引用: 原文由 马蹄仔 发表于 2006-10-20 1:14:03 :
引用: 原文由 ynw 发表于 2006-10-19 10:10:07 :
Hi, Miss Ma. Let me see how many your co-workers I can guess from the old pictures, OK? The names are from the left to tge right. Picture #2: Li Hui Ying's wife, Wen E Xiu, Miss Ma & Her Instructor. Picture #3: Guo Bo Wen, Chen Tin Zhao, Mei Wei Chao. Picture #4: (Bottom) Miss Ma, Guo Man Li, Guanhai Xin. (Top) Mei Wei Chao & Cen Ming Xing. This picture took in ShiHua Shan. Picture #5: Miss Ma & Chen Wan Zhu. I am so sorry that I can't type in Chinese. The names are in PinYin that you can name them.
翻译:原文由番鬼婆YNW发表. 您好!马小姐,让我看看从这些旧照片中能认出几个是你的旧工友.死未?名字从左到右. 第二张相:李绘英的夫人,Wen E Xiu?马小姐和她的师傅(老鸡注:李新爱). 第三张相:郭博文,陈天照,梅伟超. 第四张相 从底下起)马小姐,郭曼丽,广海英 (老鸡注:广海娴),(上面)梅伟超,岑明星.这张照片是在石化山照的. 第五张相:马小姐和陈婉珠. 真系前世吾修咯,我又不能用中文写出来,我只能用拼音写出来,各位费神了. 老鸡按:番鬼婆,我帮你改了两处,加上润饰你的文章,这次共只我$80,加上次的一共$160.系甘先. [此帖子已被 oldchicken 在 2006-10-22 12:07:28 编辑过] |