多谢自在:感受了水泪交融的照片,欣赏了灯火齐升的镜头,拜读了情理双全的文章。 也多谢上头诸贴,情深意切,各有千秋。 谨此冀望,国内海外,你我不分,众志成城,齐心合力,渡过难关: 苍天震撼 我难撼 大地无情 人有情 My condolences to those whose relatives perished in the Sichuan earthquake My support to those who survived the earthquake and who will continue to live on and rebuild their homes and be prosperous and happy 万分哀悼四川地震死难者 支援地震生还者,支持他们继续生存,重建家园,繁荣幸福。 May China be strong, stable, prosperous, and democratic! 祝愿中国强大、稳定、繁荣、民主!
[此帖子已被 john 在 2008-5-24 6:06:46 编辑过] |