中国人的悲哀, 你们的土地有很大吗? Destroy all agricultural land to build all those home And never ever think about those wet land protection You are not in the industrial country; even so, 80% of your people still live in the farm 1.3 billion Of 80% live with those lands to feed them How many percent people can really afford on the price tab from 1.3B people That rich person should not buy any of those homes Especially Taishanese( HoySuunRen ) if you’re not getting support from oversea you’re nobody, the way you guys done things now will damage the future 祝台山人好运 留一点湿地给你们的后代吧, 不要盲从无计划的政府和无良心的发展商. Like city of ffice:smarttags\" />Taishan leader, 台城星辉大酒店发生一起未遂火灾事故。事故点发生在该酒店六楼。事故发生后,市委常委、常务副市长李健慈,即组织安全、公安、消防和台城街道办等部门单位领导和有关人员赶赴现场进行扑救。由于扑救及时,火灾被扑灭在萌芽状态中,也未造成人员伤亡 .....So what, He just makes the show to earn his reputation to make more money from corruption. 李健慈(右)现场指挥 your job should sit in the office and controls the incident, not the way it look like that |