀] hou/zo/mei`a. Has he recovered? 1553
hao> 好吗 [好吗] hou/ma. Is it OK? 1554
hao> 好吗 [好唔好呢] hou/m*hou/nE- Is it OK? 1555
hao> 好起来 [好起嚟] hou/hei/lai* be getting better 1556
hao> 好人 [好人] hou/yan* a nice person 1557
hao> 好说好说 [好话好话] hou/wa`hou/wa` OK 1558
hao> 好说歹说 [讲尽好话] gong-zoen`hou/wa/ try every possible way 1559
hao> to persuade sb. 0
hao> 好玩 [好玩] hou/wAn/ amusing;interesting 1560
hao> 好像 [好似] hou/qi" seem;be like 1561
hao> 好些 [好啲] hou/di- better 1562
hao> 好心没好报[好心冇好报] hou/sam-mou"hou/bou. get no thanks for 1563
hao> one's good intentions 0
hao> 好走 [好声行] hou/sEng-hAng* good-bye 1564
hao> 好的 [好呃] hou/Ag. OK 1565
hao` 好高骛远 [好高骛远] hou.gou-mou`yun" aim too high 1566
hao` 好管闲事 [诸事理] ju-xi`lei" meddlesome;officious 1567
hao` 好奇 [好奇] hou.kei* be curious 1568
hao` 号 [号] hou` number 1569
hao` 号码 [号码] hou`ma" number 1570
hao` 后母 [后母] hao`mou" stepmother 1571
he- 喝 [饮] yam/ drink 1572
he- 喝杯茶 [饮杯茶] yam/bui-ca* have a cup of tea 1573
he- 喝杯啤酒 [饮翻杯啤酒] yam/fAn-bui-bE-zao/ drink a cup of beer 1574
he- 喝茶 [饮茶] yam/ca* drink tea 1575
he- 喝点儿水 [饮啲水] yam/di-soeu/ druk some water 1576
he- 喝过 [饮] yam/ drink 1577
he- 喝了 [饮咗] yam/zo/ have drunk... 1578
he- 喝点汤吧 [饮啲汤啦] yam/di-tong-la- Have simesoup. 1579
he/ 荷花 [荷花] ho*fa- lotus flower 1580
he/ 荷叶 [荷叶] ho*yib` lotus leaf 1581
he/ 和1 [同埋] tung*mAi* and 1582
he/ 和2 [同] tung* and 1583
he/ 和3 [夹埋] gAb.mAi* and 1584
he/ 和平 [和平] wo*ping* peace 1585
he/ 和平饭店 [和平饭店] wo*ping*fAn`dim. Peace Hotel 1586
he/ 和气 [和气] wo*hei. gentle;polite;amiable 1587
he/ 和我合影 [孖我合影] ma-ngo"hab`ying/ take a group picture 1588
he/ together with me 0
he/ 和我一起 [同我一齐] tung*ngo"yad-cai* together with me 1589
he/ 何必 [何必] ho*bid- there is no need;why 1590
he/ 何先生 [何先生] ho*xin-sang- Mr. He 1591
he/ 合格 [合格] hab`gAg. qualified;up to stan- 1992
he/ dard 0
he/ 合家 [合家] hab`ga- the whole family 1593
he/ 合家欢乐 [合家快乐] hab`ga-fAi.log` I wish you and all 1594
he/ your family happiness. 0
he/ 合理地 [合理噉] hab`lei"gam/ rational;reasonable 1595
he/ 合上 [合埋] hab`mAi* close 1596
he/ 把书合上 [合埋本书] hab`mAi*bun/xu- Close your book. 1597
he/ 合身1 [啱身] ngAm-san- the dress suits sb. 1598
he/ 合身2 [合身] hab`san- the dress suits sb. 1599
he/ 合适 [啱] ngAm- suitable 1600
he/ 合适不合适[啱唔啱] ngAm-m*ngAm- suitable or not 1601
he/ 合算(指吃)[抵食] dai/xig` be worthwhile 1602
he/ 合同 [合同] hab`tung* contract 1603
he/ 合同的条文[合同嘅条文] hab`tung*gE.tiu*man* artcles of a contract 1604
he/ 合心意 [啱心水] ngAm-sam-yi. suit sb. well 1605
he/ 合意 [啱] ngAm- suitable 1606
he/ 合影 [合影] hab`ying/ 1.take a group photo 1607
he/ 2.group photo 0
he/ 合资 [合资经营] hab`ji-*ging-ying* jointly operated 1608
he/ 合作1 [合作] hab`zog. cooperation 1609
he/ 合作2 [拍档] pAg.dong. cooperate 1610
he/ 合作社 [合作社] hab`zog.sE" cooperative ;co-op 1611
he/ 一盒蛋糕 [一盒蛋糕] yad-hab.dAn`gou- a box of egg-cakes 1612
he/ 一盒胶卷 [一筒菲林] yad-tung*gAo-gyun/ a box of films 1613
he/ 盒饭 [盒仔饭] hab`zai/fAn` box lunch 1614
he/ 盒子 [盒] hab` box 1615
he/ 河 [河] ho* river 1616
he/ 蟹 [蟹] hAi/ crab 1617
he` 喝倒彩 [拆台]HG cAi-toi* hoot; make catcalls 1618
he` 贺年片 [贺年咭] ho`nin*kAd- New Year card 1619
he` 贺卡 [贺咭] ho`kAd- greeting card 1620
hei- 黑 [黑] hag- black 1621
hei- 黑白电视 [黑白电视] hag-bag`din`xi` black and white 1622
hei- TV set 0
hei- 黑白胶卷 [黑白菲林] hag-bag`fei-lam/ black and white film 1623
hei- 黑板 [黑板] hAg-ban/ blackboard 1624
hei- 黑色 [黑色] hag-xig- dark colour 1625
hei- 黑色皮鞋 [黑色皮鞋] hag-xig-pei*hAi* black leather shoos 1626
hen> 很 [好] hou/ very 1627
hen> 很高兴 [好高兴] hou/gou-hing. be very glad 1628
hen> 很白 [白白] bAg/bAg` very white 1629
hen> 很长1 [好长] hou/coeng* very long 1630
hen> 很长2 [长长] coeng/coeng* very long 1631
hen> 很对1 [好啱] hou/ngAm- very right 1632
hen> 很对2 [啱晒嘞] ngAm-sAi.lAg. very right 1633
hen> 很多1 [大把] dAi`ba/ a lot of 1634
hen> 很多2 [好多] hou/do- many;much 1635
hen> 很多东西 [大把嘢] dAi`ba/ye" a lot of articles 1636
hen> 很好 [好好] hou/hou/ very good 1637
hen> 很红 [红红] hung/hung* very red 1638
hen> 很久 [好耐] hou/noi` very long time 1639
hen> 很久不见 [好耐唔见] hou/noi`m*gin. long time no see 1640
hen> 很久没见 [好耐冇见] hou/noi`mou"gin. long time no see 1641
hen> 很久以前 [好耐以前] hou/noi`yi"qin* long long ago 1642
hen> 很快 [好快] hou/fAi. very soon 1643
hen> 很凉 [凉凉] loeng/loeng* very cool 1644
hen> 很吝啬 [算死草] xun.sei/cou/ very stingy 1645
hen> 很忙 [好忙] hou/mong* very busy 1646
hen> 很难1 [几难] gei/nAn* very difficult 1647
hen> 很难2 [好难] hou/nAn* very difficult 1648
hen> 很难接受 [好难接受] gei/nAn*jib`sao` it's hard to accept 1649
hen> 很难说的 [好难讲嘅] hou/nAn*gong/gE. it's hard to say 1650
hen> 很难找的呀[好难揾个啵] gei/nan*wan/go.bo. it's hard to find 1651
hen> 很能办事 [好会办事] hou/wui>bAn`xi` very cabable 1652
hen> 很漂亮 [靓靓] lEng/lEng. very beautiful 1653
hen> 很热 [热热] yid/yid` very hot 1654
hen> 很生气 [好嬲] hou/nao- be very angry 1655
hen> 很喜欢 [好中意] hou/zung-yi. like sb. or sth. very 1656
hen> much 0
hen> 很有兴趣 [好有兴趣] hou/yao"hing.coeu. be very interested in 1657
hen> 很早 [好早] hou/zou/ very early 1658
hen> 很值得做 [认真抵做] ying`zan- dai.zou` be worth doing 1659
hen> 很大 [好大] hou/dAi` very big 1660
hen` 恨 [恨] han` hate 1661
heng/ 横 [横] wAng* horizontal 1662
heng/ 横竖 [横掂] wAng*dim` in any case;anyway 1663
heng/ 横竖要来 [横掂要嚟] wAng*dim`you.lai* will be coming anyway 1664
heng/ 横巷 [横巷] wang*hong`/ horizontal lane 1665
heng/ 横行霸道 [虾虾霸霸] ha-ha-ba.ba. ride roughshod over 1666
hong/ 红 [红] hung* red 1667
hong/ 红包 [利是] lei`xi` red parcel with money 1668
hong/ 红茶 [红茶] hung*ca* black tea 1669
hong/ 红灯 [红灯] hung*dang- red light 1670
hong/ 红楼梦 [红楼梦] hung*lao*mung` A Dream of Red Man- 1671
hong/ sions(or The Story of 0
hong/ the Stone) 0
hong/ Story of the Stone) 0
hong/ 红红 [很红] hung/hung* very red 1672
hong/ 红色 [红色] hung*xig- red colour 1673
hong/ 红星 [红星] hung*xing- red star 1674
hou/ 喉咙 [喉咙] hao*lung* throat 1675
hou/ 猴子 [马骝] ma"lao- monkey 1676
hou` 厚 [厚] hao" thick 1677
hou` 厚薄 [厚薄] hao`bog` thickness 1678
hou` 候车室 [候车室] hao`cE-sad- waiting room 1679
hou` 候机室 [候机室] hao`gei-sad- waiting room 1680
hou` 后悔 [后悔] hao`fui. regret 1681
hou` 后来 [后尾] hao-mei- at last 1682
hou` 后来 [后来] hao`loi* later 1683
hou` 后门 [后门] hao`mun/ 1.back door; 1684
hou` 2.back-door influence 0
hou` 后面 [后便] hao`bin` behind 1685
hou` 后年 [后年] hao`nin*/ the year after next 1686
hou` 后天 [后日] hao`yad` day after tomorrow 1687
hu- 呼吸 [呼吸] fu-kab- breathe 1688
hu/ 核儿 [核] wad` core 1689
hu/ 梨核 [梨核] lei*wad` pear core 1690
hu/ 和牌 [食糊]HG xig`wu* win and complete a set 1691
hu/ of mahjiong 0
hu/ 壶 [壶] wu* kettle 1692
hu/ 胡言乱语 [噏三噏四] ngab-sAm-ngab-sei. talk nonsense 1693
hu/ 蝴蝶 [崩沙] bang-sa- butter-fly 1694
hu/ 糊涂 [懵懂] mung/dung/ muddled;confused 1695
hu/ 湖 [湖] wu* lake 1696
hu/ 湖北姑娘 [湖北妹] wu*bag-mui- a girl from Hubei 1697
hu/ 湖边 [湖边] wu*bin- lakeside 1698
hua- 花 [花] fa- flower 1699
hua- 花菜 [椰菜花] ye*coi.fa- cauliflower 1700
hua- 花费 [花费] fa-fai. expense 1701
hua- 花匠 [花王] fa-wong* gardener 1702
hua- 花瓶 [花樽] fa-zoen- flowervase 1703
hua- 花生 [花生] fa-sAng- peanut 1704
hua- 花市 [花街] fa-gAi- flower market 1705
hua- 花塔 [花塔] fa-tAb. flower tower 1706
hua- 花样 [花臣] fa-san/ variety 1707
hua- 花园 [花园] fa-yun*/ garden;flower garden 1708
hua/ 华侨 [华侨] wa*kiu* overseas Chinese 1709
hua/ 滑雪衫 [太空褛] tAi.hung-lao- ski suit 1710
hua/ 划船 [扒艇] pa*tEng" row a boat 1711
hua/ 划龙舟 [扒龙船] pa*lung*xun* row a dragon boat 1712
hua` 画 [画] wa/ picture;paiting 1713
hua` 画(~画) [画画] wAg`wa/ draw a painting 1714
hua` 画报 [画报] wa`bou. pictorial 1715
hua` 画展 [画展] wa`jin/ art exhubition 1716
hua` 划价 [定价] ding`ga. have a priscription 1717
hua` priced 0
hua` 化纤 [化纤] fa.qim- chemical fibre 1718
hua` 化学 [化学] fa.hog` chemistry 1719
hua` 化雪 [雪融] xud.yung* Snow melts. 1720
hua` 化验 [化验] fa.yim` chemical examination 1721
hua` 化验员 [化验员] fa.yim`yun* laboratory technician 1722
hua` 化验大便 [化验大便] fa.yim`dai`bin` have one's stools 1723
hua` examined 0
hua` 话 [说话] xud.wa` word 1724
hua` 话 [话] wa/ word 1725
hua` 话剧 [话剧] wa/kEg. modern drama;stage 1726
hua` play 0
hua` 话筒 [咪] mai- mike;microphone 1727
huai/ 怀疑 [思疑] xi-yi* doubt 1728
huai/ 怀疑 [怀疑] wAi*yi* doubt 1729
huai/ 淮海路 [淮海路] wAi*hoi/lou` Huaihai Road 1730
huai` 坏 [坏] wAi` bad 1731
huai` 玩具坏了 [玩具烂咗] wun'goeu`lan`zo/ This toy is broken. 1732
huai` 这苹果坏了[个苹果坏咗] go/ping*go/wai`zo/ This apple has gone 1733
huai` bad. 0
huan- 欢迎 [欢迎] fun-ying* welcome 1734
huan/ 环境 [环境] wAn*ging/ circumstance 1735
huan/ 环幕电影 [环形电影] wAn*ying*din`ying/ panorama film ;circu- 1736
huan/ lar movie 0
huan/ 还 [还] wAn* still 1737
huan/ 还给他 [还翻畀佢] wAn*fAn-bei/koeu" return him 1738
huan` 缓急轻重 [缓急轻重] wun`gab-hing-cung" importance and urgency 1739
huan` 换车 [转车] jun/cE- change trains or 1740
huan` buses;transfer to 0
huan` another train or bus 0
huan` 换工作 [转工] jun/gung- change job 1741
huang/ 黄 [黄] wong* yellow 1742
huang/ 黄瓜 [黄瓜] wong*gwa- cucumber 1743
huang/ 黄鱼 [黄鱼] wong*yu/ yellow croaker 1744
huang/ 黄埔 [黄埔] wong*bou. Huangpu(place name) 1745
huang/ 黄色1 [黄色] wong*xig- yellow colour 1746
huang/ 黄色2 [咸湿] hAm*sab- pornographic 1747
huang/ 皇历 [通胜] tung-xing. calendar 1748
hui- 灰尘 [烟尘] yin-can* dirt 1749
hui- 灰心 [灰心] fui-sam- upset 1750
hui- 徽章 [襟章] gam-zoeng- badge 1751
hui- 恢复吃饭 [食翻饭] xig`fAn-fAn` go on having meal 1752
hui/ 两回 [两云] loeng"wan* two times 1753
hui/ 三回 [三轮] sAm-loen* three times 1754
hui/ 回来 [返嚟] fA-lai* come 1755
hui/ 回不回来 [返唔返] fAn-m*fAn- return or not 1756
hui/ 回答 [回答] wui*dAb. answer;reply to 1757
hui/ 回到家里 [返到屋企] fAn-dou.ug-kei/ return home;come home 1758
hui/ 回得来 [返到嚟] fAn-dou/lai* can return back 1759
hui/ 回家 [返屋企] fAn-ug-kei/ go home;come home 1760
hui/ 回来 [返嚟] fAn-lai* come home 1761
hui/ 回来看我 [返嚟探我] fAn-lai*tAm.ngo" return home to visit 1762
hui/ me 0
hui/ 回去 [返去] fAn-hoeu. go back 1763
hui/ 回头再谈 [转头再倾] jun.tao*zoi'king- We'll talk it over 1764
hui/ later 0
hui/ 回头来拿 [转头嚟攞] jun.tao*lai*lo/ I'll take it later. 1765
hui/ 回忆 [回忆] wui*yig- remember 1766
hui` 会 [会] wui" know 1767
hui` 会英语 [识英文] xig-ying-man* know English 1768
hui` 会场 [P 场]HG pi-coeng* meeting place 1769
hui` 会错意 [摆乌龙]HG bAi/wu-lung/ misunderstand 1770
hui` 会合 [会合] wui`hab` meet;converge 1771
hui` 我会来的 [我会嚟嘅] ngo" wui"lai*gE. I will come . 1772
hui` 会听不会说[识听唔识讲] xig-tEng-m*xig-gong/ can understand but 1773
hui` can't speak 0
hui` 会有的 [会有嘅] wui"yao" gE. will have it 1774
hun- 荤菜 [荤菜] fan-coi. meat dish 1775
hun/ 浑身 [周身] zao-san- whole body 1776
hun/ 馄饨 [云吞] wan*tan- wonton 1777
hun/ 馄饨面 [云吞面] wan*tan-min` wonton with noodles 1778
hun` 混入剧场 [打戏钉] da/hei.dEng- sneak into a theatre 1779
huo- 豁嘴 [崩口] HG bang-hao/ harelip 1780
huo/ 活(生存) [生] sAng- live 1781
huo> 火柴 [火柴] fo/cAi*/ match 1782
huo> 火车 [火车] fo/cE- train 1783
huo> 火车到了 [火车到喇] fo/cE- dou.la. Here comes the train. 1784
huo> 火车站 [火车站] fo/cE-zAm` railway station 1785
huo> 火锅 [边炉] bin-lou* chafing dish 1786
huo> 火红的 [火咁红嘅] fo/gam.hung*gE. flaming 1787
huo> 火警 [火警] fo/ging/ fire alarm 1788
huo> 火炉 [火炉] fo/lou* stove 1789
huo> 火灾 [火烛] fo/zug- fire disaster 1790
huo> 伙食 [伙食] fo/xig` mess;food;meals 1791
huo> 伙食费 [伙食费] fo/xig`fai' money spent on meals 1792
huo` 或者1 [定] ding` or 1793
huo` 或者2 [定系] ding`hai` or 1794
huo` 或者3 [或者] wAg`zE/ or 1795
huo` 或者4 [抑或] yig-wAg` or 1796
huo` 货 [货] fo. goods 1797
huo` 货车 [货车] fo.cE- lorry;truck 1798
ji- 机场 [机场] gei-coeng* airport 1799
ji- 机场的出口[机场出口] gei-coeng*.coed-hao/ exit of an airport 1800
ji- 机场的入口[机场入口] gei-coeng*.yab`hao/ entrance of an airport 1801
ji- 机会 [机会] gei-wui` chance 1802
ji- 激动 [肉紧]HG yug`gan/ irrigate 1803
ji- 激光 [激光] leu*sE` laser 1804
ji- 激光唱片 [镭射大碟] leu*sE`dAi`dib` compact disc(CD) 1805
ji- 激光视盘 [激光视盘] gig-gwong-xi`pun* vieo compact disc(VCD) 1806
ji- 鸡 [鸡] gAi- chicken 1807
ji- 鸡腿 [鸡髀] gai-bei/ chicken's leg 1808
ji- 鸡翅膀 [鸡翼] gai-yig` chicken's wings . 1809
ji- 鸡蛋1 [鸡蛋] gai-dan`/ egg 1810
ji- 鸡蛋2 [鸡春] gai-coen- egg 1811
ji- 鸡饭 [鸡饭] gai-fan` cooked rice with 1812
ji- chicken as food 0
ji- 鸡冠 [鸡冠] gai-gun- cockscomb 1813
ji- 鸡臀 [鸡臀] gai-toen* chicken rump 1814
ji- 鸡汤1 [鸡汁] gai-zab- chicken soup 1815
ji- 鸡汤2 [鸡汤] gai-tong- chicken soup 1816
ji- 鸡肉 [鸡肉] gai-yug` chicken as food 1817
ji- 鸡窝 [鸡窦] gai-dao. chicken coop 1818
ji- 鸡爪 [凤爪] fung`zao/ chicken feet 1819
ji- 叽叽喳喳 [八八卦卦] bAd.bAd.gwa.gwa. talk noisely 1820
ji/ ...极了 [...乜嘢咁] mad-ye"gam/ extremely 1821
ji/ [冷极了 [冻到乜嘢咁] lAng.dou.mad-ye"gam/ extremely cold 1822
ji/ 吉他 [吉他] gid.ta- guitar 1823
ji/ 吉祥 [吉祥] gad-coeng* lucky;auspicious 1824
ji/ 极了 [之极] ji-gig` extremely 1825
ji/ 棘手 [棘手] gig-sao/ sticky;tricky;knotty; 1826
ji/ troublesome 0
ji/ 集体 [集体] zab`tai/ collective 1827
ji/ 集邮 [集邮] zab`yao* stamp-collecting
ji/ 集资 [集资] zab`ji- raise money or fund 1828
ji/ 集中 [集中] zab`zung- conc entrate 1829
ji/ 及第 [及第] kab`dai/ pass the imperial 1830
ji/ examnations for civil 0
ji/ servants 0
ji/ 及时 [及时] kab`xi* timely;without delay 1831
ji/ 及早 [及早] kab`zou/ as soon as 1832
ji/ 急 [急] gab- urgent 1833
ji/ 急急忙忙 [擒擒青] kam*kam*cEng- hurriedly 1834
ji/ 急性 [急性] gab-xing. acute 1835
ji/ 急性传染病[急性传染病] gab-xing.qun*yum"bEng`acute infectious 1836
ji/ disease 0
ji> 多少 [几多] gei/do- how many;how much 1837
ji> 挤 [逼] big- crowded 1838
ji> 挤 [逼挟] big-gib` crowdwd 1839
ji> 挤得要命 [逼到飞起] big-dou.fei-hei/ extremely crowded 1840
ji> 几个 [几个] gei/go. several;a few 1841
ji> 几笔生意 [几单生意] gei/dAn-sang-yi. several deals 1842
ji> 几等舱 [几等舱] gei/dang/cong- what class cabin 1843
ji> 几服中药 [几剂中药] gei/zai-zung-yoeg` several doses of 1844
ji> Chinese medicines 0
ji> 几个 [几个] gei/go. several 1845
ji> 几号 [几号] gei/hou` what number 1846
ji> 几号站台 [几号站台] gei/hou`zAm`toi/ what platform 1847
ji> 几句话 [几句话] gei/goeu.wa/ a few words 1848
ji> 几口人 [几个人] gei/go.yan* how many people 1849
ji> 几天 [几日] gei/yad` how many days 1850
ji` 寄 [寄] gei. send 1851
ji` 寄存 [寄存] gei/qun* deposit 1852
ji` 行李寄存处[行李寄存处] hang*lei/gei.qun*qu. checkroom 1853
ji` 寄几封信 [寄几封信] gei.gei/fung-soen. send several letters 1854
ji` 寄信 [寄信] gei.soen. mail a letter 1855
ji` 计程器 [计程器] gai.qing*hei. taximeter 1856
ji` 计划 [计划] gai.wAg` plan 1857
ji` 计划生育 [家计]HG ga-gai. family planning 1858
ji` 计价处 [计价处] gai.ga.qu. pricing section 1859
ji` 计时工资 [计时工资] gai.xi* gung-ji- time wage 1860
ji` 计算机 [计算机] gai.xun.gei- computer 1861
ji` 记录 [记录] gei.lug` record 1862
ji` 记者 [记者] gei.zE/ reporter;correspondent 1863
ji` 记住 [记住] gei.ju` keep in mind 1864
ji` 记住 [记得] gei.dag- remember 1865
ji` 妓院 [架步]HG ga.bou` brothel 1866
ji` 继续 [继续] gai.zug` go on;continue 1867
ji` 继续谈 [继续斟] gai.zug`zam- go on negotiation 1868
ji` 纪念 [纪念] gei/nim` in memory of 1869
ji` 纪念品 [纪念品] gei/nim`ban/ commemorative articles 1870
ji` 纪念堂 [纪念堂] gei/nim`tong* memorial hall 1871
ji` 暨南大学 [暨南大学] kei-nAm*dAi`hog` Jinan University 1872
ji` 鲫鱼 [鲫鱼] zag-yu*/ crucian carp 1873
jia- 夹菜 [夹菜] gAb.coi' pick up food with 1874
jia- chopsticks 0
jia- 夹伤了手 [夹损只手] gib`xun/zEg.sao/ hurt one's hand by 1875
jia- pressing them from 0
jia- both sides 0
jia- 家里 [屋企] ug-kei/ at home 1876
jia- 一家商店 [一间商店] yad-gAn-soeng-dim. a shop;a store 1877
jia- 家大业大 [家业富裕] ga-yib`fu`yu` have rich family 1878
jia- property 0
jia- 家电 [家电] ga-din` electrical home appli- 1879
jia- ances 0
jia- 家具 [家私] ga-xi- furniture 1880
jia- 家具店 [家私店] ga-xi-dim. furniture shop 1881
jia- 家里人 [屋企人] ug-kei/yan* family member 1882
jia- 家属 [家属] ga-sug` family member 1883
jia- 加 [加] ga- add 1884
jia- 加班 [加班] ga-bAn- work overtime 1885
jia- 加点水吧 [加啲水添啦] ga-di-soeu/tim-la- add more water 1886
jia/ 夹袄 [夹衫] gAb.sAm- lined jacket 1887
jia/ 夹袄 [夹衲] gAb.nAb` lined jacket 1888
jia/ 夹克 [机恤] gei-soed- jacket 1889
jia/ 茄克衫 [飞机恤] fei-gei-soed- jacket 1890
jia> 甲鱼 [水鱼] soeu/yu/ tortoise 1891
jia` 假条 [假单] ga.dAn- application for leave 1892
jia` permit 0
jia` 病假条 [病假单] beng`ga.dAn- doctor's certificate 1893
jia` 事假条 [事假单] xi`ga'dAan- personal business 1894
jia` leave slip 0
jia` 价格 [价格] ga.gAg. price 1895
jia` 价钱 [价钱] ga.qin* price 1896
jia` 嫁人 [嫁人] ga.yan* (of a woman) marry 1897
jian- 监视 [跟超]HG gan-qiu- keep watch on 1898
jian- 监视 [超住]HG qiu-ju` keep watch on 1899
jian- 监狱 [赤柱]HG cEg.qu" prison 1900
jian- 坚持 [坚持] gin-qi* persist in 1901
jian- 坚持住 [坚持住] gin-qi*ju` persist in 1902
jian- 煎 [煎] jin- (cooking method) fry 1903
jian- in shallow oil without 0
jian- stirring 0
jian> 检查 [检查] gim/ca* check 1904
jian> 简直 [直情] jig`qing* simply;at all 1905
jian> 简直1 [简直] gAn/jig` simply;at all 1906
jian> 简直2 [直成] jig`xing* simply 1907
jian> 简直是 [直成系] jig`xing*hai` be simply 1908
jian> 剪 [剪] jin/ cut (with cissors) 1909
jian> 剪刀 [较剪] gAo.jin/ cissors 1910
jian` 践踏 [践踏] jin`dAb` tread on 1911
jian` 见 [见] gin. see 1912
jian` 见到了 [见到] gin.dou/ see 1913
jian` 见怪 [见怪] gin.gwAi. mind;take offence 1914
jian` 见鬼 [撞鬼] zong`gwai/ fantastic 1915
jian` 见解 [见解] gin.gAi/ view;opinion;under- 1916
jian` standing 0
jian` 见面 [见面] gin.min` meet;see 1917
jian` 见笑 [见笑] gin.xiu. be laugh at 1918
jian` 见一见 [见下] gin.ha" see 1919
jian` 见闻 [见闻] gin.man* what one sees and 1920
jian` hears 0
jian` 见习 [见习] gin.zab` learn on the job 1921
jian` 一件事 [一件事] yad-gin`xi` a matter;a thing 1922
jian` 一件大衣 [一件大褛] yad-gin`dai`lao- an overcoat 1923
jian` 一件行李 [一件行李] yad-gin`hang*lei" a piece of luggage 1924
jian` 健康 [健康] gin`hong- health 1925
jian` 健美操 [健美操] gin`mei"cou- body-building exercise 1926
jian` 健忘 [冇心肝] HG mou"sam-gon- forgetful 1927
jian` 饯行 [饯行] jin`hAng* give a farewell dinner 1928
jian` 建议 [建议] gin.yi" suggest 1929
jian` 建筑 [建筑] gin.zug- achitecture 1930
jian` 建筑物 [建筑物] gin.zug-mad` building 1931
jiang- 姜 [姜] goeng- ginger 1932
jiang- 姜汤 [姜汤] goeng-tong- ginger tea 1933
jiang- 僵 [硬] ngAng` stiff;rigit 1934
jiang- 将来 [第日] dAi`yad` in future 1935
jiang- 江山如画 [江山如画] gong-sAn-yu*wa/ beautiful scenery; a 1936
jiang- picturresque scenery 0
jiang> 奖金 [利是] lei`xi` prize 1937
jiang> 讲故事 [讲古] gong/gu/ tell story 1938
jiang> 讲求 [讲求] gong/kao* pay attention to 1939
jiang> 讲卫生 [讲卫生] gong/wai`sang- pay attention to 1940
jiang> hygiene 0
jiang> 讲习班 [讲习班] gong/zAb`bAn- study group;seminar 1941
jiang> 讲信用 [讲信用] gong/soen.yung` keep one's word 1942
jiang> 讲学 [讲学] gong/hog` give lectures 1943
jiang> 讲座 [讲座] gong/zo` lecture;course of 1944
jiang> lectures 0
jiang` 虹 [虹] gong. rainbow 1945
jiang` 酱油 [豉油] xi`yao* soy sauce;soy 1946
jiang` 酱油 [抽油] cao-yao*/ soy sauce;soy 1947
jiang` 酱油 [白油] bAg`yao*/ soy sauce;soy 1948
jiang` 降下来 [降落嚟] gong.log`lai* reduce;cut down 1949
jiao- 胶卷 [菲林] fei-lam/ film 1950
jiao- 交 [交] gAo- hand over;give up 1951
jiao- 交回 [交返] gAo-fAn- give back ;return 1952
jiao- 交货 [交货] gAo-fo. delivery 1953
jiao- 交通 [交通] gAo-tung- communications 1954
jiao- 交通图 [交通图] gAo-tung-tou* communication map 1955
jiao- 交通不便 [交通不便] gAo-tung-bad-bin` have poor transport 1956
jiao- facilities 0
jiao- 交通安全 [交通安全] gAo-tung-on-qun* traffic safty 1957
jiao- 交通部 [交通部] gAo-tung-bou` the Ministry of Com- 1958
jiao- munications 0
jiao- 交押金 [交按金] gAo-on.gam- pay (or give)a deposit 1959
jiao- 交易 [交易] gAo-yig` trade 1960
jiao- 交易会 [交易会] gAo-yig`wui`/ trade fair 1961
jiao- 交易所 [交易所] gAo-yig`so/ exchange 1962?
jiao- 郊区 [郊区] gAo-koeu- suburban district 1963
jiao- 郊县 [郊县] gAo-yun`/ suburban county 1964
jiao- 郊游 [郊游] gAo-yao* outing excursion 1965
jiao- 骄傲 [沙尘] sa-can* arrogant 1966
jiao- 浇菜 [淋菜] lam*coi. water vegetables 1967
jiao- 骄傲 [牙擦] nga*cAd. arrogant 1968
jiao- 教 [教] gAo- teach 1969
jiao- 教书 [教书] gAo-xu- teaching 1970
jiao/ 嚼1 [嚼](白读) jiu` chew;munch;masticate 1971
jiao/ 细嚼慢咽 [细嚼慢咽] sai.jiu`man`yin` chew well and swallow 1972
jiao/ slowly 0
jiao> 嚼2 [嚼](文读) zoeg. chew;munch;masticate 1973
jiao> 搅和 [捞] lou- mingle by stirring 1974
jiao> 脚 [脚] goeg. foot;leg 1975
jiao> 脚背 [脚面] goeg.min` instep 1976
jiao> 脚脖子 [脚坳] goeg.ao/ ankle 1977
jiao> 角落 [角落头] gog.log-tao/ corner 1978
jiao> 角色 [角色] gog.xig- role 1979
jiao> 饺子 [饺子] gAo/ji/ damplings 1980
jiao> 饺子 [水饺] seu/gAo/ damplings 1981
jiao` 教科书 [课本] fo.bun/ texbook 1982
jiao` 教师 [教师] gAo.xi- teacher 1983
jiao` 教室 [班房]HG bAn-fong/ classroom 1984
jiao` 教室 [课室] fo.sad- classroom 1985
jiao` 教授 [教授] gAo.sao` professor 1986
jiao` 教堂 [教堂] gAo.tong* church 1987
jiao` 教条 [教条] gAo.tiu* dogma 1988
jiao` 教学 [教学] gAo.hong` teaching 1989
jiao` 教研室 [教研室] gAo.yin*sad- teaching and reseach 1990
jiao` section 0
jiao` 叫了一次 [嗌咗一轮] Ai.zo/yad-loen* call him once 1991
jiao` 叫他走 [叫佢扯人] giu.koeu"cE/yan* let him go away 1992
jie- 揭开 [揭开] kid.hoi- uncover;reveal; lift 1993
jie- 揭开壶盖 [揭开壶盖] kid.hoi-wu*goi. lift the cover of pot 1994
jie- 揭人隐私 [踢爆]HG tEg.bAo. reveal sb.'s private 1995
jie- secret 0
jie- 接车 [接车] jib.cE- go to the station to 1996
jie- meet sb. 0
jie- 接受 [接受] jib.sao` accept 1997
jie- 接通 [接通] jib.tung- connect;put through 1998
jie- 请接通305 [请接通305] qing/jib.tung-305 Put me through to 1999
jie- Extension 305 0
jie- 接吻 [接吻] jib.man" kiss 2000
jie- 街 [街] gAi- street 2001
jie- 街道 [街道] gai-dou` street 2002
jie- 街头 [街口] gAi-hao/ street corner 2003
jie- 节省 [悭] hAn- save 2004
jie- 结巴 [大舌头] dAi`xid`tao* 1.stutter;2.stutterer 2005
jie- 结霜 [落霜] log`soeng- frosting 2006
jie- 结实 [禁] kam- solid;durable;stout 2007
jie- 结帐 [睇数] tai/sou. settle accounts 2008
jie- 接触 [接触] jib cug- come into contact 2009
jie- with;get in touch 0
jie- with 0
jie- 接不通 [接唔通] jib.m*tung- cannot connect 2010
jie- 接站 [接站] jib.zAm` meet sb.at the station 2011
jie- 接种 [接种] ji.zung. have an inoculation 2012
jie/ 节目 [节目] jid.mug` programme 2013
jie/ 节目表演 [科骚]HG fo-sou- floor show 2014
jie/ (夜总会的) 0
jie/ 节日 [节日] jid.yad` festival 2015
jie/ 结冰 [结冰] gid.bing- freeze 2016
jie/ 结婚 [结婚] gid.fan- marriage 2017
jie/ 结局 [收科]HG sao-fo- final result 2018
jie/ 结了婚 [结咗婚] gid.zo/fan- have been married 2019
jie/ 结实 [结实] gid.sad` solid 2020
jie/ 结束了 [结束咗嘞] gid.cug-zo/lAg. ended;finished 2021
jie/ 结帐1 [埋单] mAi*dAn- settle accounts 2022
jie/ 结帐2 [找数] zAo/sou. settle accounts 2023
jie/ 结账3 [结账] gid.zoeng. settle accounts 2024
jie> 解 [解] gai/ untie;solve 2025
jie> 解毒 [解毒] gAi/dug` detoxufy 2026
jie> 解雇 [炒鱿鱼] cAo/yao*yu/ discharge;dismiss 2027
jie> 解决 [解决] gAi/kyud. solve 2028
jie> 解开 [解开] gAi/hoi- untie;undo 2029
jie> 姐夫 [姊夫] ji/fu- husband of one's 2030
jie> elder sister 0
jie> 姐姐 [阿姐] a.zE- elder sister 2031
jie> 姐姐 [姐姐] zE-zE- elder sister 2032
jie> 姐姐 [家姐] ga-zE- elder sister 2033
jie> 姐姐 [姐姐] zE*zE- elder sister 2034
jie` 戒了烟 [戒甩烟] gAi.lad-yin- have quitted smoking 2035
jie` 戒烟 [戒烟] gAi.yin- quit smoking 2036
jie` 戒指 [戒指] gAi.ji/ (finger)ring 2037
jie` 借 [借] zE. borrow 2038
jie` 借火 [借火] zE.fo/ ask for a light 2039
jie` for a cigarette) 0
jie` 借光 [唔该] m*goi- excuse me 2040
jie` 借光请让开[唔该借开] m*goi-zE.hoi- excuse me 2041
jie` 介绍 [介绍] gAi.xiu` introduce 2042
jie` 介意 [介意] gAi.yi. take offence;mind 2043
jin- 公斤 [公斤] gung-gan- kilogram 2044
jin- 斤两不够 [唔够称] m*gao.qing. shortweight;under- 2045
jin- weight 0
jin- 金桔 [金桔] gam-gad- kumquat 2046
jin- 金子 [金] gam- gold 2047
jin- 今后 [今后] gam-hao` afterwards 2048
jin- 今年 [今年] gam-nin*/ this year 2049
jin- 今天 [今日] gam-mad` today 2050
jin- 今天 [今朝] gam-jiu- today 2051
jin- 今天 [今日] gam-yad` today 2052
jin- 今天晚上 [今晚] gam-mAn- this evening 2053
jin- 今天晚上 [今晚] gam-mAn" this evening 2054
jin- 今天早上 [今朝早] gam-jiu-zou/ this morning 2055
jin> 锦江饭店 [锦江饭店] gam/gong-fAn`dim. Jinjiang Hotel 2056
jin> 紧跟 [跟实] gan-sad` follow sb.closely 2057
jin> 紧张1 [紧张] gan/zoeng- nervous;keyed up 2058
jin> 紧张2 [肉紧]HG yug`gan/ nervous 2059
jin> 谨慎 [审慎] sam/san` prudent;careful 2060
jin> 尽管说 [即管开声] jig-gun/hoi-sEng- just speak out 2061
jin` 进出 [进出] zoen.coed- pass in and out 2062
jin` 进口 [入口] yab`hao/ entrance 2063
jin` 进来 [入嚟] yab`lai* come in 2064
jin` 进去 [入去] yab`hou. go in;get in;enter 2065
jin` 进入角色 [投入] tao*yab` live one's part 2066?
jin` 进取 [进取] zoen'coeu/ keep forging ahead 2067
jin` 近 [埋] mAi* near 2068
jin` 近来 [呢牌] ni-pAi/ recently 2069
jin` 近来 [呢牌] ni-pAi/ recently 2070
jin` 近来 [近牌] gan`pAi/ recently 2071
jin` 近来天气好[呢排天气好] Ni-pAi/tin-hei.hou/ It is fine recently. 2072
jin` 近视 [近视] gan`xi` myopia;near-sighted- 2073
jin` ness 0
jin` 近视眼镜 [近视眼镜] gan`xi`ngAn/gEng/ spectacles for near- 2074
jin` sighted person 0
jin` 尽力 [尽力] zoen`lig` do all one can 2075
jin` 尽量 [尽量] zoen`loeng` as far as possible 2076
jin` 尽了力 [尽咗力] zoen`zo/lig` did all one could 2077
jing- 京剧 [京剧] ging-kEg. Beijing Opera 2078
jing- 精彩 [精彩] jing-coi/ brilliant;splendid; 2079
jing- wonderful 0
jing- 精明 [精] zEng- intelligent 2080
jing- 精品 [精品] jing-ban/ fine arts 2081
jing- 精神 [精神] jing-san* spirit 2082
jing- 精神病人 [黐线佬] qi-xin.lou/ madman 2083
jing- 经不起 [经唔起] ging-m*hei/ cannot stand 2084
jing- 经常1 [周时] zao-xi* always 2085
jing- 经常2 [经常] ging-soeng* always 2086
jing- 经常3 [好多时] hou/do-xi* always 2087
jing- 经理 [经理] ging-lei" manager 2088
jing- 经销 [经销] ging-xiu- sell on commission; 2089
jing- deal in;distribute 0
jing- 经验 [经验] ging-yim` experience 2090
jing- 经营 [经营] ging-ying* manage;operate;run 2091
jing> 井 [井] zEng/ a well 2092
jing> 警报 [警报] ging/bou. alarm 2093
jing> 警察 [差佬]HG cAi-lou"/ policeman 2094
jing` 静电 [静电] jing`din` static electrical 2095
jing` charges 0
jing` 敬酒 [敬酒] ging.zao/ offer a toast 2096
jiu- 究竟 [究竟] gao.ging/ actually;exactly 2097
jiu- 究竟是~ [到底系~ dou.dai/hai` What's all this 2098
jiu- 什么回事 乜嘢事] mad-ye.xi` about exactly?
jiu> 韭菜 [韭菜] gai/coi. Chinese chives 2099
jiu> 久等 [久等] gao/dang/ wait for a long time 2100
jiu> 久闻大名 [久闻大名] gao/man*dAi`ming* I've heard about 2101
jiu> you for a long time, 0
jiu> 久仰 [久仰] gao/yoeng/ I've heard about 2102
jiu> you for a long time; 0
jiu> I'm very pleased to 0
meet you. 0
jiu> 九 [九] gao/ nine 2103
jiu> 九点 [九点] gao/dim/ nine o'clock 2104
jiu> 九点五分 [九点一个字] gao/dim/yad-go.ji` five past nine 2105
jiu> 九点正 [踏正九点] dAb`jing. gao/dim/ just nine o'clock 2106
jiu> 九江 [九江](地名) gao/gong- Jiujiang(place name) 2107
jiu> 九十 [九十] gao/sab` ninty 2108
jiu> 九月 [九月] gao/yud` September 2109
jiu> 酒 [酒] zao/ wine 2110
jiu> 酒吧 [酒巴] zao/ba- bar 2111
jiu> 酒菜 [酒菜] zao/coi. food and drink 2112
jiu> 酒店 [酒店] zao/dim. wineshop 2113
jiu> 酒店 [酒店] zao/dim. hotel 2114
jiu> 酒水 [酒水] zao/soeu/ beverages;wines 2115
jiu> and soda waters,etc. 0
jiu> 酒席 [酒] zao/ feast 2116
jiu` 救 [救] gao. save 2117
jiu` 救护车1 [帆布车] fAn*bou.cE- ambulance 2118
jiu` 救护车2 [救护车] gao.wu`cE- ambulance 2119
jiu` 救护车3 [十字车] sab`ji`cE- ambulance 2120
jiu` 救火车 [水车]HG soeu/cE- fire engine 2121
jiu` 救火队员 [火烛鬼]HG fo/zug-gwai/ fire fighter 2122
jiu` 旧 [旧] gao` old 2123
jiu` 旧金山 [旧金山] gao`gam-sAn- San Francisco 2124
jiu` 旧历 [旧历] gao`lig` lunar calendar 2125
jiu` 旧时 [旧时] gao`xi* old times;old days 2126
jiu` 旧式 [旧式] gao`xig- old type;old style 2127
jiu` 旧书 [旧书] gao`xu- old book;ancient book 2128
jiu` 旧址 [旧址] gao`ji/ former site of an 2129
jiu` organization 0
jiu` 舅父 [舅父] kao"fu`/ mother's brother; 2130
jiu` maternal uncle 0
jiu` 舅妈 [妗母] kam"mou" wife of maternal 2131
jiu` uncle;aunt 0
jiu` 舅母 [妗母] kam"mou" Same as 舅妈 2132
jiu` 就近 [就近] zao`gan` nearby;in the neigh- 2133
jiu` bourhood 0
jiu` 就我所知 [就我所知] zao`ngo"so/ji- as I know 2134
jiu` 就职 [就职] zao`jig- assume office 2135
jiu` 就座 [就座] zao`zo` take one's seat 2136
jiu` 就是说 [就系讲] zao`hai`gong/ that is to say 2137
jiu` 就寝 [就寝] zao`cam/ go to bed 2138
jiu` 就业 [就业] zao`yib` obtain employment 2139
jiu` 我就来 [我就嚟] ngo'zao`lai* I'll come right away. 2140.
ju- 居然 [居然] ngoeu- yin* unexpectedly;actualy; 2141
ju- to one's surprise 0
ju/ 橘子 [柑] gam- tangarine 2142
ju/ 桔子 [桔仔] gad-zai/ tangarine 2143
ju> 举 [举] goeu/ lift;raise 2144
ju> 举手 [举手] goeu/sao/ raise one's hand 2145
ju> 举行 [举行] goeu/hAng* hold 2146
ju> 沮丧 [沮丧] zoeu/song. depressed;dispirited 2147
ju` 聚会 [聚会] zoeu` wui` 1.get together; 2148
ju` 2.party;get-together 0
ju` 聚会联欢 [开P] HG hoi-pi- hold a party 2149
ju` 拒绝 [拒绝] koeu-jud` refuse 2150
ju` 具有魅力 [生电王]HG sAng-din`wong* have charming 2151
ju` 锯子 [锯] goe. saw 2152
ju` 句 [句] goeu. sentence 2153
ju` 剧场 [剧场] kEg.coeng* theatre 2154
juan> 卷 [卷] gyun/ volume 2155
juan> 卷心菜 [椰菜] ye*coi. cabbage 2156
jue/ 觉得 [觉得] gog.dag- think;feel 2157
jue/ 觉悟 [觉悟] gog,ng` consciousness 2158
jue/ 决定 [决定] kyud.ding` decide;make up one's 2159
jue/ mind 0
jue/ 决心 [决心] kyud.sam- determination;reso- 2160
jue/ lution 0
jue/ 绝处逢生 [绝处逢生] jud`qu.fung*sang- unexpectedly survive 2161
jue/ a desperate situation 0
jue/ 绝对 [绝对] jud`doeu. absolute 2162
jue/ 绝密 [绝密] jud`mad` top-secret 2163
ka- 咖啡 [咖啡] ga.fE- coffee 2164
ka- 卡拉OK [卡拉OK] ka-lAi-ou-kei- karaoke 2165
ka> 卡片 [卡片] ka-pin./ card 2166
ka> 卡片 [卡] kad- card 2167
kai- 开 [开] hoi- open 2168
kai- 开办了 [开办咗] hoi-bAn`zo/ have opened 2169
kai- 开场 [开场] hoi-coeng* (of a performance ) 2170
kai- begin;open;start 0
kai- 开场白 [开场白] hoi-coeng*bAg` opening speech 2171
kai- 开车1 [驶车] sai/cE- drive a car 2172
kai- 开车2 [开车] hoi-cE- drive a car 2173
kai- 开诚布公 [开诚布公] hoi-xing*bou.gung- be frank;put one's 2174
kai- card on the table 0
kai- 开赌庄 [揸摊]HG za-tAn- open a gamble house 2175
kai- 开饭 [开饭] hoi-fAn` serve a meal 2176
kai- 开饭了吗 [开饭未] hoi-fAn`mei` Is the meal ready? 2177
kai- 开会 [开会] hoi-wui`/ hold a meeting 2178
kai- 开口 [开声] hoi-sEng- start to talk ;open 2179
kai- one's mouth 0
kai- 开火 [开火] hoi-fo/ open fire 2180
kai- 开门 [开门] hoi-mun* 1.open the door; 2181
kai 2.begin binsiness 0
kai- 开明 [开明] hoi-ming* enlightened;liberal 2182
kai- 开明思想 [开明思想] hoi-ming* xi-soeng/ liberal ideas 2183
kai- 开幕式 [开幕式] hoi-mog.xig- opening ceremony 2184
kai- 开拍电视 [开镜]HG hoi-gEng. start shooting a movie 2185
kai- 开辟 [开辟] hoi-pig- open;set up;establish 2186
kai- 开始 [开始] hoi-qi/ begin;start 2187
kai- 开始营业 [开市] hoi-xi" begin business 2188
kai- 开市 [开市] hoi-xi" begin business 2189
kai- 开水 [滚水] gwan/soeu/ boiled water 2190
kai- 开玩笑 [开玩笑] hoi-wAn/xiu. crack a joke 2191
kai- 开心 [开心] hoi-sam- exult;feel happy; 2192.
kai- rejoice 0
kai- 开印 [开印] hoi-yan. go to the press 2193
kai- 开展 [开展] hoi-jin/ develop;launch 2194
kai> 揩油 [打斧头] da/fu/tao* freeload 2195?
kan` 看 [睇] tai/ look;see 2196
kan` 看遍 [睇晒] tai/sAi. look at all ... 2197
kan` 看遍市区 [睇晒市区] tai/sAi.xi"koeu- look at all city area 2198
kan` 看病 [睇病] tai/bEng` (of a doctor) see a 2199
kan` patient 0
kan` 看病 [睇医生] tai/yi-sAng- (of a patient) see a 2200
kan` doctor 0
kan` 看不到 [睇唔到] tai/m*dou/ cannot see 2201
kan` 看不起 [睇唔起] tai/m*hei/ look down on 2202
kan` 看得懂 [睇得明] tai/dag-ming* understand 2203
kan` 看待 [对待] doeu'doi` treat 2204
kan` 看法 [睇法] tai/fAd. point of view 2205
kan` 看见 [睇见] tai/gin. see 2206
kan` 看开些 [睇开啲] tai/hoi-di- don't be too upset 2207
kan` 看看 [睇睇] tai/tai/ have a look at 2208
kan` 看看 [望下] mong`ha" have a look at 2209
kan` 看看风景 [望下风景] mong`ha"fung-ging/ have a look at scenery 2210
kan` 看看 [睇下] tai/ha" have a look at 2211
kan` 看看样板 [睇下板] tai/ha"bAn/ see the sample 2212
kan` 看来 [睇嚟] tai/lai* it seems that ... 2213
kan` 看了三遍 [睇咗三次] tai/zo/sAm-qi. have read three times 2214
kan` 看下去 [望落去] mong`log`hoeu. look down 2215
kan` 看书 [睇书] tai/xu- read a book 2216
kan` 看晚报 [睇晚报] tai/mAn"bou. read evening newspaper 2217
kan` 看医生 [看医生] tai/yi-sang- see a doctor 2218
kan` 看样板 [睇板] tai/bAn/ see a sample 2219
kan` 看两遍 [睇两次] tai/loeng"qi. read twice 2220
kan` 看一出戏 [睇翻出戏] tai/fAn-coed-hei. see a play 2221
kan` 看着书 [睇开书] tai/hoi-xu- be reading a book 2222
kan` 看中 [睇中] tai/zung. take a fancy to 2223
kang- 糠 [老糠] lou"hong- chaff 2224
kang/ 扛 [托] tog. cary sth. on the 2225
kang/ shoulder 0
kang/ 扛煤气罐 [托煤气罐] tog.mui*hei.gun` cary a gas tank 2226
kang/ on the shoulder 0
kao> 考虑 [考虑] hAo/loeu` consider 2227
kao> 考虑好 [谂惦] nam/dim` think over 2228
kao> 考试 [考试] hAo/xi/ examination 2229
kao> 考卷 [考卷] hAo/gyun` exam paper 2230
kao> 考大学 [考大学] hAo/dai`hog` take college entrance 2231
kao> examinations 0
kao> 考证 [考证] han/jing. textual research 2232
kao> 烤鹅 [烧鹅] xiu-ngo/ roast goose 2233
kao> 烤炉 [烤炉] hao/lou* oven 2234
kao> 烤面包片 [多士] HG do-xi/ toast 2235
kao> 烤盘 [烤盘] hao/pun* baking tray 2236
kao> 烤肉 [烧肉] xiu-yug` roast meat 2237
kao> 烤乳猪 [烧乳猪] xiu-yu"ju- roast pig 2238
kao> 烤鸭 [烧鸭] xiu-Ab/ roast duck 2239
kao` 靠岸 [靠岸] kao.ngon` pull in the shore 2240
kao` 靠不住 [靠唔住] kao.m*ju` unreliable 2241
kao` 靠背 [靠背] kao.bui. back (of a chair) 2242
kao` 靠得住 [靠得住] kao.dag-ju` reliable 2243
kao` 靠近 [靠近] kao.gan` close to 2244
ke- 一棵树 [一颇-树] yad-po-xu` a tree 2245
ke/ 咳嗽 [咳] kad- cough 2246
ke> 可爱 [可爱] ho/oi. lovable 2247
ke> 可贵 [有宝]HG yao"bou/ valuable 2248
ke> 可靠 [可靠] ho/kao/ reliable 2249
ke> 可口可乐 [可口可乐] ho/hao/ho/log` Coca-Cola 2250
ke> 可怜 [可怜] ho/lin* pitiful 2251
ke> 可能 [可能] ho/nang* possible;likely 2252
ke> 可能性 [可能性] hi/nang*xing. possibility 2253
ke> 可行性 [可行性] ho/hang*xing. feasibility 2254
ke> 可以 [可以] ho/yi" can 2255
ke> 可以出院 [出得院] coed-dag-yun`/ can leave the hospital 2256
ke> 可以看得到[睇得到] tai/dag-dou/ can be seen 2257
ke> 可以用 [用得] yung`dag- can be used 2258
ke> 渴1 [颈渴] gEng/hod. feel thirsty 2259
ke> 渴2 [喉干] hao*gon- feel thirsty 2260
ke> 渴求 [渴求] hod.kao* be thirst for 2261
ke` 刻板 [刻板] hag-ban/ mechanical 2262
ke` 客房 [客房] hAg.fong/ guest-room 2263
ke` 客户 [客户] hAg.wu` customer 2264
ke` 客满了 [客满喇] hAg.mun/la. no vacancy (in a 2265
ke` hotel) 0
ke` 客气 [客气] hAg.hei. polite;courteous 2266
ke` 客人 [人客] yan*hAg. guest 2267
ke` 课程 [课程] fo.qing* curriculum 2268
ken> 肯定1 [肯定] hang/ding` certainly 2269
ken> 肯定2 [实行] sad`hAng* certainly 2270
ken> 肯定要下雨[实行会落雨] sad`hAng*wui"log`yu" It is sure that it 2271
ken> will rain. 0
ken> 垦荒 [开荒] hoi-fong- reclaim wasteland 2272
ken> 啃书本 [咪书] mai-xu- delve into books 2273
keng- 坑人 [整蛊人] jing/gu/yan* entrap sb. 2274
keng- 吭声 [开声] hoi-sEng- utter a word 2275
kong- 空 [空] hung- empty 2276
kong- 空调 [空调] hung-tiu* air-condition 2277
kong- 空调机 [空调机] hung-tiu* gei- air-conditioner 2278
kong- 空房间 [空房间] hung-fong*gAn- empty room 2279
kong- 空房子 [吉屋] gad-ug- empty house 2280
kong- 空虚 [空虚] hung-hoeu- hollow;void 2281
kong- 空手 [吉手]HG gad-sao/ emty-handed;with 2282
kong- bare hands 0
kou> 口试 [口试] hao/xi. oral test 2283
kou> 口 [口] hao/ mouth 2284
kou> 一口饭 [一啖饭] yad-dam`fAn` a mouthful of rice 2285
kou> 口服 [口服] hao/fug` take orally 2286
kou> 口服液 [口服液] hao/fug`yig` oral liquid 2287
kou> 口水 [口水] hao/soeu/ saliva;spit 2288
kou> 口条 [猪脷] ju-lei` pig's or ox tongue 2289
kou> as food 0
kou> 口味 [口味] hao/mei` a person's taste(or 2290
kou> liking) 0
kou> 口香糖 [香口胶] hoeng-hao/gAo- chewing gum 2291
kou> 口罩 [口罩] hao/zAo. gauze mask;surgical 2292
kou> mask 0
kou` 扣子 [衫钮] sAm-nao/ button 2293
ku- 哭1 [哭] hug- cry 2294
ku- 哭2 [喊] hAm. cry 2295
ku- 窟窿 [窿] lung- hole;cavity 2296
ku> 苦力 [咕哩]HG gu-lei- kooli 2297
ku> 苦瓜 [苦瓜] fu/gwa- balsam pear 2298
ku` 裤子 [裤] fu. trouses 2299
kua- 夸张 [墟陷] HG hoeu-ham` exaggerate 2300
kua> 垮台 [冧档] lAm.dong. collaps 2301
kua` 跨国公司 [跨国公司] kua.gwog.gung-xi- transnational cooper- 2302
kua` ation 0
kuai` 一块钱 [一缗鸡] yad- man-gai- one yuan 2303
kuai` 筷子 [筷子] fAi.ji/ chopsticks 2304
kuai` 快 [快] fAi. fast;quickly 2305
kuai` 快 [快脆] fAi.coeu. quickly 2306
kuai` 快(锋利) [利] lei` sharp 2307
kuai` 快餐 [快餐] fAi.cAn- quick meal;fast food 2308
kuai` 快餐店 [快餐店] fAi.cAn-dim. fast food restaurant 2309
kuai` 快递 [快递] fAi.dai` quick delivery 2310
kuai` 快点儿 [快啲] fAi.di- be quick 2311
kuai` 快点儿去吧[快啲去啦] fAi.di-hoeu.la- go quickly 2312
kuai` 快断了 [就嚟断嘞] zao`lai*tyun"lAg. will be broken soon 2313
kuai` 快乐 [快乐] fAi.log` happy 2314
kuan- 宽 [阔] fud. wide 2315
kuan- 宽 [宽] fun- wide 2316
kuan- 宽度 [阔度] fud.dou` width 2317
kuan> 款式好 [好款] hou/fun/ of a good design 2318
kuang/ 狂欢 [狂欢] kwang*fun- revelry;carnival 2319
kuang/ 狂笑 [笑甩棚牙] xiu.lad-pAng*nga* laugh wildly 2320
kuang` 矿井 [矿井] kwong.zEng/ mine shaft 2321
kuang` 矿泉水 [矿泉水] kwong.qun*soeu/ mineral water 2322
kui/ 奎宁 [见莲丸] gin.lin*yun/ kuinine 2323
kun- 昆明 [昆明] kwan-ming* Kunming(place name) 2324
kun> 捆 [绑] bong/ tie;bind;bundle up 2325
kun> with a rope 0
kun> 捆到一起 [绑埋一齐] bong/mAi*yad- cai* bundle up together 2326
la- 垃圾 [垃圾] lAb`sAb. garbage 2327
la- 拉车 [拉车] lAi- cE- pull a card 2328
la- 拉(拉屎) [屙] o- go to stool;shit 2329
la- 拉肚子 [肚屙] tou"ngo- suffer from diarrhoea; 2330
la- have loose bowels 0
la` 蜡烛 [蜡烛] lAb`zug- candle 2331
la` 腊肠 [腊肠] lAb`coeng* sausage 2332
la` 腊肉 [腊肉] lAb`yug` cured meat;bacon 2333
la` 辣 [辣] lAd` pungent;hot 2334
la` 辣椒 [辣椒] lAd`jiu- hot pepper 2335
lai/ 来 [嚟] lai* come 2336
lai/ 十来块 [十零文] sab`lEng*man- more than ten yuan 2337
lai/ 来瓶啤酒 [嚟樽啤酒 lai*zoen-bE-zao/ Please give me 2338
lai/ a bottle of beer. 0
lai/ 问题来了 [问题嚟嘞] man`tai*lai*lag` There is a problem 2339
lai/ here. 0
lai/ 来不及 [赶唔切] gon/m*qid. There is not enough 2340
lai/ time to do sth.. 0
lai/ 来到这里 [嚟到呢度] lai*dou.ni-dou` come here 2341
lai/ 他来过没有[佢嚟过未] koeu"lai*gwo.mei` Has he been here? 2342
lai/ 来信 [嚟信] lai*soen. letter received 2343
lai/ 来一个冷盘[嚟个冷盘] lai*go.lAng/pun* Please serve a cold 2344
lai/ dish. 0
lai/ 来一盘棋 [嚟一盘棋] lai*yad-pun*kei* play a game of chess 2345
lai` 癞哈蟆 [蠄渠] kam*koeu*/ toad 2346
lan/ 蓝 [蓝] lAm* blue 2347
lan/ 蓝领工人 [蓝领] lAm*lEng" blue colar worker 2348
lan/ 栏杆 [栏河] lAn*ho*/ railing 2349
lan/ 兰花 [兰花] lAn*fa- orchid 2350
lan> 懒 [懒] lAn" lazy 2351
lan> 懒于收拾 [冇手尾]HG mou"sao/mei" be unwilling to 2352
lan> put things in order. 0
lang/ 狼 [狼] long*] wolf 2353
lang` 浪费 [嘥] sAi- waste 2354
lang` 浪潮 [浪潮] long`qiu* tide;wave 2355
lao- 捞钱 [捞钱] lou-qin*/ make money 2356
lao/ 劳动 [劳动] lou*dung` labour 2357
lao/ 劳驾您让让[唔该你借一借] m*goi-nei"zE.yad-zE. Please give a way. 2358
lao/ 劳您久等了[累你久等喇] loeu`nei"gao/dang/la. let you wait a long 2359
lao/ time 0
lao/ 牢固 [稳阵] wan/zan` reliable 2360
lao/ 牢靠 [稳阵] wan/zan` reliable 2361
lao/ 牢靠些 [稳当啲] wan/dong.di- more reliable 2362
lao> 鸡蛋煮老了[鸡蛋熟过头] gai-dAn`sug`gwo,tao* Eggs were ovecooked. 2363
lao> 老(不年轻)[老] lou" old 2364
lao> 老王 [老王] lou"wong*/ Lao Wang 2365
lao> 老板1 [老细]HG lou"sai. boss 2366
lao> 老板2 [事头] xi`tao/ boss 2367
lao> 老板3 [波士]HG bo-xi/ boss 2368
lao> 老板娘 [事头婆] xi`tao*po* boss's wife 2369
lao> 老大娘1 [伯爷婆] bAg.ye-po* old woman 2370
lao> 老大娘2 [阿婆] a.po* aunty;granny 2371
lao> 老大爷1 [老伯] lou"bAg. uncle;grandpa 2372
lao> 老大爷2 [伯爷公] bAg.ye-gung- old man 2373
lao> 老地方 [老地方] lou"dei`fong- the same old place 2374
lao> 老顾客 [熟客仔] sug`hAg.zai/ familiar customer 2375
lao> 老虎 [老虎] lou"fu/ tiger 2376
lao> 老家 [乡下] hoeng-ha`/ home village. 2377
lao> 老林(姓) [老林] lou"lam/ Lao Lin 2378
lao> 老朋友 [老朋] lou"pAng*/ old friend 2379
lao> 老朋友了 [老友鬼鬼] lou"yao"gwai/gwai/ old friend 2380
lao> 老人 [老人] lou"yan* old man 2381
lao> 老人家 [老人家] lou"yan*ga- elderly 2382
lao> 您老人家 [您老人家] nei"lou"yan*ga- you 2383
lao> 他老人家 [佢老人家] koeu"lou"yan*ga- he 2384
lao> 老师 [老师] lou"xi- teacher 2385
luo> 老师傅 [老师傅] lou"xi-fu` master 2386
lao> 老鼠 [老鼠] lou"xu/ mouse 2387
lao> 老太太 [老太] lou"tai/ old lady 2388
lao> 老头儿 [老坑] lou"hAng- old chap 2389
lao> 老外 [老番] HG lou"fAn- foreigner 2390
lao> 老乡 [老乡] lou"hoeng- fellow provincial; 2391
lao> fellow townsman; 0
lao> fellow villager 0
lao> 老鹰 [麻鹰] ma*ying- hawk 2392
le 吃了没有 [食咗未?] xig`zuo/mei` Have you had meal? 2393
le 我受了惊 [我吓亲] ngo"hag'can- I was frightened. 2394
le 睡了没有? [瞓o/未?] fan/o/mei`- Has she gone to 2395
le sleep? 0
le 等你很久了[等你好耐咯] dang/nei"hou/noi`lo. have waited for you 2396
le for a long time 0
le 好了 [好喇] hou/la. OK 2397
le 他回来了吧[佢返嚟啦呱] koeu"fAn-lai*la-gwa. He has come back, 2398
le hasn't he? 0
le` 乐观 [乐观] log`gun- optistic 2399
le` 乐意 [乐意] log`yi. glad 2400
le` 乐意同行 [乐意同行] log`yi.tung*hAng* be glad to go together 2401
le` 乐意效劳 [乐意效劳] log`yi.hAo`lou* be glad to serve you 2402
lei/ 雷 [雷] loeu* thunder 2403
lei` 很累 [好gui`] hou/gui` very tired 2404
lei` 累了 [gui`咗] gui`zo/ be tired 2405
leng> 冷 [冻] dung. cold 2406
leng> 冷 [冷] lAng" cold 2407
leng> 冷不冷 [冻唔冻] dung.m*dung. Does it cold? 2408
leng> 冷得很 [冻得滞] dung.dag-zai` It is very cold. 2409
leng> 冷得要命 [冷到飞起] lAng"dou.fei-hei/ It is very cold. 2410
leng> 生冷 [生冷] sang-lang" raw or cold food 2411
leng> 忌生冷 [忌生冷] gei`sAng-lang" avoid eating cold and 2412
leng> unooked fo 0
leng> 冷极了 [冻到乜嘢咁] dung.dou.mad-ye"gam/ extremely cold 2413
leng> 冷盆 [冷盘] lAng"pun* cold dish 2414
leng> 冷饮店 [冰室] bing-sad- cold drink shop 2415
li/ 厘米 [厘米] lei*mai- centimetre 2416
li/ 梨子 [梨] lei/ pear 2417
li/ 黎明 [黎明] lai*ming* dawn;daybreak 2418
li/ 离 [离] lei* leave 2419
li/ 离开 [离开] lei*hoi- leave 2420
li/ 离谱 [冇谱] mou"pou/ be beyond what is 2421
li/ proper 0
li/ 离这里很远[离呢度好远] lei*ni-dou`hou/yun/ be far from here 2422
li> 理 [睬] coi/ take notice of 2423
li> 理发 [飞发] fei-fAd. (of men)get a haircut; 2424
li> (of women) go to the 0
li> hairdresser's 0
li> 理发馆 [飞发厅] fei-fAd.tEng- harborshop;harbor's; 2425
li> hairdresser's 0
li> 理工学院 [理工学院] lei"gung-hog`yun/ polytechnic college 2426
li> 理解 [理解] lei"gAi/ understand 2427
li> 理了个发 [飞咗个发] fei/zo/go.fAd. have a haircut 2428
li> 理论 [理论] lei"loen` theory 2429
li> 理什么发型[飞乜嘢装] fei-mad-ye"zong- What hair fashion 2430
li> do you want? 0
li> 里程 [里程] lei"qing* mileage 2431
li> 里面 [里便] loeu"bin` inside 2432
li> 里面 [埋便] mAi*bin` inside 2433
li> 里面 [入便] yab`bin` inside 2434
li> 里面那个 [埋便嗰个 mAi*bin`go/go. inside one 2435
li> 里子 [衫里] sAm-lei" lining 2436
li> 鲤鱼 [鲤鱼] lei"yu*/ carp 2437
li> 礼堂 [礼堂] lai"tong* assembly hall;audi- 2438
li> torium 0
li> 礼物 [礼物] lai"mad` gift 2439
li` 荔湾 [荔湾区] lai`wAn-koeu- Liwan District 2440
li` 荔枝 ]荔枝] lai`ji- leechee 2441
li` 栗子 [风栗] fung-loed` chessnut 2442
li` 厉害 [犀利] sai-lei` terrible 2443
li` 老师厉害 [老师势利] lou"xi-sai-lei` The teacher is strict. 2444
li` 历史 [历史] lig`xi/ history 2445
li` 立春 [立春] lab`coen- Beginning of Spring 2446
li` 立秋 [立秋] lab`cao- Beginning of Autumn 2447
li` 立体声 [立体声] lab`tai/xing- sterreophony 2448
lian/ 联盟 [联盟] lyun*mang* alliance 2449
lian/ 联系 [联系] lyun*hai` keep in contact 2450
lian/ 莲子 [莲子] lin*ji/ lotus seed 2451
lian/ 莲蓬头 [花洒]HG fa-sa/ shower nozzle 2452
lian/ 连同 [连埋] lin*mAi* and 2453
lian/ 镰刀 [镰刀] lim*dou- sickle 2454
lian/ 链霉素 [咪仙]HG mai-xin- streptomycin 2455
lian> 脸 [面] min` face 2456
lian> 脸带怒容 [一层气]HG yad-cang*hei. with anger 2457
lian> 脸盆 [面盆] min`pun/ basin 2458
lian` 恋爱 [恋爱] lyun/oi. be in love 2459
lian` 练过功夫 [食夜粥]HG xig`ye`zug- exercize kongfu 2460
liang/ 粮店 [米铺] mai"pou/ grain store 2461
liang/ 粮食 [粮食] loeng*xig` grain 2462
liang/ 凉1 [冻] dung. cold 2463
liang/ 凉2 [凉] loeng* cool 2464
liang/ 凉拌面 [凉拌面 loeng*bun`min` cold noodles in sauce 2465
liang/ 凉拌食品 [忌廉]HG gei`lim- cream 2466
liang/ 凉茶 [凉茶] loeng*ca* cold-natured tea 2467
liang/ 凉粉 [凉粉] loeu*fan/ bean-starch noodles 2468
liang/ 凉快 [凉] loeng* nice and cool 2469
liang/ 凉快 [凉爽] loeng*song/ nice and cool 2470
liang/ 凉水 [凉水] loeng*soeu/ cold water; unboiled 2471
liang/ water 0
liang/ 量 [度下] dog`ha" measure 2472
liang/ 量体裁衣 [量身度造] loeng*san-dog`zou` measure the size of 2473
liang/ body to cut out a new 0
liang/ garment 0
liang/ 量体温 [探热]HG tAm.yid` take sb.'s temperature 2474
liang/ 量体重 [量体重] loeng*tai/zhong` weigh oneself; take 2475
liang/ sb.'s weight 0
liang> 两 [两] loeng" two 2476
liang> 两次 [两次] loeng"qi. twice 2477
liang> 两盒 [两盒] loeng"hab` two boxes 2478
liang> 两年多 [两年几] loeng"nin*gei/ more than two years 2479
liang> 两趟 [两趟] loeng"tong. twice 2480
liang> 两天 [两日] loeng"yad` two days 2481
liang> 两位客人 [两位人客] loeng"wai/yan*hag. two guests 2482
liang> 两下子 [两下] loeng"ha" a few times 2483
liang` 一辆车 [一部车] yad-bou`cE- a car 2484
liang` 一辆车 [一架车] yad-ga.cE- a car 2485
liang` 晾衣服 [晾衫] long`sAm- hang clothes out 2486
lian` to dry 0
liang` 天亮 [天光] tin-gwong- daybreak;dawn 2487
liang` 亮红灯 [着红灯] zoeg`hung-dang- switch on the red 2488
liang` lights 0
liang` 谅解 [谅解] loeng`gAi/ understand 2489
liao/ 聊天 [倾偈] king-gai/ chat 2490
liao> 了不得 [巴闭] ba-bai. extraordinary 2491
liao> 了解 [了解] liu/gAi/ understand 2492
lie` 列车员 [列车员] lid`cE-yun* train attendant 2493
lie` 列传 [列传] lid`jun` biographies 2494
lie` 烈士 [烈士] lid`xi` martyr 2495
lie` 劣等货 [劣等货] lyud/dang/fo' low-grade goods 2496
lin/ 临时工 [临时工] lam*xi*gung- temporary worker 2497
lin/ 邻居 [邻居] loen*goeu- neighbour 2498
lin/ 鳞 [鳞] loen* scale (of fish,etc.) 2499
lin/ 淋湿 [淋湿] lam*sab- be soaked through 2500
lin/ 日晒雨淋 [日晒雨淋] yad`sai'yu"lam* sun-scorched and 2501
lin/ rain-drenched 0
lin` 吝啬 [孤寒] gu-hon* stinky;miserly 2502
ling/ 零 [零] ling* zero 2503
ling/ 零钱1 [碎银]HG soeu.ngan/ small change 2504
ling/ 零钱2 [湿柴]HG sab-cAi* small change 2505
ling/ 零钱3 [散纸] sAn/ji/ small change 2506
ling/ 零钱4 [神砂]HG san*sa- small change 2507
ling/ 零售价 [零售价] ling*sao`ga. retail price 2508
ling/ 零碎 [湿碎] sab-soeu. trivial 2509
ling/ 零下五度 [零下五度] ling*ha`ng"dou` five degrees below 2510
ling/ zero 0
ling/ 凌乱 [立立-乱乱] lab`lab-lyun`lyun` in disorder 2511
ling/ 灵活 [灵活] ling*wud` flexible 2512
ling/ 陵园 [陵园] ling*yun* cemetry 2513
ling> 领 [领] lEng" collar 2514
ling> 领班 [科文]HG fo-man* foreman 2515
ling> 领带1 [呔] tAi- tie ;necktie 2516
ling> 领带2 [领呔] lEng"tAi- tie ;necktie 2517
ling> 领导 [领导] ling/dou` lead;leader 2518
ling> 领奖 [领奖] ling"zoeng/ receive a prize 2519
ling> 领事 [领事] ling"xi` consul 2520
ling> 领子 [领] lEng" collar 2521
ling` 另定时间 [另定时间] ling`ding`xi*gAn. determine another 2522
ling` time 0
ling` 另外 [另外] ling`ngoi` in addition;besides 2523
ling` 另外搬开住[另外住开] ling`ngoi`ju`hoi- live in another place 2524
ling` 另外一个 [第个] dAi`go. another 2525
ling` 另一个地方[第度] dAi`dou` another place 2526
ling` 令人讨厌 [乞人憎] had-yan*zang- be a pain in the neck 2527
ling` 令人遗憾 [令人遗憾] ling`yan*wai*ham` it is a pity that... 2528
liu- 溜冰 [踩雪屐] cai/xud.kEg. skating 2529
liu- 溜走 [松人]HG sung-yan* sneak away 2530
liu/ 留步 [留步] lao*bou` don't bother to see 2531
liu/ me out 0
liu/ 留念 [留念] lao*nim` accept or keep as 2532
liu/ a souvenir 0
liu/ 留神 [睇住] tai/ju` take care 2533
liu/ 留学 [留学] lao*hog` study abroad 2534
liu/ 留学生 [留学生] lao*hog`sang- student studying 2535
liu/ abroad 0
liu/ 留余地 [留余地] lao*yu*dei` allow for some lee- 2536
liu/ way 0
liu/ 流感 [流感] lao*gam/ influenza 2537
liu/ 浏览市容 [睇下市容] tai/ha"xi"yung* have a look around 2538
liu/ this city 0
liu` 六 [六] lug` six 2539
liu` 六点钟 [六点钟] lug`dim/zung- six o'clock 2540
liu` 六个 [半打] bun.da- half a dozen 2541
liu` 六十 [六十] lug`sab` sixty 2542
liu` 六畜 [六畜] lug`cug- six domestic animals 2543
liu` (pig,ox,goat,horse. 0
liu` pultry and dog) 0
liu` 六畜兴旺 [六畜兴旺] lug`cug-hing-wong/ the thriving of all 2544
liu` domestic animals 0
liu` 六月 [六月] lug`yud` June 2545
long/ 龙 [龙] lung* dragon 2546
long/ 龙船 [龙船] lung*xun* dragon boat 2547
long/ 聋子 [聋佬] lung*lou/ deaf 2548
lou/ 楼梯 [楼梯] lao*tai- staircase 2549
lou> 搂 [揽] lAm"/ hold in one's arms 2550
lu> 旅游 [旅游] loeu"yao* tour;turism 2551
lu` 露水 [露水] lou`soeu/ dew 2552
lu` 路 [路] lou` road;way 2553
lu` 路口 [街口] gAi-hao/ crossroads 2554
lu` 路口 [路口] lou`hao/ crossroads 2555
lu` 路上 [路上] lou`soeng` on the road 2556
lu` 路上辛苦了[一路辛苦喇] yad-lou`san-fu/la. You are really hard 2557
lu` on the road. 0
lu` 路线 [路线] lou`xin. routh 2558
lu` 鹿 [鹿] lug` deer 2559
lu` 鹿茸 [鹿茸] lug`yung* pilose antler of 2560
lu` a young deer 0
lu` 录取 [录取] lug`coeu/ enroll 2561
lu` 录音机 [录音机] lug`yam-gei- recorder 2562
lu` 陆路 [陆路] lug`lou` land route;by land 2563
luan` 乱 [乱] lyun` chaos 2564
luan` 乱七八糟 [捞交`] lao-gAo` a nice mess 2565
luan` 乱说 [噏] ngab- speak carelessly or 2566
luan` foolishly 0
lun/ 轮船1 [大船] dAi`xun* steamer 2567
lun/ 轮船2 [火船] fo/xun* steamer 2568
lun/ 轮子 [车辘] cE-lug- wheel 2569
lun/ 伦敦 [伦敦] loen*doen- London(place name) 2570
lun` 论文 [论文] loen`man* thesis 2571
luo- 啰唆 [谮气] cam.hei. long-winded 2572
luo- 啰嗦 [啰唆] lo-so- long-winded 2573
luo/ 萝卜 [萝白] lo*bAg` radish 2574
luo/ 萝卜糕 [萝白糕] lo*bAg`gou- radish cake 2575
luo/ 骡子 [骡] lo* mule 2576
luo` 落叶 [落叶] log`yib` fallen leaves 2577
lyu/ 驴 [驴] loeu* ass 2578
lyu> 铝 [铝] loeu" aluminium 2579
lyu> 旅店 [旅店] loeu"dim. hotel 2580
lyu> 旅馆 [旅馆] loeu"gun/ hotel 2581
lyu> 旅客 [旅客] loeu"hAg. passenger 2582
lyu> 旅途 [旅途] loeu"tou* on a journey 2583
lyu> 旅途愉快 [旅途愉快] loeu"tou*yu*fAi. have a happy journey 2584
lyu> 旅行 [旅行] loeu"hAng* travel 2585
lyu> 旅行社 [旅行社] loeu"hAng*sE/ travel service 2586
lyu> 旅游 [旅游] loeu"yao* tour;tourism 2587
lyu` 律师 [律师] loed`xi- lawyer 2588
lyu` 绿豆 [绿豆] lug`dao` green bean 2589
lyu` 绿化 [绿化] lug`fa. make a place green 2590
lyu` by planting trees, 0
lyu` flowers,etc. 0
lyu` 绿色 [绿色] lug`xig- green colour 2591
lyu` 绿叶 [绿叶] lug`yib` green leaves 2592
lyue` 略白 [白白地/] bag`bag`dei/ a little white 2593
ma 他明天来吗[佢听日嚟咩] koeu"ting-yad`lai*mE. Is he coming to- 2594
ma morrow? 0
ma- 妈妈1 [妈咪] ma-mi* mummy 2595
ma- 妈妈2 [妈妈] ma*ma- mother 2596
ma- 妈妈3 [阿妈] a.ma- mother 2597
ma- 抹布 [抹台布] mAd.toi/bou. dishcloth;rag 2598
ma- 抹桌子 [抹台] mAd.toi/ wipe a table clean 2599
ma- with a rag 0
ma- 抹下来 [抹落嚟] mAd.log`lai* slip sth. off;take 2600
ma- sth. down 0
ma/ 麻烦1 [唔该] m*goi- bother you 2601
ma/ 麻烦2 [劳烦] lou*fAn* bother you 2602
ma/ 麻烦3 [麻烦] ma*fAn* bother 2603
ma/ 麻将 [麻雀] ma*zoeg/ mahjiong 2604
ma/ 打麻将 [打麻雀] da/ma*zoeg/ play mahjiong 2605
ma/ 麻雀1 [麻雀] ma*zoeg/ sparrow 2606
ma/ 麻雀2 [禾花雀] wo*fa-zoeg/ sparrow 2607
ma/ 麻疹 [出麻] coed-ma* measles 2608
ma/ 麻子 [豆皮佬] dao`pei*lou"/ person with a pock- 2609
ma/ marked face 0
ma> 码头 [码头] ma"tao* whart 2610
ma> 蚂蚁 [蚁] ngai" ant 2611
ma> 马 [马] ma" horse 2612
ma> 马铃薯1 [薯仔] xu*zai/ potato 2613
ma> 马铃薯2 [荷兰薯] ho*lAn*xu*/ potato 2614
ma> 马马虎虎1 [麻麻地] ma*ma/dei/ so-so;passable;not so 2615
ma> bad 0
ma> 马马虎虎2 [求求其其] kao*kao*kei*kei* palter with sth.;do 2616
ma> things in a slipshod 0
ma> way 0
ma> 马上 [即刻] jig-hag- at once;immediately 2617
ma` 骂 [闹] nAo` verbally abuse 2618
mai/ 埋着 [埋住] mAi* be buried 2619
mai> 买 [买] mAi" buy 2620
mai> 买布 [剪布] jin/bou. buy cloth 2621
mai> 买东西 [买嘢] mAi"ye" buy acticles 2622
mai> 买了 [买咗] mAi"zo/ have bought... 2623
mai> 买卖 [生意] sAng-yi. business 2624
mai> 买药(中药)[执药] zab-yoeg` buy Chinese medicines 2625
mai> 买一份地图[买份地图] mai"fan`dei`tou* buy a map 2626
mai> 买油 [打油] da/yao* buy oil 2627
mai` 麦当劳 [麦当劳] mag`dong-lou* MacDonald's 2628
mai` 麦克风1 [咪高风]HG mai-gou-fung- microphone 2629
mai` 麦克风3 [咪头] mai-tao* microphone 2630
mai` 麦克风4 [咪] mai- microphone 2631
mai` 麦先生 [麦生] mag`sang- Mr. Mai 2632
mai` 麦子 [麦] mag` wheat 2633
mai` 卖 [卖] mAi` sell 2634
mai` 卖光 [卖晒] mAi`sAi. sell all 2635
mai` 卖力气 [落力] log`lig` do one's best;exert 2636
mai` oneself to the utmost 0
mai` 卖完 [卖晒] mAi`sAi. sell all 2637
mai` 卖香烟女人[烟仔婆] yin-zai/po* woman selling cigar- 2638
mai` retes
man/ 馒头 [馒头] mAn`tao* bun 2639
man> 满 [满] mun" full;filled 2640
man> 满打满算 [算得咁尽] xun.dag-gam.zoen` reckoning in every 2641
man> item 0
man> 满街 [随街] coeu*gAi- in the whole street 2642
man> 满街都是 [随街都系] coeu*gAi-dou`hai` There are plenty of 2643
man> them everywhere. 0
man> 满天飞 [满天飞] mun/tin-fei- always on the go;rush 2644
man> here,there and every- 0
man> where 0
man> 满意 [满意] mun/yi. be satisfied 2645
man> 满月 [满月] mun/yud` (of an infane) one 2646
man. month old 0
man> 满足 [满足] mun/zug- satisfied 2647
man` 慢 [慢] mAn` slowly 2648
man` 慢车 [慢车] mAn`cE- slow train 2649
man` 慢件 [慢件] man`gin` package freight; 2650
man` ordinary mail 0
man` 慢慢 [慢慢] mAn`mAn- slowly 2651
man` 慢慢谈 [慢慢倾] mAn`mAn-king- talk slowly 2652
man` 慢吞吞 [滋游] ji-yao* slowly 2653
mang/ 盲人手杖 [盲公竹] mAng*gung-zug- the blind man' stick 2654
mang/ 忙1 [忙] mong* busy 2655
mang/ 忙2 [唔得闲] m*dag-hAn* busy 2656
mang/ 你忙不忙啊[你忙唔忙呀] nei"mong*m*mong*a. Are you busy? 2657
mang/ 忙得很 [有气冇啶唞] yao"hei.mou"dEng`tao/ very busy 2658
mang/ 忙中出错 [落雨收柴] log`yu"sao-cAi* make mistake in hurry 2659
mao- 猫 [猫] mAo- cat 2660
mao- 猫头鹰 [猫头鹰] mAo-tao*ying- owl 2661
mao/ 茅台酒 [茅台酒] mAo*toi*zao/ Maotai,a liquo 2662
mao/ 一毛 [一毫子] yad-hou/ji/ one jiao 2663
mao/ 五毛 [五毫] ng"hao* five jiao 2664
mao/ 毛笔 [毛笔] mou*bad- writing brush 2665
mao/ 毛病 [缺点] kyud.dim/ mishap'mistake 2666
mao/ 毛峰茶 [毛峰茶] mou*fung-ca* Maofeng tea 2667
mao/ 毛巾 [手巾] sao/gan- towel 2668
mao/ 毛皮 [皮草]HG pei*cou/ fur 2669
mao/ 毛线 [冷-] lAng- knitting wool 2670
mao/ 毛衣 [冷-衫] lAng-sAm- woolen sweater 2671
mao` 冒火 [有火]HG yao"fo/ flare up 2672
mao` 冒失鬼 [失魂鱼] sad-wan*yu/ harum-scarum 2673
mao` 帽子 [帽] mou/ cap;hat 2674
mao` 贸易 [贸易] mao`yig` trade 2675
mei/ 没比的 [冇得顶] mou"dag-ding/ incomparable 2676
mei/ 梅花 [梅花] mui*fa- plum blossom 2677
mei/ 梅子 [梅子] mui*ji/ fruit of the Chinese 2678
mei/ plum;plum 0
mei/ 煤 [煤] mui* coal 2679
mei/ 煤矿 [煤矿] mui*kwong. coal mine 2680
mei/ 煤气罐 [煤气罐] mui*hei.gun. gas container; gas 2681
mei/ tank 0
mei/ 煤油1 [电油] din`yao* kerosene 2682
mei/ 煤油2 [火水] fo/soeu/ kerosene 2683
mei/ 没 [未] mei` did not 2684
mei/ 没 [未曾] mei`cang* did not 2685
mei/ 没把握 [冇把握] mou"ba/ngAg. without assurance 2686
mei/ 没办法 [冇办法] mou"bAn`fAd. have no way 2687
mei/ 没办法 [冇符fid-] mou"fu*fid- have no way 2688
mei/ 没比的 [冇得比] mou"dag-bei/ not comparable 2689
mei/ 没病 [冇病] mou"bEng` be not ill 2690
mei/ 没错 [冇错] mou"co. 1.can't go wrong; 2691
mei/ 2.to be sure;surely; 0
mei/ certainly 0
mei/ 没根据 [冇根据] mou"gan-goeu. no basis;no founda- 2693
mei/ tion 0
mei/ 没关系 [冇关系] mou"gwAn-hai` doesn't matter;it's 2694
mei/ nothing;never mind 0
mei/ 没空儿 [唔得闲] m*dag-hAn* have no time 2695
mei/ 没留神 [唔在意] m*zoi`yi. carelessly 2696
mei/ 没买票 [未买票] mei`mAi"piu. did not buy ticket 2697
me/ 没票 [冇票] mei/piu. no ticket 2698
mei/ 没时间了 [冇时间喇] mou"xi*gAn.la. have no time 2699
mei/ 没什么1 [冇乜] mou"mad- it doesn't matter 2700
mei/ 没什么2 [冇乜嘢] mou"mad-ye" it doesn't matter 2701
mei/ 没事 [冇事] mou"xi` nothing serious 2702
mei/ 没事的 [冇事嘅] mou"xi`gE. nothing serious 2703
mei/ 没事儿 [冇关系] mou"gwAn-hai` it doesn't matter 2704
mei/ 没说的 [唔话得] m*wa`dag- faultless 2705
mei/ 没问题 [冇问题] mou"man`tai* no problem 2706
mei/ 没想到 [冇谂到] mou"nam/dou. not think of 2707
mei/ 没意思 [没意思] mou"yi.xi- 1.bored;2.dull;boring 2708
mei/ 没用 [冇用] mou"yung` of no use;useless 2709
mei/ 没有1 [冇] mou" have no 2710
mei/ 没有2 [未] mei` did not 2711
mei/ 没有3 [未曾] mei`cang* did not 2712
mei/ 没有本事 [水皮]HG soeu/pei* no ability 2713
mei/ 没治了 [冇得mAn"嘞] mou"dag-mAn"lAg. incurable;beyond hope 2714
mei/ 眉毛 [眉] mei* brows 2715
mei/ 美元 [美金] mei"gam- US dollar 2716
mei> 每 [每] mui" every;each 2717
mei> 每天 [日日] yad`yad` every day 2718
mei> 每天 [每日] mui"yad` every day 2719
mei> 美国 [美国] mei"gwog. USA 2720
mei> 美丽 [美丽] mei"lai` beautiful 2721
mei` 美术馆 [美术馆] mei"soed`gun/ art galary 2722
mei` 妹夫 [妹夫] mui`fu- husband of one's 2723
mei` younger sister 0
mei` 妹妹 [细妹] sai.mui`/ youngest sister 2724
mei` 妹妹 [妹妹] mui*mui- younger sister 2725
men 我们 [我哋] ngo"dei` we 2726
men 你们 [你哋] nei"dei` you 2727
men 他们 [佢哋] koeu"dei` they 2728
men- 闷 [翳焗] ai.gug` bored;depressed 2729
men- 闷声不响 [焗气]HG gug-hei. feel depressed 2730
men/ 门 [门] mun/ door;gate 2731
men/ 门槛 [门坎] mun*kam/ threshold 2732
men/ 门口 [门口] mun*hao/ entrance 2733
men/ 门诊 [门诊] mun*can/ outpatient service 2734
men/ 门诊部 [门诊部] mun*can/bou` clinic;outpatient 2735
men/ department 0
meng/ 萌芽 [萌芽] mang*nga* sprout 2736
mi/ 迷路 [荡失路] dong`sad-lou` lose one's way 2737
mi/ 迷上了 [迷上咗] mai*soeng"zo/ be addict to 2738
mi> 米(公尺) [米] mai- metre 2739
mi> 米饭 [饭] fAn` cooked rice 2740
mi> 米汤 [饮] yam/ water in which rice 2741
mi> has been cooked 0
mi` 秘书 [秘书] bei.xu- secretary 2742
mi` 蜜蜂 [蜜蜂] mad`fung- bee 2743
mian/ 棉大衣 [棉褛] min*lao- cotton coat 2744
mian/ 棉花 [棉花] min*fa- cotton 2745
mian/ 棉絮 [棉胎] min*toi- cotton wadding 2746
mian/ 棉织品 [棉织品] min*jig-ban/ contton goods;cotton 2747
mian/ textiles 0
mian> 免得 [免至] min"ji. so as not to 2748
mian> 免得着凉 [免至冷亲] min"ji.lAng"can- so as not to catch 2749
mian> cold 0
mian> 免税 [免税] min"soeu. exempt from taxation 2750
mian> 勉强可以 [麻麻地] ma*ma/dei/ so-so 2751
mian` 面包 [面包] min`bAo- bread 2752
mian` 面包车 [面包车] min`bao-cE- minibus 2753
mian` 面粉 [面粉] min`fan/ flour 2754
mian` 面条 [面] min` noodles 2755
min/ 民警 [警察] ging/cAd. people's police;police-2756
min/ man or policewoman 0
min/ 民族 [民族] man*zug` nationality 2757
ming/ 明白 [明白] ming/bag` understand 2758
ming/ 明白 [明] ming* understand 2759
ming/ 明年 [出年] coed-nin*/ next year 2760
ming/ 明天 [听日] ting-yad` tomorrow 2761
ming/ 明天见 [听日见] ting-yad`gin. See you tomorrow. 2762
ming/ 明天晚上 [听晚] ting-mAn" tomorrow night 2763
ming/ 明天早上 [听朝] ting-jiu- tomorrow morning 2764
ming/ 明天准来 [听日一定嚟] ting-yad`yad-ding`lai* will certainly come 2765
ming/ tomorrow 0
ming/ 明信片 [明信片] ming*soen.pin/ postcard 2766
ming/ 明知不对 [明知唔啱] ming*ji-m*ngAm- know perfectly it's 2767
ming/ wrong 0
ming/ 明知故问 [明知故问] ming*ji-gu`man` ask while already 2768
ming/ knowing the answer 0
ming/ 名茶 [名茶] ming*ca* famous brand of tea 2769
ming/ 名菜 [名菜] ming*coi. famous food 2770
ming/ 名片 [名片] ming*pin/ visiting card 2771
ming/ 名胜 [名胜] ming*xing. a place famous for 2772
ming/ its scenery 0
ming/ 名字 [名] mEng/ name 2773
ming` 命令 [柯打]HG o-da/HG order 2774
ming` 命中注定 [命中注定] mEng`zung-ju`ding` be determined by 2775
ming` fate 0
mo- 摸 [摸] mo- feel;stroke;touch 2776
mo- 摸底 [探盘]HG tAm.pun* know the real situ- 2777
mo- ation 0
mo/ 模糊 [模糊] mo*wu* blurred;dim 2778
mo/ 模型 [模型] mo*ying* model 2779
mo/ 摩托车 [摩托车] mo-tog.cE- motorcycle 2780
mo` 末班车 [尾班车] mei"ban-cE- the last bus 2781
mo` 末尾 [孻尾] lai-mei- end 2782
mo` 莫非 [唔通] m*tung- can it be that; is 2783
mo` it possible that 0
mo` 墨镜 [墨超] HG mag`qiu- sunglasses 2784
mo` 漠不关心 [冇心] HG mou"sam- indifferent 2785
mou/ 谋生 [谋生] mao*sang- make a living 2786
mou/ 牟取暴利 [劏人] HG tong.yan* reap staggering (or 2787
mou/ colossal)profits 0
mu> 母狗 [狗乸] gao/na/ bitch 2788
mu> 母猴 [马骝乸] ma"lao-na/ female monkey 2789
mu> 母鸡 [鸡乸] gai-na/ hen 2790
mu> 母猫 [猫乸] mAo-na/ female cat 2791
mu> 母牛 [牛乸] ngao*na/ cow 2792
mu> 母亲(指称)[老母] lou"mou" mother 2793
mu` 木柴 [柴] cAi* firewood 2794
mu` 木盒子 [木盒] mug`hAb/ wooden box 2795
mu` 木棉花 [木棉花] mug`min*fa- kapok flower 2796
mu` 木棉树 [木棉树] mug`min*xu` silk cotton;kapok 2797
mu` 木炭 [炭] tAn. charcoal 2798
mu` 木头1 [木头] mug`tao* wood 2799
mu` 木头2 [木] mug` wood 2800
mu` 木头鞋 [屐] kEg` clogs 2801
mu` 木箱 [木箱] mug`soeng- wooden box 2802
mu` 目标 [目标] mug`biu- objective 2803
mu` 目前 [目前] mug`qin* at present 2804
na/ 拿1 [攞] lo/ bring;take 2805
na/ 拿2 [捏] nig- hold 2806
na/ 拿3 [拎] ling- bring 2807
na/ 拿4 [递] dai` pass 2808
na/ 拿本书来 [攞本书嚟] lo/bun/xu-lai* bring a book 2809
na/ 拿不定主意[攞唔定主意] lo/m*ding`ju/yi. have not decided yet 2810
na/ 拿出 [攞出] lo/coed- take out 2811
na/ 拿过来一点[拎埋啲] ling-mAi*di- bring to me nearer 2812
na/ 拿回 [攞翻] lo/fAn- take back 2813
na/ 拿回家里 [攞翻屋企] lo/fAn-ug-kei/ bring home 2814
na/ 拿回来 [攞翻嚟] lo/fAn-lai* bring back 2815
na/ 拿来过过秤[攞嚟称下佢] lo/lai*qing-ha"koeu" bring it here and 2816
na/ weigh it 0
na/ 拿了 [攞咗] lo/zo/ have taken 2817
na/ 拿了 [拎咗] ling-zo/ have brought 2818
na/ 拿那件衣服[递嗰件衫] dai`go/gin`sAm- pass that suit of 2819
na/ dress 0
na/ 拿去用吧 [攞去用啦] lo/hoeu.yung`la- take it for use 2820
na/ 拿去重洗 [攞去洗过] lo/hoeu.sai/gwo. take it to wash again 2821
na/ 拿手 [拿手] na*sao/ be at one's best in 2822
na/ doing sth. 0
na/ 拿行李 [拎行李] ling-hAng*lei" bring luggage 2823
na/ 拿着 [拎住] ling-ju` hold 2824
na> 哪里 [边度] bin-dou` where 2825
na> 哪里 [边处] bin-xu. where 2826
na> 你是哪里人[你系边处人] nei"hai`bin-xu.yan* Where are you from? 2827
na> 哪个 [边一个] bin-yad-go. who 2828
na> 哪个 [边个] bin-go. who 2829
na> 我哪能放弃[我点会放弃] ngo"dim/wui"fong/hei. How can I give up? 2830
na> 哪位 [边位] bin-wai`/ who 2831
na` 那样 [噉样] gam/yoeng/ so 2832
na` 那边 [嗰便] go/bin` there 2833
na` 那边 [嗰边] go/bin- there 2834
na` 那儿 [嗰处] go/xu. there 2835
na` 那儿 [嗰度] go/dou` there 2836
na` 那个 [嗰个] go/go. that person 2837
na` 那个人 [嗰个人] go/go.yan* that person 2838
na` 那个人真坏[嗰个人真衰] go/go.yan*zan-soeu- that man is bad 2839
na` 那个时候 [嗰阵时] go/zan`xi* at that time 2840
na` 那股味道 [嗰啖味] go/dam`mei` that smell 2841
na` 那家布店 [嗰间布铺] go/gAn-bou.pou. that cloth shop 2842
na` 那间学校 [嗰间学校] go/gAn-hog`hao` that school 2843
na` 那件事情 [嗰件事] go/gin`xi` that matter 2844
na` 那里 [嗰度] go/dou` there 2845
na` 那么 [噉] gam/ so 2846
na` 那匹布 [嗰匹布] go/pad-bou. that cloth 2847
na` 那时 [嗰阵] go/zan` at that time 2848
na` 那套衣服 [嗰套衫裤] go/tou.sAm-fu. that suit of clothes 2849
na` 那题 [嗰题] go/tai* that problem 2850
na` 那题做错了[嗰题做错咗] go/tai*zou`zo.zo/ The solution of that 2851
na` problem is wrong . 0
na` 那条鱼 [嗰条鱼 go/tiu* yu/ that fish 2852
na` 那位客人 [嗰位客人] go/wai/hAg.yan* that visiter 2853
na` 那些 [嗰啲] go/di- those 2854
na` 那些小孩 [啲细路哥] di-sai.lou/go- those children 2855
na` 那一阵子 [嗰排] go/pAi*/ that moment 2856
nai> 奶茶 [奶茶] nai>ca* tea with milk 2857
nai> 奶粉 [奶粉] nai>fan/ milk powder 2858
[nai> 奶酪 [芝士]HG ji-xi/ cheese 2859
nai> 奶奶 [阿嫲] a'ma* grandma 2860
nai> 奶水足 [奶水足] nai"soeu/zug` have enough milk for 2861
nai> breastfeeding 0
nai> 奶油 [忌廉]HG gei`lim* cream 2862
nai` 耐用 [禁使] kam-sai/ durable 2863
nai` 耐心 [耐心] noi`sam- patient 2864
nan/ 南瓜 [金瓜] gam-gwa- pumpkin 2865
nan/ 南瓜 [番瓜] fAn-gwa- pumpkin 2866
nan/ 南 [南] nAm* south 2867
nan/ 由南向北 [由南向北] yao*nAm*hoeng.bag- from south to north 2868
nan/ 南方 [南方] nAm*fong- south 2869
nan/ 南方人 [南方人] nAm*fong-yan* southerner 2870
nan/ 南湖 [南湖] nAm*wu* South Lake 2871
nan/ 南京 [南京] nAm*ging- Nanjing(place name) 2872
nan/ 南洋 [南洋] nAm*yoeng/ South-east Asia 2873
nan/ 男厕 [男厕] nAm*qi. gentlemen's (toilet) 2874
nan/ 男孩儿 [男仔] nAm*zai/ boy 2875
nan/ 男孩子 [男仔] nAm*zai/ boy 2876
nan/ 男青年 [后生仔] hao`sang-zai/ boy 2877
nan/ 男人 [佬] lou/ man 2878
nan/ 男人 [男人] nam*yan/ man 2879
nan/ 难 [难] nAn* difficult 2880
nan/ 难办 [难办] nAn*bAn` hard to do 2881
nan/ 民以食为天[民以食为天, man*yi"xig`wai*tin- People regard food as 2882
nan/ 难道不是吗 唔通唔系咩] m*tung-m*hai`mE- their prime want,don't 0
nan/ they? 0
nan/ 难得 [难得] nAn*dag- extremely rare 2883
nan/ 人才难得 [人才难得] yan*coi*nAn*dag- Great talents are 2884
nan/ hard to come by. 0
nan/ 难看 [丑] cao/ ugly 2885
nan/ 难受 [辛苦] san-fu/ feel uncomfortable 2886
nan/ 难说 [难讲] nAn*gong/ not sure;hard to say 2887
nao> 脑门 [额头] ngAg`tao* forehead 2888
nao> 恼火 [火滚] fo/gwan/ irritated 2889
ne 你呢 [你呢] nei"nE- And you? 2890
nei> 哪间学校 [边间学校] bin-gAn- hog`hAo` which school 2891
nei> 哪些文件 [边啲文件] bin-di-man*gin/ which documents 2892
nei> 哪一点 [边一点] bin-yad-dim/ which point? 2893
nei` 那边 [嗰便] go/bin` over there 2894
nei` 那些东西 [嗰啲嘢] go/di-ye" those things 2895
nei` 内疚 [内疚] noi`gao. compunction; guilty 2896
nei` conscience 0
nei` 内裤 [底裤] dai/fu. briefs;underpants 2897
nei` 内情 [内情] noi`qing* inside story 2898
nei` 内容 [内容] noi`yung* content 2899
nei` 内行 [在行] zoi`hong* know the ropes 2900
nei` 内衣 [底衫] dai/sAm- undetwear;under- 2901
nai` garments 0
nen` 嫩 [嫩] nyun` delicate;tender 2902
neng/ 能 [能] nang* can;be able to 2903
neng/ 能干 [叻] lEg- capable 2904
neng/ 能干的女孩[叻女] lEg-noeu/ capable girl 2905
neng/ 能够 [能够] nang*gao. can;be able to 2906
neng/ 能划船 [撑得艇] cAng-dag-tEng" can row a boat 2907
neng/ 能取 [有得攞] yao"dag-lo/ can take sth. 2908
neng/ 能住几天 [住得几日呢?] ju`dag-gei/yad`nE- how many days can stay 2909
ni/ 泥(湿的) [泥] nai* semi-solid mud 2910
ni/ 泥水匠 [泥水佬] nai*soeu/lou/ blicklayer;tiler 2911
ni/ 尼龙 [尼龙] nei*lung* nylon 2912
ni> 拟好了计划[拟好咗计划] yi"hou/zo/gai'wag` have drafted a plan 2913
ni> 你 [你] nei" you 2914
ni> 你的 [你嘅] nei"gE. your;yours 2915
ni> 你们 [你哋] nei"dei` you 2916
ni> 你们的 [你哋嘅] nei"dei`gE. your;yours 2917
ni> 你上哪儿去[你去边度] nei"hoeu.bin-dou` Where are you going? 2918
ni> 你说得对 [你讲得啱] nei"gang/dag-ngAm- You are right. 2919
ni> 你说什么 [你讲乜嘢] nei"gong/mad-ye" What do you say? 2920
nian/ 年 [年] nin* year 2921
nian/ 年初一 [年初一] nin*co-yad- the first day of the 2922
nian/ 1st lunar year 0
nian/ 年糕 [年糕] nin*gou- New Year's cake 2923
nian/ 年货 [年货] nin*fo. commodities prepared 2924
nian/ for Spring Festival 0
nian/ celebrations 0
nian/ 年纪 [年纪] nin*gei/ age 2925
nian/ 年龄最大 [最老] zoeu.lou" the eldest 2926
nian/ 年龄最小 [最细] zoeu.sai. the youngest 2927
nian/ 年末 [年尾] nin*mei" the end of a year 2928
nian/ 年年 [年年] nin*nin* year after year 2929
nian/ 年三十晚 [年卅晚] nin*sa-a'mAn" the eve of the lunar 2930
nian/ New Year's day 0
niao> 鸟笼 [雀笼] zoeg.lung/ birdcage 2931
nie` 镊子 [钳仔] kim*zai/ tweezers 2932
nin/ 您 [你] nei" you 2933
nin/ 您放下吧 [你放低啦] nei"fong.dai-la- Put it down. 2934
nin/ 您贵姓 [你贵姓呀] nei"gwai.xing.a. What is your family 2935
nin/ name? 0
nin/ 您好 [你好] nei"hou/ How do you do? 2936
nin/ 您要小心 [你要因住] nei"yiu.yan-ju` You must take care. 2937
nin/ 您这么忙 [你咁唔得闲] nei"gam.m*dag-hAn* You are so busy. 2938
nin> 您先走. [你行先] nei"hang*`xin- You go first. 2939
ning` 宁可 [宁可] ning`ho/ would rather 2940
ning` 宁缺毋滥 [宁缺毋滥] ning`kyud.mou>lam` rather go without 2941
ning` than have sth. 0
nung` shoddy. 0
niu/ 牛奶 [牛奶] ngao*nAi" milk 2942
niu/ 牛腩 [牛腩] ngao*nam/ sirloin;tenderloin 2943?
niu/ 牛肉 [牛肉] ngao*yug` beef 2944
niu/ 牛肉 [大菜] HG dAi`coi. beef 2945
niu/ 牛排 [牛排] ngao*pai* slice of beef 2946
niu/ 牛油 [牛油] ngao*yao* ox oil 2947
niu/ 牛仔裤 [牛仔裤] ngao*zai/fu. jeans 2948
niu> 扭伤 [扭伤] nao/soeng- sprain 2949
niu> 扭着脚 [屈亲只脚] wad-can-zEg.goeg. sprain one's leg 2950
niu> 扭了腰 [屈亲条腰] wad-can-tiu*yiu- sprain one's back 2951
nong/ 浓 [浓] nung* thick 2952
nong/ 农历 [旧历] gao`lig` lunar calendar 2953
nong/ 农民 [农民] nung*man* peasant;farmer 2954
nong/ 农药 [农药] nung*yoeg` agricultural chemi- 2955
nong/ cals 0
nong` 弄不了 [搞唔掂] gAo/m*dim` cannot do it 2956
nong` 弄错 [搞错] gAo/co. make a mistake 2957
nong` 弄错了吧 [有冇搞措] yao"mou"gAo/co. Is it mistaken? 2958
nung` 弄假成真 [弄假成真] nung`ga/xing*zan- What is make-believe 2959
nung` has become reality. 0
nong` 弄短 [整短] jing/dyun/ shorten 2960
nong` 弄断 [整断] jing/tyun" break 2961
nong` 弄脏 [整污糟] jing/wu-zou- make it dirty 2962
nu> 努力 [勤力] kan*lig` be deligent 2963
nu> 努力工作 [落力做事] log`lig`zou`xi` work hard 2964
nuan> 暖和 [暖] nyun" warm 2965
nuan> 暖瓶 [暖水壶] nyun"soeu/wu* thermos 2966
nuan> 暖气 [暖气] nyun"hei. central heating 2967
nuo` 糯米 [糯米] no`mai" polished glutinous 2968
nuo` rice 0
nyu> 女裁缝 [车衫婆] cE-sAm-po*/ woman tailor 2969
nyu> 女厕 [女厕] noeu"qi. lady's lavatory 2970
nyu> 女儿 [女] noeu/ daughter 2971
nyu> 女儿多 [周身外父相] zao-san-ngoi`fu/soeng.have many daughters 2972
nyu> 女工 [女工] noeu"gung- woman worker 2973
nyu> 女孩1 [细佬女] sai.lou"noeu"/ girl 2974
nyu> 女孩2 [女仔] noeu"zai/ girl 2975
nyu> 女精神病人[黐线婆] qi-xin.po* mad woman 2976
nyu> 女青年 [后生女] hao`sang-noeu" young woman 2977
nyu> 女人 [婆乸] po*na/ woman 2978
nyu> 女人 [女人] noeu"yan/ woman 2979
nyu> 女王 [女王] noeu"wong*/ queen 2980
nyu> 女婿 [女婿] noeu"sai. son-in-law 2981
nyu> 女佣人 [妈姐]HG ma-zE/ housemaid 2982
nyu> 女主人 [事头婆] xi`tao*po* boss's wife 2983
o` 哦 [哦] o` oh 2984
o` 哦,我懂. [哦,我知] o`ngo"ji- Oh! I see. 2985
ou- 欧元 [欧元] ao-yun* euro 2986
ou- 欧洲 [欧洲] ao-zao- Europe 2987
ou> 偶然 [偶然] ngao"yin* accidental 2988
ou> 偶像 [偶像] ngao"zoeng` idol 2989
ou> 呕吐 [呕] ao/ vomit 2990
ou> 藕粉 [藕粉] ngao"fan/ lotus root starch 2991
pa/ 爬 [爬] pa* climb 2992
pa/ 爬山 [爬山] pa*sAn- climb mountains 2993
pa` 怕1 [怕] pa. fear 2994
pa` 怕2 [惊] gEng- fear 2995
pai- 拍马屁 [托大脚] tog.dAi`goeg. lick sb.'s boots 2996
pai- 拍卖 [夜冷]HG ye`lAng- auction 2997
pai- 拍卖 [拍卖] pAg.mAi` auction 2998
pai/ 排长 [排长] pAi*zoeng/ platoon leader 2999
pai/ 排队 [排队] pAi*deu/ line up 3000
pai/ 排字 [植字] jig`ji` typesetting 3001
pai/ 牌子1 [牌子] pAi*ji/ plate;sign;tablet 3002
pai/ 牌子2 [唛] mAg- mark 3003
pan- 泮溪酒家 [泮溪酒家] pun-kai-zao/ga- Panxi Hotel 3004
pan/ 盘 [盘] pun* tray;plate 3005
pang/ 旁边1 [侧边] zag-bin- side 3006
pang/ 旁边2 [旁边] pong*bin- side 3007
pang/ 旁观者清 [旁观者清] pong*gun-zE/qing- Spectator sees most 3008
pang/ clearly. 0
pang/ 旁门 [横门] wAng*mun* side door 3009
pang/ 螃蟹 [蟹] hAi/ crab 3010
pang/ 螃蟹 [打横]HG da/wAng* crab 3011
pang` 胖 [肥] fei* fat 3012
pang` 胖女人 [肥婆] fei*po* fat woman 3013
pang` 胖头鱼 [鳙鱼] yong*yu/ carp;bighead 3014
pang` 胖小子 [肥仔唛] fei*zai/mag- fat boy 3015
pang` 胖子 [肥仔] fei*zai/ fatty;fat person 3016
pang` 胖墩墩 [肥啲啲] fei*di-di- thickset;short and 3017
pang` thickset 0
pao- 撒一泡尿 [屙一督尿] o- yad-dug-niu> have a piss 3018
pao> 跑1 [跑] pAo/ run 3019
pao> 跑2 [走] zao/ run 3020
pao> 跑开 [松人]HG sung-yan* run away 3021
pao` 炮仗 [炮仗] pAo/zoeng/ firecrackers 3022
pao` 泡茶 [冲茶] cung-ca* make tea 3023
pao` 泡沫 [泡] pou" bubbles 3024
pei/ 陪 [陪] pui* accompany 3025
pen- 喷水 [喷水] pan.soeu/ spurt water 3026
pan` 喷气式飞机[喷气式飞机] pan.hei.xig-fei-gei- jet plane 3027
pen- 喷嚏 [乞雌] had-qi- sneeze 3028
peng/ 朋友 [朋友] pang*yao" friend 3029
peng> 捧 [捧] pung/ hold in both hands 3030
peng` 碰 [碰] pung. touch;bump 3031
peng` 碰巧 [撞啱] zong`ngAm- by chance;by coinci- 3032
peng` dence
peng` 碰钉子 [撞板] zong`bAn/ be rebuffed; hit a 3033
peng` snag 0
peng` 碰见 [撞见] zong`gin. meet unexpectedly 3034
peng` 碰碰船 [碰碰船] pung.pung.xun* bumper boat 3035
pi- 批发价 [批发价] pai-fAd.ga. wholesale price 3036
pi- 批评 [批评] pai-ping* criticize 3037
pi- 批准 [批准] pai-zoen/ approve 3038
pi/ 啤酒 [啤酒] bE-zao/ beer 3039
pi/ 脾气 [脾气] pei*hei. temper 3040
pi/ 脾气好 [脾气好] pei*hei.hou/ be good tempered 3041
pi/ 皮袄 [皮褛] pei*lao- fur coat 3042
pi/ 皮货 [皮草]HG pei*cou/ furs;peltry;fur goods 3043
pi/ 皮箱 [皮箧] pei*gib- leather suicase 3044
pi/ 皮鞋 [皮鞋] pei*hAi* lesather shoes 3045
pi> 一匹马 [一匹马] yad-pad- ma" a horse 3046
pi` 屁股 [啰友(柚)] lo-yao/ buttocks 3047
pian- 偏爱 [偏爱] pin-oi. favour;have partial- 3048
pian- ity for sth. 0
pian/ 便宜 [平] pEng* cheap 3049
pian/ 便宜 [便] pin* cheap 3050
pian/ 便宜点儿 [平啲] pEng*di- cheaper 3051
pian/ 便宜些 [平啲] pEng*di- cheaper 3052
pian` 骗 [呃] ngag- deceave;fool 3053
pian` 骗人 [呃人] ngAg-yan* deceave sb. 3054
pian` 骗子 [老千]HG lou"qin- swindler;cheat 3055
piao` 漂亮 [靓] lEng. beautiful 3056
piao` 漂亮小伙子[靓仔] lEng.zai/ handsome boy 3057
piao` 漂亮些 [靓啲] lEng.di- more beautiful 3058
pie> 苤蓝 [芥兰] gAi-lAn/ kohirabi 3059
pin- 拼命地工作[工作落力] gong-zog/log`lig` work with all one's 3060
pin- strength
pin- 拼命咳嗽 [猛咁咳] mAng"gam/kad- cough seriouly 3061
pin> 品种 [品种] ban/zung/ breed;strain 3062
ping- 乒乓球 [台波]HG toi*bo- table tennis 3063
ping- 乒乓球 [乒乓波] bing-bam-bo- table tennis 3064
ping- 乒乓球室 [波楼]HG bo-lao* table tennis room 3065
ping/ 苹果 [苹果] ping*gwo/ apple 3066
ping/ 苹果干 [苹果干] ping*gwo/gon- dried apple slices 3067
ping/ 平 [平] pEng* cheap 3068
ping/ 平方 [平方] ping*fong* square 3069
ping/ 平时 [平时] ping*xi* at ordinary times; 3070
ping/ in normal times 0
ping/ 平信 [平信] ping*soen. ordinary mail 3071
ping/ 瓶 [樽] zoen- bottle 2072
ping/ 屏幕 [屏幕] ping*mog. screen 3073
po- 泼水 [泼水] pud. splash water 3074
po/ 婆婆 [家婆] ga-po* one's husband's 3075
po/ mother 0
po` 破产 [破产] po'cAn/ bankruptcy 3076
po` 破记录 [爆表] HG bAo.biu/ break the record 3077
po` 破开(大票)[畅散] coeng.sAn/ break a banknote into 3078
po` small change 0
pu- 扑克牌1 [啤牌] HG pE-pAi*/ poker 3079
pu- 扑克牌2 [pie] pE- poker 3080
pu- 铺床 [铺床] pou-cong* make the bed 3081
pu/ 葡萄 [葡萄] pou*tou* grape 3082
pu/ 葡萄干 [葡提子] pou.tai*ji raisin;dried grapes 3083
pu/ 葡萄酒 [葡萄酒] pou*tou*zao/ wine 3084
pu> 普遍 [普遍] pou/pin. universal;general 3085
pu> 普通 [普通] pou/tong- common 3086
pu> 普通话 [普通话] pou/tung-wa`/ putonghua;Mandarin 3087
pu> Chinese;standard 0
pu> Chinese pronunciation 0
pu` 铺位 [铺位] pou.wai/ bunk;berth 3088
qi- 妻子1 [老婆] lou"po* wife 3089
qi- 妻子2 [妻子] cai-ji/ wife 3090
qi- 七 [七] cad- seven 3091
qi- 七十 [七十] cad-sab` seventy 3092
qi- 七十七 [七十七] cad-sab`cad- seventy seven 3093
qi- 七十七 [七呀七] cad-a`cad- seventy seven 3094
qi- 漆 [漆] cad- bacquer 3095
qi- 漆器 [漆器] cad-hei. lacquerware 3096
qi- 漆黑 [漆黑] cad-hag- jet-black;pitch dark 3097
qi/ 棋 [棋] kei* chess 3098
qi/ 棋盘 [棋盘] kei*pun* chessboard 3099
qi/ 棋子 [棋子] kei*ji/ piece(of a board game) 3100
qi/ 下象棋 [捉象棋] zug-zoeng`kei/ play a game of Chinese 3101
qi/ chess
qi/ 奇怪1 [出奇] coed-kei* strange 3102
qi/ 奇怪2 [怪] gwAi. strange 3103
qi/ 奇迹 [奇迹] kei*jig- miracle 3104
qi/ 齐心 [齐心] cai* sam- be of one mind (or 3105
qi/ heart);have a common 0
qi/ goal 0
qi/ 旗 [旗] kei* banner;flag 3106
qi/ 国旗 [国旗] gog/kei* national flag 3107
qi/ 红旗 [红旗] hong*kei* red flag 3108
qi/ 旗袍 [旗袍] kei*pou/ madarin gown 3109
qi/ 祈使句 [祈使句] kei*xi/goeu. imperative sentence 3110
qi/ 骑 [骑] kE* ride 3111
qi/ 骑着 [骑住] kE*ju` riding 3112
qi/ 骑自行车 [踩单车] cAi/dAn-cE- ride a bicycle 3113
qi> 起程 [起程] hei/qing* start on a journey 3114
qi> 起床1 [起身] hei/san- get up 3115
qi> 起床2 [起床] hei/cong* get up 3116
qi> 起飞 [起飞] hei/fei- (of aircraft)take off 3117
qi> 起劲 [落力] log`lig` energetically 3118
qi> 起来 [起嚟] hei/lai* rise;stand up 3119
qi> 开瓶起子 [拔塞器] bad-sag-hei. bottle opener 3120
qi> 岂有此理 [岂有此理] hei/yao"qi/lei" outrageous;absurd 3121
qi> 启发 [启发] kai/fAd. arouse;inspire 3122
qi` 器具 [器具] hei.goeu` utensil 3123
qi` 器乐 [器乐] hei.ngog` instrumental music 3124
qi` 气管炎 [气管炎] hei.gun/yim* tracheitis 3125
qi` 气候 [气候] hei.hao` climate 3126
qi` 气死人 [激死人] gig-sei/yan* enrage sb. terribly 3127
qi` 气温 [气温] hei.wan- air temperature 3128
qi` 气象台 [气象台] hei.zoeng`toi* meteorological obser- 3129
qi` vatory 0
qi` 汽车 [汽车] hei.cE- automobile 3130
qi` 汽车站 [汽车站] hei.cE-zAm` bus-stop 3131
qi` 汽船 [汽船] din`xun* 1.steamboat; 2.motor- 3132
qi` boat 0
qi` 汽水 [汽水] hei.soeu/ aerated water;soft 3133
qi` drink; soda water 0
qi` 汽艇 [电扒]HG din`pa* motorboat 3134
qia` 恰好 [凑啱] cao.ngAm- happen to;just right 3135
qia` 恰巧 [碰啱] pung.ngAm- by chance 3136
qian- 铅 [铅] yun* plumbum 3137
qian- 铅笔 [铅笔] yun*bad- pencil 3138
qian- 千 [千] qin- thousand 3139
qian- 千金 [千金] qin-gam- daughter( other than 3140
qian- one's own) 0
qian- 千金一笑 [千金一笑] qin-gam-yad-xiu. A single smile is 3141
qian- worth a thousand 0
qian- pieces of gold. 0
qian- 千万 [千万] qin-man` ten million 3142
qian- 千万 [千祈] qin-kei* must;be sure to 3143
qian- 千万别去 [千祈唔好去] qin-kei*m*hou/hoeu. You must not go.. 3144
qian- 签名 [签名] qim-mEng/ sign 3145
qian- 签名簿 [签名簿] qim-mEng/bou visitors' book 3146
qian- 签约 [签约] qim-yoeg. sign a treaty or 3147
qian- agreement 0
qian- 签证 [签证] qim-jing. visa 3148
qian- 签字 [签字] qim-ji` sign 3149
qian/ 钱财 [钱财] qin*coi* money 3150
qian/ 钱 [钱] qin*coi* wealth; money 3151
qian/ 钱 [银纸] ngan*ji/ money 3152
qian/ 钱包1 [银包] ngan*bAo- wallet;purse 3153
qian/ 钱包2 [荷包] ho*bAo- wallet;purse 3154
qian/ 钳子 [钳] kim* pincers;pliers 3155
qian/ 前额 [额头] ngAg`tao* forehead 3156
qian/ 前面 [前便] qin*bin` front 3157
qian/ 前年 [前年] qin*nin* year before last 3158
qian/ 前天 [前日] qin*yad` day before yesterday 3159
qian/ 前些时1 [先排] xin-pAi* previous days 3160
qian/ 前些时2 [先个排] xin-go.pAi* previous days 3161
qian> 浅 [浅] qin/ simple;easy 3162
qian> 浅点儿 [浅啲] qin/di- simpler;easier 3163
qian> 浅红色的 [红红哋嘅] hung*hung/dei/gE. light red 3164
qian> 浅黄色的 [黄黄哋嘅] wong*wong/dei/gE. light yellow 3165
qian` 欠 [欠] him. owe 3166
qian` 欠条 [欠条] him.tiu* receipt of a loan 3167
qian` 歉意 [歉意] hib.yi. apology 3168
qiang- 枪 [枪] coeng- rifle;gun 3169 3169 3169
qiang/ 墙 [墙] coeng* wall 3170
qiang/ 墙壁 [墙] coeng* wall 3171
qiang/ 墙报 [壁报] big-bou' wall newspaper 3172
qiang/ 强国 [强国] koeng*gwog' powerful country 3173
qiang> 强迫 [强迫] koeng*big- force 3174
qiang> 抢救 [抢救] coeng/gao' rescue;save 3175
qiao/ 桥 [桥] kiu* bridge 3176
qiao> 巧夺天工 [巧夺天工] hAo/dyud`tin-gung- so wonderful in work- 3177
qiao> manship as to surpass 0
qiao> nature 0
qiao> 巧克力 [朱古力] ju-gu-lig- chocolate 3178
qie- 切 [切] qid. cut;slice;chop 3179
qie/ 茄子 [矮瓜] ai/gwa- eggplant 3180
qing- 青菜 [白菜] bAg`coi. cabbage 3181
qing- 青霉素 [青霉素] qing-mui*sou. penicilline 3182
qing- 青年人 [后生] hao`sang- young man 3183
qing- 青蛙 [蠄渠] kam*koeu*/ frog 3184
qing- 青蛙 [田鸡] tin*gai- frog 3185
qing- 青鱼 [黑鲩] hag-wAn" black carp 3186
qing- 轻 [轻] hEng- light 3187
qung- 轻工业 [轻工业] hing-ginh-yib` light industry 3188
qing- 轻佻 [沙尘]HG sa-can* frivolous;giddy;skit- 3189
qing- tish 0
qing- 清白 [清白] qing-bag` pure;clean 3190
qing- 清晨 [一早] yad-zou/ early morning 3191
qing- 清楚 [清楚] qing-co/ clear;clearly 3192
qing- 清楚 [真] zan- clearly 3193
qing- 清风徐来 [清风徐来] qing-fung-coeu*loi* A cool breeze is 3194
qing- blowing gently. 0
qing- 清凉油 [清凉油] qing-loeng*yao* cooling ointment; 3195
qing- essential balm 0
qing- 清明节 [清明节] qing-ming*jid. Pure Brightness 3196
qing- 清热 [清热] qing-yid` relieve internal 3197
qing- heat 0
qing- 清蒸 [清蒸] qing-jing- steam 3199
qing- 清蒸鲈鱼 [清蒸鲈鱼] qing-zheng-lu/yu/ steamed perch 3200
qing- 蜻蜓 [螗尾] tong*mei"/ dragonfly 3201
qing/ 晴朗 [晴朗] qing*long/ clear;sunning 3202
qing/ 晴天1 [好天] hou/tin- fine day 3203
qing/ 晴天2 [晴天] cEng*tin- fine day 3204
qing/ 晴转多云 [晴转多云] qing*jun/do-wan* from sunning to 3205
qing/ cloudy day 0
qing/ 情节 [桥段]HG kiu*dyun` interesting plot 3206
qing/ 情况 [情况] qing*fong. situation 3207
qing/ 请1 [唔该] m*goi- excuse me 3208
qing> 请2 [请](白读) cEng/ please 3209
qing> 请换一条 [唔该换过条] m*goi-wui`gwo.tiu* Please give me 3210
qing/ another one . 0
qing> 请回吧 [请返去啦] qing/fAn-hoeu.la- Please go back. 3211
qing> 请进 [请入嚟啦] cEng/yab`lai*la- Come in,please! 3212
qing> 请客 [请客] cEng/hAg. invite guest 3213
qing> 请留步 [请留步] qing/lao*bou` Don't bother to come 3214
qing> any further. 0
qing> 请您光临 [请你光临] qing/nei"gwong-lam* Your presence is 3215
qing> requested. 0
qing> 请求 [请求] qing/kao* request 3216
qing> 请示 [请示] qing/xi` ask for or request 3217
qing> instructions 0
qing> 请帖 [请帖] qing/tib/ (written) invitation 3218
qing> 请问 [请问] qing/man` excuse me:please 3219
qing> 请先等一等[唔该等下先] m*goi-dang/ha"xin- Please wait a while. 3220
qing> 请原谅 [请原谅] qing/yun*loeng` Please excuse me. 3221
qing> 请自便 [请自便] cEng/ji`bin` Please do as you 3222
qing> like. 0
qing` 轻易 [轻易] hing-yi` easily 3223
qiu- 秋分 [秋分] cao-fan- Autumnal Equinox 3224
qiu- 秋高气爽 [秋高气爽] cao-gou-hei.song/ clear and crisp 3225
qiu- auntunm day 0
qiu- 秋季 [秋季] cao-gwai. autumn 3226
qiu- 秋千 [千秋] qin-cao- swing 3227
qiu- 秋天 [秋天] cao-tin- autumn 3228
qiu- 蚯蚓 [黄犬] wong*hyun/ earthworm 3229
qiu/ 球 [波] bo- ball 3230
qiu/ 球队后卫 [咭] kad- guard 3231
qiu/ 球鞋 [波鞋] bo-hai/ gym shoes 3232
qu- 区区小事 [区区小事] koeu-koeu-xiu/xi` trivial matter 3233
qu- 曲别针 [万字夹]HG mAn`ji`gib/ clip 3234
qu- 曲线 [曲线] kug-xin. curve 3235
qu> 取汇款 [攞汇款] lo/wui`fun/ withdraaw remittance 3236
qu> 取款 [取款] coeu/fun/ withdraw money 3237
qu> 娶妻 [娶老婆] coeu/lou"po* take a wife 3238
qu` 去不去 [去唔去] hoeu.m*hoeu. wether go or not 3239
qu` 去处 [去处] hoeu.qu. whereabouts 3240
qu` 去过那儿 [去过嗰度] hoeu.gwo.go/dou` have been there 3241
qu` 去了 [去咗] hoeu.zo/ have gone 3242
qu` 去了 [去/] hoeu/ (=hoeu.zo/) have gone 3243
qu` 去年 [旧年] gao`nin*/ last year 3244
qu` 去跳迪斯科[落的]HG log`dig- go to dance disc 3245
qu` 去一次 [去一云] hoeu.yad-wan* go over unce 3246
qu` 去一回 [去一云] hoeu.yad-wan* go over once 3247
qu` 去一趟 [去一趟] hoeu.yad-tong. go over once 3248
quan/ 全 [齐] cai* all 3249
quan/ 全 [晒] sAi. all 3250
quan/ 全部 [含巴郎] ham`ba`lang` all went out 3251
quan/ 证书全带来[带齐证书] dAi.cai*jing.xu-. have brougt with 3252
quan/ themselves all 0
quan/ credentials 0
quan/ 全都 [含巴郎] ham`blang` all ;every 3253
quan/ 全都来了 [含巴郎嚟嘞] ham`blang` have all come 3254
quan/ 全怪我 [全怪我] qun*gwAi.ngo" All is my fault. 3255
quan/ 全还了 [还晒] wAn*sAi. return all 3256
quan/ 全买了 [买晒] mAi.sAi. buy all 3257
quan/ 全面 [全面] qun*min` the whole body 3258
quan/ 全身 [成身] sEng*san- the whole body 3259
quan/ 全市 [全市] qun*xi" the whole city 3260
quan/ 全体 [全体] qun*tai/ all 3261
quan/ 全文 [全文] qun*man* full text 3262
quan/ 全怨你 [全怨你] qun*yun.nei" All is your fault. 3263
quan/ 拳击 [打卜成] da/bog-xing/ boxing 3264
quan` 劝 [劝] hyun. advise;urge 3265
quan` 劝告 [劝告] hyun.gou. advise;urge 3266
que` 确定 [确定] kog.ding` make certain;ascer- 3267
que` tain 0
que` 确实 [确实] kog.sad` true;exact ;truly; 3268
que` exactly 0
que` 确实 [认真] ying`zan- certainly 3269
qun/ 裙子 [裙] kwan* skirt 3270
qun/ 群众 [群众] kwan*zung` masses 3271
ran/ 然后 [然后] yin*hao` and then 3272
ran/ 然后再.. [然后再..] yin*hao`zoi... and then 3273
ran> 染 [染] yim" dye 3274
ran> 染料 [染料] yim'liu` dyestuff;dye 3275
rang` 让 [让] yoeng` let 3276
rang` 让(他)吃亏[揾(佢)笨] wan/(koeu")ban` put sb. at a disad- 3277
rang` vantage 0
rang` 让他先走 [畀佢行先] bei/koeu"hang*xin- let him go first 3278
rang` 让我检查 [等我检查] dang/ngo"gim/ca* let me check it 3279
rang` 让给她坐 [让畀佢坐] yoeng`bei/nei"co' offer one's seat 3280
rang` to her 0
rang` 请让一让 [唔该你借一借]m*goi-nei"zE.yad-zE. Please give way . 3281
rang` 让他等你 [叫佢等你] giu.koeu"dang/nei. let him wait a 3282
rang` minute 0
rang` 让步 [让步] yoeng`bou` concede;give in 3283
rang` 让座 [让坐] yoeng`zo` offer sb.'s seat . 3284
rao/ 饶人 [饶人] yiu*yan* forgive sb. 3285
re> 惹是非 [惹是非] ye"xi`fei- stir up trouble 3286
re> 惹事 [惹事] ye"xi` make trouble 3287
re` 热 [热] yid` hot 3288
re` 热茶 [热茶] yid`ca* a hot cup of tea 3289
re` 热得要命 [热到飞起] yid.dou.fei-hei/ extremely hot 3290
re` 热闹 [热闹] yid`nao` busy;bustling 3291
re` 热闹 [墟陷}] HG hoeu-ham` busy;bustling 3292
re` 热切地 [热切噉] yid`qid.gam/ ardent;earnest 3293
re` 热情 [热情] yid`qing* enthusiasm 3294
re` 热水瓶 [暖水壶] nyun"soeu/wu* thermos 3295
re` 热水器 [热水器] yid`soeu/hei. water heater 3296
re` 热衷某事 [发烧] HG fAd.xiu- be fond of sth. 3297
ren/ 人 [人] yan* person 3298
ren/ 人才 [人才] yan*coi* people of ability and 3299
ren/ ntegrrity;talent 0
ren/ 人家 [人哋] yan*dei` others 3300
ren/ 人家 [人家] yan*ga- others 3301
ren/ 人力车 [车仔] cE/zai/ cart drawn or ur 3302
ren/ pulled by man 0
ren/ 人民 [人民] yan*man* people 3303
ren/ 人民币 [人民币] yan*man*bai` RMB 3304
ren/ 人民路 [人民路] yan*man*lou` Renmin Road 3305
ren/ 人民桥 [人民桥] yan*man*kiu* Renmin Bridge 3306
ren/ 人人 [人人] yan*yan* everyone 3307
ren/ 人参 [人参] yan*sam- ginseng 3308
ren/ 人心所向 [人心所向] yan*sam-so/hoeng.. accord with public 3309
ren/ will 0
ren/ 人行道 [人行路] yan*hang*lou` pavement 3310
ren` 任命 [任命] yam`ming` appoint 3311
ren` 任务 [任务] yam`mou` task 3312
ren` 任期 [任期] yam`kei* term of office 3313
ren` 认错 [认错] ying`co' admit a fault 3314
ren` 认定 [认定] ying`ding` firmly believe 3315
ren` 认识 [识] xig- know 3316
ren` 认识 [认识] ying`xig- recognize;know 3317
ren` 认识 [识得] xig-dag- recognize;know 3318
ren` 认为 [认为] ying`wai* consider;think 3319
reng- 扔 [掟] dEng. throw 3320
reng- 扔 [劈] pEg. throw 3321
reng- 扔 [永}] wing. throw 3322
reng/ 仍旧 [仍然] ying*yin* still 3323
ri` 日 [日] yad` day 3324
ri` 日报 [日报] yad`bou. daily 3325
ri` 日程 [日程] yad`qing* schedule 3326
ri` 日语 [日语] yad`yu" Japanese 3327
ri` 日子 [日子] yad`ji/ date 3328
rong/ 荣幸 [荣幸] wing*hAng` feel lucky 3329
rong/ 容光焕发 [身光颈靓] san-gwong-gEng/lEng. glowing with health 3330
rong/ 容易 [容易] yung*yi` easy 3331
rong/ 容易 [易] yi` easy 3332
rong/ 绒裤 [绒裤] yung/fu. sweat pants 3333
rong/ 绒衣 [绒衫] yung/sAm- sweat shirt 3334
rou/ 柔软 [软熟] yun"sug` soft 3335
rou` 冬瓜肉厚 [冬瓜肉厚] dung-gwa-yug`hao" The wax gourd is 3336
rou` rich in pulp. 0
ru/ 如此 [如此] yu*qi/ so 3337
ru/ 如果 [若果] yoeg`gwo/ if 3338
ru/ 如果 [如果] yu*gwo/ if 3339
ru/ 如实 [如实] yu*sad` fuctually;truthly 3340
ru/ 如意 [如意] yu*yi. satisfied;as one 3342
ru/ wishes 0
ru` 入口 [入口] yab`hao/ entrance 3343
ru` 入口处 [入口处] yab`hao/qu. entrance 3344
ru` 入迷的人 [发烧友]HG fAd.xiu-yao" fan;devotee 3345
ru` 入席 [埋席] mAi*zEg` take one's seat 3346
ru` 入学试 [入学试] yab`hog`xi. entrance examination 3347
ru` 褥子 [褥] yug/ beding 3348
ruan> 软 [软] yun" soft 3349
ruan> 软片 [菲林] fei-lam/ film 3350
ruan> 软卧 [软卧] yun"ngo` (of a train) soft 3351
ruan> berth on a sleeper 0
sa- 撒(撒尿) [屙:屙尿] o-niu` piss;pee 3352
sa` 萨斯管 [色士风] xig-xi`fung- saxophone 3353
sa` 萨其马 [西骑马] sai-kE*ma" manchu candied frit- 3354
sa` ter cut in squares 0
sai- 塞 [塞] sag- fill into stuff 3355
sai- 塞车 [塞车] sag-ce- traffic jam ;traffic 3356
sai- congestion 0
san- 三 [三] sAm- three 3357
san- 三百 [三百] sAm-bAg. three hundred 3358
san- 三等舱 [三等舱] sAm-dang/cong- third-class cabin 3359
san- 三点 [三点] sAm-dim/ three o'clock 3360
san- 三点二十分[三点四个字] sAm-dim/sei.go.ji` three o'clock and 3361
san- twenty minuts 0
san- 三点四十分[三点八(个字) sAm-dim/bAd.(go.ji`) three o'clock and 3362
san- forty minutes. 0
san- 三个 [三个] sAm-go. three 3363
san- 三角洲 [三角洲] sAm-gog.zao- delta 3364
san- 三两天 [三头两日] sAm-tao*loeng"yad` two or three days 3365
san- 三路车 [三路车] sAm-lou`cE- bus No.3 3366
san- 三轮车 [三脚鸡] sAm-goeg.gai- tricycle;pedicap 3367
san- 三明治 [三明治] sAm-ming*ji` sandwich 3368
san- 三明治 [三文治] sAm-man*ji` sandwich 3369
san- 三年 [三年] sAm-nin* three years 3370
san- 三人房 [三人房] sAm-yan*fong/ three-bedded room 3371
san- 三十 [三十] sAm-sab` thirty 3372
san- 三十岁 [三十岁] sAm-sab`seu. thirty years old 3373
san- 三十一 [卅啊一] sa-a`yad- thirty one 3374
san- 三十一 [三十一] sAm-sab`yad- thirty one 3375
san- 三言两语 [三言两语] sam-yun*loeng"yu" in a few words 3376
san> 伞 [遮] zE- umbrella 3377
san> 伞太小 [把遮细得滞] ba/zE-sai.dag-zai` The umbrella is too 3378
san> little. 0
san> 散铺 [太平铺] tAi.ping*pou- wide bed for a number 3379
san> of people 0
san> 散文 [散文] sAn/ man* prose 3380
san` 散步 [散步] san`bou` take a walk 3381
sang- 桑 [桑树] sang-xu` mulberry tree 3382
sang- 桑拿浴 [桑拿] sang-na/ sauna bath
sang- 桑梓 [桑梓] sang-ji/ one's native place 3383
sang> 嗓音 [声线]HG sEng-xin voice 3384
sao> 扫墓 [拜山] bAi.sAn- sweep a grave to 3385
sao> pay respects to 0
sao> a dead person 0
sao> 嫂子 [阿嫂] a.sou/ wife of one's elder 3386
sao> brother;sister-in-law 0
sao` 扫帚 [扫把] sou.ba/ broom 3387
se` 色彩 色彩 xig-coi/ colour 3388
se` 色盲 色盲 xig-mang* colour blindness 3389
se` 色情 [咸湿]HG hAm*sab- porographic 3390
sha- 杀 [杀] sAd. kill 3391
sha- 杀鸡 [劏鸡] tong-gai- butcher a chicken 3392
sha- 沙发1 [梳化] so-fa/ sofa 3393
sha- 沙发2 [梳化椅] so-fa.yi/ sofa 3394
sha- 纱布 [纱布] sa-bou. gauze 3395
sha> 傻姑娘 [傻女] so*noeu/ foolish girl 3396
sha> 傻瓜 [老衬]HG lou"can. fool 3397
sha> 傻了 [傻咗] so*zo/ become a fool 3398
sha> 傻妹子 [傻妹] so*mui- foolish girl 3399
sha> 傻子 [傻佬] so*lou/ fool 3400
shai- 筛子 [筛] sAi- sieve;sifter 3401
shai` 晒 [晒] sAi. (of the sun)shine 3402
shai` upon 0
shai` 晒台 [天棚] tin-pang*/ balcony 3403
shai` 晒台 [天台] tin-toi*/ balcony 3404
shan- 山峰 [山峰] san-fung- mountain peak 3405
shan- 山顶 [山顶] sAn-dEng/ top of the mountain 3406
shan- 山脉 [山脉] san-mai` mountain range; 3407
shan- mountain chain 0
shan> 闪电 [闪电] xim/din` lightning 3408
shan` 擅长 [擅长] xin`coeng* be good at.;be expert 3409
shan` at 0
shan` 善意 [好心] hou/sam- goodwill;good inten- 3410
shan` tions 0
shan` 一扇门 [一度门] yad-dou`mun* a door 3411
shan` 扇子 [扇] xin. fan 3412
shang- 伤兵 [伤兵] soeng-bing- wounded soldier 3413
shang- 伤感情 [伤感情] soeng-gam/qing* injure feelings 3414
shang- 伤害 [伤害] soeng-hoi` injure 3415
shang- 伤和气 [伤和气] soeng-wo*hei. hurt one's friendship 3416
shang- 伤科 [伤科] soeng-fo- department of the 3417
shang- wounded 0
shang- 伤心 [伤心] soeng-sam- sad;grieved;broken- 3418
shang- hearted 0
shang- 商标 [唛] mAg- trademark 3419
shang- 商场 [商场] soeng-coeng* large-department 3420
shang- store 0
shang- 商点关门 [埋铺] mAi*pou. (of a shop) stop 3421
shang- business 0
shang- 商店 [铺头] pou.tao*/ shop 3422
shang- 商店 [士多]HG xi`do- store 3423
shang- 商品 [商品] soeng-ban/ commodity 3424
shang- 商人 [妈毡]HG ma-jin- merchant 3425
shang> 赏光 [赏光] soeng/gwong- accept an invitation 3426
shang> 敬请赏光 [敬请赏光] ging.qing/soeng/gwong-We request the pleas- 3427
shang> ure of your accompany. 0
shang> 赏月 [赏月] soeng/yud` enjoy a beautiful moon 3428
shang` 上楼 [上楼] soeng"lao*/ go upstairs 3429
shang` 上北京去 [去北京] hoeu.bag-ging- go to Beijing 3430
shang` 上班 [返工] fAn-gung- go to work 3431
shang` 上菜 [上菜] soeng.coi. serve the dishes of 3432
shang` food 0
shang` 上茶楼 [去饮茶] hoeu.yam/ca* go to a teahouse 3433
shang` 上车 [上车] soeng"cE- get on a car 3434
shang` 上床睡 [瞓落床] fan.log`cong* sleep on a bed 3435
shang` 上次 [上次] soeng`qi. last time 3436
shang` 上坟 [拜山] bAi.sAn- visit a grave to 3437
shang` honour the memory 0
shang` of the dead 0
shang` 上个星期 [上个礼拜] soeng`go.lai"bAi. last week 3438
shang` 上个月 [上个月] soeng`go. yud` last month 3439
shang` 上海 [上海] soeng`hoi/ Shanghai City 3440
shang` 上火 [热气] yid`hei. suffer from exces- 3441
shang` sive internal heat 0
shang` 上街1 [出街] coed-gAi- go shopping 3442
shang` 上街2 [行街] hAng*gAi- go shopping 3443
shang` 上街3 [去街] hoeu.gAi- go shopping 3444
shang` 上街买东西[去街买嘢] heu.gAi-mAi"ye" go shopping in the 3445
shang` town 0
shang` 上课 [上堂] soeng"tong* go to class 3446
shang` 上面 [上便] soeng`bin` above;over;on top of 3447
shang` 上去 [上去] soeng"heu. go up 3448
shang` 上山 [上山] soeng"sAn- go up a mountain 3449
shang` 上午好 [上昼好] soeng`zao.hou/ good morning 3450
shang` 上下 [上落] soeng"log` go up and down 3451
shang` 上下文 [上下文] soeng`ha`man* context 3452
shang` 上班 [上班] soeng"bAn- go to work 3453
shang` 上学 [返学] fAn-hog` go to school 3454
shang` 上衣 [衫] sAm- upper outergarment; 3455
shang` jacket 0
shang` 上衣 [短衫] dyun/sAm- jacket 3456
shao- 烧鹅腿 [烧鹅髀] xiu-ngo*bei/ roasted goose's leg 3457
shao- 烧卖 [烧卖] xiu-mAi`/ steamed dumpling with 3458
shao- dough gethered at 0
shao- the top 0
shao/ 勺子 [壳] hog. laddle 3459
shao> 稍长 [长长哋] qieng*qieng*dei/ a bit too long 3460
shao> 稍微 [稍为] sAo/wai* a little;a bit 3461
shao> 少 [少] xiu/ few;little;less 3462
shao> 少吃点儿 [食少啲] xig`xiu.di- eat less food 3463
shao> 少吃点好 [食少啲好] xig`xiu/di-hou/ It's better to eat 3464
shao> less food. 0
shao> 少给了 [畀少咗] bei/xiu/zo/ gave not enough 3465
shao> 少喝点酒 [饮少啲酒] yam/xiu/di-zao/ drink less wine 3466
shao> 少见多怪 [少见多怪] xiu/gin.do-gwai. The less a man sees, 3467
shao> the more he is sur- 0
shao> prised at what he 0
shao> sees. 0
shao> 少些 [少啲] xiu/di- less 3468
shao> 少要点儿 [要少啲] yiu.xiu/di- take less 3469
shao` 哨子 [鸡] gai- whistle 3470
shao` 吹哨子 [吹鸡] coeu.gai- blow whistle 3471
she/ 蛇 [蛇] sE* snake 3472
she/ 蛇羹 [蛇羹] sE*gang- snake custard 3473
she/ 舌头1 [脷] lei` tongue 3474
she/ 舌头2 [条脷] tiu*lei` tongue 3475
she` 摄影 [摄影] xib.ying/ photography;take 3476
she` a picture 0
she` 摄影师 [摄影师] xib.ying/xi- photographer 3477
she` 摄影者 [拍友]HG pAg.yao/ photographer 3478
she` 射击场 [射击场] sE`gig-coeng* shooting place 3479
she` 设法 [谂办法] nam/bAn`fAd. think of a way;try; 3480
she` do what one can 0
she` 设计 [设计] qid.gai. design 3481
she` 设施 [设施] qid.xi- means 3482
shei/ 谁 [边个] bin-go. who 3483
shei/ 谁敢吭声 [边个敢开声] bin-go.gam/hoi-sEng- who dare to utter 3484
shei/ a word 0
shen- 申请 [申请] san-qing/ exclaim 3485
shen- 身材 [身材] san-coi* statue 3486
shen- 身份证 [身份证] san-fan/jing. certificate 3487
shen- 身子不大好[身体唔多妥] san-tai/m*do-to" not feel well 3488
shen- 身手 [身手] san-sao/ skill;talent 3489
shen- 身体 [身体] san-tai/ human body;health 3490
shen- 身体健康 [身体健康] san-tai/gin`hong- heathy 3491
shen- 身心 [身心] san-sam- body and mind 3492
shen- 深 [深] sam- deep 3493
shen- 深表遗憾 [深感遗憾] sam-gam/wai*ham` express one's pro- 3494
shen- found regret 0
shen- 深圳 [深圳] sam-zan` Shenzhen City 3495
shen/ 神不守舍 [心肝唔NAG肺] sam-gon-m*nag-fai. be distracted 3496
shen/ 神话 [神话] san*wa`/ mythology 3497
shen/ 神气 [神气] san*hei. spirited 3498
shen/ 神气 [精神] jing-san* vigorous 3499
shen/ 他多神气呀[佢几精神呀] koeu gei/jing-san*a' How vigorous he is! 3500
shen/ 神仙 [神仙] san*xin- immortal 3501
shen/ 什么1 [乜] mad- what 3502
shen/ 什么2 [乜] mE" what 3503
shen/ 什么3 [乜嘢] mad-ye" what 3504
shen/ 什么病 [乜病] mad-bEng` what sickness 3505
shen/ 什么菜 [乜餸] mad-sung. what kind of food- 3506
shen/ stuffs
shen/ 什么车 [乜车] mad-cE- what kind of car 3507
shen/ 什么时候 [几时] gei/xi* when 3508
shen/ 什么事 [乜事] mad-xi` what matter 3509
shen> 婶母 [阿婶] a.sam/ aunt 3510
shen> 婶婶 [阿婶] a.sam/ aunt 3511
shen` 肾结石 [肾结石] san`gid.sEg` kidney stone 3512
shen` 肾炎 [肾炎] shen`yim* nephritis 3513
sheng- 声 [声] xing- sound;voice 3514
sheng- 生(不熟) [生] sAng- raw 3415
sheng- 生(生育) [生] sAng- be born 3516
sheng- 生病 [病] bEng` suffer a sickness 3517
sheng- 生产1 [生产1] sang-cAn/ production 3518
sheng- 生产2 [生产2] sang-cAn/ bear 3519
sheng- 生了 [生咗] sang-zo/ have born 3521
sheng- 生疟疾 [发冷] fAd.lAng" suffer malaria 3522
sheng- 生气1 [发嬲] fAd.nao- be angry 3523
sheng- 生气2 [嬲] nao- be angry 3524
sheng- 生日卡 [生日咭] sang-yad`kad- greeting card 3525
sheng- for birthday 0
sheng- 生日快乐 [生日快乐] sang-yad`fAi.log` Happy birthday to you! 3526
sheng- 生物 [生物] sang-mad` living things;living 3527
sheng- beings;creature 0
sheng- 生意 [生意] sang-yi. business 3528
sheng- 生意兴隆 [生意兴隆] sang-yi.hing-lung* Trade is brisk. or 3529
sheng- Business is booming, 0
sheng- 生意值得做[生意抵做] sang-yi.dai/zou` It is worthwhile to 3530
sheng- do this business. 0
sheng- 牲口 [牲口] sAng-hao/ domestic animals 3531
sheng/ 绳子 [绳] xing* rope 3532
sheng> 省不少钱 [悭翻唔少钱] hAn-fAn-m*xiu/qin/ save a lot of money 3533
sheng> 省会 [省会] sAng/wui` provincial capital 3534
sheng> 省钱 [悭钱] hAn-qin/ save money 3535
sheng` 盛气凌人 [盛气凌人] xing`hei.ling*yan* domineering;arrogant 3536
sheng` 盛意难却 [盛意难却] xing`yi.nAn*koeg. It is hard to decline 3537
sheng` a kind invitation. 0
sheng` 胜过 [胜过] xing.gwo. win 3538
sheng` 胜利 [胜利] xing.lei` victory 3539
sheng` 圣诞快乐 [圣诞快乐] xing.dAn.fAi.log` Happy Christmas! 3540
shi- 师傅 [师傅] xi-fu/ master 3541
shi- 失败 [肥佬] HG fei*lou/ fail 3542
shi- 失眠 [唔瞓得着] m*fan.dag-zoeg` cannot fall asleep 3543
shi- 失陪了 [失陪嘞] sad-pui*lAg. Excuse me,but I must 3544
shi- be leaving now. 0
shi- 失窃 [爆窃] HG bAo.qid. have things lost; 3545.dj
shi- suffer loss by theft 0
shi- 失望 [失望] sad-mong` lose hope 3546
shi- 失约 [失约] sad-yoeg. break one's promise 3547
shi- 失足 [失足] sad-zug- take a wrong step 3548
shi- in life 0
shi- 狮子 [狮子] xi-ji/ lion 3549
shi- 施诡计 [爆阴毒] bAo.yam-dug` carry out crafty 3550
shi- splot 0
shi- 湿 [湿] sab- wet 3551
shi- 湿淋淋 [丝湿] xi-sab- dripping wet 3552
shi- 诗 [诗] xi- poetry 3553
shi- 诗人 [诗人] xi-yan* poet 3554
shi/ 十 [十] sab` ten 3555
shi/ 十八 [十八] sab`bAd. eighteen 3556
shi/ 十点 [十点] sab`dim/ ten o'clock 3557
shi/ 十点钟 [十点钟] sab`dim/zung- ten o'clock 3558
shi/ 十二 [十二] sab`yi` twelve 3559
shi/ 十二打 [箩] lo- twelve dozen 3560
shi/ 十二点 [十二点] sab`yi`dim/ twelve o'clock 3561
shi/ 十分高兴 [欢喜到死] fun-hei/dou.sei/ extremely happy 3562
shi/ 十分抱歉 [好对唔住] hou/doeu.m*ju` be very regret 3563
shi/ 十分钟 [十分钟] sab`fan-zung- ten minutes 3564
shi/ 十几天 [十几日] sab`gei/yad` more than ten days 3565
shi/ 十九 [十九] sab`gao/ nineteen 3566
shi/ 十厘米高 [十厘米高] sab`lei*mai-gou- ten milimetres tall 3567
shi/ 十里 [铺] pou. ten li 3568
shi/ 十六 [十六] sab`lug` sixteen 3569
shi/ 十七 [十七] sab`cad- seventeen 3570
shi/ 十三 [十三] sab`sAm- thirteen 3571
shi/ 十四 [十四] sab`sei. fourteen 3572
shi/ 十五 [十五] sab`ng" fifteen 3573
shi/ 十一 [十一] sab`yad- eleven 3574
shi/ 十元 [十缗] sab`man- ten yuan 3575
shi/ 十元左右 [十缗度] sab`man-dou`/ about ten yuan 3576
shi/ 十月 [十月] sab`yud` October 3577
shi/ 石灰 [灰] fui- lime 3578
shi/ 石灰 [石灰] sEg`fui- lime 3579
shi/ 石匠 [打石佬] da/sEg`lou"/ stonemason 3580
shi/ 石器时代 [石器时代] sEg`hei.xi*doi` Stone Age 3581
shi/ 石头 [石头] sEg`tao* stone 3582
shi/ 石油 [石油] sEg`yao* petroleum;oil 3583
shi/ 拾到 [执到] zab-dou. pick up 3584
shi/ 拾到东西 [执到嘢] zab-dou.ye" pick up sth. 3585
shi/ 时分 [时分] xi*fan` time 3586
shi/ 时候 [时候] xi*hao` time 3587
shi/ 时候 [时] xi* time 3588
shi/ 时间 [时间] xi*gAn. time 3589
shi/ 时间到了 [够钟嘞] gao.zung-lAg. Time is up. 3590
shi/ 时刻表 [时刻表] xi*hag-biu/ schedule 3591
shi/ 时兴 [时兴] xi*hing- fashionable 3592
shi/ 时兴 [花臣] HG fa-san/ fashionable 3593
shi/ 时装 [时装] xi*zong- fashionable dress 3594
shi/ 时髦 [时髦] xi*mou- fashionable 3595
shi/ 食品 [食品] xig`ban/ foodstuff;food 3596
shi/ 食品公司 [食品公司] xig`ban/gung-xi- food company 3597
shi/ 食品商店 [食品商店] xig`ban/soeng-dim. provisions shop 3598
shi/ 食堂 [食堂] xig`tong* dining room 3599
shi/ 食油 [食油] xig`yao* edible oil 3600
shi/ 时机 [时机] xi*gei- chance 3601
shi/ 实践 [实践] sad`qin"/ practice 3602
shi/ 实在 [实在] sad`zoi` indeed 3603
shi/ 使人满意 [使人满意] sai/yan*.mun"yi. satisfy the people 3604
shi` 式样 [花臣] fa-san/ fashion 3605
shi` 事 [事] xi` matter;affair;thing 3606
shi` 什么事 [乜嘢事] mad-ye"xi` what matter 3607
shi` 做事 [做嘢] zou`ye" work 3608
shi` 事件 [事件] xi`gin. event 3609
shi` 事情1 [事情] xi`qing* matter;thing 3610
shi` 事情2 [事干] xi`gon. matter;thing 3611
shi` 是 [系] hai` be(am,are,is) 3612
shi` 是不是 [系咪] hai`mai` is or not 3613
shi` 是不是啊 [系唔系架}] hai`m*hai`ga. yes or not 3614
shi` 是的 [系嘅] hai`gE. yes 3615
shi` 是好东西呀[系正嘢嚟架}] hai`zEng.ye"lai*ga. it is a good thing 3616
shi` 是这样吗 [系咁样咩] hai`gam.yoeng/mE- Is it so? 3617
shi` 嗜好多 [周身瘾] zao-san-yan" a lot of hobbies 3618
shi` 适应 [习惯] zAb`gwAn. be acustomed to 3619
shi` 市花 [市花] xi"fa- city flower 3620
shi` 市区 [市区] xi"koeu- city proper 3621
shi` 市区详图 [市区详图] xi"koeu-coeng*tou* detail map of the 3622
shi` city proper 0
shi` 市容 [市容] xi"yung* appearance of a city 3623
shi` 室内 [室内] sad-noi` indoor 3624
shi` 室外 [室外] sad-ngqi` outdoor 3625
shi` 试工 [见工] gin.gung- be on probation 3626
shi` 试试 [试下] xi.ha" have a try 3627
shi` 试试看 [试下] xi.ha" have a try 3628
shi` 试验 [试验] xi.yim` test 3629
shou- 收不到 [收唔到] sao-m*dou/ cannot receive 3630
shou- 收场 [收科]HG sao-fo- wind up;end up 3631
shou- 收好 [袋好] doi`hou/ (装入口袋) put into one's pocket 3632
shou- 收回 [收翻] sao-fAn- take back 3633
shou- 收件人 [收件人] sao-gin`yan* addressee;consignee 3634
shou- 收录机 [收录机] sao-lug`gei- radio recorder 3635
shou- 收拾1 [执] zab- put in order 3636
shou- 收拾2 [执拾] zab-sab` put in order 3637
shou- 收下 [收下] sao-ha` have received sth. 3638
shou- 收下礼物 [收下礼物] sao-ha`lai"mad` receive gifts 3639
shou- 收音机 [收音机] sao-yam-gei- radio receiver 3640
shou/ 熟悉 [熟悉] sug`xig- be familiar with 3641
shou> 手 [手] sao/ hand 3642
shou> 手表 [手表] sao/biu- handwatch 3643
shou> 手帕 [手巾仔] sao/gan-zai/ handkerchief 3644
shou> 手套 [手袜] sao/mad` gloves 3645
shou> 手提袋 [手袋] sao/doi/ handbag 3646
shou> 手机 [手机] sao/gei- mobile phone 3647
shou> 手续 [手续] sao/zug` procedure 3648
shou> 手痒痒 [手痕痕] sao/han*han* have an itch to do 3649
shou> sth. 0
shou> 手艺 [手艺] sao/ngai` workmanship 3650
shou> 手杖 [士的] xi`dig- stick 3651
shou> 手指头 [手指] sao/ji/ finger 3652
shou> 手纸 [草纸] cou/ji/ toilet paper 3653
shou> 首饰 [首饰] sao/xig- head ornaments; 3654
shou> jewelery 0
shou> 首饰店 [金铺] gam-pou. jewellery store 3655
shou> 守秩序 [守秩序] sao/did`zoeu` keep order 3656
shou` 售货员 [售货员] sao`fo.yun* shop assistant 3657
shou` 售票处1 [售票处] sao`piu.qu. ticket office ;book- 3658
shou` ing office(at a 0
shou` railway station) 0
shou` 售票处2 [售票处] sao`piu/qu. box office (at a 3659
shou` theater,cinema) 0
shou` 售票员1 [售票员] sao`piu.yun/ ticket seller 3660
shou` 售票员2 [售票员] sao`piu.yun/ conductor (at bus, 3661
shou` train etc.) 0
shou` 受不了 [受唔住] sao`m*ju` cannot stand (or 3662
shou` endure) 0
shou` 受得了 [受得住] sao`dag-ju` able to withstand 3663
shou` 受惊 [吓亲] hAg.can- be frightened 3664
shou` 受骗 [食诈糊] xig`za.wu/ be deceived (fooled, 3665
shou` cheated) 0
shou` 受害 [受害] sao`hoi` suffer injury 3666
shou` 受罪 [受罪] sao`zoeu` endue hardship 3667
shou` 瘦 [瘦] sao. thin 3668
shu- 蔬菜 [蔬菜] so-coi. vegetable 3669
shu- 蔬菜 [菜] coi. vegetable 3670
shu- 梳头 [梳头] so-tao* comb the hair 3671
shu- 梳子 [梳] so- comb 3672
shu- 输出 [输出] xu-coeu- output 3673
shu- 输入 [输入] xu-yab` input 3674
shu- 输血 [输血] xu-hyud. blood transfusion 3675
shu- 叔父 [阿叔] a.sug- uncle 3676
shu- 叔叔 [阿叔] a.sug- uncle 3677
shu- 舒服1 [舒服] xu-fug` comfortable 3678
shu- 舒服2 [自在] ji`zoi` comfortable 3679
shu- 舒适 [舒适] xu-xig- comfortable 3680
shu- 舒坦 [舒服] xu-fug` comfortable 3681
shu- 书(书本) [书] xu- book 3682
shu- 书包 [书包] xu-bao- schoolbag 3683
shu- 书店 [书店] xu-dim. bookstore 3684
shu- 书架 [书架] xu-ga/ bookshelf 3685
shu- 书桌 [书台] xu-toi/ book desk 3686
shu- 漱口 [朗}口] long/hao/ rinse the mouth 3687
shu- 恕我冒昧 [对唔住] doeu.m*ju` excuse me;bag your 3688
shu- pardon
shu/ 熟练 [熟练] sug`lin` skilled 3689
shu> 数数 [点下] dim/ha" count 3690
shu> 数不上最好[唔算最好] m*sun.zoeu`hou/ not reckoned as the 3691
shu> best 0
shu` 数学 [数学] sou.hog` mathematics 3692
shu` 树 [树] xu` tree 3693
shu` 这里树真多[呢度真系多树]ni-dou`zan-hai`do-xu` There are really many 3694
shu` trees here. 0
shu` 束手束脚 [局手局脚] gug`sao/gug`goeg. be overcautious 3695
shu` 竖线 [直线] jig`xin. vertical line 3696
shua- 刷 [刷] cAd. brush 3697
shua- 刷牙 [刷牙] cAd.nga* brush teeth 3698
shua> 耍 [耍] sa/ play 3699
shua> 耍太极 [耍太极] sa/tAi.gig` exercise Taijiquan 3700
shua> 耍嘴皮的人[口水佬]HG hao/soeu/lou/ talkative person 3701
shuai- 摔 [跌] did. have a fall 3702
shuai- 腿摔伤了 [跌亲咗只脚] did.can-zo/zEg'gEg. had a fall and hurt 3703
shuai- the leg 0
shuang-霜 [霜] soeng- frost 3704
shuang-一双鞋 [一对鞋] yad-doeu.hai* a pair of shoes 3705
shuang-双 [孖] ma- double 3706
shuang-双胞胎 [孖生子女] ma-sAng-zai/noeu/ twins 3707
shuang-双方 [双方] soeng-fong- both sides 3708
shuang-双人房 [双人房] soeng-yan*fong/ double-bedded room 3709
shuang-双人房间 [双人房间] soeng-yan*fong*gAn double-badded room 3710
shuang-双眼皮 [双眼皮] soeng-ngAn/pei* double-folded eye 3711
shuang- lids 0
shuang>爽快 [爽快] song/fAi. frank 3712
shui> 水 [水] soeu/ water 3713
shui> 水稻 [水稻] soeu/dou` paddy 3714
shui> 水果 [水果] soeu/gwo/ fruit 3715
shui> 水果 [生果] sAng-gwo/ fruit 3716
shui> 水果店 [生果店] sAng-gwo/pou/ fruit store 3717
shui> 水果糖 [水果糖] soeu/gwo/tong/ fruit drops 3718
shui> 水路 [水路] soeu/lou` waterway;water routh 3719
shui> 水泥 [红毛泥] hung*mou*nai* cement 3720
shui> 水泥 [士敏土] xi`man"tou/ cement 3721
shui> 水田 [水田] soeu/tin* paddy field 3722
shui> 水仙 [水仙]HG soeu/xin- narcissus 3723
shui` 睡不着1 [瞓唔着觉] fan.m*zoeg`gAo. cannot fall asleep 3724
shui` 睡不着2 [唔瞓得着] m*fan.dag-zoeg` cannot fall asleep 3725
shui` 睡得舒坦 [瞓得舒服] fan.dag-xu-fug` sound sleep 3726
shui` 睡得太晚 [迟瞓得滞] qi* fan.dag-zai sleep too lately 3727
shui` 睡过头 [唔知醒] m*ji-sEng/ oversleep 3728
shui` 睡觉 [瞓觉] fan.gAo. go to bed;sleep 3729
shui` 睡觉 [瞓] fan. go to bed;sleep 3730
shun` 顺便 [顺便] soen`bin/ (do sth.) in ad- 3731
shun` dition to what one 0
shun` is already doing 0
shun` 顺利 [顺利] soen`lei` successful 3732
shuo- 说1 [话] wa` speak 3733
shuo- 说2 [讲话] gong/wa` talk 3734
shuo- 说3 [开声] hoi-sEng- speak 3735
shuo- 说4 [讲] gong/ speak;tell 3736
shuo- 说不定 [讲唔定] gong/m*ding` perhaps 3737
shuo- 说大话 [讲大话] gong/da`wa/ talk big 3738
shuo- 你说得对 [你讲得啱] nei"gong/dag-ngAam- What you say is 3739
shuo- quite true. 0
shuo- 说服 [说服] soeu.fug` persuate 3740
shuo- 说话 [讲话] gong/wa/ speak 3741
shuo- 说话够分量[有牙力]HG yao"nga*lig` One's words should not 3742
shuo- be taken lightly 0
shuo- 说话冗长 [长气]HG coeng*hei. (of words)long-winded 3743
shuo- 说话重复 [赘气]HG zoeu.hei. talk again and again 3744
shuo- 说了半天 [讲咗好耐] gong/zo/hou/noi` have a long chat 3745
shuo- 说了不算 [混吉]HG wan`gad- do not keep one's word 3746
shuo- 说话算数 [讲话算数] gong/wa/xun.sou. mean what one says 3747
shuo- 说明书 [说明书] xud.ming*xu- manual 3748
shuo- 说什么也 [几大都要去] gei/dAi`dou-yiu.hoeu. (He) will go in any- 3749
shuo- 要去 case. 0
shuo- 说完 [讲完] gong/yun* finish talking 3751
shuo/ 硕士学位 [硕士学位] sEg`xi`hog`wai` master's degree 3752
si- 撕 [撕] xi- tear;rip 3753
si- 撕 [扌灭] mid- tear;rip 3754
si- 撕毁 [扯烂] cE-lAn` tear up 3755
si- 私人 [私人] xi-yan* private 3756
si- 私人电话 [私人电话] xi-yan*din`wa/ private telephone 3757
si- 司机 [司机] xi-gei- driver 3758
si- 丝瓜 [胜瓜] xing.gwa- towel gourd 3759
si- 丝瓜 [水瓜] soeu/gwa- towel gourd 3760
si- 丝棉 [丝棉] xi-min* silk floss 3761
si> 死 [死] sei/ die 3762
si> 死对头 [顶心杉]HG ding/sam-cAm. deadly enemy 3763
si> 死胡同 [掘头巷] gwad`tao*hong/ blind alley;dead end 3764
si` 四 [四] sei. four 3765
si` 四川 [四川] sei.qun- Sichuan Province 3766
si` 四点 [四点] sei.dim/ four o'clock 3767
si` 四季 [四季] sei.gwai. four seasons 3768
si` 四季如春 [四季如春] sei.gwai.yu*coen- like spring all the 3769
si` year round 0
si` 四十 [四十] sei.sab` forty 3770
si` 四十分 [四十分] sei.sab`fan- forty minutes 3771
si` 四十四 [四十四] seisab`sei. forty four 3772
si` 四十四 [四啊四] sei.a`sei. forty four 3773
si` 四十五分 [九个字] gao/go.ji` forty five minutes 3774
song- 松花蛋 [皮蛋] pei*dAn` preserved duck egg 3775
song` 送 [送] sung. send 3776
song` 送报纸 [派报] pAi.bou. deliver newspapers 3777
song` 送别 [送别] sung.bid` farewell 3778
song` 送客 [送客] sung.hAg. see a guest off 3779
sou- 馊 [馊] sug- bad 3780
sou- 馊主意 [屎计] xi/gai/ bad idea 3781
su` 俗话 [俗话] zug`wa/ common saying 3782
su` 素菜 [斋菜] zai-coi. vegetable dish 3783
su` (without meat) 0
su` 速效 [速效] cug-hAo` quick results 3784
su` 塑料 [塑料] sou.liu`/ plastic 3785
suan- 酸 [酸] xun- acid 3786
suan- 酸痛 [酸痛] xun-tung. ache all over 3787
suan` 蒜 [蒜] xun. garlic 3788
suan` 算 [计] gai. count 3789
suan` 算了 [算嘞] xun.lAg. let it pass 3790
suan` 算盘 [算盘] xun.pun* abacus 3791
suan` 算钱 [计钱] gai.qin/ count 3792
suan` 算数 [算数] sun'sou. count;hold;stand 3793
suan` 说话算数 [讲话算数] gong/va/sun'sou' keep to one's word 3794
sui- 虽然 [虽然] soeu-yin* although;though 3795
sui/ 随便1 [随便] coeu*bin`/ 1.do as one pleases 3796
sui/ 2.random 0
sui/ 随便2 [是但] xi`dAn` random 3797
sui/ 随便3 [求其] kao*ei* random 3798
sui/ 随地 [随地] coeu*dei` everywhere 3799
sui/ 随时 [随时] coeu*xi* at any time 3800
sui/ 随着 [随住] coeu*ju` follow;with 3801
sui/ 随心所欲 [随心所欲] coeu*sam-so/yug` follow one's inclina- 3802
sui/ tions;do as one wishes 0
sui/ 随波逐流 [随波逐流] coeu*bo-zug`lao* drift with the tide 3803
sui/ (or current) 0
sui` 岁 [岁] soeu. year 3804
sui` 穗 [穗] soeu` ear of grain 3905
sun- 孙女 [孙女] xun-noeu"/ granddaughter 3806
sun- 孙子 [孙] xun- grandson 3807
sun> 损失 [损失] xun/sad- loss 3808
suo> 琐碎 [琐碎] so.soeu. trivial 3809
suo> 索赔 [索培] sog.pui* claim damages;claim 3810
suo> an indemnity 0
suo> 锁 [锁] so/ lock 3811
suo> 一所学校 [一间学校] yad-gAn-hog`hao` a school 3812
suo> 所谓 [所谓] so/wai` so-called 3813
suo> 所有的 [含巴郎嘅] ham`blang`gE. all 3814
suo> 所有的东西[所有啲嘢] so/yao"di-ye" all articles 3815
suo> 所作所为 [所作所为] so/zog.so/wai* one's behaviour 3816
suo` 缩水 [缩水] sug-soeu/ shrink 3817
ta- 他 [佢] koeu" he;him 3818
ta- 他比你行 [佢叻过你] koeu"lEg-gwo.nei" He is abler than you. 3819
ta- 他病了 [佢病喇] koeu"bEng`la. He is ill. 3820
ta- 他不在 [佢唔喺度] koeu"m*hai/dou` He is not here. 3821
ta- 他吃着饭 [佢食开饭] koeu"xig`hoi-fAn` He is having a meal. 3822
ta- 他的 [佢嘅] koeu"gE. his 3823
ta- 他刚刚走了[佢正话走咗] koeu"jing.wa`zao/zo/ He has just left away. 3824
ta- 他哭起来 [佢喊起嚟] koeu"ham.hei/lai* He s crying. 3825
ta- 他俩 [佢哋两个] koeu"dei`loeng"go. both of them 3826
ta- 他没多少钱[佢冇钱乜滞] koeu"mou"qin/mad-zai` He has little money. 3827
ta- 他没多少钱[佢冇乜滞钱] koeu"mou"mad-zai`qin/ He has little money. 3828
ta- 他们 [佢哋] koeu"dei` they 3829
ta- 他们又好了[佢哋又好翻] koeu"dei`yao`hou/fAn- They has now got along 3830
ta- well.
ta- 他说来了 [佢讲话嚟喇] koeu"gong/wa`lai*la. He said that he has 3831
ta- come.
ta- 他在吗 [佢喺度咩] koeu"hai/dou`mE- Is he here? 3832
ta- 它 [佢] koeu" it 3833
ta- 它的 [佢嘅] koeu"gE. its 3834
ta- 它们 [佢哋] koeu"dei` they 3835
ta- 她 [佢] koeu" she;her 3836
ta- 她的 [佢嘅] koeu"gE. her;hers 3837
ta- 她们 [佢哋] koeu"dei` they 3838
tai/ 抬 [抬] toi* (of two or more per- 3839
tai/ sons) carry 0
tai/ 抬杠 [扪气]HG mun*hei. bicker;wrangle 3840
tai/ 台灯 [台灯] toi*dang- desk lamp;table lamp 3841
tai/ 台灯坏了 [台灯坏咗] toi*dang-wAi`zo/ The desk lamp is out 3842
tai/ of order, 0
tai/ 台风 [台风] toi*fung- typhoon 3843
tai/ 台阶 [台阶] toi*gAi- staircase;stairway 3844
tai/ 台球 [桌球] coeg.kao* table tennis 3845
tai/ 台扇 [台扇] toi*xin. table electric fan 3846
tai` 太1 [太] tAi. too 3847
tai` 太2 [到死] dou.sei/ too 3848
tai` 太3 [得滞] dag-zai` too 3849
tai` 太4 [晒] sAi. too 3850
tai` 太5 [过头] gwo.tou* too 3851
tai` 太棒了1 [好劲] hou/ging` excellent 3852
tai` 太棒了2 [太劲嘞] tAi.ging`lAg. excellent 3853
tai` 太饱了 [饱过头嘞] bAo"gwo.tao*lAg. be full enough 3854
tai` 太不像样了[太唔似样嘞] tAi.m*qi"yoeng/lAg. unreasonable 3855
tai` 太大 [大得滞] dAi`dag-zai` too big 3856
tai` 太低 [太低] tAi.dai- too low 3857
tai` 太短 [短过头] dyun/gwo.tao* too short 3858
tai` 太多 [太多] tAi.do- too much 3859
tai` 太高兴了 [高兴得滞] gou-hing.dag-zai` too glad 3860
tai` 太贵了 [贵过头喇] gwai.gwo.tao*la. too expensive 3861
tai` 太好 [好得滞] hou/dag-zai` too good 3862
tai` 太好了 [太好嘞] tAi.hou/lAg. too good 3863
tai` 太极 [太极拳] tAi.gig` kyun* Taijiquan 3864
tai` 太挤 [太逼] tAi.big- too crowded 3865
tai` 太紧张了 [紧张得滞] gan/zoeng-dag-zai` too nervous 3866
tai` 太久 [太耐] tAi.noi` too long 3867
tai` 太忙了 [忙得滞] mong*dag-zai` too busy 3868
tai` 太猛了 [猛过头] mAng"gwo.tao* too violent 3869
tai` 太漂亮了 [真靓嘞] zan-lEng.lAg. be really beautiful 3870
tai` 太热 [热过头] yid`gwo.tao* too hot 3871
tai` 太热了 [热到死] yid`dou.sei/ too hot 3872
tai` 太少 [少过头] xiu/gwo.tao* too little 3873
tai` 太深 [太深] tAi.sam- too deep 3874
tai` 太深了 [深得滞] sam-dag-zai` too deep 3875
tai` 太熟了 [熟过头喇] sug`gwo.tao*la. too ripe 3876
tai` 太太 [太太] tAi.tAi/ Mrs.;madame 3877
tai` 太顽皮 [百厌得滞] bAg.yim.dag-zai` too naughty 3878
tai` 太晚了 [太迟嘞] tAi.qi*lAg. too late 3879
tai` 太咸 [咸过头] hAm*gwo.tao* too salty 3880
tai` 太咸 [咸得滞] hAm*dag-zai` too salty 3881
tai` 太小 [细得滞] sai.dag-zai` too little 3882
tai` 太谢谢了 [唔该晒] m*goi-sAi. be too grateful to sb. 3883
tai` 太谢谢你了[唔该晒你喇] m*goi-sAi.nei"la. be too grateful to you 3884
tai` 太辛苦了 [辛苦晒] san-fu/sAi. You are too toisome. 3885
tai` 太阳 [热头] yid`tao/ the sun 3886
tai` 太远 [远过头] yun"gwo.tao* too far 3887
tai` 太远 [远得滞] yun"dag-zai` too far 3888
tan- 贪财 [贪财] tAm-coi* be greedy for money 3889
tan- 贪吃 [为食] wai`xig` be greedy for food 3900
tan- 贪污 [贪污] tAm-wu- embezzle;practise 3901
tan- graft 0
tan/ 弹钢琴 [弹钢琴] tAn*gong.kam* play the piano 3902
tan/ 弹簧 [弹簧] tan*vong* spring 3903
tan/ 坛子 [瓮缸] ung.gong- eathern jar;jug 3904
tan/ 痰盂 [痰罐] tAm*gun. spittoon;cuspidor 3905
tan/ 谈1 [倾] king- talk 3906
tan/ 谈2 [斟] zam- talk 3907
tan/ 谈3 [讲] gong/ talk 3908
tan/ 谈恋爱 [拍拖]HG pAg.to- walk out with ; go 3909
tan/ steady or together 0
tan/ 谈生意 [斟生意] zam-sang-yi. negotiate business 3910
tan/ 谈谈1 [倾倾] king-king- have a chat 3911
tan/ 谈谈2 [倾下] king-ha" have a chat 3912
tan/ 谈谈3 [斟下] zam-ha" have a talk 3913
tan/ 谈天气 [讲天时] gong/tin-xi* about the weather 3914
tan/ 谈一谈 [倾下] king-ha" have a chat 3915
tan> 毯子 [毡] jin- blanket 3916
tan` 贪玩] [烂玩] lAn`wAn/ be too fond of play 3917
tan` 探病 [探病] tAm.bEng` visit a patient 3918
tan` 探望 [探] tAm. visit;call on 3919
tan` 探望朋友 [探下朋友] tAm.ha"pang*yao" go to visit a friend 3920
tang- 汤 [汤] tong- soup 3921
tang- 汤匙 [匙羹] qi*gang- spoon;ladle 3922
tang- 汤很鲜 [汤好鲜甜] tong-hou/xin-tim* The soup is really 3923
tang- tasty. 0
tang- 汤有点儿淡[汤淡些少] tong-tAm"sE-xiu/ The soup is a little 3924
tang- tastless. 0
tang- 汤圆 [汤圆] tong-yun*/ dumplings made of 3925
tang- glutinous rice flour 0
tang- and served in soup 0
tang/ 堂弟 [堂弟] tong*dai` younger cousin on 3926
tang/ the paternal side 0
tang/ 堂兄 [堂兄] tong*hing- elder cousin on the 3927
tang/ paternal side 0
tang/ 唐人街 [唐人街] tong*yam*gAi- Chinatown 3928
tang/ 糖 [糖] tong* sugar 3929
tang/ 糖(糖果) [糖] tong/ confection 3930
tang/ 吃糖 [食糖] xig`tong/ eat confection 3931
tang/ 糖浆 [糖浆] tong*zoeng- medicinal cyrup 3932
tang> 躺 [瞓] fan. lie 3933
tang> 躺在床上 [瞓落床] fan.log`cong* lie on the bed 3934
tang` 一趟1 [一次] yad-qi. once 3935
tang` 一趟2 [一趟] yad-tong. once 3936
tang` 烫1 [焫] nad. scald 3937
tang` 烫2 [烫] tong. scald;burn 3938
tang` 烫发 [电发] din`fAd. perm;give or have 3939
tang` permanent wave 0
tao/ 桃儿 [桃] tou* peach 3940
tao/ 桃花 [桃花] tou*fa- peach blossom 3941
tao/ 桃树 [桃树] tou*xu` peach tree 3942
tao/ 桃子 [桃] tou*/ peach 3943
tao/ 逃跑 [偷走] tao-zao/ run away to another 3944
tao/ place 0
tao/ 淘气 [扭计] HG nao/gai`/ mischievous 3945
tao> 讨价还价 [讨价还价] tou/ga.wAn*ga. bargain 3946
tao> 讨论 [讨论] tou/loen` discuss 3947
tao> 讨厌 [憎] zang- dislike;annoying 3948
tao` 一套衣服 [一脱衫裤] yad-tyud'sAm-fu. a suit of clothes 3949
tao` 一套课本 [一套课本] yad-tou.fo.bun/ a set of textbooks 3950
tao` 套装 [套装] tou.zong- suit;a set of suits 3951
te` 特别1 [特别] dag`bid` special 3952
te` 特别2 [零舍] ling*sE. expecially 3953
te` 今天特别冷[今日零舍冷] gam-yad`ling*sE'lAng" It's especially cold 3954
te` today.
te` 特别啰嗦 [零舍啰嗦] ling*sE.lo-so- especially wordy 3955
te` 特快邮件 [特快邮件] dag`fAi.yao*gin` express mail 3956
te` 特快车 [特快车] dag`fAi.cE- express train 3957
teng/ 藤椅 [藤椅] tang*yi/ cane chair;ratton 3958
teng/ chair 0
teng/ 疼痛 [疼痛] tang*tong. pain;ache 3959
teng/ 疼爱 [疼爱] tung.oi. love dearly 3960
ti- 梯子 [梯] tai- ladder 3961
ti- 电梯 [电梯] din`tai- lift;elevator 3962
ti- 踢球 [踢球] tEg.kao* kick a ball 3963
ti- 踢毽子 [踢毽] tEg.gin` kick the shuttlecock 3964
ti/ 提高 [提高] tai*gou- lift;raise;highten; 3965
ti/ improve 0
ti/ 提款 [提款] tai*fun/ draw money from a bank 3966
ti/ 提皮箱 [拎皮箧] ling-pei*gib- carry a suicace 3967
ti/ 提前 [提前] tai*qin* ahead of schedule; 3968
ti/ shift to an earlier 0
ti/ date;advance 0
ti/ 提升为经理[升咗做经理] xing-zo/zou`ging-lei" be promoted to the 3969
ti/ post of manager 0
ti/ 提醒 [提醒] tai*sEng/ remind 3970
ti/ 提议 [提议] tai*yi" propose 3971
ti/ 蹄子 [蹄] tai* hoof 3972
ti> 体温计 [探热针] tAm.yid`zam- thermometer 3973
ti> 体育场 [体育场] tai/yug`coeng* stadium 3974
ti> 体育馆 [体育馆] tai/yug`gun/ gynasium;gym 3975
ti` 替他写信 [帮佢写信] bong-koeu"sE/soen. write a letter for 3976
ti` him 0
ti` 替我倒杯茶[同我倒杯茶] tung*ngo"dou`bui-ca* give me a cup of tea 3977
ti` 替我先修鞋[同我整鞋先] tung*ngo"jing/hai*xin- please mend my shoes 3978
ti` first 0
tian- 天 [日] yad` day 3979
tian- 天暗 [天黑] tin-hag- It's dark. 3980
tian- 天方夜谭 [天方夜谭] tin-fong-ye`tAm* Arabian Nights 3981
tian- 天公作美 [天公作美] tin-gung-zog.mei" Heaven is just co- 3982
tian- operative. 0
tian- 天黑 [天黑] tin-hag- It's dark. 3983
tian- 天井 [天井] tin-zEng/ small yard 3984
tian- 天亮 [天光] tin-gwong- daybreak 3985
tian- 天气1 [天气] tin-hei. weather 3986
tian- 天气2 [天时] tin-xi* weather 3987
tian- 天气很冷 [天气好冷] tin-hei.hou/lAng. It is very cold. 3988
tian- 天气预报 [天气预报] tin-hei.yu`bou. weather forecast 3989
tian- 天气真好 [天真好] tin-zan-hou/ It is a fine day. 3990
tian- 天气转暖 [回南天] wui*nAm*tin- The weather turns hot. 3991
tian- 天晴 [好天] hou/tin- fine day 3992
tian- 天天 [日日] yad`yad` every day 3993
tian- 天又晴了 [好翻天] hou/fAn-tin- It is fine again. 3994
tian- 添了 [添咗] tim-zo/ have added... 3995
tian/ 填 [填] tin* fill in 3996
tian/ 填表 [填表] tin*biu/ fill in a form. 3997
tian/ 填好表 [填好表] tin*hou/biu/ have filled a blank 3998
tian/ 填填肚子 [顶下肚] ding/ha"tou" eat a little food 3999
tian/ to stave off hunger 0
tian/ 甜 [甜] tim* sweet 4000
tian> 舔 [lai] lAi/ lick 4001
tian> 舔 [舔] tim" lick 4002
tiao- 挑 [担] dAm- carry on shoulder 4003
tiao- 挑剔 [弹下] tAn*ha" nitpick 4004
tiao- 挑食 [择食] zAg`xig` be choosy in about 4005
tiao- what one eats 0
tiao- 挑挑 [拣下] gAn-/ha" choose 4006
tiao- 挑一挑 [拣一下] gAn/yad-ha" choose 4007
tiao/ 调羹 [匙羹] qi*gang- spoon 4008
tiao/ 调皮 [跳皮] tiu.pei* naughty 4009
tiao/ 调频 [调频] tiu*pan* frequency modulation 4010
tiao/ 调整 [调整] tiu*jing/ adjust;regulate;revise 4011
tiao/ 一条船 [一只船] yad-tiu*xun* a boat 4012
tiao/ 一条鱼 [一条鱼] yad-tiu*yu/ a fish 4013
tiao/ 条件 [条件] tiu*gin/ condition;term;factor 4014
tiao/ 条例 [条例] tiu*lai` regulations;rules 4015
tiao/ 条款 [条条] tiu*tiu* clause;article 4016
tiao/ 条文 [条文] tiu*man* article (in laws and 4017
tiao/ regulations) 0
tiao/ 条目 [条目] tiu*mug` clauses and sub- 4018
tiao/ clauses 0
tiao` 跳 [跳] tiu* jump 4019
tiao` 跳高 [跳高] tiu.gou- high jump 4020
tiao` 跳伞 [跳伞] tiu.san/ parachute jumping 4021
tiao` 跳水 [跳水] tiu.soeu/ diving 4022
tiao` 跳水池 [跳水池] tiu*log`soeu/ qi* diving pool 4023
tiao` 跳舞 [跳舞] tiu.mou" dance 4024
tiao` 跳远 [跳远] tiu.yun" long jump 4025
tie- 贴 [贴] tib. paste 4026
tie- 贴补 [贴补] tib.bou/ subsidize 4027
tie- 贴心 [贴心] tib.sam- intimate;close 4028
tie> 铁 [铁] tid. iron 4029
tie> 铁饼 [铁饼] tid.bEng/ discus 4030
ting- 听人批评 [听人弹] tEng-yan*tAn* be criticized 4031
ting- 厅 [厅] tEng- sitting room 4032
ting- 听 [听] tEng- hear 4033
ting- 听不进去 [听唔入] tEng-m*yab` do not accept some- 4034
ting- body's advice 0
ting- 听不清楚 [听唔清楚] tEng-m*qing-co/ have not caught what 4035
ting- one said 0
ting- 听电话 [听电话] tEng-din`wa/ listen to a telephone 4036
ting- 听过 [听过] tEng-gwo. have heard 4037
ting- 听话 [听话] tEng-wa/ heed what an elder 4038
ting- or superior says 0
ting- 听见 [听见] tEng-gin. hear 4039
ting- 听说 [听讲] tEng-gong/ It is said that... 4040
ting- 听天由命 [听天由命] ting-tin-yao*ming` submit to the will 4041
ting- of Heaven;fig. re- 0
ting- sign oneself to one's 0
ting- fate;trust to luck 0
ting- 听诊器 [听诊器] ting-can/hei. stethoscope 4042
ting/ 停车 [停车] ting/che- (of a vehicle) stop; 4043
ting/ pull up 0
ting/ 停车 [泊车] pAg.cE- park 4044
ting/ 停车场 [泊车场] pAg.cE-coeng* car park;parking lot 4045
ting/ 停电1 [停电] ting*din` 1.cut off the power 4046
ting/ supply; have a power 0
ting/ failure 0
ting/ 停电2 [停电] ting*din` power cut;power fail- 4047
ting/ ure;blackout 0
ting> 挺忙的 [好忙嘅] hou/mong*gE. very busy 4048
ting> 挺好 [几好] gei/hou/ very good 4049
ting> 挺合身的 [几合身嘅] gei/hab`san-gE. suit sb. very well 4050
tong- 通风报信 [报寸]HG bou.qun. inform sb. 4051
tong- 通过 [通过] tung-gwo. pass 4052
tong- 通向 [通向] tung-hoeng. lead to ... 4053
tong- 通知 [通知] tung-ji- notify;inform 4054
tong/ 同年 [同年] tung*nin* the same year 4055
tong/ 同事 [同事] tung*xi` coleague 4056
tong/ 同学 [书友] xu-yao"/ schoolmate 4057
tong/ 同学 [同学] tung*hog` schoolmate 4058
tong/ 同样 [同样] tung*yoeng` the same 4059
tong/ 同意 [同意] tung*yi. agree 4060
tong/ 同志 [同志] tung*ji. comrade 4061
tong/ 铜 [铜] tung* copper 4062
tong/ 铜钱 [铜钱] tung*qin* copper cash 4063
tong/ 铜像 [铜像] tung*zoeng` bronze status 4064
tong/ 童年 [童年] tung*nin* childhood 4065
tong> 捅 [督] dug- poke;stab 4066
tong> 桶 [桶] tung/ tub;pail 4067
tong> 水桶 [水桶] soeu/tung/ water pail 4068
tong> 统统 [含巴郎] ham`blang` all;entirely 4069
tong` 痛 [赤}] cEg. ache 4070
tou- 偷 [偷] tao. steal 4071
tou- 偷看 [瞄] miu" peep;peek;steal a 4072
tou- glance 0
tou- 偷懒 [偷鸡] tao-gai- loaf on the job; 4073
tou- be lazy 0
tou/ 投递 [投递] tao*dai` deliver 4074
tou/ 投篮 [摔] HG soed- shoot 4075
tou/ 投资 [投资] tao*ji- invest 4076
tou/ 头 [头壳] tao*hog. head 4077
tou/ 一头牛 [一只牛] yad-zEg.ngao* an ox 4078
tou/ 头等舱 [头等舱] tao*dang/cong- first-class cabin 4079
tou/ 头发 [头发] tao*fAd. hair 4080
tou/ 头奖 [头奖] tao*zoeng/ first-class prize 4081
tou/ 头颅圆圆 [卜碌头] bu-lug-tao* round head 4082
tou/ 头脑 [头脑] tao*nou/ brain;mind 4083
tou/ 头疼 [头赤}] tao*cEg. headache 4084
tou/ 头痛 [头痛] tao*tung. headache 4085
tou/ 头晕 [头晕] tao*wan* dizzy;giddy 4086
tou` 透视 [透视] tao.xi` overspective 4087
tu- 秃子 [光头佬] gwong-tao*lou" baldhead;baldheaded 4088
tu- man 0
tu- 突出 [标青] biu-qing- outstanding 4089
tu/ 图 [图] tou* picture;drawing 4090
tu/ 图书馆 [图书馆] tou*xu-gun/ library 4091
tu/ 图章1 [私章] xi-zoeng- seal 4092
tu/ 图章2 [印] yan. seal 4093
tu/ 图章3 [图章] tou*zoeng- seal 4094
tu> 土(干的) [泥] nai* earth 4095
tu> 土豆 [薯仔] xu*zai/ potato 4096
tu> 土木工程 [泥水] nai*soeu/ civil engineering 4097
tu> 土簸箕 [垃圾篸] lAb`sAb.cAm/ winnowing pan 4098
tu` 吐 [呕] ao/ viomit 4099
tu` 吐痰 [吐痰] tou.tAm* spit 4100
tu` 兔子 [兔] tou. rabbit 4101
tui- 推 [推] toeu- push 4102
tui- 推 [ung/] ung/ push 4103
tui- 推出 [推出] toeu-coed- introduce;put out; 4104
tui- present 0
tui- 推翻 [推翻] toeu-fAn- overthrow;verturn 4105
tui- 推拿 [推拿] toeu-na* massage 4106
tui> 腿 [脚] goeg. leg 4107
tui> 腿力 [脚力] goeg.lig` strength of the leg 4108
tui` 退 [退] toeu. retreat 4109
tui` 退房 [退房] toeu.fong/ return a room 4110
tui` 退房的时候[退房嗰阵时] toeu.fong/go/zan`xi* when returning the 4111
tui` room 0
tui` 退换 [退换] toeu.wun` exchange 4112
tui` 退票 [退票] toeu.piu. return (train,bus, 4113
tui` boat,ship )ticket 0
tui` 退色 [甩色] lad-xig- gradually come lighter 4114
tui` in colour 0
tui` 退烧 [退烧] toeu.xiu- bring down or soothe 4115
tui` a fever 0
tui` 退伍 [退伍] toeu ng" retire or be discharg- 4116
tui` ed from active mili- 0
tui` tary service 0
tui` 退休 [退休] toeu.yao- retire
tun- 吞 [吞] tan- swallow 4118
tun- 吞吞吐吐 [吞吞吐吐] tan-tan-tou.tou. hesitate in speech 4119
tuo- 拖 [拖] to- pull 4120
tuo- 拖累 [陀手能)脚]]HG to*sao/nang.goeg. burden 4121
tuo- 拖泥带水1 [托托能能]]HG to-to-nang*nang* slipshod speech 4122
tuo- or writing 0
tuo- 拖泥带水2 [湿滞]HG sab-zai` slovenly 4123
tuo- 拖鞋 [拖鞋] to-hAi/ slippers 4124
tuo- 托 [托] tog. lean against palm 4125
tuo- 托付 [托付] tog.fu` entrust 4126
tuo- 托福考试 [托福考试] tog.fug-hAo/xi. TOEFL(Test of English 4127
tuo- as a Foreign Language 0
tuo- 托你的福 [托你嘅福] tog.nei"gE.fug- Thanks to you. 4128
tuo- 托运 [托运] tog.wan` consign for shioment 4129
tuo- 托运行李 [托运行李] tog.wan`hAng*lei" consign one's luggage 4130
tuo- 脱 [脱] tyud. take off 4131
tuo- 脱鞋 [脱鞋] tyud.hAi* take off shoes 4132
tuo/ 驼背 [驼背] to*bui. humpback 4133
tuo/ 驼子 [驼背佬] to*bui.lou/ humpbacked man 4134
tuo> 妥当了 [几惦嘅] gei/dim`gE. appropriate;proper 4135
wa- 挖 [挖] wad. gouge sth. out;dig; 4136
wa- excavate 0
wa- 挖掘 [挖掘] wad.gwad bring buried treas- 4137
wa- ures to light 0
wa- 蛙泳 [游蛙式] yao*wa-xig- breast stroke;frog 4138
wa- style 0
wa` 袜子 [袜] mad` stockings 4139
wai- 歪斜 [歪斜] mE/qie* askew;aslant 4140
wai- 歪曲 [歪曲] wai-kug- distort 4141
wai` 外埠 [外埠] ngoi`fao` other towns or cities 4142
wai` 外擦 [外搽] ngoi`ca* put powder to the 4143
wai` skin;apply 0
wai` 外地人 [外地人] ngoi`dei`yan* person from other 4144
wai` places 0
wai` 外地人 [外江佬] ngoi`gong-lou/ person from other 4145
wai places 0
wai` 外公 [阿公](对称) a.gung- grandpa 4146
wai` 外公 [外公](指称) ngoi`gung- maternal grandfather 4147
wai` 外国 [外国] ngoi`gwog. foreign country 4148
wai` 外国人 [老番]HG lou"fAn- foreigner 4149
wai` 外国人 [鬼佬]<蔑> gwai/lou/ foreigner 4150
wai` 外汇 [外汇] ngoi`wui` foreign exchange 4151
wai` 外汇券 [外汇券] ngoi`wui`gyun. foreign exchange 4152
wai` certificate(FEC) 0
wai` 外科 [外科] ngoi`fo- surgical department 4153
wai` 外贸 [外贸] ngoi`mAo` foreign trade 4154
wai` 外面 [外便] ngoi`bin` exterior;surface; 4155
wai` outward appearance 0
wai` 外婆 [外婆](指称) ngoi`po* maternal grandmother 4156
wai` 外婆 [阿婆](对称) a.po* grandma 4157
wai` 外甥 [外甥] ngoi`sAng- nephew;sister's son 4158
wai` 外省 [外省] ngoi`sAng/ other province 4159
wai` 外省人 [外省人] ngoi`sAng/yan* person from other 4160
wai` province 0
wai` 外孙 [外孙] ngoi`xun- daughter's son;grand- 4161
wai` son 0
wai` 外孙女 [外孙女] ngoi`xun-neu" daughter's daughter; 4162
wai` granddaughter 0
wai` 外衣 [面衫] min`sAm- coat;jacket 4163
wai` 外语 [外语] ngoi`yu" foreign language 4164
wan/ 玩 [玩] wAn/ play 4165
wan/ 玩儿 [玩] wAn" play 4166
wan/ 玩儿 [撩] liu* play 4167
wan/ 玩具 [玩具] wun*goeu` toy;plaything 4168
wan/ 玩具厂 [玩具厂] wun*goeu`cong/ toy factory 4169
wan/ 玩具店 [玩具店] wun*goeu`dim. toy shop 4170
wan/ 玩弄积木 [玩弄积木] wun*lung`jig-mu` toy with building 4171
wan/ blocks 0
wan/ 顽皮 [百厌] bAg.yim. naughty;wilful 4172
wan/ 顽皮 [跳皮] tiu.pei* naughty;wilful 4173
wan/ 卖完 [卖晒] mAi`sAi. sell up 4174
wan/ 完 [完] yun* use up;run out 4175
wan/ 信纸用完了[信纸用完嘞] soen.ji/yung`yun*lAg. have run out of letter 4176
wan/ pads 0
wan/ 煤烧完了 [啲煤烧完嘞] di-mui*xiu-yu*lAg. The coal has been used 4177
wan/ up. 0
wan/ 吃完晚饭 [食完晚饭] xig`yun*man"fAn` have had the supper 4178
wan/ 完成 [完成] yun*xing* accomplish 4179
wan/ 完工 [完工] yun*gung- complete a project; 4180
wan/ finish doing sth. 0
wan/ 完全不同 [唔同晒] m*tung*sAi. be different entirely 4181
wan/ 完整 [完整] yun*jing/ thorough;integral; 4182
wan/ unabridged;intact 0
wan> 碗 [碗] wun/ bowel 4183
wan> 挽回 [挽回] wan"wui* rethrieve 4184
wan> 晚些 [晏啲] An.di- later 4185
wan> 晚些回来 [晏啲返] An.di-fAn- return later 4186
wan> 晚安1 [早唞] zou/tao/ Good night! 4187
wan> 晚安2 [晚安] mAn"on- Good night! 4188
wan> 晚点 [晚点] mAn"dim/ (of train,bus,boat,or 4189
wan> plane) late;behind 0
wan> schedule,overdue;late 0
wan> start 0
wan> 饭饭 [晚饭] mAn"fAn` supper;dinner 4190
wan> 晚会 [晚会] man"wui/ evening party 4191
wan> 晚上1 [晚头] mAn"tao* evening 4192
wan> 晚上2 [夜晚] ye`mAn/ night 4193
wan> 晚上3 [晚上] mAn"soeng` night 4194
wan> 晚上4 [晚黑] mAn"hag- night 4195
wan> 晚上5 [晚头黑] mAn"tao*hag- night 4196
wan> 晚些 [晏啲] An.di- a little later 4197
wan> 晚一些 [晏一啲] An.yad-di- a little later 4198
wan` 万 [万] mAn` ten thousand 4199
wan` 万事如意 [万事如意] mAn`xi`yu*yi. I wish you success 4200
wan` in everything you 0
wan` undertake. 0
wang/ 王牌 [王牌] wong*pAi* king's card 4201
wang> 网球 [听尼士]HG ting-ni-xi` tennis 4202
wang> 往返票 [往返票] wong"fAn/piu. round-trip ticket; 4203
wang> return ticket 0
wang> 往年 [往年] wong"nin* past years 4204
wang> 往往 [往往] wong"wong" often 4205
wang` 往里靠 [企入啲] kei"yab`di- stand in the centre 4206
wang` of the bus 0
wang` 往前走 [行前] hAng*qin* go forward 4207
wang` 往前走一站[行前一站] hAng*qin*yad-zAm` go forward to a bus- 4208
wang` stop 0
wang` 往右拐 [转右手便] jun.yao`sao/bin` turn right 4209
wang` 往左拐 [转左手便] jun.zo/sao/bin` turn left 4210
wang` 望尘莫及 [望尘莫及] mong`can*mog`kab` too far behind to 4211
wang` catch up 0
wang` 忘记 [唔记得] m*gei.dag- forget 4212
wang` 忘记 [忘记] mong*gei. forget 4213
wang` 妄作主张 [妄作主张] mong`zog.ju/zoeng- make a presumptuous 4214
wang` decision 0
wang` 妄想 [枉想] wong/soeng/ make a vain attempt to;4215
wang` hope vainly to do so 0
wei- 威风 [威水] wai-soeu/ might; awe-inspiring 4216
wei- manner 0
wei- 微型 [迷你] mai*nei" mini- 4217
wei- 微型收录机[迷你机] mai*nei"gei- minirecorder 4218
wei- 微机 [微电脑] mei*gei- microcomputer 4219
wei- 危险 [牙烟] nga*yin- dangerous 4220
wei/ 围巾 [颈巾] gEng/gan- muffler;scarf 4221
wei/ 围棋 [围棋] wai*kei* weiqi 4222
wei/ 围着 [围住] wai*ju` surround 4223
wei/ 围嘴儿 [口水巾] hao/soeu/gan- bib 4224
wei> 伪劣商品 [伪劣商品] ngai`lyud.soeng-ban/ shoddy goods 4225
wei> 尾巴 [尾] mei" tail 4226
wei` 为 [为] wai` for 4227
wei` 为...干杯 [为...干杯] wai`...gon-bui- toast for ... 4228
wei` 为了 [为咗] wai`zo/ for 4229
wei` 为什么 [点解] dim/gAi/ why 4230
wei` 未曾 [未曾] mei`cang* have not 4231
wei` 味道 [味道] mei`dou` taste 4232
wei` 味道 [味] mei` taste 4233
wei` 味道好 [好味] hou/mei` taste good 4234
wei` 味道怎么样[味道点样] mei`dou`dim/yoeng/ what is the taste 4235
wei` 味道真好 [真真好味] zan-zan-hou/mei` (The dish tastes real- 4236
wei` ly good. 0
wei` 味儿 [味] mei` taste 4237
wei` 味精 [味精] mei`jing- monosodium glutamate; 4238
wei` MSG 0
wei` 胃 [胃] wai` stomach 4239
wei` 胃癌 [胃癌] wai`ngam* cancer of the stomch 4240
wei` 胃口 [胃口] wai`hao/ appetite 4241
wei` 胃口不好 [胃口唔好] wai`hao/m*hou/ have no appetite 4242
wei` 胃痛 [胃痛] wai`tung. stomachach 4243
wei` 喂 [喂] wai/ hello 4244
wei` 喂!车站吗?[喂!车站咩?] wai/cE-zAm` mE Hello! Is this railway 4245
wei` station? 0
wei` 魏先生 [魏先生] ngai`xin-sang- Mr. Wei 4246
wei` 卫生 [卫生] wai`sang- hygenic;sanitary 4247
wei` 卫生间 [卫生间] wai`sang-gAn- toilet 4248
wei` 卫生间 [冲凉房] cung-loeng*fong/ bathroom 4249
wen- 温 [暖] nyun" warm 4250
wen- 温 [暖暖地] nyun"nyun"dei/ warmly 4251
wen- 温度 [温度] wan-dou` temperature 4252
wen- 温暖 [温暖] wan-nyun" warm 4253
wen- 温习 [温习] wan-zAb` review 4254
wen/ 蚊帐 [蚊帐] man-zoeng. mosquito net 4255
wen/ 蚊子 [蚊] man- mosquito 4256
wen/ 文学 [文学] man*hog` literary 4257
wen/ 文学士 [文学士] man*hog`xi` Master of Arts 4258
wen/ 文雅 [斯文] xi-man* refined;gentle 4259
wen/ 文艺 [文艺] man*ngai` literature and arts 4260
wen/ 闻 [闻] man* 1.hear;2.smell 4261
wen` 问 [问] man` ask 4262
wen` 问候 [问候] man`hao` greetings 4263
wen` 问路 [问路] man`lou` ask the way 4264
wen` 问题 [问题] man`tai* question;problem 4265
wen` 问讯 [问讯] man`soen. enquire 4266
wen` 问讯处 [问讯处] man`soen.qu. enquiry office 4267
wen` information desk 0
weng` 蕹菜 [抽筋菜] cao-gan-coi. water spinach 4268
wo- 蜗牛 [蜗牛] wo-ngao* snail 4269
wo- 窝 [窦.] dao. nest;kennel 4270
wo- 鸟窝 [雀窦] zoeg.dao. bird's nest 4271
wo- 鸡窝 [鸡窦] gai-dao. chicken nest 4272
wo- 窝囊 [冇料] HG mou"liu/ feel vexed;be annoyed 4273
wo> 我 [我] ngo" I;me 4274
wo> 我比他高 [我高过佢] ngo"fei*gwo.koeu" I am taller than he is.4275
wo> 我不干 [我唔制] ngo"m*zai. I don't do so. 4276
wo> 我不去 [我唔去] ngo"m*hoeu. I don't go. 4277
wo> 我认识他 [我识佢] ngo"xig-keu" I know him. 4278
wo> 我吃饱了 [我食饱喇] ngo"xig`bAo/la. I am full. 4279
wo> 我的 [我嘅] ngo"gE. my;mine 4280
wo> 我的丈夫 [我嘅先生] ngo"gE.xin-sang- my husband 4281
wo> 我方的条件[我方嘅条件] ngo"fong-gE.tiu*gin` the reqirements of 4282
wo> our side 0
wo> 我刚刚来 [我啱啱嚟] ngo"ngAm-ngAm-lai* I have just come. 4283
wo> 我国 [我国] ngo"gwog. our country 4284
wo> 我喝过了 [我饮过咯] ngo"yam/gwo.lo. I have drunk up. 4285
wo> 我喝了 [我饮/咯] ngo"yam/lo. I've drunk up. 4286
wo> 我和你 [我夹埋你] ngo"gAb.mAi*nei" you and I 4287
wo> 我很难受 [我好辛苦] ng"hou/san-fu/ I feel uneasy. 4288
wo> 我会的 [我会嘅] ngo"wui"gE. I will. 4289
wo> 我紧跟您 [我跟实你] ngo"gan-sad`nei" I follow you closely. 4290
wo> 我累坏了 [我gui`到死嘞]ngo"gui`dou.sei/la. I am very,very tired. 4291
wo> 我没喝多少[我冇饮乜滞] ngo"mou"yam/mad-zai` I haven't drunk much. 4292
wo> 我们 [我哋] ngo"dei` we;us 4293
wo> 我们的 [我哋嘅] ngo"dei`gE. our;ours 4294
wo> 我去过北京[我去过北京] ngo"hoeu.gwo.bag-ging-I've been in Beijing. 4295
wo> 我先走 [我行先] ngo"hAng*xin- I'll go first. 4296
wo> 我想试试看[我想试下] ngo"soeng/xi.ha" I want to try. 4297
wo> 我要走了 [我要走喇] ngo"yiu.zao/la. I will go. 4298
wo> 我有把握的[我有把握嘅] ngo"yao"ba/ngag-gE. I am sure I can. 4299
wo> 我这样想 [我咁样想] ngo"gam.yang/soeng/ I think so. 4300
wo> 我正在看书[我睇开书] ngo"tai/hoi-xu- I am reading a book. 4301
wo> 我知道 [我知] ngo"ji- I see. 4302
wo` 卧铺 [卧铺] ngo`pou. sleepng berth;sleeper 4303
wo` 卧铺票 [卧铺票] ngo`pou.piu. sleeper ticket 4304
wo` 握住 [揸住] za-ju` hold up 4305
wo` 握住操纵杆[揸住操纵杆] za-ju`cou-zung.gon- hold up the operating 4306
wo` rod 0
wu- 诬陷 [砌生猪肉]HG cai-sang-ju-yug` slander sb. 4307
wu- 乌龟 [乌龟] wu-gwai- tortoise 4308
wu- 乌龙茶 [乌龙茶] wu-lung/ca* oolong tea 4309
wu- 乌鸦 [乌鸦] wu-a- crow 4310
wu- 乌鳢 [生鱼] sang-yu/ snake-headed fish 4311
wu- 乌云 [乌云] wu-wan* dark cloud 4312
wu- 屋子1 [房间] fong*gAn- room 4313
wu- 屋子2 [房] fong/ room 4314
wu/ 无从入手 [无从入手] mou*cung*yab`sao/ not know where to 4315
wu/ start 0
wu/ 无法无天 [无法无天] mou*fAd.mou*tin- defy human and divine 4316
wu/ laws; be absolutely 0
wu/ lawless 0
wu/ 无可非议 [无可非议] mou*ho/fei-yi` beyond reproach;blame- 4317
wu/ less 0
wu/ 无可挑剔 [冇得弹] mou"dag-tAn* beyond criticism; 4318
wu/ flaultless 0
wu/ 无论如何 [无论如何] mou*loen`yu*ho* in any event;at all 4319
wu/ events;whatever hap- 0
wu/ pens 0
wu/ 无能为力 [无能为力] mou*nang*wai*lig` powerless;helpless; 4320
wu/ incapable of action 0
wu/ 无声无息 [冇厘声气] mou"lei*sEng-hei. unknown;obscure 4321
wu/ 无所不晓 [无所不晓] mou*so/bad-hiu/ know everything 4322
wu/ 无所谓 [冇所谓] mou"so/wai` be indifferent;not 4323
wu/ matter 0
wu/ 无益 [冇益] mou"yig- useless;no good 4324
wu/ 无照摊贩 [走鬼]HG zao/gwai/ vendor without a 4325
wu/ license 0
wu/ 毋须 [毋须] mou*soeu- need not 4326
wu/ 蜈蚣 [百足] bAg.zug- centipede 4327
wu/ 无精打采地[冇厘神气咁] mou"lei*san*hei.gam/ in low spirits 4328
wu> 武汉 [武汉] mou"hon. Wuhan City 4329
wu> 武术 [功夫] gung-fu- kungfu;martial arts 4330
wu> 五 [五] ng" five 4331
wu> 五点十五分[五点一个骨] ng"dim/yad-go.gwad- a quarter past five 4332
wu> 五分钟 [字] ji` five minutes 4333
wu> 五分钟 [一个字] yad-go.ji` five minutes 4334
wu> 五个人 [五个人] ng"go.yan* five persons 4335
wu> 五谷丰登 [五谷丰登] ng"gug-fung-dang- abundant harvest of 4336
wu> all food crops 0
wu> 五年整 [五年长] ng"nin*coeng* five solid years 4337
wu> 五十 [五十] ng"sab` fifty 4338
wu> 五十一 [五十一] ng"sab`yad- fifty one 4339
wu> 五十一 {五啊一] ng"a`yad- fifty one 4340
wu> 五十次车 [五十次车] ng"sab`qi.cE- train no.50 4341
wu> 五十多岁 [五十几岁] ng"sab`gei/soeu. fifty-odd years old 4342
wu> 五十五 [五十五] ng"sab`ng" fifty five 4343
wu> 五十五 [五啊五] ng"a`ng" fifty five 4344
wu> 五十五分 [十一个字] sab`yad-go.ji` five minutes to six 4345
wu> 五仙观 [五仙观] ng"xin-gun. Five-Immortal Temple 4346
wu> 五星级酒店[五星级酒店] ng"xing-kab-zao/dim. five-star hotel 4347
wu> 五羊石像 [五羊石像] ng"yoeng*sEg`jiang` Five-Ram Carved Stone 4348
wu> 五一节 [五一节] ng"yad-jid. May Day 4349
wu> 五月 [五月] ng"yud` May 4350
wu> 午安 [午安] ng"on- good day 4351
wu> 午饭 [晏昼饭] An.zao.fan` lunch 4352
wu> 午饭 [午饭] ng"fAn` lunch 4353
wu> 吃午饭 [食晏] xig`an. have lunch 4354
wu> 午后 [午后] ng"hou` after lunch 4355
wu> 舞伴 [拍乸]HG pAg-na/ dancing partner 4356
wu> 舞蹈 [舞蹈] mou"dou` dance 4357
wu> 舞会 [舞会] mou"wui` dance;ball;prom 4358
wu> 舞厅 [舞厅] mou"tEng- dance hall;ballroom 4359
wu> 舞姿 [舞姿] mou"ji- manner and carriage 4360
wu> of dancing 0
wu` 雾 [雾] mou` fog 4361
wu` 雾太大 [咁大雾] gam.dAi`mou` heavy fog 4362
wu` 物品 [物品] mad`ban/ article 4363
xi- 西餐 [西餐] sai-cAn- the Western food 4364
xi- 西瓜 [西瓜] sai-gwa- watermelon 4365
xi- 西红柿 [番茄] fAn-kE*/ tomato 4366
xi- 西医 [西医] sai-yi- western medicine 4367
xi- 西装 [西装] sai-zong- western clothing 4368
xi- 西装裙 [西装裙] sai-zong-kwan* Western-style skirt 4369
xi- 吸烟 [食烟] xig`yin- smoking of cigaretts 4370
xi- 锡 [锡] sEg. tin 4371
xi- 锡器 [锡器] sEg.hei. tin ware 4372
xi- 稀 [稀] hei- rare 4373
xi- 希望 [希望] hei-mong` hope 4374
xi- 膝盖 [膝头哥] sad-tao*go- knee 4375
xi- 熄火了 [死咗火] sei/zo/fo/ ( of fuel,a stove, 4376
xi- etc.) die out 0
xi- 蟋蟀1 [蟀子] soed-ji/ cricket 4377
xi- 蟋蟀2 [蟋蟀] xig-soed- cricket 4378
xi- 蟋蟀3 [织蟀] jig-zoed- cricket 4379
xi/ 席子 [席] zEg` mat 4380
xi/ 习惯 [习惯] zAb`gwAn. habbit;be acustomed to 4381
xi/ 习惯不习惯[习唔习惯] zAb`m*zAb`gwAn. Are you accustemed to 4382
xi/ it? 0
xi> 喜报 [喜报] hei/bou. report of good news 4383
xi> 喜欢1 [中意] zung-yi. like 4384
xi> 喜欢吃糖 [中意食糖] zung-yi.xig`tong/ be fond of eating 4385
xi> sugar 0
xi> 喜欢2 [欢喜] fun-hei/ like 4386
xi> 喜结良缘 [喜结良缘] hei/gid.loeng*yun* be happilyg married 4387
xi> 喜酒 [喜酒] hei/zao/ drinks at a wedding 4388
xi> feast 0
xi> 喜鹊 [喜鹊] hei/coeg. magpie 4389
xi> 喜事 [喜事] hei/xi` 1.happy event;joyous 4390
xi> occasion;2.wedding 0
xi> 喜洋洋 [喜洋洋] hei/yoeng*yoeng* full of joy 4391
xi> 洗 [洗] sai/ wash 4392
xi> 洗胶卷 [冲菲林] cung-fei-lam/ develop a roll of film 4393
xi> 洗脸 [洗面] sai/min` wash one's face 4394
xi> 洗了澡 [冲咗凉] cung-zo/loeng* have taken bath 4395
xi> 洗头 [洗头] sai/tao* wash one's hair 4396
xi> 洗相片 [晒相片] sai/soeng.pin/ print photos 4397
xi> 洗衣的女人[洗衫婆] sai/sAm-po/ woman washing clothes 4398
xi> 洗衣粉 [洗衫粉] sai/sAm-fan/ wash powder 4399
xi> 洗衣机 [洗衣机] sai/yi-gei- washing machine 4400
xi> 洗澡1 [洗身] sai/san- take a bath 4401
xi> 洗澡2 [冲凉] cung-loeng* take a bath 4402
xi> 洗澡间 [冲凉房] cung-loeng*fong*/ bathroom 4403
xi` 系 [绑] bong/ tie 4404
xi` 系好 [扎好] zAd.hou/ tie up 4405
xi` 系好 [绑好] bong/hou/ tie up 4406
xi` 细胞 [细胞] sai.bAo- cell 4407
xi` 细想 [谂] nam/ think over 4408
xia- 瞎 [盲眼] mAng*ngAn" blind 4409
xia- 瞎闯 [摸盲鸡] mo-mAng*gai- act senselessly 4410
xia- 瞎子 [盲公] mAng*gung- blind man 4411
xia- 虾 [虾] ha- shrimp 4412
xia- 虾饺 [虾饺] ha-gAo/ dumplings with shrimps 4413
xia- as filling 0
xia/ 霞光 [霞光] ha*gwong- rays of morning or 4414
xia/ evening sunlight 0
xia/ 匣子 [匣] hab` small box 4415
xia` 下班 [落班] log`bAn- knock off;get off 4416
xia` 下不了决心[唔落得决心] m*log`dag-kyud.sam- cannot make decision 4417
xia` 下不下雨呢[落唔落雨呢] log`m*log`yu"nE- will it rain or not 4418
xia` 下车 [落车] log`cE- get off a train or 4419
xia` bus
xia` 下次 [下次] ha`qi. next time 4420
xia` 下课1 [落堂] log`tong* finish class;dismiss 4421
xia` a class 0
xia` 下课2 [落课] log`fo. clss dismissed 4422
xia` 下个季度 [下个季度] ha`go.gwai.dou` next season 4423
xia` 下结论 [落结论] log`gid.loen` reach a conclusion 4424
xia` 下决心 [落决心] log`kyud.sam- make decision 4425
xia` 下来 [落嚟] log`lai* come down 4426
xia` 下了班 [落咗班] log`zo/bAn- have got off work 4427
xia` 下楼 [落楼] log`lao*/ down stairs 4428
xia` 下毛毛雨 [落雨溦溦] log`yu"mei-mei- mizzle;drizzle 4429
xia` 下面 [下便] ha`bin` below 4430
xia` 下盘棋 [捉番盘棋] zug-fAn-pun*kei*/ play a game of chess 4431
xia` 下霜 [落霜] log`soeng- Frost falls. 4432
xia` 下午 [下昼] ha`zao. afternoon 4433
xia` 下午好 [下昼好] ha`zao.hou/ Good afternoon! 4434
xia` 下小雨 [落雨溦] log`yu"mei- mizzle;drizzle 4435
xia` 下雪 [落雪] log`xud. snowing 4436
xia` 下一位 [下一个] ha`yad-go. next one 4437
xia` 下雨 [落雨] log`yu" raiong 4438
xia` 下雨 [落水] log`soeu/ raining 4439
xia` 下周 [下周] ha`zao- next week 4440
xia` 厦门 [厦门] ha`mun* Xiamen(Amoy) 4441
xia` 夏天 [天热] tin-yid` summer 4442
xia` 夏天 [夏天] ha`tin- summer 4443
xia` 夏天 [热天] yid`tin- summer 4444
xia` 夏天很热 [夏天好热] ha`tin-hou/yid` It is hot in summer. 4445
xia` 夏至 [夏至] ha`ji. Summer Sulstice 4446
xian- 您先走 [你行先] nei"hAng*xin- Please go first . 4447
xian- 先后 [先后] xin-hao` successively; one 4448
xian- after another 0
xian- 先生 [先生] xin-sang- 1.teacher; 2. Mr. 4449
xian- (mister) 0
xian- 先想想 [谂下先] nam/ha"xin- I'll think it over 4450
xian- first. 0
xian- 您先走 [你行先] nei"hAng*xin- Please go first. 4451
xian- 我先走了 [我行先咯啵] ngo"hAng*xin-lo-bo. I will go now. 4452
xian- 仙人 [仙人] xin-yan* celestial being;mem- 4453
xian- mortal 0
xian- 鲜 [鲜甜] xin-tim* delicious 4454
xian/ 咸 [咸] hAm* salty 4455
xian/ 闲 [得闲] dag-hAn* not busy;idle 4456
xian/ 闲谈 [倾偈] king-gai/ chat 4457
xian/ 闲谈 [打牙较] da/nga*gAo. chat 4458
xian` 现在 [家阵] ga-zan/ now 4459
xian` 现在1 [而家] yi*ga- now 4460
xian` 现在2 [依家] yi-ga- now 4461
xian` 现在3 [即时] jig-xi* at present 4462
xian` 现在5 [家下] ga-ha" now 4463
xian` 献身 [献身] hin.san- devote (or dedicate) 4464
xian` oneself to...;give 0
xian` one's life to... 0
xian` 馅儿 [馅] hAm" filing;stuffing 4465
xian` 陷害好人 [陷害好人] hAm`hoi`hou/yan* frame up an innocent 4466
xian` person 0
xian` 陷入 [陷入] ham`yab` fall into ... 4467
xian` 沦陷 [沦陷] loen*hAm` be captured 4468
xian` 线 [线] xin. line 4469
xiang- 相当 [几] gei/ fairly 4470
xiang- 相当好看 [几好睇] gei/hou/tai/ fairly beautiful 4471
xiang- 相当慎重 [稳稳阵阵] wan/wan/zan`zan` fairly cautiously 4472
xiang- 相见 [相见] soeng-gin. meet each other 4473
xiang- 相信1 [相信] soeng-soen. believe 4474
xiang- 相信2 [信] soen. believe 4475
xiang- 厢房 [厢房] soeng-fong/ wing-room 4476
xiang- 香 [香] hoeng- fragrant;aromatic 4477
xiang- scented 0
xiang- 香菜 [芫荽] yun*soeu- coriander 4478
xiang- 香肠1 [香肠] hoeng-coeng* sausage 4479
xiang- 香肠2 [腊肠] lAb`coeng/ sausage 4480
xiang- 香港 [香港] hoeng-gong/ Hong Kong 4481
xiang- 香蕉 [香蕉] hoeng-jiu- banana 4482
xiang- 香水 [香水] hoeng-soeu/ perfume;scent 4483
xiang- 香烟 [烟仔] yin-zai/ cigarrette 4484
xiang- 香油 [芝麻油] ji-ma*yao* sesame oil 4485
xiang- 香皂 [香枧] hoeng-gAn/ perfumed soap;toiler 4486
xiang- soap 0
xiang- 香槟酒 [香槟酒] hoeng-ban-zao/ champagne 4487
xiang- 箱子1 [箧] gib- suicase 4488
xiang- 箱子2 [箱] soeng- suicase 4489
xiang- 乡村 [乡村] hoeng-qun- village;countryside 4490
xiang- 乡下 [乡下] hoeng-ha`/ countryside 4491
xiang> 想1 [想] soeng/ think 4492
xiang> 想2 [谂] nam/ think 4493
xiang> 想不到 [估唔到] gu/m*dou/ never expect 4494
xiang> 想不起来 [想唔起嚟] soeng/m*hei/lai* cannot remember 4495
xiang> 想到1 [谂到] nam/dou. think of 4496
xiang> 想到2 [想到] soeng/dou. think of 4497
xiang> 想法 [谂法] nam/fAd. idea 4498
xiang> 想过 [谂过] nam/gwo. idea;opinion 4499
xiang> 想好 [想好] soeng/hou/ decide 4500
xiang> 想方设法 [谂晒办法] nam/sAi.bAn`fAd. try all means to do.. 4501
xiang> 想办法 [谂办法] nam/ban`fad. try to find a way 4502
xiang> 想开些 [谂开啲] nam/hoi-di- take it easy;not take 4503
xiang> unleasant things to 0
xiang> heart 0
xiang> 想念1 [谂住] nam/ju` miss 4504
xiang> 想念2 [挂心] gwa.sam- worry about 4505
xiang> 想念他 [谂佢] nam/koeu" miss him 4506
xiang> 想想1 [谂谂] nam/nam/ think it over 4507
xiang> 想想2 [谂下] nam/ha" think it over 4508
xiang> 想一下 [谂一下] nam/yad-ha" think it over 4509
xiang> 想着 [谂住] nam/ju` be thinking about 4600
xiang` 相片 [相片] soeng.pin/ photo 4601
xiang` 项链 [颈链] gEng/lin/ necklace 4602
xiang` 项目 [项目] hong`mug` item 4603
xiang` 巷 [巷] hong` lane;alley 4604
xiang` 巷口 [巷口] hong`/hao/ entrance to a lane 4605
xiang` 向 [向] hoeng. towards 4606
xiang` 向来 [向来] hoeng.loi* always 4607
xiang` 向北 [向北] hoeng.bag- face north 4608
xiang` 向南走 [向南行] hoeng.nAm*hAng* go to south 4609
xiang` 向日葵 [向日葵] hoeng.yad`kwai* sunflower 4700
xiang` 向西 [向西] hoeng.sai- face west 4701
xiao- 销路 [销路] xiu-lou` (of commodity) market 4702
xiao- 销售 [销售] xiu-sao` sell;market 4703
xiao- 消遣 [消遣] xiu-hin/ divert oneself 4704
xiao- 消息 [消息] xiu-xig- news 4705
xiao> 小 [细] sai. little 4706
xiao> 小 [小] xiu/ little 4707
xiao> 小宝贝儿 [bi-bi-] B.B. HG baby 4708
xiao> 小便1 [屙尿] o-niu` shit urine 4709
xiao> 小便2 [小便] xiu/bin` shit urine 4710
xiao> 小吃店 [小食店] xiu/xig`dim. snack bar 4711
xiao> 小船儿 [艇仔] tEng"zai/ little boat 4712
xiao> 小刀1 [刀子] dou-zai/ knife 4713
xiao> 小刀2 [细刀] sai.dou- knife 4714
xiao> 小肚子 [肚腩] tou"nAm" underbelly;lower 4715
xiao> abdomen 0
xiao> 小儿科 [小儿科] xiu/yi*fo- department of pedia- 4716
xiao> trics 0
xiao> 小儿子 [孻仔] lai-zai/ youngest son 4717
xiao> 小贩 [小贩] xiu/fAn/ vendor 4718
xiao> 小饭馆 [大排档] dAi`pai*dong. sidewalk food stall 4719
xiao> 小费1 [贴士]HG tib-xi/ tips 4720
xiao> 小费2 [小费] xiu/fai. tips 4721
xiao> 小狗儿 [狗仔] gao/zai/ puppy 4722
xiao> 小姑子 [小姑] xiu/gu- husband's younger 4723
xiao> sister;sister-in-law 0
xiao> 小孩儿1 [细路] sai.lou` little boy 4724
xiao> 小孩儿2 [细纹仔] sam.man-zai/ little boy 4725
xiao> 小孩儿3 [细佬哥] sai.lou/go- little boy 4726
xiao> 小号 [小号] xiu/hou` small size 4727
xiao> 小号服装 [小号服装] xiu.hou`fy=fug`zong- small-size clothing 4728
xiao> 小伙子 [后生仔] hao`sang-zai/ young man 4729
xiao> 小鸡儿 [鸡仔] gai-zai/ chicken 4730
xiao> 小姐 [小姐] xiu/zE/ miss 4731
xiao> 小礼物 [手信] sao/soen. little gift 4732
xiao> 小笼包子 [小笼包] xiu/lung*bAo- little steamer bun 4733
xiao> 小米 [粟] sug- millet 4734
xiao> 小母鸡 [鸡项] gai-hong"/ young hen 4735
xiao> 小男孩儿 [细路仔] sai.lou`zai/ yong boy 4736
xiao> 小女儿 [细女] sai.noeu/ younger daughter 4737
xiao> 小女孩儿 [细路女] sai.lou`noeu" little girl 4738
xiao> 小朋友 [小朋友] xiu/pang*yao" children 4739
xiao> 小汽艇 [汽艇仔] hei.tEng"zai/ little motor-boat 4740
xiao> 小人书 [公仔书] gung-zai/xu- picture-book for 4741
xiao> children 0
xiao> 小声一点儿[细声啲] sai.sEng-di- in lower voice 4742
xiao> 小石子 [石仔] sEg`zai/ little stone 4743
xiao> 小时 [钟头] zung-tao* hour 4744
xiao> 小时候 [细时] sai.xi* in child-hood 4745
xiao> 小事一桩1 [湿湿碎啦] sab-sab-sueu.la- It is a trifle. 4746
xiao> 小事一桩2 [小事啫] xiu/xi`zE- It is a minor matter. 4747
xiao> 小叔子 [小叔] xiu/sug- husband's younger 4748
xiao> brother;brother-in-law 0
xiao> 小树 [树仔] xu`zai/ sapling 4749
xiao> 小说 [小说] xiu/xud. novel 4750
xiao> 小提琴 [小提琴] xiu/tai*kam* violin 4751
xiao> 小偷1 [高买]HG gou-mAi" thief in a shop 4752
xiao> 小偷2 [鼠摸] xu/mo- thief 4753
xiao> 小箱子 [箱仔] soeng-zai/ little box 4754
xiao> 小心1 [小心] xiu/sam- tske care 4755
xiao> 小心2 [留心] lao*sam- take care 4756
xiao> 小心3 [因住] yan-ju` Be carefull. 4757
xiao> 小心点儿 [小心啲] xiu/sam-di- Take care 4758
xiao> 小心点儿走[好声行噃] hou/sEng-hAng*bo. Be careful in walking! 4759
xiao> 小学 [小学] xiu/hog` elemetary school 4560
xiao> 小鸭子 [鸭仔] Ab.zai/ duckling 4761
xiao> 小椅子 [椅仔] yi/zai/ a little chair 4762
xiao> 小雨 [雨溦] yu"mei- light rain; drizzle 4763
xiao` 笑 [笑] xiu. laugh 4764
xiao` 笑掉大齿 [笑甩棚牙] xiu.lad-pAng*nga* be utterly rediculous; 4765
xiao` laugh one's head off 0
xiao` 笑话 [笑话] xiu.wa/ joke 4766
xiao` 效果 [效果] hAo`gwo/ effect 4767
xie- 一些 [一啲] yad-di- a little;a few 4768
xie- 歇歇 [唞下] tao/ha" take a rest 4769
xie- 歇业 [执笠]]HG zab-lab- close down a business 4770
xie/ 鞋 [鞋] hAi* shoes 4771
xie/ 鞋店 [鞋店] hAi*pou./ shoe shop ;shoe store 4772
xie/ 鞋跟 [鞋踭] hAi*zAng- heel 4773
xie/ 换鞋跟 [换鞋踭] wun`hai*zang- have one's shoes re- 4774
xie/ heeled 0
xie/ 鞋匠 [补鞋佬] bou/hAi*lou"/ cobbler 4775
xie/ 鞋样 [鞋样] hAi*yoeng/ shoe model 4776
xie/ 鞋油 [鞋油] hAi*yao* shoe cream 4777
xie/ 鞋子 [鞋] hAi* shoes 4778
xie/ 协议 [协议] hib`yi` agreement 4779
xie/ 斜 [斜] cE* oblique;slanting 4780
xie> 写 [写] sE/ write 4781
xie> 写错了 [写错咗] sE/co.zo/ written wrongly 4782
xie> 写封信 [写封信] sE/fung-soen. write a letter 4783
xie> 写过 [写过] sE/gwo. wrote 4784
xie> 写信 [写信] sE/soen. write a letter 4785
xie> 写字台 [书台] xu-toi/ writing desk 4786
xie` 泄露秘密 [爆煲]HG bAo.bou- reveal secret 4787
xie` 泻肚 [屙肚] o-tou"/ have loose bowels 4788
xie` 泻肚 [肚屙] tou"o- have loose bowels 4789
xie` 谢谢1 [唔该] m*goi- thanks 4790
xie` 谢谢2 [多谢] do-zE` thanks 4791
xie` 谢谢关心 [你真系有心] nei"zan-hai`yao"sam- thanks for your care 4792
xie` 谢谢关心 [有心嘞] yao"sam-lAg. thanks for your care 4793
xie` 谢谢你 [唔该你] m*goi-nei" thank you 4794
xie` 谢谢您了 [唔该你嘞] m*goi-nei"la. thank you 4795
xie` 谢谢谢谢 [唔该唔该] m*goi-m*goi- thanks a lot 4796
xin- 欣赏 [欣赏] yan-soeng/ appreciate 4797
xin- 欣慰 [欣慰] yan-wai. be gradified 4798
xin- 辛苦 [辛苦] san-fu/ hard;toisome 4799
xin- 新 [新] san- new 4800
xin- 新潮流 [新潮] san-qiu* new tide 4801
xin- 新房子 [新屋] san-ug- new house 4802
xin- 新婚 [新婚] san-fan- newly-married 4803
xin- 新建 [新起] san-hei/ newly-built 4804
xin- 新历 [新历] san-lig` Grigorian calendar 4805
xin- 新年快乐 [新年快乐] san-nin*fAi.log` Happy New Year! 4806
xin- 新闻 [新闻] san-man* news 4807
xin- 新鲜 [新鲜] san-xin- fresh 4808
xin- 心肠好 [心水好] sam-soeu/hou/ kindhearted 4809
xin- 心电图 [心电图] sam-din`tou* electrocardiogram 4810
xin- 心急 [心急] sam-gab- impatient 4811
xin- 心平气和 [心平气和] sam-ping*hei.wo* calm;even-tempered 4812
xin- and good-humoored 0
xin- 心意 [心意] sam-yi. tender regard;grati- 4813
xin- tude 0
xin- 心脏病 [心脏病] sam-zong`bEng` heart disease 4814
xin` 信 [信] soen. letter 4815
xin` 信封 [信封] soen.fung- envelpe 4816
xin` 信口开河 [爆肚]HG bAo.tou" talk irresponsibly 4817
xin` 信息 [信息] soen.xig- message 4818
xin` 信箱 [信箱] soen.soeng- mail box 4819
xin` 信用 [信用] soen.yung` credit 4820
xin` 信用卡 [信用咭] soen.yung`kad- credit card 4821
xin` 信纸1 [信笺] soen.jin- letter paper 4822
xin` 信纸2 [信纸] soen.ji/ letter paper 4823
xing- 星期1 [礼拜] lai"bAi. week 4824
xing- 星期2 [星期] xing-kei* week 4825
xing- 星期二 [礼拜二] lai"bAi.yi` Tuesday 4826
xing- 星期几1 [礼拜几] lai"bAi.gei/ what day of week 4827
xing- 星期几2 [星期几] xing-gong.gei- what day of week 4828
xing- 星期六 [礼拜六] lai"bAi.lug` Saturday 4829
xing- 星期日 [星期日] xing-kei*yad` Sunday 4830
xing- 星期三1 [星期三] xing-kei*sAm- Wednesday 4831
xing- 星期三2 [礼拜三] lai"bAi.sAm- Wednesday 4832
xing- 星期四 [礼拜四] lai"bAi.sei. Thursday 4833
xing- 星期天 [礼拜日] lai"bAi.yad` Sunday 4834
xing- 星期五1 [星期五] xing-kei*ng" Friday 4835
xing- 星期五2 [礼拜五] lai"bAi.ng" Friday 4836
xing- 星期一 [礼拜一] lai"bAi.yad- Monday 4837
xing- 星星 [星] xing- star 4838
xing- 腥 [腥] sEng- having the smell of 4839
xing- 腥臭 [星臭] seng-cao' stinky 4840
xing- 兴隆 [兴隆] hing-lung* prosperous 4841
xing- 兴旺 [兴旺] hing-wong` prosper;s fflourish 4842
xing/ 行 [好] hou/ OK 4843
xing/ 跳高我最行[跳高我最劲] tiu.gou-ngo"zoeu`ging`I am most capable of 4844
xing/ high jump. 0
xing/ 行不行 [得唔得] dag-m*dag- Is it OK? 4845
xing/ 行程 [行程] hAng*qing* travel route 4846
xing/ 行李 [行李] hAng*lei" luggage 4847
xing/ 行李寄存处[行李寄存处] hang*lei"gei.coen*qu` checkroom 4848
xing/ 行李提取处[行李提取处] hang*lei"tai*coeu/qu` luggage claim 4849
xing/ 行了 [得嘞] dag-lAg. That is OK 4850
xing/ 行吗 [得唔得] dag-m*gag- Is this OK 4851
xing> 醒目 [醒目] xing/mug` catch the eye;attract 4852
xing> attention 0
xing` 兴趣 [兴趣] hing.coeu. interest 4853
xing` 兴致勃勃 [兴致勃勃] hing.ji.bud`bud` full of zest;in high 4854
xing` spirits 0
xing` 幸会 [幸会] hAng`wui` very pleased to meet 4855
xing` you 0
xing` 幸亏 [好彩] hou/coi/ fortunately 4856
xing` 幸亏 [好在] hou/zoi` fortunately 4857
xing` 杏花 [杏花] hang`fa- apricot flower 4858
xing` 杏仁 [杏仁] hang`yan* apricot kernel 4859
xing` 性急 [性急] xing.gab- impatient 4860
xing` 性能 [性能] xing.nang* function( of a 4861
xing` machine,etc.) 0
xing` 姓 [姓] xing. surname;family name 4862
xiong- 凶 [恶] og. firce;ferocious 4863
xiong- 胸膜 [胸膜] hung-mog. pleura 4864
xiong- 胸围 [胸围] hung-wai* chest measurement;bust 4865
xiu- 休息1 [休息] yao-xig- rest 4866
xiu- 休息2 [栙] tao/ rest 4867
xiu- 休息两天 [休息两日] yao-xig-loeng"yad` rest for two days 4868
xiu- 休息一下 [栙下]] tao/ha" have test for a while 4869
xiu- 修1 [整] jing/ mend 4870
xiu- 修2 [修] sao- mend 4871
xiu- 修改 [修改] sao-goi/ modify 4872
xiu- 修好车 [整翻好架车] jing/fAn-hou/ga/cE- put the car in order 4873
xiu- 修面(刮脸)[刮面] gwAd.min` shave;have a shave 4874
xiu- 修台灯 [修台灯] sao-toi*dang- repair table lamp 4875
xiu` 袖子 [衫袖] sAm-zao` sleeves 4876
xiu` 袖子 [袖] zao` sleeves 4877
xu- 需要 [需要] soeu-yiu. need 4878
xu/ 徐州 [徐州] coeu*zao- Xuzhou (place name) 4879
xu` 叙述句 [叙述句] zoeu`soed`goeu. narative sentence 4880
xu` 叙事诗 [叙事诗] zoeu`xi`xi- narative poem 4881
xu` 叙谈 [斟] zoam- chat;have a chat 4882
xuan- 宣布 [宣布] xun-bou. declare;proclaim 4883
xuan/ 旋转 [旋转] xun*jun/ revolve;rotate 4884
xuan> 选 [选] xun/ select;choose 4885
xuan> 选上 [选中] xun/zung. selected;chosen 4886
xuan> 选择 [选择] xun/zAg` choose 4887
xuan> 选择 [择] zAg` choose 4888
xuan> 选择 [拣] gAn/ choose 4889
xuan> 选中 [选中] xun/zung. selected;chosen 4890
xue- 靴子 [靴] hoe- boots 4891
xue/ 学 [学] hog` learn;study 4892
xue/ 学费 [学费] hog`fai. tuition fee 4893
xue/ 学会(动词)[上手] soeng"sao/ have learned 4894
xue/ 学生 [学生] hog`sang- studend 4895
xue/ 学士 [学士] hog`xi` bachelor 4896
xue/ 学位 [学位] hog`wai` academic degree 4897
xue/ 学习 [学习] hog`zAb` learn;study 4898
xue/ 学校 [学校] hog`hAo` school 4899
xue/ 学院 [学院] hog`yun`/ institute;college 4900
xue/ 学者 [学者] hog`zE/ scholar 4901
xue> 雪 [雪] xud. snow 4902
xue> 雪花 [雪花] xud.fa- snow flower 4903
xue> 雪山 [雪山] xud.sAn- snow mountain 4904
xue> 雪中送炭 [雪中送炭] xud.zung-sung.tAn. provide timely help 4905
ya- 压力锅 [压力煲] Ad.lig`bou- pressure cooker 4906
ya- 压岁钱 [利是] lei`xi` money given to chil- 4907
ya- dren as a lunar new 0
ya- year gift
ya- 押金 [按金] on.gam- cash pledge;deposit 4908
ya- 鸭蛋 [鸭蛋] Ab.dAn`/ duck's egg 4909
ya- 鸭子 [鸭] Ab. duck 4910
ya/ 牙膏 [牙膏] nga*gou- tooth paste 4911
ya/ 牙刷 [牙擦] nga*cAd.(/) toothbrush 4912
ya/ 牙痛 [牙痛] nga*tung. toothache 4913
ya> 哑巴1 [哑佬] a/lou"/ a dumb person;mute 4914
ya> 哑巴2 [哑仔] a/zai/ a dumb boy 4915
ya` 亚运会 [亚运会] a.wan`wui`/ the Asian Games 4916
yan- 阉鸡 [阉鸡] yim.gai- capan 4917
yan- 烟味 [烟味] yin-mei` smoky smell 4918
yan/ 盐 [盐] yim* salt 4919
yan/ 研究生 [研究生] yin*gao.sang- postgraduate student 4920
yan/ 延安 [延安](地名) yin*on- Yan'an (place name) 4921
yan/ 言而无信 [冇口齿]HG mou"hao/qi/ fall to keep faith;go 4922
yan/ back on one's word 0
yan/ 颜色1 [色] xig- colour 4923
yan/ 颜色2 [颜色] ngAn*xig- colour 4924
yan/ 颜色3 [色水] xig-seu/ colour 4925
yan/ 炎热 [炎热] yim*yid`. (of weather)scorching 4926
yan/ 炎症 [炎症] yim*jing. inflammation 4927
yan/ 沿着1 [顺住] soen`ju` along 4928
yan/ 沿着2 [沿住] yun*ju` along 4929
yan/ 沿着石路 [沿住石路] yun*ju`sEg`lou` along the stone road 4930
yan> 眼光 [眼光] ngAn"gwong- 1.eye;2.sight;fore- 4931
yan> sight;insight;vision 0
yan> 眼睛 [眼] ngAn" eyes 4932
yan> 眼中钉 [顶心杉]HG ding/sam-cAm- a thorn in one's flesh 4933
yan> 演出 [演出] yin/coed- performance 4934
yan> 演员 [演员] yin/yun* actor 4935
yan` 燕子 [燕子] yin.ji/ swallow 4936
yan` 厌烦 [厌烦] yim.fAn* be sick of;be fed up 4937
yan` with 0
yan` 砚台 [墨砚] mag`yin`/ linkstone;inkslab 4938
yan` 雁 [雁] ngAn` wild goose 4939
yan` 酽茶 [浓茶] nung*ca* strong tea 4940
yang/ 杨柳 [杨柳] yoeng*lao" poplar and willow 4941
yang/ 杨梅 [杨梅] yoeng*mui* red baybery 4942
yang/ 山羊 [山羊] san-yoeng* goat 4943
yang/ 羊城 [羊城] yoeng*xing* Guangzhou City 4944
yang/ 羊毛衫 [冷衫] lAng-sAm- woolen sweater 4945
yang/ 羊绒 [羊绒] yoeng*yung/ cashmere 4946
yang/ 羊毛 [羊毛] yoeng*mou* wool 4947
yang/ 公羊 [羊牯] yoeng*gu- ram;buck 4948
yang/ 母羊 [羊乸] yoeng*na/ ewe 4949
yang/ 洋白菜 [椰菜] ye*coi. cabbage 4950
yang/ 洋娃娃 [公仔] gung-zai/ (West-style) doll 4951
yang/ 阳光 [阳光] yoeng*gwong- sunshine 4952
yang/ 阳台 [阳台] yoeng*toi* balcony 4953
yang> 痒 [痕] han* itch;tickle 4954
yang> 痒痒 [痕痕] han*han* itch;tickle 4955
yang> 养鸟 [养雀] yoeng"zoeg/ keep birds 4956
yang` 样品 [样品] yoeng`ban/ sample 4957
yang` 样样 [样样] yoeng`yoeng` every kind 4958
yang` 样子 [样] yoeng/ appearance;shape 4959
yao- 邀请 [邀请] yiu-qing/ invite 4960
yao- 腰酸 [腰酸] yiu-xun- waist-ache 4961
yao- 要求 [要求] yiu-kao* demand;requirement 4962
yao> 咬 [咬] ngAo" bite 4963
yao> 咬了人 [咬亲}人] ngAo/can-yan* bite people 4964
yao` 药 [药] yoeg` drug 4965
yao` 药房 [药房] yoeg`fong/ drugstore 4966
yao` 药品 [药品] yoeg`zao/ medicines and chemi- 4967
yao` cal reagents 0
yao` 药水 [药水] yoeg`soeu/ liquid medicine;medi- 4968
yao` cine liquids 0
yao` 药丸 [药丸] yoeg`yun/ pill;bolus;medicine 4969
yao` in a wax ball 0
yao` 药物 [药物] yoeg`mad` pharmaceuticals 4970
yao` 药皂 [药皂] yoeg`zou` medicated soap 4971
yao` 要 [要] yiu. need 4972
yao` 要不要转车[使唔使转车] sai/m*sai/jun.cE- Do you need to 4973
yao` change trains. 0
yao` 要多少布 [要几多布] yiu.gei/do-bou. How much cloth is 4974
yao` needed 0
yao` 要紧 [紧要] gan/yiu. vital;important 4975
yao` 要命 [飞起] fei-hei/ extremely 4976
yao` 好得要命 [非常好] fei-soeng*hou/ very good 4977
yao` 热得要命 [热到飞起] yid`dou.fei-hei/ extremely hot 4978
yao` 要下雨了 [要落雨嘞] yiu.log`yu"lAg. It's going to rain. 4979
yao` 我要走了 [我要走嘞] ngo"yiu.zao/lAg. I will go. 4980
yao` 钥匙 [锁匙] so/xi* key 4981
ye/ 椰子 [椰子] ye*ji/ coconut 4982
ye/ 爷爷 [爷爷] ye*ye/ grandpa 4983
ye/ 爷爷 [阿爷] a.ye* grandpa 4984
ye> 野蛮 [野蛮] ye"mAn* uncivilized;savage 4985
ye> 也 [亦] yig` also;too 4986
ye> 也不晚 [都唔迟] dou-m*qi* not too late 4987
ye> 也是1 [又系] yao`hai` be also 4988
ye> 也是2 [亦系] yig`hai` be also 4989
ye> 也有 [亦有] yig`yao" have also 4990
ye` 业余 [业余] yib`yu* spare time;after-work 4991
ye` 夜间 [夜晚黑] ye`mAn"hag- at night 4992
ye` 夜宵 [宵夜] xiu-ye/ a meal in evening 4993
ye` 夜游 [夜游] ye`yao* a tour in evening 4994
yi- 一 [一] yad- one 4995
yi- 一把刀 [一把刀] yad-ba/dou- a knife 4996
yi- 一把刀 [一张刀] yad-zoeng-dou- a knife 4997
yi- 一百多米 [百零米] bAg.lEng*mai- one hundred and more 4998
yi- metres 0
yi- 一百多人 [百几人] bAg.gei/yan* one hundred and more 4999
yi- people 0
yi- 一百来人 [百零人] bag.lEng*yan* one hundred and more 5000
yi- people 0
yi- 一百三十 [一百三] yad-bAg.sAm- one hundred and 5001
yi- thirty 0
yi- 一百五十元[百五缗] bAg.ng"man- one hundred and 5002
yi- fifty yuan 0
yi- 一百零五元[一百零五缗] yad-bAg.ling*ng"man- one hundred and 5003
yi- five yuan 0
yi- 一半 [一半] yad-bun. one half 5004
yi- 一杯茶 [一杯茶] yad-bui- ca* a cup of tea 5005
yi- 一本书 [一本书] yad-bun/xu- a book 5006
yi- 一笔生意 [一单生意] yad-dAn-sang-yi. a deal of business 5007
yi- 一边..一边[一边...一边] yad-bin-...yad-bin- at the same time 5008
yi- 一场粤剧 [一出大戏] yad-coed-dAi`hei. a Guangdong opera 5009
yi- 一尺厚 [一尺厚] yad-cEg.hao" one chi thick 5010
yi- 一串葡萄 [一串葡萄] yad-qun.pou*tou* a string of grapes 5011
yi- 一串珍珠 [一串珍珠] yad-qun.zan-ju- a string of pearls 5012
yi- 一次 [一次] yad-qi. once 5013
yi- 一丛草 [一堆草] yad-doeu-cou/ a patch of grass 5014
yi- 一旦 [一旦] yad-dAn. once 5015
yi- 一到就... [一到就... ] yad-dou.zao` as soon as sb. ar- 5016
yi- rived 0
yi- 一点半 [点半钟] dim/bun.zung- half past one o'clock 5017
yi- 一点钟 [一点钟] yad-dim/zung- one o'clock 5018
yi- 一点点儿 [一啲啲] yad-di-di- a wee bit 5019
yi- 一点儿1 [些少] sE-xiu/ a little 5020
yi- 一点儿2 [一啲] yad-di- a little 5021
yi- 一点儿不错[一啲唔错] yad-di-m*co. right completely 5022
yi- 一点儿心意[一啲心意] yad-di-sam-yi. a token of my regard 5023
yi- 一顶帐子 [一堂蚊帐] yad-tong*man-zoeng. a mosquito net 5024
yi- 一定1 [一定] yad-ding` certainly 5025
yi- 一定2 [梗] gang/ certainly 5026
yi- 一定会下雨[梗会落雨] gang/wui"log`yu" It will rain cer- 5027
yi- tainly. 0
yi- 一定会赢 [梗会赢] gang/wui"yEng. will win certainly 5028
yi- 一定去 [一定去] yad-ding`hoeu. will go certainly 5029
yi- 一段 [一段] yad-dyun` a section of 5030
yi- 一段路 [一橛路] yad-jud`lou` a section of road 5031
yi- 一顿饭 [一餐饭] yad-cAn-fAn` a meal 5032
yi- 一朵花儿 [一朵花] yad-doe/fa- a flower 5033
yi- 一帆风顺 [一帆风顺] yad-fan*fung-soen` plain sailing;smooth 5034
yi- sailing 0
yi- 一分钟 [一分钟] yad-fan-zung- a minute 5035
yi- 一份报纸 [一份报纸] yad-fan`bou.ji/ a copy of newspaper 5036
yi- 一份饭 [一份饭] yad-fan`fAn` a set of package meal 5037
yi- 一封信 [一封信] yad-fung-soen. a letter 5038
yi- 一幅画 [一幅画] yad-fug-wa/ a picture 5039
yi- 一概 [一概] yad-koi. one and all ;without 5040
yi- exception 0
yi- 一杆秤 [一把秤] yad-ba/qing. a steelyard 5041
yi- 一个 [一个] yad-go. one 5042
yi- 一个半小时[个半钟头] go.bun.zung-tao* one hour and half 5043
yi- 一个人 [一个人] yad-go.yan* a person 5044
yi- 一根针 [一眼针] yad-ngAn"zam- a needle 5045
yi- 一共 [一共] yad-gung` altogether;in all 5046
yi- 一盒 [一盒] yad-hab` a box of 5047
yi- 一盒胶卷 [一筒菲林] yad-tung*fei-lam/ a box of films 5048
yi- 一壶茶 [一壶茶] yad-wu*ca* a kettle of tea 5049
yi- 一会儿 [一阵间] yad-zan`gAn- a moment 5050
yi- 一会儿 [一阵] yad-zan` a moment 5051
yi- 一件衫 [一件衫] yad-gin`sAm- a coat 5052
yi- 一件事 [一件事] yad-gin`xi` a matter 5053
yi- 一角 [一毫子] yad-hou*ji/ one jiao 5054
yi- 一节甘蔗 [一辘蔗] yad-lug-zE- a section of sugar- 5055
yi- cane 0
yi- 一九五零年[一九五零年] yad-gao/ng"ling*nian* the year of 1950 5056
yi- 一棵树 [一po-树] yad-po-xu` a tree 5057
yi- 一刻钟1 [三个字] sAm-go.ji` a quarter(of an hour) 5058
yi- 一刻钟2 [一个骨] yad-go.gwad- a quarter(of an hour) 5059
yi- 一口水 [一啖水] yad-dAm`soeu/ a mouthful of water 5060
yi- 一块肥皂 [一嚿番枧] yad-gao`fAn-gAn/ a soap 5061
yi- 一块五 [个半] go.bun. one yuan and five jiao 5062
yi- 一辆车 [一部车] yad-bou`cE- a car 5063
yi- 一辆车 [一架车] yad-ga.cE- a car 5064
yi- 一辆自行车[一架单车] yad-ga.dan-cE- a bicycle 5065
yi- 一路 [一路] yad-lou` all the way;through- 5066
yi- out the jouney 0
yi- 一路平安 [一路平安] yad-lou`ping*on- bon voyage 5067
yi- 一路顺风 [一路顺风] yad-lou`soen`fung- have a good journey 5068
yi- 一路小心 [一路小心] yad-lou`xiu/sam- take care all the 5069
yi- way 0
yi- 一毛 [一毫] yad-hou* one jiao 5070
yi- 一毛多钱 [毫零子] hou*ling*ji/ one jiao and more 5071
yi- 一毛五分 [毫半] hou*bun. one jiao and a half 5072
yi- 一米多点儿[一米松] yad-mai-sung- more than one metre 5073
yi- 一米来长 [米零长] mai-lEng*coeng* about one metre long 5074
yi- 一年 [一年] yad-nin* a year 5075
yi- 一诺千金 [讲口齿] gong/hao/qi/ a promise that can 5076
yi- be counted on 0
yi- 一盘 [一碟] yad-dib` one dish of 5077
yi- 撒一泡尿 [屙一督尿] o-yad-dug-niu` have a piss 5078
yi- 一匹布 [一匹布] yad-pad-bou. a bolt of cloth 5079
yi- 一匹马 [一匹马] yad-pad-ma" a horse 5080
yi- 一瓶 [一樽] yad-zoen- a bottle of 5081
yi- 一瓶酒 [一樽酒] yad-zoen-zao/ a bottle of wine 5082
yi- 一起 [一齐] yad-cai*/ together 5083
yi- 一起走 [一齐走] yad-cai*zao/ go together 5084
yi- 一千 [一千] yad-qin- one thousand 5085
yi- 一千多人 [千几人] qin-gei/yan* one thousand and 5086
yi- more people 0
yi- 一千五百斤[千五斤] qin-ng"gan- one thousand and 5087
yi- five hundred jin 0
yi- 一千零五斤[一千零五斤] yad-qin-ling*ng"gan- one thousand and 5088
yi- five jin 0
yi- 一钱不值 [一钱不值] yad-qin*bad-jig` not worth a penny; 5089
yi- utterly worthless 0
yi- 一切 [一切] yad-cai. 1.all;every;2.every- 5090
yi- thing 0
yi- 一清早 [朝早] jiu-zou/ early morning 5091
yi- 一手包办 [一脚踢] HG yad-goeg.tEg. take everything on 5092
yi- oneself 0
yi- 一扇门 [一度门] yad-dou`mun* a door 5093
yi- 一生 [一世] yad-sai. all one's life 5094
yi- 一时一个样 [一时一样] yad-xi*yad-yoeng` at one time,this way, 5095
yi- at anoter time,that way 0
yi- 一塌糊涂 [一塌糊涂] yad-tAb.wu*tou* in a complete mess; 5096
yi- in an awful state 0
yi- 一双 [一孖] yad-ma- two pieces 5097
yi- 一双筷子 [一对筷子] yad-doeu.fAi.ji/ a pair of chopstics 5098
yi- 一双鞋子 [一对鞋] yad-doeu.hAi* a pair of shoes 5099
yi- 一所邮局 [一间邮局] yad-gAn-yao*gug/ a post office 5100
yi- 一套家具 [一套家私] yad-tou.ga-xi- a set of furniture 5101
yi- 一套衣服 [一脱衫裤] yad-tyud.sAm-fu. a suit of clothes 5102
yi- 一天到晚 [一日到黑] yad-yad`dou.hag- from morning to 5103
yi- evening 0
yi- 一条 [一条] yad-tiu* a piece of 5104
yi- 一条被子 [一张被] yad-zoeng-pei" a piece of quilt 5105
yi- 一条船 [一只船] yad-zEg.xun* a ship;a boat 5106
yi- 一条狗 [一只狗] yad-zEg.gao/ a dog 5107
yi- 一条毯子 [一张毡] yad-zoeng-jin- a carpet;blanket 5108
yi- 一头牛 [一只牛] yad-zEg.ngao* an ox 5109
yi- 一碗饭 [一碗饭] yad-wun/fan` a bowl of cooked rice 5110
yi- 一万元 [一万缗] yad-Aan`man- ten thousand yuan 5111
yi- 一万九千元[一万九千缗] yad-mAn`gao/qin-man- ninteen thousand yuan 5112
yi- 一位朋友 [一位朋友] yad-wai`/pang*yao/ a friend 5113
yi- 一窝蜂 [一窝蜂] yad-wo-fung- like a swarm of bees 5114
yi- 一窝小鸡 [一窦鸡仔] yad-dao.gai-zai/ a brood of chickens 5115
yi- 一该小猪 [一窦猪仔] yad-dao.ju-zai/ a litter of little 5116
yi- pigs 0
yi- 看一下 [睇一下] tai/yad-ha" have a look 5117
yi- 一向 [不溜] bad-lao- always 5118
yi- 一些 [一啲] yad-di- a little;a few 5119
yi- 一元 [一缗鸡] yad-man-gai- one yuan 5120
yi- 一元五角 [个半银钱] go.bun.ngan*qin/ one yuan and a half 5121
yi- 一张票 [一张票] yad-zoeng-piu. a ticket 5122
yi- 这一阵子 [呢一排] ni-yad-pAi* this moment 5123
yi- 一支笔 [一支笔] yad-ji-bad- a pen 5124
yi- 一支烟 [一口烟] yad-hao/yin- a cigarette 5125
yi- 一支烟 [一支烟仔] yad-ji-yin-zai/ a cigarrete 5126
yi- 一直 [枕住] zam/ju` always 5127
yi- 一直 [一直] yad-jig` always 5128
yi- 一直在吃药[枕住食药] zam/ju`xig`soeg` always take medicine 5129
yi- 一只调羹 [一只匙羹] yad-zEg.qi*gang- a spoon 5130
yi- 一种 [一种] yad-zung/ a kind of 5131
yi- 一桌菜 [一台饭菜] yad-tou*fan`coi. a table of dishes 5132
yi- 一桌客人 [一台人客] yad-toi-yan*hag' a table of guests 5133
yi- 一桌酒席 [一围酒] yad-wai*zao/ a feast 5134
yi- 一座搂 [一座搂] yad-zo`lao*/ a building 5135
yi- 一座房子 [一间屋] yad-gAn-ug- a house 5
yi- 医疗队 [医疗队] yi-liu*doeu` medical team 5137
yi- 医务室 [医务室] yi-liu*sad- wealth clinic 5138
yi- 医生 [医生] yi-sang- doctor 5139
yi- 医院 [医院] yi-yun`/ hospital 5140
yi- 依 [照] jiu. according to 5141
yi- 依我看 [照我睇] jiu.ngo"tai/ in my opinion 5142
yi- 衣服1 [衫裤] sAm-fu. clothes;clothing 5143
yi- 衣服2 [衫] sAm- clothes;clothing 5144
yi- 衣柜 [衫柜] sAm-gwai` wardrobe 5145
yi/ 遗憾 [遗憾] wai*hAm` regret 5146
yi/ 遗失 [失] sad- lose 5147
yi/ 移民1 [过番] fAn-hAg. migrate;emigrate 5148
yi/ 移民2 [番客] fAn-hAg. emigrant or immigrant; 5148
yi/ settler
yi/ 仪式 [仪式] yi*xig- ceremony;rite 5150
yi/ 疑问句 [疑问句] yi*man`goeu. interogative sentence 5151
yi/ 姨夫 [姨丈] yi*zoeng/ husband of mother's 5152
yi/ sister;uncle 0
yi/ 姨父 [姨丈] yi*zoeng/ same as 姨夫 5153
yi/ 姨妈 [姨妈] yi*ma- aunt 5154
yi> 椅子 [椅] yi/ chair 5155
yi> 已经1 [经已] ging-yi" already 5156
yi> 已经2 [已经] yi"ging- already 5157
yi> 已往 [已往] yi"wong" before;previously; 5158
yu> in the past 0
yi> 以后 [以后] yi"hao` after;afterwards; 5159
yi> later 0
yi> 以后 [之后] ji-hao` after 5160
yi> 以后 [第日] dAi`yad` later 5161
yi> 以免 [免至] min"ji. in order to avoid; 5162
yi> so as not to;lest 0
yi> 以前 [以前] yi"qin* before 5163
yi> 以上 [以上] yi"soeng` above;more than 5164
yi> 以为 [以为] yi"wai* think;consider 5165
yi> 以为 [估] gu/ think;guess 5166
yi` 艺术 [艺术] ngai`soed` art 5167
yi` 意见 [意见] yi.gin. idea;view;opinion 5168
yi` 意识 [意识] yi.xig- consciousness 5169
yi` 意思 [意思] yi.xi- meaning 5170
yi` 异议 [异议] yi`yi" objection;dissent 5171
yin- 因此 [故此] gu.qi/ therefore 5172
yin- 因为 [因为] yan-wai` because 5173
yin- 因为 [事关] xi`gwAn- for 5174
yin- 因为我没钱[事关我冇钱] xi`gwAn-ngo"mou"qin/ for I have no money 5175
yin- 音标 [音标] yam-biu- phonetic alphabet 5176
yin- 音带 [音带] yam-dAi. audio tape 5177
yin- 音乐 [音乐] yam-ngog` music 5178
yin- 音乐茶座 [音乐茶座] yam-ngog`ca*zo` music tea house 5179
yin- 音乐会 [音乐会] yam-ngog`wu`/ concert 5180
yin- 音响 [音响] yam-hoeng/ stereo set 5181
yin- 音像 [音像] yam-zoeng` audiovisual 5182
yin- 阴冷阴冷的[阴阴冻冻] yam-yam-dung.dung. gloomy and cold 5183
yin- 阴天 [阴天] yam-tin-- cloudy weather 5184
yin- 阴险 [阴湿] yam-sab- insidious 5185
yin/ 银耳 [银耳] ngAn*yi" tremella 5186
yin/ 银行 [银行] ngAn*hong/ bank 5187
yin/ 银子 [银] ngan* silver coin 5188
yin/ 淫秽片 [咸片]HG hAm*pin/ ponagraphic film 5189
yin> 饮茶 [饮茶] yam/ca* drink tea 5190
yin> 饮茶 [饮茶] yam/ca* have breakfast in 5191
yin> teahouse 0
yin> 饮食 [饮食] yam/xig` food and drink 5192
yin> 引论 [引论] yan"loen` introduction 5193
yin> (in a book) 0
yin` 印刷品 [印刷品] yan.cAd.ban/ printed matter 5194
ying- 英德红茶 [英德红茶] ying-dag-hung*ca* Yingde black tea 5195
ying- 英语 [英文] ying-man* English language 5196
ying- 英语 [英语] ying-yu" English Language 5197
ying- 樱桃 [樱桃] ying-tou* cherry 5198
ying- 婴孩 [苏虾仔] sou-ha-zai/ baby 5199
ying- 应该 [应该] ying-goi- ought to 5200
ying- 应当 [应当] ying-dong- ought to 5201
ying- 应有尽有 [应有尽有] ying-yao"zoen`yao" have everything that 5202
ying- one could wish for 0
ying/ 萤火虫 [萤火虫] ying*fo/cung*/ firefly;glow-worm; 5203
ying/ lightning bug 0
ying/ 赢 [赢] yEng* win 5204
ying/ 赢了 [赢咗] yEng*zo/ have won (a game) 5205
ying/ 赢家 [赢家] yEng*ga- winner 5206
ying` 应酬 [应酬] ying.cao* have social inter- 5207
ying` cource with 0
ying` 应声虫 [应声虫] ying.xing-cung* yesman 5208
ying` 应承 [应承] ying'xing* agree to do sth. 5209
ying` 硬 [硬] ngAng` hard 5210
ying` 硬币 [硬币] ngAng`bai` coin;specie 5211
ying` 硬度 [硬度] ngAng`dou` hardness;regidity 5212
ying` 硬盘 [硬盘] ngAng`pun* hard disc 5213
ying` 硬卧 [硬卧] ngAng`ngo` hard berth 5214
ying` 硬卧票 [硬卧票] ngAng`ngo`piu. hard berth ticket 5215
ying` 硬座 [硬座] ngAng`zo` hard seat(on a train) 5216
yo- 哟 [哗] wa` Oh! 5217
yong- 拥抱 [揽实] lAm/sad` embrace 5218
yong/ 拥挤 [挤拥] zai-yung/ crowded 5219
yong> 勇气 [勇气] yung"hei. courage 5220
yong` 用1 [用] yung` use;utilze 5221
yong` 用2 [使] sai/ use;utilize 5222
yong` 用车拉去 [车去] cE-hoeu. take sth. away with 5223
yong` a car 0
yong` 用功 [勤力] kan*lig` diligent;hardworking 5224
yong` 用了 [用作] yung`zo/ have used 5225
yong` 用了四年了[用咗四年喇] yung`zo/sei.nin*la. have been used for 5226
yong` four years 0
yong` 用完 [用晒] yung`sAi. have used up 5227
yong` 用心 [畀心机] bei/sam-gei- diligently;atten- 5228
yong` tively 0
yong` 用法 [用法] yung`fad. usage 5229
yong` 用饭 [食饭] xig`fAn` have a meal 5230
yong` 用一用 [使下] sai/ha" use 5231
yong` 用一用 [用下] yung`ha" use 5232
you- 优惠价 [优惠价] yao-wai`ga. preferential price 5233
you- 优良 [优良] yao-loeng* fine;good 5234
you- 优胜者 [温拿]HG wan-na/ winner 5235
you- 忧闷 [闭翳] bai.ai. depressed 5236
you/ 邮递员1 [邮差]HG yao*cAi- postman;mailman 5237
you/ 邮递员2 [邮递员] yao*dai`yun* postman;mailman 5238
you/ 邮费 [邮费] yao*fai. postage 5239
you/ 邮件 [邮件] yao*gin`/ postal matter; post; 5240
you/ mail 0
you/ 邮局 [邮局] yao*gug`/ post office 5241
you/ 邮票1 [士担] xi`dAm- stamp 5242
you/ 邮票2 [邮票] yao*piu. stamp 5243
you/ 邮筒 [邮筒] yao*tung/ illar box;postbox 5244
you/ 邮政 [邮政] yao*jing. postal service 5245
you/ 邮资 [邮资] yao*ji- postage 5246
you/ 犹豫 [犹豫] yao*yu` hesitate 5247
you/ 油条1 [油条] yao*tiu*/ deep-frid.twisted 5248
you dough strips 0
you/ 油条2 [油炸鬼] yao*za.gwai/ same as "油条". 5249
you/ 油炸 [油炸] yao*za. fried 5250
you/ 油炸饺子 [油炸角] yao*za.gog/ fried damplings 5251
you/ 游览 [游览] yao*lAm" go sightseeing;tour 5252
you/ 游览黄山 [游览黄山] you*lAm:wong*sAn- visit Huangshan 5253
you/ 游览路线 [游览路线] yao*lAm"lou`xin. tourist route 5254
you/ 游乐场 [游乐场] yao*log`coeng* amusement park 5255
you/ 游戏机 [游戏机] yao*hei.gei- TV game player 5256
you/ 游艺 [游艺] yao*ngai` entertainment 5257
you/ 游泳 [游水] yao*soeu/ swimming 5258
you/ 游泳池 [游泳池] yao*wing"qi* swimming pool 5259
you> 有 [有] yao" have 5260
you> 有吃的 [有得食] yao"dag-xig` food is available 5261
you> 有胆量 [够胆] gao.dAm/ dare to 5262
you> 钱有的是 [大把银纸] dAi`ba/ngAan*ji/ have a lot of money 5263
you> 有的是水果[水果大把] soeu/gwo/dAi`ba/ have a lot of fruit 5264
you> 有点儿 [些少] sE-xiu/ a little 5265
you> 有点儿 [有啲] yao"di- a little 5266
you> 有点儿红 [红红哋] hung*hung/dei/ reddish 5267
you> 有点儿冷 [有啲冻] yao"di-dung. a little cold 5268
you> 有点儿漂亮[靓靓哋] lEng.lEng/dei/ rather beautiful 5269
you> 有点名气 [几有名] gei/yao"mEng/ fairly famouse 5270
you> 有个模样 [有型有款] yao"ying*yao"fun/ up to the mark; 5271
you> presentable 0
you> 有很长时间[有排] yao"pAi* for a long time 5272
you> 有空 [得闲] dag-hAn* be free 5273
you> 你有空的话[得闲嘅话] dag-hAn*gE.wa/ if you are free 5274
you> 有空再来 [得闲嚟过] dag-hAn*lai*gwo. Come again if you 5275
you> have time. 0
you> 有了 [有咗] yao"zo/ have had 5276
you> 有卖的 [有得卖] yao"dag-mAi` be available 5277
you> 有没有 [有冇] yao"mou" have or not 5278
you> 你有没有空[你得唔得闲] nei"dag-m*dag-hAn* Are you free ? 5279
you> 有没有去呀[有去冇呀] yao"hoeu.mou"a. Have you been there? 5280
you> 有钱 [有水]HG yao"soeu/ have money;rich 5281
you> 有前科 [有底]HG yao"dai/ have a criminal record 5282
you> 有趣 [过瘾] gwo.yan" interesting 5283
you> 有人 [有人] yao"yan* someone 5284
you> 有人下车 [有落] yao"log` Someone will get off 5285
you> the bus. 0
you> 有人下车吗[有冇落] yao"mou"log` Is anybody will get 5286
you> off(the bus)? 0
you> 有时 [有时] yao"xi* sometimes 5287
you> 有事 [有事] yao"xi` 1.have a job;2.be 5288
you> occupied;be busy; 0
you> 3.have sth.happen 0
you> 有什么事 [有乜嘢事] yao"mad-ye"xi` Is there anything? 5289
you> 有什么用 [有乜用] yao"mad-yung` Is it useful? 5290
you> 有头无尾 [有头冇尾] yao"tao*mou.mei" start sth. but not 5291
you> finish it 0
you> 有雾 [有雾] yao"mou` foggy 5292
you> 有效 [有效] yao"hAo` effective;be good for 5293
you> 有些事 [有啲嘢] yao"di-ye" there are some 5294
you> matters 0
you> 有兴趣 [有兴趣] yao"hing.ceu. be interested at 5295
you> 有幸 [有幸] yao"hAng` be lucky to;have the 5296
you> good fortune to 0
you> 有真本事 [有料]HG yao"liu/ be capable indeed 5297
you> 有宗生意 [有单生意] yao"dAn-sang-yi. have a business 5298
you> 友谊 [友谊] yao"yi* friendship 5299
you> 友谊商店 [友谊商店] yao"yi*soeng-dim. Friendship Store 5300
you` 右边1 [右便] yao`bin` the right side 5301
you` 右边2 [右边] yao`bin- the right side 5302
you` 右边3 [右手便] yao`sao/bin` the right side 5303
you` 右手 [右手] yao`sao/ right hand 5304
you` 又 [又] yao` again 5305
you` 又...又...[夹] gAb. both... and... 5306
you` 又挤又慢 [逼夹慢] big-gAb'mAn` both crowded and slow 5307
you` 又便宜又好[平夹靓] pEng*gAb.lEng. both cheap and good; 5308
you` be not only inexpen- 0
you` sive but good 0
you` 又香又脆 [香夹脆] hoeng-gAb.coeu. both sweet and crisp 5309
you` 又快又好 [又快又好] yao`fAi.yao`hou/ both quick and good 5310
you` 又拉又吐 [又屙又呕] yao`ngo-yao`ngao/ not only come down 5311
you` with diarrhoea but 0
you also vomit 0
you` 幼儿园 [幼儿园] yao.yi*yun/ kindergarten;nursery 5312
you` school;infant school 0
you` 柚子 [碌柚] lug-yao/ shaddock 5313
yu/ 于是 [于是乎] yu-xi`fu* so;then;thereupon; 5314
yu/ hence 0
yu/ 于心不忍 [于心不忍] yu-sam-bad-yan" not have the heart to; 5315
yu/ can't bear to 0
yu/ 愚笨 [一嚿饭] yad-gao`fAn` foolish 5316
yu/ 愚笨 [薯钝] xu*doen` foolish;stupid;clumsy 5317
yu/ 鱼 [摆尾] HG bAi/mei" fish 5318
yu/ 鱼肝油 [鱼肝油] yu/gon-yao* cod-liver oil 5319
yu/ 鱼片 [鱼片] yu*pin/ sliced fish meat 5320
yu/ 鱼头 [鱼头] yu*tao* fish head 5321
yu/ 鱼粥 [鱼粥] yu*/zug- fish porrige 5322
yu/ 愉快 [愉快] yu*fAi. pleasure 5323
yu> 雨 [雨] yu" rain 5324
yu> 雨帽 [雨帽] yu"mou` raincap 5325
yu> 雨太大 [咁大雨] gam.dAi`yu" heavy rain 5326
yu> 与 [同埋] tung*mAi* and 5327
yu> 语言 [语言] yu"yin* language 5328
yu` 愉快 [高兴] gou-hing. pleasure 5309
yu` 玉米 [粟米] sug-mai" corn 5330
yu` 遇到 [碰到] pung.dou/ meet 5331
yu` 浴缸 [浴缸] yug`gong- Western-style bathtub 5332
yu` 浴巾 [大毛巾] dAi`mou*gan- bath towel 5333
yu` 预报 [预报] yu`bou. forecast 5334
yu` 预备 [预备] yu`bei` prepare 5335
yu` 预备班 [预备班] yu`bei`ban- preparative class 5336
yu` 预定 [预定] yu`ding` fix in advance 5337
yu` 预订 [预订] yu`ding` fix in advance 5338
yu` 预先 [预先] yu`xin- in advance 5339
yuan/ 元 [缗] man- yuan 5340
yuan/ 元 [银钱] ngan*qin/ yuan 5341
yuan/ 元旦 [年初一] nin*co-yad- January first 5342
yuan/ 元旦 [元旦] yun*dAn. January first 5343
yuan/ 元宵1 [元宵]1 yun*xiu- night of the 15th of 5344
yuan/ the 1st lunar month 0
yuan/ 元宵2 [元宵]2 yun*xiu- rice dumpling 5345
yuan/ 元宵节 [元宵节] yun*xiu- Lantern Festival 5346
yuan/ 原材料 [原材料] yun*coi*liu`/ raw and processed 5347
yuan/ materials 0
yuan/ 原计划 [原计划] yun*gai.wAg` original plan 5348
yuan/ 原来 [原来] yun*loi* so;it turns out 5349
yuan/ 原来的 [原来栞] yun*loi*gE. original 5350
yuan/ 原来是你 [原来系你] yun*loi*hai`nei" So it's you. 5351
yuan/ 原谅 [原谅] yun*loeng` excuse 5352
yuan/ 圆 [圆] yun* circle;round 5353
yuan/ 圆珠笔 [圆珠笔] yun*ju-bad- rolling pen 5354
yuan> 远 [远] yun" far 5355
yuan> 远着呢 [好远啵] hou/yun"bo. it is too far 5356
yuan` 愿不愿意 [愿意唔愿意] yun`yi.m*yun`yi. are you willing 5357
yuan` 愿望 [愿望] yun`mong` hope 5358
yuan` 愿意 [原意] yun`yi. be willing to 5359
yuan` 怨恨 [怨恨] yun.han` resentment;hatred 5360
yuan` 怨不得 [唔怪得] m*guai.dag- cannot blame;no wonder 5361
yue- 约 [约] yoeg. invite 5362
yue- 约定 [约定] yoeg.ding` invite 5363
yue- 约会 [约会] yoeg.wui` dating 5364
yue` 乐队 [班] HG bAn- ostra 5365
yue` 越剧 [越剧] yud`kEg. Zhejiang opera 5366
yue` 越快越好 [约快越好] yud`fAi.yud`hou/ the faster the better 5367
yue` 越...越.. [越...越... yud`...*yud`... the more...the more... 5368
yue` 越秀公园 [越秀公园] yud`sao.gung-yun/ Yuexiu park 5369
yue` 越秀山 [越秀山] yud`sao.sAn- Yuexiu hills 5370
yue` 岳父 [外父] ngoi`fu` father-in-law 5371
yue` 岳母 [外母] ngoi`mou" mother-in-law 5372
yue` 粤菜 [粤菜] yud`coi. Guangdong dishes 5373
yue` 粤剧 [大戏] dAi`hei. Guangdong opera 5374
yue` 粤剧 [粤剧] yud`kEg. Guangdong opera 5375
yue` 粤曲 [粤曲] yud`kug- Guangdong music 5376
yue` 月饼 [月饼] yud`bEng/ mooncake 5377
yue` 月初 [月头] yud`tao* the beginning of the 5378
yue month 0
yue` 月亮 [月光] yud`gwong- the moon 5379
yue` 阅览室 [阅览室] yud`lAm"sad- reading room 5380
yun- 晕 [晕] wan* faint 5381
yun/ 头晕 [头晕] tao*wan* dizzy;giddy 5382
yun/ 云 [云] wan* cloud 5383
yun/ 云彩 [云] wan* cloud 5384
yun/ 云这么黑 [云咁黑] wan*gam.hag- The cloud is so dark. 5385
yun> 允许1 [允许] wan"hoeu/ permit 5386
yun> 允许2 [准] zoen/ permit 5387
yun` 运动 [运动] wan`dung` 1.motion;movvement; 5388
yun` 2.sports 0
yun` 运动衣 [士钵恤] HG xi`bud-soed- sports suit 5389
yun` 运去车站 [车去车站] cE-hoeu.cE-zAm` transport to a 5390
yun` railway station 0
yun` 晕车 [晕车] wan*che- carsick 5391
yun` 晕船 [晕船] wan*xun* be seasick 5392
yun` 熨 [烫] tong. iron;press 5393
yun` 熨斗 [烫斗] tong'dao/ oiron ;flat iron 5394
yun` 熨衣服 [烫衫裤] tong'sam-fu. iron clothes 5395
za/ 杂货店 [杂货铺] zAb`fo.pou/ grosery;sundry store 5396
za/ 杂技 [杂技] zAb`gei` acrobatics 5397
za/ 杂志 [杂志] zAb`ji. magazine 5398
zai> 宰 [劏] tong- butcher 5399
zai` 再想她 [再谂佢] zoi.nam/koeu" think of him again 5400
zai` 再 [再] zoi. again 5401
zai` 再说 [先置喙] xin-ji.zoi. talk about it again 5402.?
zai` 有空再来 [得闲嚟过] dag-hAn*lai* gwo. Come here when you 5403
zai` are free. 0
zai` 再吃一点儿[食啲添] xig`di-tim- eat a little more 5404
zai` 再次 [再次] zoi-qi. once again 5405
zai` 再会 [再会] zoi.wui` good bye;bye-bye 5406
zai` 再见 [再见] zoi.gin. good bye;bye-bye 5407
zai` 再试一次 [再试一次] zoi.xi.yad-qi. try it once again 5408
zai` 再也不用 [再亦唔使] zoi.yig`m*sai/ will not use it again 5409
zai` 在哪里 [喺边度] hai/bin-dou` where 5410
zai` 在说话 [讲紧] gong/gan/ be speaking 5411
zai` 在广州 [响广州] hoeng/gwong/zao- in Guangzhou 5412
zai` 他在哪里? [佢喺边度?] koeu hai/bin-dou` Where is he? 5413
zai` 在车站附近[喺车站左近] hai/cE-zAm`zo/gan`/ near the station 5414
zai` 在打电话 [电话讲紧] din`wa/gong/gan/ be telephoning 5415
zai` 在家 [喺屋企] hai/ug-kei/ at home 5416
zai` 在看的书 [睇开嗰本书] tai/hoi-go/bun/xu- the book he is reading 5417
zai` 在念书 [读紧书] dug`gan/xu- be studying 5418
zai` 在说话 [讲紧] gong/gan/ be speaking 5419
zai` 在心上 [喺心上] hai/sam-soeng` at heart 5420
zai` 在这儿 [喺度] hai/dou` at here 5421
zan/ 咱们 [我哋] ngo"dei` we 5422
zan` 赞成 [赞成] zAn.xing* approve of;agree with 5423
zan` 赞赏 [赞赏] zAn.soeng/ appreciate 5424
zan` 赞扬 [赞扬] zAn.yoeng* praise;applaud 5425
zan` 赞助 [赞助] zAn.zo` support;assistence 5426
zan` 赞助单位 [赞助单位] zAn.zo`dAn-wai/ supporting unit 5427
zang- 脏1 [邋遢] lAd`tAd. dirty 5428
zang- 脏2 [污糟] wu-zou- dirty 5429
zang- 葬着 [埋住] mAi*ju` be buried 5430
zao- 真糟糕 [真系衰] zan-hai`soeu- It is really bad. 5431
zao- 糟糕 [弊] bai` too bad;how terrible 5432
zao- 糟了 [弊嘞] bai`lAg. too bad;how terrible 5433
zao> 早 [早] zou/ early 5434
zao> 早安 [早安] zou/on- good morning 5435
zao> 早餐 [早餐] zou/cAn- breakfast 5436
zao> 早操 [早操] zou/cou- morning exercises 5437
zao> 早晨1 [晨早] san*zou/ morning 5438
zao> 早晨2 [朝头早] jiu-tao*zou/ morning 5439
zao> 早饭 [朝早饭] jiu-zou/fAn` breakfast 5440
zao> 早上 [朝早] jiu-zou/ morning 5441
zao> 早上锻炼 [晨运] san*wan` morning exercises 5442
zao> 早上好! [早晨] zou/san* Good morning! 5443
zao> 早些 [早啲] zou/di- earlier 5444
zao> 早造 [早造] zou/zou` early crop 5445
zao> 早知 [早知] zou/ji- know it earlier 5446
zao> 红枣 [红枣] hung*zou/ red date 5447
zao> 澡堂 [澡塘] cou.tong*/ bath house 5448
zao> 组合 [组合] zou/hab` combination 5449
zao` 噪音 [噪音] cou.yam- noise 5450
zao` 造福 [造福] zou`fug- bring benefit to; 5451
zao` benefit;do good for 0
zao` 造句 [造句] zou`goeu. make a sentence 5452
zao` 造林 [造林] zou`lam* afforestation 5453
zao` 造孽 [阴功] yam-gung- poor;pitible 5454
zao` 造谣 [造谣] zou`yiu* cook up a story 5455
ze/ 责备 [责备] zAg-bei` accuse;blame 5456
zen> 怎么 [点] dim/ how 5457
zen> 怎么办 [点办] dim/ban` how to do 5458
zen> 怎么没来 [点解冇嚟] dim/gai/mou.lai* why not come 5459
zen> 怎么用 [点使] dim/sai/ how to use 5460
zen> 怎么走 [点行] dim/hAng* how to go 5461
zeng- 增大 [增大] zang-dAi` enlarge 5462
zeng- 增加点儿 [增加啲] zang-ga-di- add a little more 5463
zha- 扎得结实点[扎实啲] zAd.sad`di- tie it tightly 5464
zha/ 炸糕 [炸糕] za.gou- fried cake 5465
zha/ 炸鱼 [炸鱼] za.yu/ fried fish 5466
zha> 眨眼 [斩眼] zAm/ngAn/ blink;wink 5467
zha> 一眨眼... [一斩眼就...] yad-zAm/ngAn/zao`... in a blink 5468
zha` 炸 [炸] za. explode 5469
zha` 炸弹 [炸弹] za.dAn` bomb 5470
zhai- 摘花 [摘花] zAg`fa- pick a flower 5471
zhai> 窄 [窄] zAg. narrow 5472
zhan- 沾包(牵连)[湿身]HG sab-san- be involed in 5473
zhan> 辗转反侧 [典床典席] din/cong*din/zEg` toss about in bed 5474
zhan> 展出 [展出] jin/coed- exhibit 5475
zhan> 展览会 [展览会] jin/lAm"wui`/ exhibition 5476
zhan` 占线 [电话打紧] din`wa`da/gan/ be telephoning 5477
zhan` 占座位 [霸位] ba.wai`/ occupy a seat 5478
zhan` 站 [企] kei" stand 5479
zhan` 站台 [站台] zAm`toi/ platform 5480
zhan` 站台票 [站台票] zAm`toi*piu. platform ticket 5481
zhang- 一张纸 [一张纸] yad-zoeng-ji/ a sheet of paper 5482
zhang- 张开嘴 [擘开口] mAg.hoi-hao/ open one's mouth 5483
zhang- 张扬 [墟陷] HG hoeu-ham` make widely known 5484
zhang- 蟑螂 [gadzad]HG gAd`zAd` HG cockroach;roach 5485
zhang> 长 [生] sang- grow 5486
zhang> 长大了 [大个咗] dAi`go.zo/ have grown up 5487
zhang> 长冻疮 [生萝白] sang-lo*bAg` get chilblains 5488
zhang> 长势真好 [长势几好] zoeng/sai.gei/hou/ grow well 5489
zhang> 长痱子 [生热痱] sAng-yid`fei/ get prickly heat 5490
zhang> 长锈 [生锈] sAng-sao. get rusty 5491
zhang` 丈夫1 [先生] xin-sang- husband 5492
zhang` 丈夫2 [老公] lou"gung- husband 5493
zhang` 丈母娘 [外母] ngoi`mou" mother-in-law 5494
zhang` 丈人 [外佬] ngoi`lou" father-in-law 5495
zhang` 帐子 [蚊帐] man-zoeng. mosquito net 5496
zhao- 招待 [招待] jiu-doi` receive (guest) 5497
zhao- 招待所 [招待所] jiu-doi`so/ guest house;hostel 5498
zhao- 招呼 [招呼] jiu-fu- haul;greet 5499
zhao/ 着急 [急] gab- get worried 5500
zhao/ 别着急 [唔使急] m*sai/gab- Don't worry. 5501
zhao/ 着凉 [冷亲] lAng"/can- catch cold 5502
zhao> 找 [揾] wan/ look for 5503
zhao> 找不开 [冇得续] mou"dag-zug` have no change to give 5504
zhao> 找钱 [找钱] zAo/qin/ give change 5505
zhao> 找零钱 [续返] zug`fAn- give change 5506
zhao> 找到 [揾到] wan/dou/ have found 5507
zhao> 找时间 [揾时间] wan/xi*gAn. find time 5508
zhao> 找谁呀 [揾边个呀] wan/bin-go'a` Whom do you look for? 5509
zhao> 找着了 [揾到咗] wan/dou/zo/ have found 5510
zhao` 照个相 [影张相] ying/zoeng-soeng/ take a picture 5511
zhao` 照顾 [关照] gwAn-jiu. take care of;look 5512
zhao` after 0
zhao` 照顾 [照顾] jiu.gu. take into account; 5513
zhao` look after 0
zhao` 照旧 [照旧] jiu.gao` as before 5514
zhao` 照片 [相] soeng/ photograph;photo 5515
zhao` 照相 [影相] ying/soeng/ take a picture 5516
zhao` 照相簿 [相簿] soeng.bou` photo album 5517
zhao` 照相馆 [影相铺] ying/soeng/pou. photo studio 5518
zhao` 照相机 [影相机] ying/soeng/gei- camera 5519
zhao` 罩 [罩] zAo. cover (vt} 5520
zhao` 罩子 [罩] zAo. cover (n) 5521
zhao` 肇庆 [肇庆] xiu`hing. Zhaoqing (place name) 5522
zhe 说着 [讲紧] gong/gan/ speaking 5523
zhe 沿着 [沿住] yun*ju` along 5524
zhe/ 折断 [屈断] wad- tyun. fracture;break 5525
zhe/ 折回头 [屈翻转头] wad-fan-jun.tao* turn back 5526
zhe/ 折(折叠) [折] jib. fold 5527
zhe/ 折叠伞 [缩骨遮] sug-gwad-zE- folding umbrella 5528
zhe/ 折扇 [折扇] jib.xin. folding fan 5529
zhe` 这把伞 [呢把遮] ni-ba/zE- this umbrella 5530
zhe` 这办法挺好[条计几好] tiu*gai/gei/hou/ This method is good. 5531
zhe` 这本书 [呢本书] ni-bun/xu- this book 5532
zhe` 这边 [呢边] ni-bin- this side 5533
zhe` 这边 [呢便] ni-bin` this side 5534
zhe` 这不行 [咁唔得嘅] gam/m*dag-gE. this won't do; 5535
zhe` this is not allowed 0
zhe` 这场大雨 [呢场大雨] ni-coeng*da`yu" the heavy rain 5536
zhe` 这床被子 [呢张被] ni-zoeng-pei" this quilt 5537
zhe` 这次 [呢次] ni-qi. this time 5538
zhe` 这堵墙 [呢埲墙] ni-bung`coeng* this wall 5539
zhe` 这段路 [呢橛路] ni-jud`lou` this section of road 5540
zhe` 这顿饭 [呢餐饭] ni-cAn-fAn` this meal 5541
zhe` 这朵花 [呢朵花] ni-doe/fa- this flower 5542
zhe` 这朵花真美[朵花靓到] doe/fa-lEng.dou/ This flower is really 5543
zhe` beautiful. 0
zhe` 这儿 [呢处] ni-xu. here 5544
zhe` 这儿 [呢度] ni-dou` here 5545
zhe` 这份报纸 [呢份报纸] ni-fan`bou.ji/ this copy of news- 5546
zhe` paper 0
zhe` 这封信 [呢封信] ni-fung-soen. this letter 5547
zhe` 这个 [呢个] ni-go. this 5548
zhe` 这个锅耐用[呢个煲禁使] ni-go.bou-kam-sai/ This pot is durable. 5549
zhe` 这个家伙 [呢条友仔] ni-tiu*yao"zai/ this fellow 5550
zhe` 这个人 [呢个人] ni-go.yan* this person 5551
zhe` 这个人真坏[呢个人真衰] ni-go.yan*zan-soeu- This person is bad. 5552
zhe` 这个戏 [呢出戏] ni-coed-hei. this play 5553
zhe` 这个月 [呢个月] ni-go.yud` this month 5554
zhe` 这个座位 [呢个位] ni-go.wai/ this seat 5555
zhe` 这个柜不错[个柜唔错] go.gwai`m*co. This cupboard is 5556
zhe` fairly good. 0
zhe` 这些花多美[啲花几靓] di-fa-gei/lEng. How beautiful these 5557
zhe` flowers are! 0
zhe` 这几天 [呢几日] ni-gei/yad` these days 5558
zhe` 这几位客人[呢几位客人] ni-gei/wai/hag.yan* these guests 5559
zhe` 这件事 [呢件嘢] ni-gin`ye" this matter 5560
zhe` 这件事 [呢件事] ni-gin`xi` this thing 5561
zhe` 这里 [呢度] ni-dou` here 5562
zhe` 这辆车 [呢架车] ni-ga.cE- this car 5563
zhe` 这么 [咁] gam. so 5564
zhe` 这么长 [咁长] gam.coeng* so long 5565
zhe` 这么大 [咁大] gam.dAi` so big 5566
zhe` 这么短 [咁短] gam.dyun/ so short 5567
zhe` 这么搞 [咁搞法] gam/gAo/fAd. do so 5568
zhe` 这么贵 [咁贵嘅] gam.gwai.gE. so expensive 5569
zhe` 这么便宜 [咁平嘅] gam.pEng*gE. so expensive 5570
zhe` 这么坏 [咁衰嘅] gam.soeu-gE. so bad 5571
zhe` 这么急 [咁急] gam.gab- so urgent 5572
zhe` 这么说 [咁讲] gam/gong/ say so 5573
zhe` 这么做 [咁做] gam/zou` do so 5574
zhe` 这么晚才回[咁夜先翻嚟] gam.ye`xin-fAn-lai* come so late 5575
zhe` 这么小心 [咁小心] gam.xiu/sam- so careful 5576
zhe` 这么糟糕 [咁弊架}] gam.bai`ga. so bad 5577
zhe` 这匹布 [呢匹布] ni-pad-bou. this cloth 5578
zhe` 这匹马 [呢匹马] ni-pad-ma" this horse 5579
zhe` 这时 [呢阵] ni-zan` this moment 5580
zhe` 这趟火车~ [呢趟火车~ ni-tong.fo/cE- This train has just 5581
zhe` 刚刚开走 [啱啱开咗] ngam-ngam-hoi-zo/ left. 0
zhe` 这套衣服 [呢套衫裤] ni-tou.sAm-fu. this suit of clothing 5582
zhe` 这条领带 [呢条领呔] ni-tiu*lEng.tai- this tie 5583
zhe` 这条鱼多大[条鱼大到] tiu*yu/dAi`dou/ This fish is too big. 5584
zhe` 这位老师 [呢位老师] ni-wai/lou"xi- this teacher 5585
zhe` 这些 [呢啲] ni-di- these 5586
zhe` 这些话 [呢啲话] ni-di-wa/ these words 5587
zhe` 这些人 [呢啲人] ni-di-yan* these people 5588
zhe` 这烟还可以[啲烟麻麻柈] di-yin-ma*ma/dei/ The cigarette is OK. 5589
zhe` 这一向 [呢排] ni-pAi* recently;lately 5590
zhe` 这阵子 [呢排] ni-pAi* recently;lately 5591
zhe` 这支钢笔 [呢支钢笔] ni-ji-gong.bad- this pen 5592
zhe` 这只猫 [呢只猫] ni-zEg.mao- this cat 5593
zhe` 这种 [呢种] ni-zung/ such 5594
zhe` 这种事 [呢单嘢] ni-dAn-ye" such thing 5595
zhe` 这种事 [呢种事] ni-zung/xi` such thing 5596
zhe` 这座房子 [呢间屋] ni-gAn-ug- this house 5597
zhen- 珍贵 [有宝]HG yao"bou/ valuable 5598
zhen- 珍贵 [矜贵] ging-gwai. valuable 5599
zhen- 珍珠粉 [珍珠粉] zan-ju-fan/ pearl powder 5600
zhen- 真好 [几好] gei/hou/ really good 5601
zhen- 真 [真] zan- true 5602
zhen- 真不知道 [真唔知] zan-m*ji- really not know 5603
zhen- 有真才实料[有料]HG yao"liu/ have real ability 5604
zhen- and learning 0
zhen- 真对不起 [真对唔住] zan-doeu.m*ju` I beg your pardon . 5605
zhen- 真的 [真嘅] zan-gE. really 5606
zhen- 真好 [真好] zan-hou/ really good 5607
zhen- 真假 [真假] zan-ga/ true or false 5608
zhen- 真坏 [真衰嘞] zan-soeu-lAg. really bad 5609
zhen- 真坏 [真系衰] zan-hai`soeu- really bad 5610
zhen- 时间过得~ [时间过得~ xi*gan.gwo.dag- How time flies! 5611
zhen- 真快! 真快!] zan-fAi.
zhen- 真凉快 [真凉爽] zan-loeng*song/ really cool 5612
zhen- 真没想到 [真冇想到] zan-mou"soeng/dou. really not think of 5613
zhen- 真没意思 [真冇瘾] zan-mou"yan" realy dull;really 5614
zhen- boring 0
zhen- 真能干 [真叻] zan-lEg- really capable 5615
zhen- 真怕人 [真得人惊] zan-dag-yan*gEng- really horrible 5616
zhen- 真使人恼火[真使人火滚] zan-sai/yan*fo/gwan/ really annoyed 5617
zhen- 真心实意 [真心实意] zan-sam-sad`yi. sincerely and truly 5618
zhen- 真是好样的[真系好嘢] zan-hai`hou/ye" be really good 5619
zhen- 真是雄伟 [真系架势] zan-hai`ga.sai. (of a building) it is 5620
zhen- really magnificent 0
zhen- 真是正牌的[真系正] zan-hai`zEng. It is really a quali- 5621
zhen- ty product. 0
zhen- 真糟糕 [真弊] zan-bai` too bad 5622
zhen- 针 [针] zam- needle 5623
zhen- 针鼻子 [针眼] zam-ngan/ eye of a needle 5624
zhen- 针灸 [针灸] zam-gao. acupuncture 5625
zhen- 针线 [针线] zam-xin. needlework;needle- 5626
zhen- craft
zhen> 枕套 [枕头袋] zam/tao*doi/ pillowcase;pillow- 5627
zhen> slip
zhen> 枕头 [枕头] zam/tao* pillow 5628
zhen> 诊室 [诊室] can/sad- consulting room 5629
zhen> 诊所 [诊所] can/so/ 1.private clinic 5630
zhen> 2.small hospital 0
zhen` 镇海楼 [镇海楼] zan.hoi-lao* Zhenhailou Building 5631
zhen` 阵雨 [过云雨] gwo.wan*yu" shower 5632
zheng- 蒸 [蒸] jing- steam 5633
zheng- 蒸甲鱼 [蒸水鱼] jing-soeu/yu/ steamed soft-sheled 5634
zheng- turtle 0
zheng- 蒸气 [士店] xi`dim- steam 5635
zheng- 征服 [征服] jing-fug`- konquer 5636
zheng- 争取 [争取] zang-coeu/ strive for 5637
zheng- 争先 [争先] zang-xin- try to be the first 5638
zheng- (to do sth.) 0
zheng- 正月 [正月] jing-yud` January 5639
zheng> 整个 [成个] sEng*go. whole;entire 5640
zheng> 整个上午 [成个上昼] sEng*go.soeng`zao. entire morning 5641
zheng> 整个上午 [成朝] sEng*jiu- entire morning 5642
zheng> 整个会场 [整个会场] jing/go.wui`coeng* whole meeting hall 5643
zheng> 整理 [打理]HG da/lei" put in order;arrange 5644
zheng> 整齐 [齐整] cai*jing/ in good order;neat; 5645
zheng> tidy 0
zheng> 整天 [成日] sEng*yad` all day 5646
zheng> 整天不舒服[成日唔自在] sEng*yad`m*ji`zoi` feel uncomfortable 5647
zheng> all day 0
zheng> 整条巷 [成条巷] sEng*tiu*hong` whole cane 5648
zheng> 整夜 [成晚] sEng*mAn" all night 5649
zheng` 正 [踏正] dAb`jing. just 5650
zheng` 八点正 [踏正八点] dAb`jing`bAd.dim/ just 8 o'clock 5651
zheng` 正房 [厅] tEng- hall 5652
zheng` 正房 [神厅] san*tEng- hall 5653
zheng` 正好1 [啱晒] ngAm-sAi. just right 5654
zheng` 正好2 [啱好] ngAm-hou/ just right 5655
zheng` 正合适 [啱晒] ngAm-sAi. just right 5656
zheng` 正经事 [正经事] jing.ging-xi` serious affairs 5657
zheng` 正门 [正门] jing.mun* front door (or gate) 5658
zheng` 正牌货 [正嘢] zEng.ye" genuine goods 5659
zheng` 正确 [正确] jing.kog. correct 5660
zheng` 正所谓 [正所谓] jing.so/wai` so-called 5661
zheng` 正在吃饭 [食紧饭] xig`gan/fAn` be having a meal 5662
zheng` 正在打印 [打印紧] da/yan.gan/ be printing 5663
zheng` 正在发烧 [发紧烧] fAd.gan/xiu- be suffering fever 5664
zheng` 正在见客 [见紧人客] gin`gan/yan*hAg. be meeting a guest 5665
zheng` 正在看电视[睇紧电视] tai/gan/ din`xi` be watching TV 5666
zheng` 证件 [证件] jing.gin`/ credentials;certifi- 5667
zheng` cate 0
zheng` 证券 [证券] jing.gyun. bon;securities 5668
zhi- 一支铅笔 [一支铅笔] yad-zhi-yun*bad- a pencil 5669
zhi- 支离破碎 [鸡毛鸭血] gai-mou*Ab.hyud. fragmented;shattered 5670
zhi- 支票 [仄纸]HG zag-ji/ cheque;check 5671
zhi- 蜘蛛 [蠄蟧] kam*lou* spider 5672
zhi- 知道 [晓] hiu/ know 5673
zhi- 知道 [知] ji- know 5674
zhi- 知道 [知道] ji-dou` know 5675
zhi- 知足 [知足] ji-zug- be content with one's 5676
zhi- lot 0
zhi- 之间 [之间] ji/gan- between;among 5677
zhi- 两者之间 [两者之间] loeng/ze/ji-gan- between two persons 5678
zhi- 织 [织] jig- weave 5679
zhi- 织布 [织布] jig-bou. weave cloth 5680
zhi- 织女 [织女] jig-noeu/ weaving-girl 5681
zhi- 织女星 [织女星] jig-noeu/xing- Venga 5682
zhi- 只身 [只身] zEg.san- alone;by oneself 5683
zhi- 一只鸡 [一只鸡] yad-zEg'gai- a chicken 5684
zhi/ 直1 [直] jig` straight 5685
zhi/ 直2 [掂] dim. straight 5686
zhi/ 直观 [直观] jig`gun- direct perception 5687
zhi/ (through the senses) 0
zhi/ 直快 [直快] jig`fAi. through express train 5688
zhi/ 直达快车 [直达快车] jig`dAd`fAi.cE- through express train 5689
zhi/ 植物园 [植物园] jig`mad`yun* bontonical garden 5700
zhi/ 值勤 [出更]HG coed-gAng- (of soldiers.policemen,5701
zhi/ etc.)be on duty 0
zhi/ 值得 [值得] jig`dag- be worth 5702
zhi/ 值得 [抵] dai/ be worth 5703
zhi/ 值日生 [值日生] jig`yad`sang- student on duty 5704
zhi/ 值夜班看门[看更]HG hon.gAng- look after a house 5705
zhi/ at night 0
zhi/ 侄儿 [侄] zad` nephew 5706
zhi/ 侄女 [侄女] zad`neu"/ niece 5707
zhi> 职业 [职业] jig-yib` profession 5708
zhi> 指导 [指导] ji/dou` guide 5709
zhi> guidance 0
zhi> 指定 [指定] ji/ding` appoint 5711
zhi> 指定的机房[指定嘅机房] ji/ding`gE.gei-fong* appointed computer 5712
zhi> room 0
zhi> 指甲 [手指甲] sao/ji/gab. nail 5713
zhi> 指教 [指教] ji/gAo. give directions or 5714
zhi> guidance 0
zhi> 指南 [指南] ji/nAm* guide 5715
zhi> 考试指南 [口试指南] hao/xi.ji/nAm* examinee's guide 5716
zhi> 指数 [指数] ji/sou. index 5717
zhi> 止痛 [止痛] ji/tung. relieve pain 5718
zhi> 止血 [止血] ji/hyud. stop breeding;stanch 5719
zhi> breeding 0
zhi> 只 [只] ji/ only 5720
zhi> 只顾啃书本[顾住咪书] gu.ju`mai-xu- only read books 5721
zhi> 只好这样办[马死落地行] ma"sei/log`dei`hang* have no other choice 5722
zhi> 只是 [只系] ji/hai` only 5723
zhi> 只是 [净系] jing`hai` only 5724
zhi> 只要 [只要] ji/yiu. if only ;so long as 5725
zhi> provided 0
zhi> 只有 [只有] ji/yao" have only 5726
zhi> 只有一元 [只有一缗] ji/yao"yad-man- have only one yuan 5727
zhi> 只有一个 [净系一个] jing`hai`yad-go. only one 5728
zhi> 纸 [纸] ji/ paper 5729
zhi> 纸牌 [纸牌] ji/pAi* playing cards 5730
zhi> 纸烟 [烟仔] yin-zai/ cigarette 5731
zhi> 质量差 [水皮]HG soeu/pei* of bad quality 5732
zhi` 致谢 [致谢] ji.zE` express one's thanks 5733
zhi` 制服 [制服] zai.fug` uniform 5734
zhi` 智商低1 [薯钝] xu*doen` have low IQ 5735
zhi` 智商低2 [冇脑]HG mou"nou" have low IQ 5736
zhi` 秩序 [秩序] did`zoeu` order 5737
zhi` 质量 [质量] zad-loeng` quality 5738
zhi` 痔疮 [痔疮] ji`cong- piles 5739
zhi` 滞销 [滞销] zai`xiu- unsaleable 5740
zhi` 治病 [医病] yi-bEng` treat illness 5741
zhi` 治头痛 [医头痛] yi-tao*tung. tread headache 5742
zhong- 中秋节 [八月十五] bAd.yud`sab`ng" Mid-autumn Festival 5743
zhong- 中山路 [中山路] zung-sAn-lou` Zhongshan Road 5744
zhong- 中途克扣 [落膈]HG log`gAg. pocket part of what 5745
zhong` should be issued 0
zhong- 中午 [晏昼] An.zao. midday;noon 5746
zhong- 中午 [中午] zung-ng" midday;noon 5747
zhong- 中旬 [中旬] zung-coen* middle ten days of 5748
zhong- a month 0
zhong- 中药 [中药] zung-yoeg` traditional Chinese 5749
zhong- medicine 0
zhong- 忠告 [忠告] zung-gug- sincerely advice 5750
zhong- 衷心 [衷心] cung-sam- sincere;cordial 5751
zhong- 终于 [卒之] zoed-ji- finally 5752
zhong> 种子 [种] zung/ seed 5753
zhong` 种 [种] zung. plant;grow 5754
zhong` 种地 [耕田] gAng-tin* engage in farming; 5755
zhong` be a farmer 0
zhong` 种了 [种咗] zung.zo/ have grown 5756
zhong` 种植 [种植] zung.jig` plant;grow;cultivate 5757
zhong` 重 [重] cung" heavy 5758
zhong` 重 [重量] cung"loeng` weight 5759
zhou- 周到 [周到] zao-dou. attentative 5760
zhou- 洲际导弹 [洲际导弹] zao-zai.dou`dAn` intercontinential 5761
zhou- ballistic missle; 0
zhou- IBM 0
zhou- 粥 [米皇]HG mai"wong* porridge 5762
zhou- 粥凉了 [啲粥冻咗] di-zug-dung.zo/ The poridge is cold. 5763
zhu- 珠海 [珠海] ju-hoi/ Zhuhai City 5764
zhu- 珠江 [珠江] ju-gong- Pearl River 5765
zhu- 珠江夜游 [珠江夜游] ju-gong-ye`yao* the Pearl River tour 5766
zhu- at night 0
zhu- 猪肝 [猪膶] ju-yoen`/ pork liver 5767
zhu- 猪圈 [猪栏] ju-lAn*- pigsty;pigpen;hogpen 5768
zhu- 猪排 [猪排] ju-pAi/ pork chop 5769
zhu- 猪肉 [猪肉] ju-yug` pork 5770
zhu- 猪舌头 [猪脷] ju-lei` pig's tonque 5771
zhu- 猪血 [猪红] ju-hong* pig's brood 5772
zhu- 猪油 [猪膏] ju-gou- lard;fat of pigs pre- 5773
zhu- pared for use of cook- 0
zhu- ing 0
zhu- 猪蹄 [猪蹄] ju-tai* pig's foot;pig's trot- 5774
zhu- ters 0
zhu/ 竹 [竹] zug- bamboo 5775
zhu> 煮 [煮] ju/ cook 5776
zhu> 煮还是蒸 [煮定蒸] ju/ding`jing- cook or steam 5777
zhu> 节目主持人[节目主持人] jid.mug`ju/qi*yan* anchorperson 5778
zhu> 主人 [主人] ju/yan*/ host 5779
zhu> 主席 [主席] ju/jig` chairman 5780
zhu> 主要 [主要] ju/yiu. chief 5781
zhu> 主意 [主意] ju/yi. idea;plan 5782
zhu> 主张 [主张] ju/zoeng- advocate;stand for 5783
zhu` 住房 [住房] ju`fong/ housing;lodgings 5784
zhu` 著书 [著书] ju.xu- write books 5785
zhu` 著作 [著作] ju.zog. writings 5786
zhu` 柱子 [柱] qu" column 5787
zhu` 住 [住] ju` live 5788
zhu` 住院 [留医] lao*yi- be in hospital; 5789
zhu` be hospitalized 0
zhu` 住院 [住院] ju`yun`/ be in hospital 5790
zhu` 住在那里 [住喺嗰度] ju`hai/go/dou` live over there 5791
zhu` 注册 [注册] ju.cAg. register 5792
zhu` 注射 [注射] ju`sE` injection 5793
zhu` 注意 [觉意] gog.yi. take notice 5794
zhu` 注意身体 [注意身子] gu.ju`san-ji/ Take care of your 5795
zhu` health. 0
zhu` 祝福 [祝福] zug-fug- blessing;wish;bene- 5796
zhu` diction 0
zhu` 为您祝福 [为您祝福] wai`nei"zug`fug- Blessings on you! 5797
zhu` 祝贺 [祝贺] zug-ho` congratulate 5798
zhu` 祝你成功 [祝你成功] zug-nei"xing*gung- Wish you success! 5799
zhu` 祝你健康 [祝你健康] zug-nei"gin`hong- I wish you the best 5800
zhu` of health! 0
zhu` 祝你幸福 [祝你幸福] zug-nei"hang`fug- Wish you lucky! 5801
zhu` 祝愿 [祝愿] zug-yun` wish 5802
zhua- 抓痒 [钩'恨'] ngao-han` scratch an itch 5803
zhua> 爪子 [爪] zAo/ claw;paw;talon 5804
zhuan- 专程拜访 [专等拜访] jun-dang/bAi.fong/ pay a special visit 5805
zhuan- to sb. 0
zhuan- 专利 [专利] jun-lei` patent 5806
zhuan- 专利权 [专利权] jun-lei`kyun* patent right 5807
zhuan- 专卖 [专卖] jun-mAi` monopoly 5808
zhuan- 专线1 [专线] jun-xin. special-purpose 5809
zhuan- railway line 0
zhuan- 专线2 [专线] jun-xin. special telephone 5810
zhuan- line 0
zhuan> 转车 [转车] jun/cE- change train 5811
zhuan> 转达 [转达] jun/dAd` pass on;convey 5812
zhuan> 请转告他 [唔该话佢知] m*goi-wa`koeu"ji- please tell him 5813
zhuang-庄稼汉 [耕田佬] gAng-tin*lou/ farmer 5814
zhuang-装备 [装备] zong-bei` assemble 5815
zhuang-装模作样 [扮嘢] HG bAn`ye" do sth. for appear- 5816
zhuang- ance sake;put up a 0
zhuang- show 0
zhuang-装配 [装配] zong-pui. assemply 5817
zhaung-装配线 [装配线] zong-pui.xin. assemply line 5818
zhuang-装腔作势 [摆款] HG bAi/fun/ strike a post; be 5819
zhuang- affected or preten- 0
zhuang- tious 0
zhuang-装置 [装置] zong-ji. instalation 5820
zhui- 锥子 [锥] yui- awl 5821
zhun> 准备 [准备] zoen/bei` prepare 5822
zhun> 准确 [准确] zoen/kog. accurate;exact 5823
zhun> 准时 [准时] zoen/xi* in time 5824
zhun> 准睡过头 [实唔知醒] sad`m*ji-sEng" One has certainly 5825
zhun> overslept. 0
zhuo- 捉迷藏 [摸盲鸡]HG mo/mAng*gai- blindman's buff 5826
zhuo- 桌 [围] wai* table 5827
zhuo- 十桌酒菜 [十围酒] sab`wai*zao/ ten tables of feast 5828
zhuo- 桌子 [台] toi*/ table 5829
zi- 资金 [资金] ji-gam- funds 5830
zi- 资料 [资料] ji-liu`/ means;necessary ma- 5831
zi- materials for pro- 0
zi- duction or life 0
zi- 姿态 [花臣]HG fa-san/ fashion 5832
zi- 滋润的 [滋润嘅] ji-yoen`gE. moist;humod;moisten 5833
zi> 仔细 [仔细] ji/sai. carefully 5834
zi` 自便 [自便] ji`bin` do as one pleases 5835
zi` 自从 [自从] ji`cung* since 5836
zi` 自己 [自己] ji`gei/ self 5837
zi` 自己的 [自己嘅] ji`gei/gE. one's own 5838
zi` 自来水龙头[水喉]HG soeu/hao* tap;faucet;cock 5839
zi` 自我批评 [自我批评] ji`ngo"pai-ping* self-criticism 5840
zi` 自行车 [单车] dAn-cE- bicycle 5841
zi` 自责 [自责] ji`zAg. blame oneself 5842
zi` 自作自受 [自作自受] ji`zog/zi`shao` reap the fruit of 5843
zi` one's actions 0
zi` 自作主张 [自作主张] ji`zog.ju/zoeng- act on one's own; 5844
zi` decide by oneself 0
zong- 一宗生意 [一单生意] yad-dAn-sang-yi. a business 5845
zong> 总部 [总部] zung/bou` general headquarters 5846
zong> 总共1 [含巴郎] ham`blang` in all;altogether 5847
zong> 总共2 [共埋] gung`mAi* in all;altogether 5848
zong> 总共多少钱[共埋几多钱]? gung`mai*gei/do-qin/ How much money in all? 5849
zong> 总经理 [总经理] zung/ging-lei" general manager 5850
zong> 总是 [一味] yad-mei` always 5851
zong> 总是 [总系] zung/hai` always 5852
zong> 总数 [总数] zung/sou. sum 5853
zou> 走 [行] hAng* walk;go 5854
zou> 走 [走] zao/ walk;go 5855
zou> 走路 [行路] hang*;lou` walk 4856
zou> 走得太慢 [行得太摸}] hAng*dag-tAi.mo- walk too slowly 5857
zou> 走开 [行开] hAng*hoi- go away 5858
zou> 走远些 [行远啲] hAng*yun"di- go far away 5859
zou> 走运 [行运] hAng*wan` have good luck 5860
zou> 走走 [行下] hang*ha" take a walk 5861
zuan- 钻研 [钻研] jun-yin* study intentively 5862
zuan- 钻研理论 [钻研理论] jun-yin*lei:loen` dig into theories 5863
zuan- 钻山洞 [捐山窿] gyun-san-lung- pass through a moun- 5864
zuan- tain tunnel 0
zuan` 钻子 [钻] jun. drill 5865
zuan` 电钻 [电钻] din`jun. electric drill 5866
zuan` 钻戒 [钻戒] jun.gAi. diamond ring 5867
zui1 最近 [最近] zoeu.gan` recent 5868
zui> 嘴 [嘴] zoeu/ mouth 5869
zui> 嘴馋 [喉咙痕] hao*lung*han* greedy;glutonous 5870
zui> 嘴唇 [口唇] hao/soen* lip 5871
zui` 最1 [至] ji. most 5872
zui` 最要紧 [至紧要] ji.gan/yiu. most important 5873
zui` 最2 [最] zoeu. most 5874
zui` 最大的 [最大嘅] zoeu.dAi`gE. biggest 5875
zui` 最多 [至多] ji.do- at most 5876
zui` 最多四天 [至多四日] ji.do-sei.yad` four days at most 5877
zui` 最好1 [至好] ji.hou/ best 5878
zui` 最好2 [最好] zoeu.hou/ had better... 5879
zui` 最后一趟 [最后一班] zoeu.hao`yad-ban- (of bus) the last bus 5880
zui` 最近 [近来] gan`loi/ recently 5881
zui` 最快 [最快] zoeu.fAi. the fast 5882
zui` 最舒适 [最舒适] zoeu.xu-xig- the most comfortable 5883
zui` 最鲜美 [最和味] zoeu.wo*mei` the most delicious 5884
zui` 最小的女儿[孻女] lai-noeu" the youngest daughter 5885
zui` 最小的儿子[孻仔] lai-zai/ the youngest son 5886
zui` 最要紧 [至紧要] ji.gan/yiu. the most important 5887
zui` 罪有应得 [罪有应得] zoeu.yao"ying-dag- deserve one's punish- 5888
zui` ment 0
zun- 尊敬 [尊敬] zoen-ging' respect 5889
zun- 遵守 [遵守] zoen-sao/ abide by;follow 5890
zuo/ 昨天 [琴日] kam*yad` yesterday 5891
zuo/ 昨晚 [琴晚] kam*mAn" last night 5892
zuo> 左边 [左边] zo/bin- left side 5993
zuo> 左邻右舍 [隔篱邻舍] gAg.lei*loen*sE. neighbour 5894
zuo> 左右 [度] dou`/ about;nearly 5895
zuo> 十点左右 [十点度] sab`dim/dou`/ about ten o'clock 5896
zuo> 左右为难 [左右为难] zo/yao`wai*nAn* in a dilemma;in an 5897
zuo> awkward predicament 0
zuo` 做 [做] zou` do;make 5898
zuo` 做早操 [做早操] zou`zou/cou- do morning exercises 5899
zuo` 做菜 [做菜] zou`coi. cook a dish 5900
zuo` 做得好 [做得好] zou`dag-hou/ well done 5901
zuo` 做法 [做法] zou`fAd. way of doing or making 5902
zuo` 做工 [打工]HG da/gung- do a job 5903
zuo` 做朋友 [做朋友] zou`pang*yao" make friends with 5904
zuo` 做好 [做好] zou.hou/ do well 5905
zuo` 做亏本生意[倒吊荷包] dou`diu.ho*bAo- (of business) run 5906
zuo` at a loss 0
zuo` 做了 [做咗] zou`zo/ have done 5907
zuo` 做梦 [发梦] fAd.mung` have a dream;dream 5908
zuo` 做主 [做主] zou`ju/ take the responsibi- 5909
zuo` lity for a desision 0
zuo` 作料 [配料] pui.liu`/ condiments;season- 5910
zuo` ings 0
zuo` 作物 [作物] zog.mad` crops 5911
zuo` 大田作物 [大田作物] dai`tin*zog.mad` field crops 5912
zuo` 坐 [坐] co" sit 5913
zuo` 坐班 [坐班] co"bAn- keep office hours 5914
zuo` 坐车 [坐车] co"cE- take a car 5915
zuo` 坐出租汽车[打的]HG da/dig- take a taxi 5916
zuo` 坐出租汽车[坐的士] co"dig-xi/ take a taxi 5917
zuo` 坐船兜风 [游船河] yao*xun*ho* go for a sail; go 5918
zuo` boating 0
zuo` 坐牢1 [坐花厅]HG co"fa-tEng- be in prison 5919
zuo` 坐牢2 [食皇家饭]HG xig`wong*ga-fAn` be in prison 5920
zuo` 坐牢3 [坐监] co"gAm- be in prison 5921
zuo` 坐北向南 [坐北向南] zo`bag-hoeng.nAm* be situated in north 5922
zuo` facing south 0
zuo` 坐下来 [坐低] co"dai- sit down 5923
zuo` 一座桥 [一度桥] yad-dou`kiu* a bridge 5924
zuo` 一座楼 [一间楼] yad-gAn-lao* a building 5925
zuo` 座谈会 [座谈会] zo`tAm*wui/ forum;symposition 5926
zuo` 座位 [位] wai/ seat 5927
邓钧主编 普粤英词语5927例