Ice Barrier wow power leveling (1 point) - Instantly shields you absorbing 454 damage at rank 1 but it is trainable to be able to absorb 1003 damage at rank 5. It lasts for 1 minute and the spells you cast will not be interrupted while the shield wow power leveling is on you. Artic Winds (5 points) - Increases all Frost damage you cause by 5% and reduces the chance melee and ranged wow gold attacks will hit you by 5%. Empowered Frostbolt (5 points) - Your Frostbolt spell gains an additional 10% of your bonus spell damage effects and an additional 5% chance wow power leveling to critically strike. Summon Water Elemental (1 point) - This is kinda what makes it so useful with all the slowing abilities as well as the aion power leveling Frost Nova spells. This spell summons a Water Elemental to fight for you for 45 seconds. The Water Elemental is very aion gold useful in Arenas since 45 seconds really can be a long time in an arena match. Keep your opponent slowed cheap wow power leveling down or Frost Nova'd and let your Water Elemental do a lot of the damage while you buy wow power leveling work towards keeping your opponent CC'ed the whole time. It does take some practice but can be very hard to beat with an experienced cheap wow gold player with tons of mage pvp practice behind the wheel.