There are three ways to solve 0x00000050 errors. These can range from easy to impossible depending on your experience level; we’ll start from the DIY harder solution to the 3rd which is the easiest:
<div class=MsoNormal style=\"MARGIN: 0in 0in 10pt\">The firstis doing it yourself; if you know how to edit registry keys, if not don’t bother you’ll spend hours of trial and error or worse permanently damage your computer. For the computer technicians among you we will cover that in upcoming tutorial, probably within the next coming weeks.</div>
<div class=MsoNormal style=\"MARGIN: 0in 0in 10pt\">The secondis getting a PC tech to fix 0x00000050 errors for you. Sounds tempting but most of us don’t have $449 to spend on repairs. We got a quote for $449 from one technician, day light robbery by anyone’s standards. If you do decide to use a PC Tech we recommend you only use reputable services, ask friends and family for recommendations.</div>
The third, which we found to be the best solution is to use Windows 0x00000050 repair software, called Regcure which automatically repairs 0x00000050 errors and increases computer speed and performance. Regcure is endorsed by the Financial Times, PC Magazine and Major Geeks, with over 3 million downloads worldwide (\"I rarely trust these endorsements, call me a sceptic but reassuringly our own tests proved them justified, Regcure not only solved PC errors it also increased speed and performance considerably, by 157% to be exact). At the time of writing Regcurehave a limited timeFree Error Scan offer.