Is the gentleman with glasses, in black jacket, standing in the middle of back row Mr. Chen(I remember we called you Chen Sir when we at school)?
If yes,could you please email me at VAS168@COMCAST.NET? I am your J.H. classmate.
Thanks and regards,
Thanks for replying me. I am so sorry I don't know how to type Chinese.I am Mr. Chen's J.H. classmate. Haven't heard any news about my J.H. classmate for more than twenty years. It is so happy to see the pictures. Few of you guys look familiar for me..... And I worked with Teacher Xie's husband for one year when I was in China. He still looks the same, not much change. Are they still in USA?
By the way, the girl stands behind the two gentlemen in the last two pictures, is her last name Liu? she looks like our J.H. classmate too, but I am not too sure.
Thanks again for uploading the pictures. Brings back lots of good memories, and gives us a way to find our old friends.
I called Chen Yonghui, but so sorry the phone number is not in service any more. If you know anybody has Chen YuZhong's phone number, please let me know.
Thanks a lot!