女人心~~~野心...oh, no, no, no!
這些天, 只是想放鬆自己,,,不想大房子,舒服就是, 不要壓力, 不要責任,
喜歡吃什麼,就吃好了。no more需要追名牌.
Your MEGA TICKET number did not win... It is okay...There are always other opportunities...Relax...
引用 引用第2936楼focus于2012-03-31 07:44发表的 :
So, 你犯了錯。so你做錯東西。so 你看上去有點傻。咁又如何?
***focus not sure what she is talking about now! do you?***
Dear focus, who never made mistake?人生自古,谁不犯错?金无足赤,人无完人!
Be silly, be happy...............................................................................Dr. Rain, you are right!
這樣一個深刻的視角.我一直覺得這不是錯誤的問題...oh well,,, Such a profound perspective. I've always felt it isn't the mistake that matters, as we all make them and they're an integral part of us and our day-to-day lives. What really matters is what we do AFTER the boo-boo. Do we learn from the experience? Do we find a way to identify the positive? Improve the state-of-the-art. I find it inspiring when I come across folks who embrace mistakes as a core part of who they are, and who relish the opportunity to use these experiences to enrich their - and our - lives.