
楼主 |
发表于 2010-5-4 12:00:33
IngiSveinbjoernsso leads his horses on a road covered volcanic ash back tohis barn in Yzta-baeli, Iceland on April 18, 2010. They come gallopingout of the volcanic storm, hooves muffled in the ash, manes flying. 24hours earlier he had lost the shaggy Icelandic horses in an ash cloudthat turned day into night, blanketing the landscape in sticky graymud. (HALLDOR KOLBEINS/AFP/Getty Images) #29
Ingi Sveinbjoernsso线索,2010年4月18日他的马在道路上的火山灰覆盖的火山回到他的谷仓冰岛Yzta -巴埃利。 他们来舞动出火山风暴,蹄闷在灰,鬃毛飞行。 24小时前,他已经失去了转天到夜间毛茸茸的冰岛马在这灰云,笼罩在灰粘泥景观。 (哈尔多尔奥斯KOLBEINS /法新社/ Getty图像) #29
