<div class="bpBody">Asash from Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano continued to keep Europeanairspace shut down over the weekend, affecting millions of travelersaround the world, some government agencies and airlines clashed overthe flight bans. Some restricted airspace is now beginning to open upand some limited flights are being allowed now as airlines are pushingfor the ability to judge safety conditions for themselves. The volcanocontinues to rumble and hurl ash skyward, if at a slightly diminishedrate now, as the dispersing ash plume has dropped closer to the ground,and the World Health Organization has issued a health warning toEuropeans with respiratory conditions. Collected here are some imagesfrom Iceland over the past few days. (35 photos total) <div class="bpBody">由于火山灰从冰岛埃亚菲亚德拉冰盖继续保持欧洲领空关闭了在周末,影响世界各地数百万的旅客,一些政府机构和航空公司发生冲突,在飞行禁令。 一些限制空域现在开始开放,一些航班被允许有限,现在的航空公司本身推动的能力,条件判断的安全。 火山隆隆,大叫继续灰天空,如果在一个稍微降低利率目前,由于分散灰羽已降至接近地面,世界卫生组织已发出警告,条件欧洲人的健康呼吸。 这里收集的是过去数天的一些图片来自冰岛了。 (共35张照片)
 Lightning streaks across the sky as lava flows from a volcano in Eyjafjallajokul April 17, 2010. (REUTERS/Lucas Jackson) 闪电划过天空由火山熔岩流在条纹Eyjafjallajokul 2010年4月17日。 (路透社/卢卡斯杰克逊)
[此帖子已被 Blink 在 2010-5-4 3:50:10 编辑过] |