轉貼:<div><div> 思想轉換 - 心態的力量 The strength of mindset
女兒向父親抱怨,事事都很艱難。 A daughter complains toward the father, everything is difficult.
她不知如何應付生活,好像一個問題剛剛解決,新的問題又會出現,她有些厭倦。 She finds it hard to cope with life, seem a problem just resolve, the new problem appeared again, she was tired.
父親是一位廚師,把她帶進廚房。 Her father is a cook, bring her into the kitchen.
他先往三口鍋裡倒入一些水,然後放在旺火上。不久,水開了。 He goes toward first to pour into some waters in 3 pots, then puts on the fire. Soon, water boiling.
他往第一口鍋裡放一些胡蘿蔔,第二口鍋裡放入雞蛋,第三口鍋裡放入碾成粉末的咖啡豆。 He put some carrots in the first pot, put an egg into the second pot, put some coffee powder into the third pot.
20分鐘後,父親把火關了,把胡蘿蔔撈出來,放入一個碗內,把雞蛋撈出來,放入一個 鍋內,然後把咖啡舀到一個杯子裡。 20 minutes later, father off the fire, take out the carrot. Go to the scond pot take out the egg, and then ladling up the coffee to a cup.
父親轉身問女兒:「孩子,你看到了什麼?」 The father turned to ask his daughter: 'Kid, what do you come in sight of?'
「胡蘿蔔,雞蛋,咖啡。」她說。 「Carrot, egg, coffee」She say.
他讓她靠近一些,摸摸胡蘿蔔。 He lets her come closer to touch the carrot.
她注意到他它們變軟了。 She noticed the carot become soft..
父親又讓女兒拿一個雞蛋,打破它,剝掉殼,這是一個煮熟的雞蛋。 The father lets the daughter take the egg, breaking it, peel the egg shell,this is a cooked egg.
最後,父親讓她喝了一口咖啡。嘗到濃濃的咖啡,女兒笑了,怯聲問道: Last, the father lets her drink a mouthful of coffee. Taste to the very thick coffee, the daughter smile, she asked:
「父親,這意味著什麼?」 'Father, what does this mean?'
The father says three things face same adverse circumstances-boiling water. But its reflection is not same..
胡蘿蔔入鍋前是強壯的、結實的,放進開水,它變軟了、變弱了。 The carrot, before put in to the pot, it is strong and hard, after putting into the boiled water, it become soft, become weak.
雞蛋原來是易碎的,薄薄的外殼保護著液態的內臟,開水一煮,內臟變硬。 Theegg is originally crumbly, the very thin outer shell protects theinternal organs of the liquid, once the boiled water cook, theinternal organs become hard.
粉狀咖啡豆則很獨特,進入沸水,它們便改變了水。 The coffee bean powder then is very special, entering boiling water, they changed the water then. 在艱難和逆境前,可以學胡蘿蔔、雞蛋和咖啡豆,可以屈服,也可以變得更堅強, 甚至,可以改變環境。 We can learn how carrot,egg and coffee bean react in the difficulties and adverse circumstances. They can accept defeat, can become stronger, and even can change environment/surrounding. 父親說:你改變不了環境,但可以改變自己; The father say: Your cannot change the environment, but can change yourself;
你改變不了事實,但可以改變態度; Your cannot change the fact, but can change an attitude; 你改變不了過去,但可以改變現在; Your cannot change the past, but can change the present;
你不能控制他人,但可以掌握自己; You have no command over others, but can control yourself;
你不能預知明天,但可以把握今天; You can't predict tomorrow, but can hold on today;
你不能樣樣順利,但可以事實盡心; You can't be doing smooth and well in everything, but can devote your best effort;
你不能左右天氣,但可以改變心情; You can't change weather, but can change a mood;
你不能改變容貌,但可以展現笑容; You can't change facial appearance, but can emerge with smiling face;
是的,心態有時比什麼都重要。 Yes, the mindset sometimes is important compares with others. </div></div>