hw79: Hey, Focus, there is my question: What time you are going to see dentist?
I don't get it?! It seems like a strange question if I'm not going to see a dentist.! still trying to figure it out...
[此帖子已被 focus 在 2010-4-30 12:06:45 编辑过]
Blink, may be not, if your dentist is your dream woman or man, you may go see often. Am I right?
Hw79, Focus即刻問个竹升:\"When are you going to see your dentist?\" He questioned me back:\"I haven't made an appointment, have I?\" Blink's \"什麼時侯你會看到牙醫?哈哈,當然是牙痛或洗牙的時侯呀。\" 雖然牽强点,但啱道?