We convert the weapons over just like we do with the armor except the npc is on the right side of the high priest instead of the guy on the left. Thats what we did anyway to get the greatsword, sword and the shield in aion goldaion gold Aion. You can xmzsadjxk get the shield on one character and the weapon on another, and send them to one character so that toon has both. It takes time and money, but if we really want to do it, we have seen people with it and aion goldaion gold it will last a while. Please buy aion powerleveling service on our site when you have not time to level your character. Anyone else think this is true? Pre-RMT bans it was pretty easy to sell a Fancy Blue or Noble Fancy Gold for a reasonable louis vuitton handbagslouis vuitton handbags profit. But now the market sits cluttered with Fancy Garnet Earrings and the like. You can buy Aion gold from our site if you dont have time for your character. Mostly because the answer we get from a lot louis vuitton handbagslouis vuitton handbags of people is that quest reward items while not as good are free and aren't worth spending a couple mill kinah on especially since there's no manastone slots in any of our stuff sans the Card And Key HoldersCard And Key Holders bows and staffs in Aion. Especially the gold neck you get from the Hidden Truth missions. Nobody wants to buy any high level(Aion powerleveling) necks because they'll eventually get one for free. Either that or getting blue earring drops Messenger Bags And TotesMessenger Bags And Totes that always seem to drop in Theobomos while quest grinding.xll