发表于 2011-3-21 05:39:21
引用第51楼tiny.apple于2011-03-19 13:22发表的 :
有一预言家说, 3月19号至3月26号, 南加州将发生大地震.
他以前预测了好象是89年有地震, 那次很准, 我这不是危言耸听, 处处小心为妙.
明天是超级月, 但下雨, 希望能看到超级大月.
 3-19..............nothing has happened. i hope.
我是在SF... 幸運\的是,我剛剛起飛........離開地震發生之前.
...9-11.........new york, ............ i was there in the trade center 9-9th,,,,,,,,,just two days i happened......
.......... how lucky i was .........
btw---there were a couple who were trapped under ground in the SF earthquake,,,,,for more than two years...found live.... they were travelling to SF from Japan. It ended up the longest trip ever... sometimes, life is meant to be... |