增加 举手之劳,修改 举一反三,量入为出,用尺量布。
用尺量布 yong`chi>liang/bu` --measure cloth with a ruler
量入为出 liang`ru`wei/chu- -- adjust one's expense according to one's income;
make both ends meet
举手之劳 ju>shou>zhi-lao/ -- turn of the hand;as easy as turning one's hands over
举一反三 ju>yu-fan>san- -- draw inferences about other cases from one instance
妻1 qi-
妻儿老小 qi-er/lao>xiao> parents,wife and children
妻儿老小~ qi-er/lao>xiao> --a married man's entire
妻儿老小~ qi-er/lao>xiao> family
妻2 qi`
以女妻之 yi>nyu>qi`zhi- give one's daughter to
以女妻之~ yi>nyu>qi`zhi- sb.in marriage