BBC,让我气得发抖! ZT 来源: Slumber 于 08-04-05 04:07:45 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话]
我在香港,有时看BBC的节目。今天香港时间4月3日晚上9。30的节目让我出离愤怒了!当时我在厨房,老公在客厅看电视,我听到有人唱张明敏的我的中国心,旋律很熟悉,但是歌词完全听不清楚,我就让老公调大点声。老公介绍说,这是三个受中共压迫的藏族妇女在唱他们在狱中写的歌,因为我没听到歌词,老公说,他们唱的意思是,我们永远是西藏人,独立西藏等等等等,主持人还介绍说唱歌的西藏妇女在狱中受到共产党的百般折磨,写下了这首要求独立的歌,冒着生命危险带出监狱和国外。。。听他们煞有介事充满激情的唱完,我的肺都要气炸了,这首黄沾作词王福龄作曲的《我的中国心》,是中国人都知道是首爱国歌曲,三岁小孩都会唱,这几个藏独妇女居然说是他们在狱中受迫害写的解放西藏的歌曲,真的让我哭笑不得!这谎撒的都到天上去了。我算是见识到什么是颠倒黑白,指鹿为马了!可您选什么歌不好,偏选这首人尽皆知的歌,真让人怀疑他们的智商!我回到厨房,还在气得发抖的时候,老公已经不声不响的上了网,原来他在给BBC写信反应这件事。现在附上他写的信。谢谢我的老公,他虽然是外国人,有时和我不一样的见解,但在这件事上他做到了公正。也恳请看到节目的人们向BBC投诉。 藏独,你有不同意见可以表达,但是,请不要撒谎!!! Dear sirs, I just watched on the BBC world news at 9:40pm Hong Kong time 3 Tibean ladies singing a song that was according to your programme written in a Chinese jail. You may want to double check your sources because the song is a popular propaganda Chinese song called \"wode zhonguo xin\", i.e. my Chinese heart. You can check with your Hong Kong Chinese staff. I joined two of the many links found on Google for this song. I am just writing because the lady made serious allegations about having been tortured. If she made up the story on the song, is there a risk that the rest of the testimony is also debatable? If I am right, I think that you should make an investigation and in???? your viewers. Yours sincerely listen to the song here: And check the partition and song writer name: