Jeska 发表于 2007-11-8 05:01:24

<img src="" onmousewheel=\"return yuzi_img(event,this)\"border=\"0\"><br />乐叔:中间是杨嫂还是伍婶<img src=""><br /><br /><font style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 255);\" size=\"5\">回柳下惠姨:<br /><br />相片的人乃是80年代台山中行并肩作战过的同事,喜相逢于2007美东聚会.</font><br />

虎踞龙盘 发表于 2007-11-12 21:42:05

<p><font size=5>乱讲!中间人是俺的黄侄女!</font></p>

玫瑰花 发表于 2007-11-14 22:20:59


天高云淡 发表于 2007-12-25 02:02:56

<span><blockquote><img src="" onmousewheel=\"return yuzi_img(event,this)\"border=0></font></p><p><font color=#ff0000 size=6>我们也向大家问好!</font></p><p><img src="" onmousewheel=\"return yuzi_img(event,this)\"border=0></p>

蓦然回首 发表于 2008-5-29 19:07:59

<font face=幼圆 color=#339966 size=5>校友们好开心,恭喜!</font>

dear 发表于 2010-4-28 14:43:34

<p> </p><p> </p>or Sunday, when the <A TARGET=_blank HREF=>wow power leveling</A> servers are at their busiest. While I think that generally it will pay off more to concentrate on leveling fast at lower levels, <A TARGET=_blank HREF=>wow gold</A> you can mix and match your strategies a bit -- maybe focusing on maximizing how much gold <A TARGET=_blank HREF=>wow power leveling</A> you earn while questing. For the best tips on low level gold making, get Luke Brown&#39;s Gold Guide. may very well be the best <A TARGET=_blank HREF=>wow gold</A> known gold guide in the WoW marketplace. And for good reason. He delivers the goods. The <A TARGET=_blank HREF=>SRO Gold</A> Gold Secrets guide that Luke created has recently been updated for the Echoes of Doom 3.0 patch and he <A TARGET=_blank HREF=>EVE ISK</A> is always issuing free updates for the guide as well, so as soon as something <A TARGET=_blank HREF=>SRO gold</A> new happens in-game that can help you make more gold, Luke is on top of it. In fact, he&#39;s already at work <A TARGET=_blank HREF=>SNW vis</A> on the update for Wrath of the Lich King. Ready to buy Gold Secrets? Get it here

someone 发表于 2010-7-12 08:14:34

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