近日看到"竹升"朋友送来唐憎和悟空的中英对照书信.烦请跃民兄斧正. 亲爱的悟空: Dear Wukong: 在天庭住好一阵子了,不知你在花果山过得可好? I had lived in the heaven for a long time ,and what up in Fruits hill. 我这封信写得很慢,因为知道你看字不快。 I wrote this letter slowly,for I know you can not read quickly. 我们已经搬家了,不过地址没改,因为搬家时顺便把门牌带来了 We had moved the house,but not change the address ,because we took the door brand together. 这礼拜下了两次雨,第一次下了3天,第二次下了4天。 It had rained twice this week .One for 3 days ,the other one for 4 days. 昨天我们去买比萨,店员问道:请问要切成8片还是12片,你勤俭的师母说:切8 片好了,切12片恐怕吃不完。那间店比萨还不错,改天我们全家再一起去街口的餐馆 吃牛排。 We ate pizz yesterday, the waiter asked : You would it cut into 8 pieces or 12 pieces. Your kind professor's wife said: 8 is ok ,pigging on 12 pieces not march our sytle. The pizz restaurant is so nice ,our whole family decide go to a restaurant at the mouth of the street for beefsteak again. 还有你观音阿姨说你要我寄去的那件外套,因为邮寄时会超重,所以我们把扣子剪下 来放在那件外套的口袋里了。 Something more ,your Guanyin Aunt said the coat you asked me to post to you for it will be overweight when it was posted,we took all the buttons off and put them in the coat's pocket. 你嫦娥姐姐早上生了。我还不知道到底是男的还是女的。最近没什么事,我会再写信 给你。 Your sister Chang'e given birth this morning .I don't know it is a boy or a girl. I am free recently, I will write you again.
师傅 Shifu 又及:我们本来要寄钱给你但是信封已经粘好了。 PS: We suppose to post you some money ,but the envelop has already sticked.
亲爱的师父: Dear doctor: 因为我们那里在搞拆迁,所以我现在不住花果山了。 Because we are removing now ,I am no longer living in Fruits Hill.
但是,因为没有门牌号,我也不知道我住在哪,感谢中国邮政,我收到了你的邮件, 那件外套,因为我不会缝扣子,所以我把他改成背心了,好暖和。 For there is no door number band ,I don't know where I live now.Thanks the Post of China I received your letter.About the coat ,I cannot swell the button , so I chang it into a waistcoat,it is very warm. 师傅,我现在过得很好,经常去肯德基里吃吃麦当劳。 Doctor ,I am living well.I go to KFC for Mcdonald's frequently. 师傅,我很想你,等中国移动降了漫游费,我会给你打电话。嫦娥姐姐生小孩的 事情先不要跟八戒说,他感情比较脆弱。 Doctor ,I miss you so so much.I will call you after the China mobile tambling expense got decrease. The matter that sister Chang'e had a baby ,please don't tell Ba Jie first.He is so sensitive.
悟空 Yours dear Wu Kong