楼主 |
发表于 2005-8-4 05:01:56
引用: 原文由 花心萝卜 发表: oscar先生:中国股市早期是在政府调控中起起伏伏,历时十年来的政策市令股民盲目乐观,自从98年底开始逐步市场化以来,股市一路走低,实际上是回复到真正价格,投资者也是在低迷的股市中由迷惘走向清醒,有人逆市挣钱(这些才是真正的高手!),有人信心尽失远离股市~
[此帖子已被 花心萝卜 在 2005-8-3 9:06:16 编辑过]
Thanks for the explanation. But please do not call me 先生. I am actually a few years your junior.
As for when the Chinese stock market is going to recover, I wish I knew. I don’t think anyone in the world can consistently time the market. With that said, I am a firm believer in the “principle of maximum pessimism” that was so successfully practiced by the legendary investor Sir John Templeton. When everyone is pessimistic and ready to throw in the towel, it is normally the time to buy. The Chinese equity markets are probably not far from the bottom. In any case, I started to buy some Asian mutual funds, which invest in the emerging Asian markets, including China. If the Chinese stocks rally, I’ll benefit from it. If not, I hope the other Asian markets would provide me a decent return.